Deutsche Märsche - Das Schwarze Korps
published: 16 Feb 2011
author: Chemical666Holocaust
Deutsche Märsche - Das Schwarze Korps
Deutsche Märsche - Das Schwarze Korps
- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 1834
- author: Chemical666Holocaust
Waffen SS - Das Schwarze Korps
A video tribute to the SS with pictures of the SS and the song Das Schwarze Korps...
published: 24 Sep 2013
Waffen SS - Das Schwarze Korps
Waffen SS - Das Schwarze Korps
A video tribute to the SS with pictures of the SS and the song Das Schwarze Korps- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 8
Schwares Korps Ihr wisst doch wenn ich meine
Sehr schöne Ruhige Musik....
published: 03 Dec 2010
author: MsSystem1988
Schwares Korps Ihr wisst doch wenn ich meine
Schwares Korps Ihr wisst doch wenn ich meine
Sehr schöne Ruhige Musik.- published: 03 Dec 2010
- views: 532
- author: MsSystem1988
ww2 German military march song , DAS SCHWARZE KORPS.
Created using the Stupeflix Youtube App i don not own this music !!!!...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: u505showviic
ww2 German military march song , DAS SCHWARZE KORPS.
ww2 German military march song , DAS SCHWARZE KORPS.
Created using the Stupeflix Youtube App i don not own this music !!!!- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 1355
- author: u505showviic
Totten Korps - Das Schwarze Korps (live)
published: 11 Jan 2009
author: cbajoint
Totten Korps - Das Schwarze Korps (live)
Totten Korps - Das Schwarze Korps (live)
EXTREME METAL CHILEAN BANDS OPEN AIR EL PANTANO 2 13/09/08.- published: 11 Jan 2009
- views: 1940
- author: cbajoint
News, views, amazing things!
check this out: As result of severe western economic sanction...
published: 06 Jan 2014
News, views, amazing things! check this out: As result of severe western economic sanctions, in August 1933 -- the Hitler regime agreed with Chaim Arlosoroff of the World Zionist Organization to let tens of thousands of German Jews to migrate with their wealth to British occupied Arab Palestine. This agreement is known as the Haavara (Hebrew for "transfer"). The Agreement allowed 60,000 German Jews to imigrate to Palestine and settle on Arab land during 1933-1941. On this basis of their similar racist ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Jewish extremists (Zionists) worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interest. As a result, the Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-1941, when the Second World War prevented extensive collaboration. The official SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, proclaimed its support for Zionism in a May 1935 front-page editorial: "The time may not be too far off when Palestine will again be able to receive its sons who have been lost to it for more than a thousand years. Our good wishes, together with official goodwill, go with them." Germany didnt want the jews, WZO did, it was a win/win situation until the economic war and boycott's on Germany started AFTER the rounding up of Jews for the 'Migration" to the "New" zionist state of Israel- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 529
"Tajne technologie Hitlera i III Rzeszy" II Wojna Światowa - film dokumentalny. Lektor PL
Ciekawy dokument pokazujący jak w czasie wojny Adolf Hitler inwestował w naukę i tworzenie...
published: 02 Jan 2014
"Tajne technologie Hitlera i III Rzeszy" II Wojna Światowa - film dokumentalny. Lektor PL
"Tajne technologie Hitlera i III Rzeszy" II Wojna Światowa - film dokumentalny. Lektor PL
Ciekawy dokument pokazujący jak w czasie wojny Adolf Hitler inwestował w naukę i tworzenie innowacyjnych maszyn bojowych, aby wygrać wojnę i zdominować świat. Na szczęście to mu się nie udało, ale warto zobaczyć ten dokument, żeby zobaczyć jak nie wiele brakowało. III Rzesza Niemiecka (niem. Das Dritte Reich) -- nieoficjalna nazwa państwa niemieckiego pod rządami NSDAP w latach 1933--1945. Oficjalnie państwo nosiło nazwę Rzesza Niemiecka (Deutsches Reich), od 1938 (po Anschlussie Austrii) używano także nazwy Rzesza Wielkoniemiecka (Großdeutsches Reich). Istotne znaczenie w rządach III Rzeszy stanowiła propaganda nazistowska, z jej głównym ideologiem Josephem Goebbelsem, który kierował nią od 1930. Przykładami oddziaływania na ludność przez propagandę był Eintopfsonntag, Volksempfänger. Bardzo ważną rolę odgrywały przy tym media: gazety Völkischer Beobachter, Der Stürmer, Das Schwarze Korps, „Das Reich" oraz tworzone filmy propagandowe, np. Triumf woli. A także akcje niszczenia książek autorów niezgodnych z ideologią nazistowską. Wśród społeczeństwa była propagowana ponadto denuncjacja Partia nazistowska i jej przywódca Adolf Hitler po dojściu do władzy w 1933 rozpoczęli realizację programu rasistowskiego i antysemickiego, przewidującego izolację ludności żydowskiej i stopniowe pozbawienie jej wszelkich praw obywatelskich oraz cywilnych. Główną podstawą prawną dyskryminujących posunięć były ustawy norymberskie z 1935 roku. W okresie przedwojennym Niemcy rozwinęli także uzasadniającą te kroki wielką akcję propagandową, oskarżając Żydów o pasożytnictwo, wyzysk, demoralizowanie i niszczenie narodów, wśród których zamieszkują. Propaganda nagłaśniała także rzekomą organizację międzynarodowego spisku, obejmującego żydowskich bankierów i przemysłowców, a także polityków pochodzenia żydowskiego i znajdujących się pod wpływem Żydów. Jednocześnie propaganda nazistowska stworzyła pojęcie „zhańbienia rasy" (niem. Rassenschande), aby uzasadnić konieczność wprowadzenia restrykcyjnego prawa zakazującego małżeństw kobiet niemieckich z Żydami. Jedna z ustaw norymberskich, „ustawa o ochronie niemieckiej krwi i czci" (niem. Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre) z 15 września 1935 wprowadzała sankcje karne za łamanie jej postanowień, zwykle w postaci więzienia lub zesłania do obozu koncentracyjnego. Punktem kulminacyjnym prześladowania ludności żydowskiej była noc kryształowa (niem. Kristallnacht) -- pogrom Żydów, który miał miejsce w nocy z 9 na 10 listopada 1938. Określenie „Kristallnacht" było ówczesnym szyderczym określeniem tego zdarzenia, używanym przez nazistów. Współczesna niemiecka historiografia używa określenia „Pogromnacht" (noc pogromu). Dalszym etapem prześladowania i mordowania ludności żydowskiej był holocaust realizowany podczas II wojny światowej, spotęgowany w formie tzw. „ostatecznego rozwiązania kwestii żydowskiej" -- Endlösung. Zachęcam do subskrypcji kanału WojnaŚwiatowa, gdzie znajdziecie o wiele więcej filmów na temat II Wojny Światowej. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKd5atFcy0o7w0iuDj2Xxlw- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 23
Presseschau 1939 - Propaganda im 3. Reich
Hier eine Auswahl von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften aus den Jahren 1936-1939. Das Video dien...
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: preludebb
Presseschau 1939 - Propaganda im 3. Reich
Presseschau 1939 - Propaganda im 3. Reich
Hier eine Auswahl von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften aus den Jahren 1936-1939. Das Video dient nur zu dokumentarischen Zwecken.- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 1155
- author: preludebb
Kristallnacht 75th Anniversary Marked "The Night Of Broken Glass"!!
It was 75 years ago that Germany's Nazi Party stepped up its campaign of persecution again...
published: 09 Nov 2013
Kristallnacht 75th Anniversary Marked "The Night Of Broken Glass"!!
Kristallnacht 75th Anniversary Marked "The Night Of Broken Glass"!!
It was 75 years ago that Germany's Nazi Party stepped up its campaign of persecution against Jews over two days of terror known as Kristallnacht, or 'The Night of Broken Glass'. It was a program (a series of coordinated attacks) against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria on 9--10 Nov 1938, carried out by SA paramilitary forces and non-Jewish civilians. German authorities looked on without intervening. The name Kristallnacht comes from the shards of broken glass that littered the streets after Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues had their windows smashed. At least 91 Jews were killed in the attacks, and 30,000 were arrested and incarcerated in concentration camps. Jewish homes, hospitals, and schools were ransacked, as the attackers demolished buildings with sledgehammers. Over 1,000 synagogues were burned (95 in Vienna alone) and over 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged. Martin Gilbert writes that no event in the history of German Jews between 1933 and 1945 was so widely reported as it was happening, and the accounts from the foreign journalists working in Germany sent shock waves around the world. The Times wrote at the time: "No foreign propagandist bent upon blackening Germany before the world could outdo the tale of burnings and beatings, of blackguardly assaults on defenseless and innocent people, which disgraced that country yesterday." The pretext for the attacks was the assassination of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew resident in Paris. Kristallnacht was followed by additional economic and political persecution of Jews, and is viewed by historians as part of Nazi Germany's broader racial policy, and the beginning of the Final Solution and The Holocaust. The violence was officially called to a stop by Goebbels on Nov 11, but violence continued against the Jews in the concentration camps despite orders requesting "special treatment" to ensure that this did not happen. On Nov 23, the News Chronicle of London published an article on an incident which took place at the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen. Sixty-two Jews suffered punishment so severe that the police, "unable to bear their cries, turned their backs". They were beaten until they fell and, when they fell, they were further beaten. At the end of it, "twelve of the sixty-two were dead, their skulls smashed. The others were all unconscious. The eyes of some had been knocked out, their faces flattened and shapeless" The 30,000 Jewish men who had been imprisoned during Kristallnacht were released over the next three months but, by then, more than 2,000 had died. Hermann Göring met with other members of the Nazi leadership on 12 November to plan the next steps after the riot, setting the stage for formal government action. In the transcript of the meeting, Göring said, 'I have received a letter written on the Führer's orders requesting that the Jewish question be now, once and for all, coordinated and solved one way or another.. I should not want to leave any doubt, gentlemen, as to the aim of today's meeting. We have not come together merely to talk again, but to make decisions, and I implore competent agencies to take all measures for the elimination of the Jew from the German economy, and to submit them to me.' In an article released for publication on the evening of Nov 11, Goebbels ascribed the events of Kristallnacht to the "healthy instincts" of the German people. He went on to explain: "The German people are anti-Semitic. It has no desire to have its rights restricted or to be provoked in the future by parasites of the Jewish race." While Nov 1938 predated overt articulation of "the Final Solution" it foreshadowed the genocide to come. Around the time of Kristallnacht, the SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps' called for a "destruction by swords and flames." At a conference on the day after the pogrom, Hermann Göring said: "The Jewish problem will reach its solution if, in any time soon, we will be drawn into war beyond our border then it is obvious that we will have to manage a final account with the Jews." Read More http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/timeline/knacht.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JZKlQD61i0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U2piWONlRY FAIR USE NOTICE: This Video may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 8
Tridev (1989) Apnah Hi Aadmi Vishwasghat Kareh Toh Ladai Demaag Seh Ladi Jaatih Hai !
http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/pha/misc/rainbow5.html HEARINGS BEFORE THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON T...
published: 25 Nov 2010
author: MAMTAgitapressDHODY
Tridev (1989) Apnah Hi Aadmi Vishwasghat Kareh Toh Ladai Demaag Seh Ladi Jaatih Hai !
Tridev (1989) Apnah Hi Aadmi Vishwasghat Kareh Toh Ladai Demaag Seh Ladi Jaatih Hai !
http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/pha/misc/rainbow5.html HEARINGS BEFORE THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE INVESTIGATION OF THE PEARL HARBOR ATTACK CONGRESS OF THE UNITED ...- published: 25 Nov 2010
- views: 1800
- author: MAMTAgitapressDHODY
Totten Korps - Slaughter Nocturnal Butcher
published: 28 Aug 2010
author: Pene Leproso
Totten Korps - Slaughter Nocturnal Butcher
Totten Korps - Slaughter Nocturnal Butcher
http://www.myspace.com/tottenkorps.- published: 28 Aug 2010
- views: 3002
- author: Pene Leproso
Youtube results:
Totten Korps Interview
Interview with Francisco Torres (guitars) of Totten Korps band (Santiago, Metropolitana de...
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: TheNoiseHour
Totten Korps Interview
Totten Korps Interview
Interview with Francisco Torres (guitars) of Totten Korps band (Santiago, Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile) at The Noise Hour Radio Show 31th August 2011.- published: 07 Sep 2011
- views: 1127
- author: TheNoiseHour
Vorvärts nach osten Russland Lied German Text HD WWII
Enjoy took 3 h so please like and subscribe!!...
published: 31 Aug 2013
Vorvärts nach osten Russland Lied German Text HD WWII
Vorvärts nach osten Russland Lied German Text HD WWII
Enjoy took 3 h so please like and subscribe!!- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 61
published: 27 Aug 2009
author: Canal de GRINDSTONEREC
- views: 1686
- author: Canal de GRINDSTONEREC
WWII BATTLEGROUND 9 / 30: "Operation Pointblank" Allied Bombing of German Factories, 9/17/1943
BATTLEGROUND PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inng8VTpalM&list;=PLCIsViW...
published: 20 Feb 2014
WWII BATTLEGROUND 9 / 30: "Operation Pointblank" Allied Bombing of German Factories, 9/17/1943
WWII BATTLEGROUND 9 / 30: "Operation Pointblank" Allied Bombing of German Factories, 9/17/1943
BATTLEGROUND PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inng8VTpalM&list;=PLCIsViWU6sLkFg8fbi3w4b5zIOAAbtSpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweinfurt%E2%80%93Regensburg_mission- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 803