Iran 'doubles capacity' at uranium plant

Updated October 04, 2012 12:31:43

The United Nations' nuclear watchdog says Iran has doubled its capacity to enrich uranium at a site buried deep underground.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) agency says there are now more than 2,100 uranium enrichment centrifuges at the Fordow site, near the holy city of Qom - twice as many as there were in May.

It says Iran has also increased its stockpile of higher grade uranium, which is not pure enough to build a bomb but more enriched than the material used in civilian reactors.

It also says its ability to inspect the Parchin military base, outside Tehran, where it suspects nuclear weapons research took place, had been "significantly hampered" by a suspected clean-up.

Iran says it will use the uranium in a medical research reactor and denies its nuclear program is designed to build a bomb.

The IAEA said it was still "unable to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities".

The United States has warned Iran its window for opening serious talks is limited.

"The window of opportunity to resolve this remains open... but it will not remain open indefinitely," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

The agency's report came as Iran hosted a summit of the 120-member Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran.

Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei opened the summit with a speech blasting the United States as a hegemonic meddler and Israel as a regime of "Zionist wolves".

He also said Iran "is never seeking nuclear weapons" and accused the UN Security Council, under US influence, of exerting an "overt dictatorship" over the world.

Bellicose language

UN chief Ban Ki-moon, who looked irritated at the Iranian ruler's remarks, shot back that Iran should boost global confidence in its nuclear activities by "fully complying with the relevant Security Council resolutions and thoroughly cooperating with the IAEA," the UN's nuclear watchdog.

Mr Ban warned about bellicose rhetoric from Israel and Iran, saying "a war of words can quickly spiral into a war of violence."

Mr Ban, whose presence at the summit has been criticised by the United States and Israel, also took Iran's leaders to task for recent comments calling Israel a "cancerous tumour" that should be cut out of the Middle East.

He urged both Iran and Israel to cool the bellicose language.

"I strongly reject any threat by any (UN) member state to destroy another, or outrageous comments to deny historical facts such as the Holocaust," Mr Ban said in his summit speech.

"I urge all the parties to stop provocative and inflammatory threats. A war of words can quickly spiral into war of violence. Bluster can so easily become bloodshed. Now is the time for all the leaders to use their voices to lower, not raise, tensions."


Editor's note: (October 4) The original lead sentence of the story incorrectly reported that the Iran had doubled its production of enriched uranium at a military site. Fordow is not a military site.

Topics: nuclear-issues, world-politics, iran-islamic-republic-of

First posted August 31, 2012 08:07:54