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Could the Winter Olympics be targeted by terrorists?

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Could the Winter Olympics be targeted by terrorists?

Could the Winter Olympics be targeted by terrorists?

Terrorists have already struck a few hundred kilometres from the Sochi Winter Olympics venues and experts say more attacks are likely during the Games.
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Barnaby Joyce says

Barnaby Joyce calls for more Government assistance for farmers

Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce is calling for more Government assistance for farmers and the Prime Minister may be open to bringing forward a drought assistance package despite criticising an 'age of entitlement'.
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Critics slam mandatory sentencing for drunken crimes

Critics slam mandatory sentencing for drunken crimes

Critics from the legal community says the NSW government's new laws aimed at alcohol-fuelled violence, including mandatory sentencing for 'one-punch' assaults, will be impossible to enforce, target certain groups, and clog up the courts and prisons.
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Shocking violence statistics force PNG response

Shocking violence statistics force PNG response

Shocking statistics show women and children are bearing the brunt of violence in Papua New Guinea and the Australian Government has responded by pledging money to a centre while there is a push to replicate the work of Medecins Sans Frontieres around the country.
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Springsteen fan lives her dream after 7.30 story

Springsteen fan lives her dream after 7.30 story

A Bruce Springsteen fan told 7.30 it was her dream to dance on stage with The Boss and he must have been watching the program because Vel Holland's wish came true at the concert.
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