
Questions... for Cis People?!?
Red Durkin dares to turn the power of questions against the cisgender world that hounds he...
published: 07 Nov 2009
author: Red Durkin
Questions... for Cis People?!?
Questions... for Cis People?!?
Red Durkin dares to turn the power of questions against the cisgender world that hounds her! With the natural order unbalanced, what will non-trans people do...- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 11397
- author: Red Durkin

cis scum gets his privilege checked
if you look closely you can see him assault those womyn with his white male privilege....
published: 06 Apr 2013
author: MonPandamarium
cis scum gets his privilege checked
cis scum gets his privilege checked
if you look closely you can see him assault those womyn with his white male privilege.- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 4410
- author: MonPandamarium

B. S. in Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Develop the world that develops the world. In today's world, technology is critical to the...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: W. P. Carey School of Business
B. S. in Computer Information Systems (CIS)
B. S. in Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Develop the world that develops the world. In today's world, technology is critical to the operation of businesses. Investing in a degree that teaches you ab...- published: 13 Oct 2011
- views: 5169
- author: W. P. Carey School of Business

Pesca Cis - Montaje Plomo de Surf
En este video vemos la manera de como poder montar nuestros propios plomos de surf y esta ...
published: 26 Feb 2013
author: grupocis
Pesca Cis - Montaje Plomo de Surf
Pesca Cis - Montaje Plomo de Surf
En este video vemos la manera de como poder montar nuestros propios plomos de surf y esta dedicado a todas las personas que no tienen la oportunidad de encon...- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 3450
- author: grupocis

Amazing turnaround by Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
Amazing turnaround by Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
published: 03 Feb 2014
Amazing turnaround by Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
Amazing turnaround by Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
Amazing turnaround by Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014 ======================================== Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you like our videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=natusvinceretv ======================================== Watch more videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/natusvinceretv/videos The Official Website: http://www.navi-gaming.com Find us in social networks: http://facebook.com/natusvincere http://twitter.com/natusvincere http://vk.com/natus.vincere http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Natus-Vincere Song Title: Case & Point - Savage Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVmQSIsfDrY Beatport Download Link: http://www.beatport.com/release/savage/1229299 Label Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Monstercat- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 27837

Stuff Cis People Say To Trans People
TransFix! Share. Create. Build. We organize small to large trans-specific and centric even...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: TransFixNorcal
Stuff Cis People Say To Trans People
Stuff Cis People Say To Trans People
TransFix! Share. Create. Build. We organize small to large trans-specific and centric events in the SF Bay Area. Contact: TransFix.Norcal@gmail.com for more ...- published: 10 Jan 2012
- views: 74303
- author: TransFixNorcal

Curso de Método CIS Inteligência Emocional com Coaching
Paulo Vieira fala sobre o curso de Método CIS Inteligência Emocional. Os benefícios que o ...
published: 28 Mar 2011
author: febracis_coaching
Curso de Método CIS Inteligência Emocional com Coaching
Curso de Método CIS Inteligência Emocional com Coaching
Paulo Vieira fala sobre o curso de Método CIS Inteligência Emocional. Os benefícios que o curso traz a vida dos alunos em todas as áreas. Um curso de grande ...- published: 28 Mar 2011
- views: 6807
- author: febracis_coaching

Cis-Fire: A Hunchback Parody
From the mind of yours truly and beatified by a beautiful voice on /v/, I give you the fol...
published: 16 Sep 2013
Cis-Fire: A Hunchback Parody
Cis-Fire: A Hunchback Parody
From the mind of yours truly and beatified by a beautiful voice on /v/, I give you the following. Now includes the conversation in the interlude, and native captions on the video itself rather than using the caption app. Because reasons. LYRICS: Beata Anita I know I am a righteous one Of my social justice I am proud Beata Anita I know I'm so much better than The common, vulgar, ablest, gamer crowd Then tell me, Anita Why they keep on making them Why these sinful devs still keep getting cash I hear them, I see them The gameplay slick as ceiling wax Their skirts unable to contain that AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS Like privilege Cis-privilege This fan entitlement Trans-phobic Exploitive They gain such amusement It's all their fault Have they no shame It's the patriarchy The ones who fanned these flames It's all their fault If devs don't plan To sexually Exploit instead a maaaaaaaaaan Protect me, Anita Don't let these game devs make a dime Please let their games unsold unknown And shame all the gamers And make their taste change overnight And make more pretentious games like GONE HOME Cis-privilege Male privilege Game devs, you shitlord dogs Cater to My life views Or else I'll tell my blogs! I won't even buy them... I don't even like games... But do what I say Or I will scream!- published: 16 Sep 2013
- views: 9393

Navy CIS Staffel 10 [HD]
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: wurschtsemmel123
Navy CIS Staffel 10 [HD]

Empire vs Relax g.1 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtusp...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Empire vs Relax g.1 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Empire vs Relax g.1 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtuspro1dota Комментатор / Broadcaster: Владимир «Maelstorm» Кузьминов VK.com: http://vk.com/virtus.pro.maelstorm Twitter: https://twitter.com/VP_Maelstorm Паблики Virtus.pro / About Virtus.pro: Web: http://www.virtuspro.org VK.com: http://vk.com/virtuspro Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamVirtuspro Facebook: http://goo.gl/fFuMy Steam: http://goo.gl/bgxgQ- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 1882

Navy CIS L.A. Die Geburtstagsparty - Part 1
Einfach mal ne Folge von Navy CIS L.A. mit ner völlig neuen, verrückten Geschichte synchro...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: ncis l.a. syncs
Navy CIS L.A. Die Geburtstagsparty - Part 1
Navy CIS L.A. Die Geburtstagsparty - Part 1
Einfach mal ne Folge von Navy CIS L.A. mit ner völlig neuen, verrückten Geschichte synchronisiert, viel Spass!!! :D Originalfolge: Navy CIS L.A. Staffel 3 Fo...- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 7324
- author: ncis l.a. syncs

Navy CIS Sprüche Staffel 1 - Tony 1 (HD)
Alle gesammelten Jokes aus Navy NCIS aus Staffel 1. Sortiert nach den Hauptcharakteren. Ic...
published: 24 May 2009
author: EssiMonsterHD
Navy CIS Sprüche Staffel 1 - Tony 1 (HD)
Navy CIS Sprüche Staffel 1 - Tony 1 (HD)
Alle gesammelten Jokes aus Navy NCIS aus Staffel 1. Sortiert nach den Hauptcharakteren. Ich habs aufgeteilt, weil es meiner Meinung nach doch etwas mühsam is...- published: 24 May 2009
- views: 79859
- author: EssiMonsterHD

Virtus.pro vs Relax g.1 Winners Semifinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtusp...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Virtus.pro vs Relax g.1 Winners Semifinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Virtus.pro vs Relax g.1 Winners Semifinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtuspro1dota Комментатор / Broadcaster: Владимир «Maelstorm» Кузьминов VK.com: http://vk.com/virtus.pro.maelstorm Twitter: https://twitter.com/VP_Maelstorm Паблики Virtus.pro / About Virtus.pro: Web: http://www.virtuspro.org VK.com: http://vk.com/virtuspro Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamVirtuspro Facebook: http://goo.gl/fFuMy Steam: http://goo.gl/bgxgQ- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 1268

Empire vs Relax g.3 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtusp...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Empire vs Relax g.3 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Empire vs Relax g.3 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtuspro1dota Комментатор / Broadcaster: Владимир «Maelstorm» Кузьминов VK.com: http://vk.com/virtus.pro.maelstorm Twitter: https://twitter.com/VP_Maelstorm Паблики Virtus.pro / About Virtus.pro: Web: http://www.virtuspro.org VK.com: http://vk.com/virtuspro Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamVirtuspro Facebook: http://goo.gl/fFuMy Steam: http://goo.gl/bgxgQ- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 2531
Vimeo results:

Excerpt: Dane Reynolds
Dane Reynolds describes Excerpt as "Fragments from the videos Singles 3, Singles 3 .Epilog...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: CI Surfboards
Excerpt: Dane Reynolds
Dane Reynolds describes Excerpt as "Fragments from the videos Singles 3, Singles 3 .Epilogue., and ...as of late, early february 2012. Crafted into one piece that is downloadable to your personal device

Dane Reynolds on a DFR in Excerpt Pt. III
Dane's on a few different models in the video, but a majority of his waves are on his new ...
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: CI Surfboards
Dane Reynolds on a DFR in Excerpt Pt. III
Dane's on a few different models in the video, but a majority of his waves are on his new mode, the DFR.
Dane’s newest, all around short board is coming soon. Slightly wider forward with just the right amount of flip in the tail. Makes for a fast and forgiving board that handles the biggest of airs to the hardest of carves. With a single concave and a full rail, Dane chooses to ride his his own height. 6’0″ x 19″ x 2 3/8″
Custom orders available now. Stock board to hit shop floors in June 2012.

Kelly Slater on the Semi Pro at Rincon
Kelly Slater talks about the Semi Pro...
Taking his favorite aspects of...
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: CI Surfboards
Kelly Slater on the Semi Pro at Rincon
Kelly Slater talks about the Semi Pro...
Taking his favorite aspects of the Tangent and Proton, Kelly designed the Semi-Pro on the computer from start to finish. Riding it to three WCT wins and a 10th world title, his design proved itself as the ultimate all-around shortboard. The Semi-Pro should be ridden shorter than usual: Kelly likes to ride them with his normal dims but his same height (5’9”). This shorter rail allows for his tight signature arcs in the pocket. Deep single concave make the board work best on rail, and ample rocker allows for deep gouging carves. With the wide point 2 inches behind center and increased nose-width, this board still handles mushy days. The Semi- Pro is changing the way professional surfers ride their boards.
Waist-high to well overhead.

The Neck Beard by Dane Reynolds
After a year of tinkering with different concepts, Dane Reynolds launche...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: CI Surfboards
The Neck Beard by Dane Reynolds
After a year of tinkering with different concepts, Dane Reynolds launches the Neck Beard, his favorite free-surf board. No longer working to hide volume from the judges like with the Dumpster Diver, Dane is letting it all hang out with a wider nose and chop tail. With light single concave and vee out the back, this board is faster down the line, has increased rail-to-rail transition, and is more stable when landing airs. Super user-friendly, this is the board Dane grabs when its 1-foot to head-high.
Dane rides the Neck Beard as a tri-fin and as a quad for speed. Comes with a five fin setup to get the best of both worlds. If you are a fan of the Dumpster Diver, then definitely grow out your Neck Beard. Order yours 4 to 6 inches shorter than your height.
Novice to Pro
1-foot to head-high
Youtube results:

Empire vs Relax g.2 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtusp...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Empire vs Relax g.2 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Empire vs Relax g.2 Grandfinal Playoff CIS Carnage 2014
Смотреть стримы онлайн / Livestream: http://www.virtuspro.org, http://ru.twitch.tv/virtuspro1dota Комментатор / Broadcaster: Владимир «Maelstorm» Кузьминов VK.com: http://vk.com/virtus.pro.maelstorm Twitter: https://twitter.com/VP_Maelstorm Паблики Virtus.pro / About Virtus.pro: Web: http://www.virtuspro.org VK.com: http://vk.com/virtuspro Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamVirtuspro Facebook: http://goo.gl/fFuMy Steam: http://goo.gl/bgxgQ- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 1941

Empire vs Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
Empire vs Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
Subscribe to N...
published: 02 Feb 2014
Empire vs Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
Empire vs Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014
Empire vs Relax @ CIS Carnage 2014 ======================================== Subscribe to Na`Vi YouTube channel if you like our videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=natusvinceretv ======================================== Watch more videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/natusvinceretv/videos The Official Website: http://www.navi-gaming.com Find us in social networks: http://facebook.com/natusvincere http://twitter.com/natusvincere http://vk.com/natus.vincere http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Natus-Vincere Song Title: Astronaut - Apollo (Electro Mix) Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzb0_qQWioQ Beatport Download Link: http://www.beatport.com/release/apollo/1214688 Label Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Monstercat- published: 02 Feb 2014
- views: 42554

Bzz Solo Relax vs Empire CIS Carnage Grand Final Dota 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NoobFromUA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoobFromUA
Vk: ...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Bzz Solo Relax vs Empire CIS Carnage Grand Final Dota 2
Bzz Solo Relax vs Empire CIS Carnage Grand Final Dota 2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NoobFromUA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoobFromUA Vk: https://vk.com/noobfromua Google+ https://plus.google.com/+NoobfromuaDota2 Subscribe http://bit.ly/noobfromua Game 2 Relax vs Empire CIS Carnage Grand Final Dota 2 GLHF.- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 20329

Cis-Normality... and the tale of a broken system
Transphobia, bigotry, racist, discrimination... It's all real and its has a real impact on...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: grishno
Cis-Normality... and the tale of a broken system
Cis-Normality... and the tale of a broken system
Transphobia, bigotry, racist, discrimination... It's all real and its has a real impact on our lives. In this video we discuss Cis-Normality, or the term I u...- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 13049
- author: grishno