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Differences of opinion on nuclear Iran

Jill Colgan reported this story on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 08:24:00

TONY EASTLEY: With increasing talk about an imminent strike against Iran, US president Barack Obama today pledged support to Israel and warned Tehran it must abandon its nuclear ambitions.

While President Obama and Israel's leader Benjamin Netanyahu agree on the danger posed by Iran, they are divided over when to strike.

Jill Colgan reports from Washington.

(Cameras clicking)

JILL COLGAN: In the Oval Office president Obama and prime minister Netanyahu strived for the very picture of a strong united front.

BARACK OBAMA: The United States will always have Israel's back when it comes to Israel's security. The bond between our two countries is unbreakable.

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Israel and the United States share common values, that we defend common interests, that we face common enemies. Iran's leaders know that too.

You know, for them, you are the great Satan and we are the little Satan. For them, we are you and you are us.

And you know something Mr President? At least on this last point, I think they are right. We are you and you are us. We're together.

JILL COLGAN: Yet what sits uneasy between them is the timing of a potential strike against Iran's alleged* nuclear weapons program. (*See Editor's note)

Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller says Israel wants the US to concede - the sooner the better.

AARON DAVID MILLER: Netanyahu will want a green light to attack Iran if he deems it necessary. The president will want a red light. He wants to stay the prime minister's hand.

I don't think there's an answer for that right now, but I do think both of these guys have a real stake in displaying a very united front. The last thing they want is daylight between their positions. They want to send an unmistakable signal to the Iranians.

JILL COLGAN: Strongly pro-Israel, Senator Joe Lieberman told the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in Washington today the US cannot wait until it sees Iran developing weapons.

JOE LIEBERMAN: My friends, if we wait until Iran has nuclear weapons, it will obviously be too late.

Either you peacefully negotiate an end to your illicit nuclear activities or they will be ended for you by military attack.

(Loud applause)

JILL COLGAN: Both leaders reaffirmed the desire for a peaceful resolution to the conflict with Iran, but as the rhetoric heats up, the time is fast approaching for Israel to decide its own timeline for this strike.

This is Jill Colgan in Washington for AM.

Editor’s note: (April 16) Iran insists the program is for civilian use and the word “alleged” has been added to the transcript.

From the Archives

Marius Benson reports for AM on the crowning moment in the black struggle for political rights in South Africa - Nelson Mandela being sworn in as the president. This report is from the 11th of May, 1994.

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