
  • Where will the jobs come from? Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:41:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 13:48:00

    The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has acknowledged that Toyota's exit from Australia will see the loss of many skilled jobs, but he's also said these will be replaced by better jobs. So where might these better jobs come from, and what do federal and state governments need to do to secure them? Megan Clark, the chief executive of Australia's top national research body, the CSIRO; and Peter Gahan, a former Director of Workplace Innovation in the Victorian Department of Industry, Innovation and Regional Development, join The World Today to discuss the issue.

    Topics: unemployment, automotive, australia

  • Opposition maintains the rage as the PM and the Premier meet Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:23:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 13:35:00

    The Federal Oppositon is maintaining its attack on the Government over Toyota's anouncment that it will stop making cars in Australia in 2017, warning the decision could push Victoria into recession. The Prime Minister is pointing to as yet unspecified infrastructure projects to help Toyota workers, and those employed in the components sector. Tony Abbott is also scheduled to meet the Victorian Premier, Dennis Napthine, in Canberra later this afternoon. The Premier is asking for two assistance packages: one for the thousands of affected workers; and another for the state as a whole.

    Topics: automotive, vic

  • DJs share trades prompts board shakeup Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:22:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 13:57:00

    There's been turmoil in the boardroom of department store David Jones after accusations of inappropriate share trading claimed the scalps of chairman Peter Mason and two directors. Mr Mason was forced to announce 'boardroom renewal' after investors were angered by the share deals. DJ's third biggest investor, Simon Marais of the fund manager Allan Gray, said Peter Mason's approval of the trades was unwise.

    Topics: company-news, trade, corruption, australia

  • Supreme Court hears landmark GM crop case Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:22:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 14:00:00

    Two West Australian farmers are back in Perth's Supreme Court today in a case that could have consequences for the growing of genetically-modified crops. An organic farmer is suing his neighbour for loss of income and damages after his property was allegedly contaminated with the neighbour's genetically modified canola.

    Topics: genetically-modified-organisms, food-and-beverage, food-and-cooking, food-processing, genetically-modified-food, gm-technology, food-safety, wa

  • Commissioner: fire season could last into March Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:21:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 15:26:00

    Victorian firefighters are taking advantage of cooler conditions today to attack a fire that is threatening the northern outskirts of Melbourne. The fire has now spread more than 50 kilometres, and a number of towns are also under threat. Victoria's Fire Commissioner Craig Lapsley says despite the recent cooler weather, this fire season could last well into March.

    Topics: bushfire, vic

  • Calls for national Taser guidelines and compulsory cameras Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:21:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 13:54:00

    The use of Tasers by police has come under scrutiny again after a woman was blinded after being hit in the eye with a Taser. There are calls for a set of national guidelines to be drawn up and for cameras to installed on the weapons in all jurisdictions.

    Topics: police, australia

  • Unions allege company wrongdoing in wake of royal commission announcement Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:20:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 13:44:00

    A day after the Prime Minister launched the royal commission into union corruption, the union movement has hit back. The construction union is calling for the inquiry take evidence about $430,000 worth of payments to the Liberal National Party in Queensland by a now bankrupt building firm that owed millions to workers

    Topics: corruption, royal-commissions, qld

  • Toyota exit means 'slow death' for parts maker Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:19:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 13:39:00

    Car parts manufacturers have long been told to diversify if they want to survive, but one company says it's not a realistic option. Most of Metalsa Australia's business is with Toyota, the rest is with Ford, and there doesn't seem to be a plan B.

    Topics: automotive, australia

  • Industry calls for car import tariff to be scrapped after camakers leave Australia Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 13:19:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 13:45:00

    The Federal Government is being urged to scrap the import tariff on cars once there is no local car manufacturing industry to protect. Australia now charges a 5 per cent duty on vehicles imported from most countries, including Japan. But while removing that may make overseas cars more affordable, there are also warnings that the falling Australian dollar will have the opposite effect.

    Topics: automotive, australia

  • DJs share scandal claims board scalps Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 10:51:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 10:56:00

    There's been turmoil in the boardroom of department store David Jones after accusations of inappropriate share trading claimed the scalps of chairman Peter Mason and two directors. Mr Mason was forced to annouce what he call 'boardroom renewal' after investors vented their anger about the share trading and the public perception of insider trading. DJ's third biggest investor, Simon Marais, of the fund manager Allan Gray says chairman Peter Mason had to go.

    Topics: retail, business-economics-and-finance, markets, australia

  • Expert warns components manufacturers may fold before Toyota and Holden bow out Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 08:58:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 09:34:00

    Stephen Longley from accounting firm PPB Advisory says smaller Australian components manufacturers may close well before Holden and Toyota end automotive manufacturing in Australia, which could create supply issues and even accelerate Holden and Toyota's departure. Mr Longley has overseen the collapse or restructure of more than a dozen parts suppliers in the last decade and says if local components manufacturers haven't significantly diversified into other industries by now, it's too late.

    Topics: automotive, manufacturing, australia

  • Toyota exit big challenge for new Government Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 08:57:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 09:35:00

    After the news that Toyota will withdraw from production in Australia, the next question is who will wear the blame. The Federal Opposition's industry spokesman says Toyota's witdrawal could trigger a prolonged economic crisis for blue collar workers, and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is laying the blame at the feet of the Government. Tony Abbott says 'There will be better days ahead.'

    Topics: federal-government, automotive, manufacturing, government-and-politics, australia

  • Residents sleep on basketball courts and in cars as Vic bushfires rage on Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 08:55:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 09:46:00

    Bushfires continue to cause havoc across Victoria, with most concern in the Kilmore area. AM's Rachael Brown has the latest from the town of Wallen, 50 kilometres to Melbourne's north.

    Topics: bushfire, fires, melbourne-3000, australia, vic

  • EU warns Switzerland over immigration quotas Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 11, 2014 08:53:00 | Updated February 11, 2014 09:43:00

    The European Union is warning Switzerland that it can't expect to automatically maintain access to the single market if it pushes ahead with the introduction of strict quotas on immigration from EU countries. A slim majority of Swiss voters have backed a binding referendum to reintroduce curbs on the number of EU citizens living and working in Switzerland.

    Topics: immigration, foreign-affairs, switzerland, european-union

  • Syrian evacuation - just scratching the surface Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 19:18:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:26:00

    Despite the evacuation of a few hundred people from the besieged city of Homs at the weekend, the situation in Syria for civilians remains dire, especially for children. Save the Children's Roger Hearn discusses the problem.

    Topics: unrest-conflict-and-war, syrian-arab-republic

  • Protesters vow to outlast Ukraine president Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 19:18:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:28:00

    Protesters campaigning for the removal of the Ukraine president say they won't move from the main square in Kiev until he stands down. They're also calling for early parliamentary elections and constitutional reform to limit presidential powers.

    Topics: unrest-conflict-and-war, activism-and-lobbying, ukraine

  • SA fire threat intensifies Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 19:15:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:23:00

    A bushfire which has been burning for almost a month in South Australia's north has jumped containment lines and is now threatening three communities. Residents have been told to leave their homes as the Bangor blaze, which has already blackened thousands of hectares, heads their way.

    Topics: bushfire, sa, australia

  • Fire in open cut mine triggers health alerts Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:55:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:08:00

    In Victoria, authorities say the bushfire causing the most concern right now is the one affecting Morwell in Gippsland, south east of Melbourne where they are fighting a fire in an open cut mine. While cooler conditions brought some welcome respite to many areas, there are still more than 20 fires burning out of control across the state.

    Topics: bushfire, vic

  • Communities rally after close calls Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:55:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:14:00

    Residents north of Melbourne have been shocked by the speed of Mickelham-Kilmore fire. Twenty homes in the region have been lost. Displaced residents have been flowing into evacuation centres and others in towns still under threat have gathered for community meetings.

    Topics: bushfire, vic

  • Salvation Army chief breaks down, feels pain of child abuse victims Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:54:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:00:00

    One of the Salvation Army's most senior leaders, commissioner James Condon has broken down while giving evidence to the child abuse royal commission. He's told the inquiry about the failures of the organisation to deal with abuse allegations, and how the evil people within the ranks of the Salvation Army were able to get away with abusing children. Commissioner Condon says he feels the pain of victims. He says the Salvation Army is trusted by the Australian public and the organisation is no longer focused on protecting its reputation, but putting victims first.

    Topics: royal-commissions, child-abuse, australia

  • Prime Minister confirms wide-ranging union royal commission Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:53:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 20:04:00

    The Federal Government has released the terms of reference for a royal commission into union governance. Former High Court justice Dyson Heydon will lead the inquiry, which comes after serious allegations of corruption within unions in the building industry were revealed by the ABC and Fairfax.

    Topics: royal-commissions, federal-government, unions, australia

  • Wide terms of reference for union royal commission Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:53:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:03:00

    The inquiry into union governance will focus on specific questions of financial mismanagement, corruption, bribes and kickbacks. But the wording of the terms of reference leave the door ajar for the royal commission to expose any number of skeletons in the union movement's closet.

    Topics: royal-commissions, federal-government, unions, australia

  • Federation chief analyses flow on effects to auto parts industry Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:51:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 19:00:00

    The auto parts industry is now looking at a bleak future. Estimates vary but industry analysts agree that more than 30,000 jobs could be on the line.

    Topics: manufacturing, road-transport, australia

  • Multiple factors contributed to decision says Toyota boss Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:50:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 18:58:00

    Toyota Australia president and CEO, Max Yasuda, says the decision to stop manufacturing in Australia was not based on one single factor. He says the company's focus now is to work with its employees, suppliers and other stakeholders to transition to a national sales and distribution company.

    Topics: manufacturing, road-transport, australia

  • Toyota announces it's stopping production in Australia Audio Transcript and Verbatim

    Posted February 10, 2014 18:50:00 | Updated February 10, 2014 18:56:00

    The last hope for Australian car manufacturing, Toyota, has announced that it will stop making cars and engines in Australia by the end of 2017 due largely to the high Australian dollar and highly competitive market. The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says the workers are devastated and it is predicting a recession along the eastern seaboard as thousands of workers lose their jobs.

    Topics: manufacturing, road-transport, australia