Dysophia 4 now available

Anarchist Debates on Privilege This collection of articles bring together in one place a series of debates and discussion of around privilege and intersectionality that have been taken place in anarchist circles over the last couple of years. Though the theories around privilege have been around for some time now, they have now reached the […]

A Short Letter to Earth First! and Anarchists on the transphobia and anti­-anarchist positions of Deep Green Resistance

Why Speak Out Any movement that is prepared to encourage and take action against both the State and the liberal capitalist ideology that is destroying the planet around us and promises that the world can be a better place will always attract a wide diversity of thought. This is a good thing, and debate keeps […]

Islamophobia and Anarchism – call for articles

(first posted 17th January 2013) (French version below) Dysophia, an independent anarchist zine, is planning a follow on from its successful look at antisemitism by exploring issues around Islam and anti-Muslim racism from an anarchist perspective. We are aware that, as UK-based activists, much is missing from the wider discussion and more nuanced analysis is […]

Antisemitism and Anarchy (Dysophia 3)

Antisemitism and Anarchy: New publication now out (first posted 27 June 2012) The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is a key topic for many anarchists. Support for the Palestinians in the face of an occupying army is strong and we have seen many campaigns to lift the causes of their suffering. The charge of antisemitism is regularly made, […]

Jail! – An insight into prison life in Ireland, namely Castlerea Prison by Niall Harnett

(first posted 12th May, 2012) We are pleased to have helped in producing the pamplet Jail! – An Insight Into Prison Life In Ireland, Namely Castlerea Prison, written by Shell to Sea campaigner Niall Harnett following his stint in prison. This is an updated and enhanced version of the original article on Indymedia Ireland. Copies […]

Radical Migrant Solidarity

(first posted 12 January 2012) Radical Migrant Solidarity is a great new zine from friends of ours exploring practical and theoretical around organising for radical migrant solidarity with an anarchist perspective, based on the experiences of those actively engaged in the UK, Calais and elsewhere in Europe. pdf available here or at scribd.com

People from the Reclaim the Fields network have put out a new zine on the politics of land, which some of us have been involved in. To download a pdf of the zine “Of The Land” click here.

Airbrushing in Just Transition

(first posted 19th May 2011) Notes From Below has just published an essay of ours discussing the politics of Just Transition. The idea of a ‘Just Transition’ is an attempt to bridge differences between environmental and labour movements by seeking to address how workers can be protected as society tries to move away from ecologically […]

Collective statement from some individuals affected by the infiltration of the UK environmental movement

(first posted 2 Mar 2011) We are issuing this statement in solidarity with all those, in the UK and beyond, who are facing charges or have been affected in any way by the work of the undercover agents recently discovered. We are a diverse group of individuals who have been involved in radical action, including […]

Dysophia 2: Population & Migration

(First posted 6 Jan 2011) Now out, the second issue of Dysophia: ‘Population & Migration – anarchist analyses of privilege in a time of climate chaos‘. This collection of eight articles, including four new ones of them especially written for this publication, takes the controversial issues of population and migration as their starting point. Using […]

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