Research aims to track climate change and tourism impact on Rottnest reefs

Posted February 14, 2014 19:42:22

Rottnest Island is a popular tourist destination offering a spectacular underwater playground for snorkelers and divers.

But measuring how much tourism and climate change has altered the marine life is yet to be fully examined.

For the first time a group of researchers have headed out there to take a detailed survey of the ecosystem.

"Basically, we're getting an idea of the abundance of species here, the diversity of species and then how many individuals there are of each species, so we're getting a baseline," WA Museum's head of aquatic zoology Jane Fromont told 7:30WA.

She says while the area has been studied before, it has only been done in an ad hoc fashion and has not allowed researchers to measure how the ecosystem has or could change over time.

"As the planet warms up, we will know if the species composition changes, so we might still have the same species but we might find that a species that was common here today in five years has become rare or vice versa," she said.

Normally associated with studying the past, the team are looking at the present state of Rottnest's marine life, so they can chart changes in the future.

In order to build the database, Ms Fromont and her team of scientists from the museum headed out to Rottnest Island to take a look underwater.

"The good thing about this is we took the whole team out, so we're looking at all sorts of animals that occur on the reefs," she said.

"We're looking at the molluscs, the snails, the oysters, soft corals, hard corals, the sponges, the crustaceans, sea stars, fishes," Ms Fromont said.

Surveying the reef painstaking work

Gathering the data on such a broad scale requires them to record the smallest detail.

It's painstaking work.

The researchers lay a measuring tape along the ocean floor and document every type and number of individual species.

Museum researcher Clay Bryce organised the two dives off Rottnest Island.

He says once the tape is laid down on the ocean floor, the team collects specimens to help them paint a picture of the ecosystem in their laboratories back in Perth.

"So, you're looking for what's there, what's not there," he said.

"You're looking at how much of what is there, and the tape gives you reference along that as you go."

Ms Fromont came up from the two dives pleased with her finds.

We have had reports now of coral bleaching coming further south because of the very warm ocean temperatures, so it's important that we document it now.

WA Museum's head of aquatic zoology Jane Fromont

"I found the sponges they [were] quite small actually on that dive, I've seen bigger ones but quite diverse, I think I've got something like 20 species," she said.

Surveying the area comes at a critical time, the reef has already been exposed to a heatwave which hit in 2011, resulting in widespread fish kills and coral bleaching.

"We have had reports now of coral bleaching coming further south because of the very warm ocean temperatures, so it's important that we document it now," Ms Fromont said.

In recent years, the museum has conducted most of this type of research in the Kimberley and Pilbara, helped out by funding from oil and gas companies working in the regions.

The field trip off Rottnest only cost a few thousand dollars but even that is above the WA Museum's budget.

It secured some funding through the Butler Bequest grant to make the trip possible.

It's a snap shot in time but it fits into the time scale of previous collections, so we know whether things were there and when they were there," UWA Oceans Institute's Diana Walker said.

She has been studying Rottnest Island since the early 80s and says the time and cost involved with such work has deterred researchers from doing it sooner.

"But now we will know how much of it was there and that allows us to assess that change," she said.

She says it is a critical time to collect the data with waters off WA already starting to heat up.

"We have tropical things moving down the coast, temperate things moving further south, well that's fine up to a point but then they run out of places to go.

"If you've got a complete survey of the important components in the ecosystem going you've got a chance to actually put the pieces of the puzzle together," she said.

Documenting the finds can take years

Back in their laboratories in Perth, the scientists have started examining their finds.

Mr Byrce says the team collected about 400 species of marine life off Rottnest.

"Everything is brought back in here and it's sorted, it's put in alcohol, it's labelled, it's registered with a unique number and once it's preserved we can start looking at it to determine what it is, whether it's new, not new, common."

But it is still early days, and documenting some species can take a long time.

"It can take years, mind you it can take minutes too, but once you find something that's new you have to compare it with everything that may have been collected in past history and compare it with other animals of that same group," he said.

And they have had a couple of unusual finds.

"We came back with a very nice soft coral, which Monika is working on, we're not sure what that is," she said.

"We also found a star fish that's being worked on, again we don't know what that is as of yet," he said.

Whether you believe in climate change or not or global warming as a global issue, that fact is it's happening, we're seeing those changes occurring across the board.

UWA Oceans Institute's Diana Walker

Once the database is complete, the researchers plan to return to Rottnest in five years time but it could be sooner if another ocean warming event occurs.

Whether anything changes or not, Diana Walker is just glad a proper snapshot of the area is finally being recorded.

"Whether you believe in climate change or not or global warming as a global issue, that fact is it's happening, we're seeing those changes occurring across the board.

"We have to work out ways to deal with those things because the environment as we know it won't stay the same."

Topics: climate-change, oceans-and-reefs, tourism, rottnest-island-6161