The Relationship between Conversations and Business Innovation

On my recent trip to London, I spent a lot of time catching up with friends on a one-to-one basis. I find this useful because I get more time to ask questions, hear about projects, and share my experiences and responses. It's something you just don't get enough time to do at parties or at ...

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Recent blog posts and articles

It's been a while since I've updated this blog, but I haven't been lazy.  There are several posts and articles from me running around the traps.  Here's a few: The True Meaning of a Digital Enterprise: wherein I discuss the role of technology in facilitating human communication; What stops people sharing: wherein I explore the motivation for ...

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Opening session at Optus Vision 2013

Disclosure: Optus Business is my client at 1000heads.  I'm blogging at this event as a paid participant. Ellen Fanning is here opening the event, and has noted the event is carefully curated. Optus Business MD John Paitaridis takes to the stage to introduce Greg Pearce , MLC who formally opens the event.  Pearce notes that unless ...

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The Fourth Estate and Social Media

U87 microphone from Wikimedia commons

Last night's ABC TV programme, MediaWatch, opened a bit of a floodgate on the issue of what constitutes journalism in social channels following the show. This is interesting partly because it was evidence of what the show essentially concluded - that the active social audience is more interested in research and debate than mainstream media ...

Posted in Ideas, social media, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

A Post-Advertising World?

Vintage coke ad

I should start this post by pointing something out: I don't work in the advertisng industry. I even question whether I'm technically a marketer. I like to think of myself as a communicator and hope I was an effective educator for awhile there. But I see myself more as someone who aspires to improve operational ...

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Updates in JJland

Well it's been a busy few months.  Christmas and new year have come and gone and I'm flat out at 1000heads working with new clients and getting things into gear for the rest of the year.   I've also been releasing the occasional blog post.  Here are a few since I last posted: Australia must wake ...

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Afternoon keynote at #Funnel12

Ray Kloss at #funnel12

Jake Hird is back on stage introducing the next keynote from Ray Kloss from SAP questioning whether relationships are "so 20th Century". Kloss begins by noting there is an immense set of experiences in this room.  This is a great word of mouth opportunity for B2B - and that makes this event social.  But sometimes marketing ...

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At B2B marketing event #Funnel12

I'm here at Australian Technology Park for the first session of the eConsultancy B2B event, Funnel. Jake Hird is on stage, introducing the event. I am not sure how long my battery will last on my PC and as I came with my UK power supply, I have no way of charging the netbook so ...

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So far on the #BlogBus tour

At the end of Day 2 of the #BlogBus tour I am beginning to see more clearly the opportunities as well as the limitations of innovation in the Valley. You can access my liveblogs of the companies visited today as follows: Following Causes: a liveblog of our session with Co-Founder and VP of Causes, Chris Chan Storytelling for ...

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Wherefore art thou, Silicon Valley?

Women in IT

What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself. So, with a dose of cognitive dissonance do I ...

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