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World leaders pay tribute to Nelson Mandela

World leaders pay tribute to Nelson Mandela

The news of Nelson Mandela's death has reverberated around the globe with world leaders remembering him as a beacon of inspiration for millions of people.

Nelson Mandela's Life

Nelson Mandela's Life

Known by his tribal name 'Madiba' or 'Father of the Nation', Nelson Mandela lived a life of personal sacrifice dedicated to ending the rule of south africa's white racist rule.

Former Foreign Minister Gareth Evans remembers Nelson Mandela

Former Foreign Minister Gareth Evans remembers Nelson Mandela

Australia's former Foreign Minister Gareth Evans met Nelson Mandela days after his release from prison.

South Africa mourns Nelson Mandela's passing

South Africa mourns Nelson Mandela's passing

Steve Cananne interviews ABC Africa correspondent Ginny Stein in Johannesburg.

Government denies Holden has decided to leave

Government denies Holden has decided to leave

The Federal Government rejects suggestions that iconic car-manufacturer Holden has decided to close down its operations in Australia.

Qantas credit rating downgraded to junk status

Qantas credit rating downgraded to junk status

On top of massive job cuts and a profit nosedive, Qantas' credit rating has been downgraded to junk status.

Crowdsourcing taps the kindness of strangers

Crowdsourcing taps the kindness of strangers

Technology has filled potentially fatal gaps in the U.S. healthcare system by providing families with the opportunity to 'crowd fund' their medical bills.

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