Activist's bulldozer death an accident: Israeli judge

Updated August 30, 2012 14:09:59

An Israeli judge has rejected a lawsuit from the family of US-based activist Rachel Corrie, who was crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer in the Gaza Strip in 2003.

The judge in the Haifa district court found the man who drove his bulldozer over Ms Corrie was not negligent.

Ms Corrie had been part of a group of activists attempting to be human shields to stop the Israeli military destroying Palestinian homes in Gaza at the height of the second Intifada.

Other activists say Ms Corrie, who was wearing a bright reflective top, was visible to the bulldozer driver.

Ms Corrie's family sued the Israeli government for negligence, asking for the symbolic sum of $1 plus costs.

However, judge Oded Gershon agreed with the conclusions of the original military investigation, which found the driver could not see Ms Corrie at the time.

"I reject the suit," the judge said.

"There is no justification to demand the state pay any damages."

Ms Corrie's death, he said, was the result of "an accident she brought upon herself."

He added that the soldiers had done their utmost to keep people away from the site.

"She (Corrie) did not distance herself from the area, as any thinking person would have done."

Ms Corrie's death made her a symbol of the uprising, and while her family battled through the courts to establish who was responsible for her killing, her story was dramatised on stage in a dozen countries and told in the book Let Me Stand Alone.

In an interview with the Dubai-based Middle East Broadcasting network two days before her death, she explained her motivation for joining the human shield operation.

"I feel like what I'm witnessing here is a very systematic destruction of people's ability to survive - and that is incredibly horrifying," she said.

The Israeli government has, in the past, challenged some aspects of Ms Corrie’s version of events.

Video: Watch the Rachel Corrie interview with Middle East Broadcasting (YouTube: activistvideos) (YouTube: activistvideos)

Standing outside the court, the Corries' lawyer Hussein Abu Hussein told reporters the family would appeal the verdict.

"The verdict is based upon distorted facts and could have been written by the state's attorney," he said after a legal battle of nearly 30 months.

"We are going to appeal."

Standing behind him, Ms Corrie's father Craig Corrie was stony faced, while his wife Cindy looked close to tears.

"We are, of course, deeply saddened and deeply troubled by what we heard today from the judge," she said.

"We believe Rachel's death could and should have been avoided.

"We knew from the beginning that a civil suit would be an uphill battle."

Few Israelis showed much sympathy for Ms Corrie's death, which took place at the height of the uprising in which thousands of Palestinians were killed and hundreds of Israelis died in suicide bombings and other attacks.

Ms Corrie came from Olympic, Washington, and was a volunteer with the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement.

Senior US officials criticised the original Israeli military investigation into the case, saying it had been neither thorough nor credible.

But the judge said the inquiry had been appropriate and pinned no blame on the army.

- Editor’s note (30 August 2012): This story has been amended to make it clear that the YouTube interview embedded in the story was not conducted by an ABC journalist and that some of the views expressed by Ms Corrie in the interview have been disputed by the Israeli government.


Topics: world-politics, israel, palestinian-territory-occupied

First posted August 28, 2012 17:07:53