
George Johnson - The Whistling Coon - 1891 (The first recording by an African-American)
George Johnson's song Whistling Coon was one of the most popular of the Coon songs of the ...
published: 03 Feb 2009
author: raresoulcom
George Johnson - The Whistling Coon - 1891 (The first recording by an African-American)
George Johnson - The Whistling Coon - 1891 (The first recording by an African-American)
George Johnson's song Whistling Coon was one of the most popular of the Coon songs of the 1850-90s. While the records and the imagery that goes along with th...- published: 03 Feb 2009
- views: 125181
- author: raresoulcom

A Constituição Brasileira de 1891
Essa videoaula faz parte do módulo de Proclamação da República e República das Espadas. Pa...
published: 08 Jan 2014
A Constituição Brasileira de 1891
A Constituição Brasileira de 1891
Essa videoaula faz parte do módulo de Proclamação da República e República das Espadas. Para ver o próximo vídeo do módulo, vá em http://bit.ly/KyrBVk Estude com a gente! :D- published: 08 Jan 2014
- views: 1226

Los Crímenes de Balmaceda. Guerra Civil de 1891
Cómo veían la controversial fígura del Presidente José Manuel Balmaceda, los sectores opos...
published: 26 Jun 2009
author: Casivellauno
Los Crímenes de Balmaceda. Guerra Civil de 1891
Los Crímenes de Balmaceda. Guerra Civil de 1891
Cómo veían la controversial fígura del Presidente José Manuel Balmaceda, los sectores opositores a su gobierno? En este vídeo se recrea el discurso de los c...- published: 26 Jun 2009
- views: 4688
- author: Casivellauno

Fazer - Great tasting jobs since 1891
You and your work matter. At Fazer, we've been making the world taste good since 1891. Tog...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Fazer - Great tasting jobs since 1891
Fazer - Great tasting jobs since 1891
You and your work matter. At Fazer, we've been making the world taste good since 1891. Together we create taste sensations and foster beloved local flavors with a global touch. Join the family who lives for taste sensations.- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 499

Pizzicato - Léo Delibes (1836 - 1891)
Situado en el acto III cuarta parte de la escena musical del ballet "Sylvia" y en el quint...
published: 29 May 2009
author: montyelfester
Pizzicato - Léo Delibes (1836 - 1891)
Pizzicato - Léo Delibes (1836 - 1891)
Situado en el acto III cuarta parte de la escena musical del ballet "Sylvia" y en el quinto lugar de la Suite, el "Divertissement: Pizzicati" es uno de los m...- published: 29 May 2009
- views: 179474
- author: montyelfester

Historia de Chile _ Periodo entre 1891 a 1925..wmv
published: 22 Nov 2010
author: Seba\' Fernández
Historia de Chile _ Periodo entre 1891 a 1925..wmv
Historia de Chile _ Periodo entre 1891 a 1925..wmv
- published: 22 Nov 2010
- views: 23508
- author: Seba\' Fernández

1a. Constituição da República, em 1891, estabeceu separação entre Estado e Religião no BRASIL.
Vídeo recomendado: A LEI E A RELIGIÃO: a força da Religião contra a Lei dos Homens. http:/...
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: PensadorIndependente
1a. Constituição da República, em 1891, estabeceu separação entre Estado e Religião no BRASIL.
1a. Constituição da República, em 1891, estabeceu separação entre Estado e Religião no BRASIL.
Vídeo recomendado: A LEI E A RELIGIÃO: a força da Religião contra a Lei dos Homens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MZ7PrTrzJA Hoje é comemorada a Liberdade ...- published: 08 Jan 2013
- views: 676
- author: PensadorIndependente

Claude Monet, Poplars, 1891
Claude Monet, Poplars, 1891, oil on canvas, 36-5/8 x 29-3/16 inches / 93 x 74.1 cm (Philad...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Claude Monet, Poplars, 1891
Claude Monet, Poplars, 1891
Claude Monet, Poplars, 1891, oil on canvas, 36-5/8 x 29-3/16 inches / 93 x 74.1 cm (Philadelphia Museum of Art) View this work up close on the Google Art Pro...- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 3781
- author: smarthistoryvideos

Das Eisenbahnunglück bei Münchenstein 1891
Es war das schlimmste Unglück in der Schweizer Eisenbahngeschichte: Am 14. Juni 1891 stürz...
published: 26 Aug 2013
Das Eisenbahnunglück bei Münchenstein 1891
Das Eisenbahnunglück bei Münchenstein 1891
Es war das schlimmste Unglück in der Schweizer Eisenbahngeschichte: Am 14. Juni 1891 stürzte der Personenzug Nr. 174 bei Münchenstein in die Birs, weil die Brücke während der Überfahrt in sich zusammenbrach. 73 Menschen starben, 171 wurden verletzt.- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 16

1891 Generator Electrotechnical Exposition
This was the generator that ended the "War of Currents", the 3 phase AC generator designed...
published: 19 Oct 2010
author: EdisonTechCenter
1891 Generator Electrotechnical Exposition
1891 Generator Electrotechnical Exposition
This was the generator that ended the "War of Currents", the 3 phase AC generator designed by Dobrovolsky for the Frankfurt Electrotechnical Exposition trans...- published: 19 Oct 2010
- views: 3153
- author: EdisonTechCenter

2eme Guerre Mondiale - Karl Donitz 16/09/1891-24/12/1980 (Allemand)
Karl Dönitz (16 septembre 1891 à Berlin-Grünau - 24 décembre 1980 à Aumühle, Schleswig-Hol...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: La2emeGuerreMondiale
2eme Guerre Mondiale - Karl Donitz 16/09/1891-24/12/1980 (Allemand)
2eme Guerre Mondiale - Karl Donitz 16/09/1891-24/12/1980 (Allemand)
Karl Dönitz (16 septembre 1891 à Berlin-Grünau - 24 décembre 1980 à Aumühle, Schleswig-Holstein) est un amiral allemand, que Adolf Hitler désigna par testame...- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 4720
- author: La2emeGuerreMondiale

Early Rag (1891) The Alabama Walk Around by Monroe H. Rosenfeld
The Alabama Walk Around (Dance comique) Published in 1891 by Monroe H. Rosenfeld Early rag...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: RagtimeDorianHenry
Early Rag (1891) The Alabama Walk Around by Monroe H. Rosenfeld
Early Rag (1891) The Alabama Walk Around by Monroe H. Rosenfeld
The Alabama Walk Around (Dance comique) Published in 1891 by Monroe H. Rosenfeld Early ragtime stuff.- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 1075
- author: RagtimeDorianHenry
Youtube results:

The New York Botanical Garden . . . Since 1891
The New York Botanical Garden has been an integral part of New York City and the surroundi...
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: The New York Botanical Garden
The New York Botanical Garden . . . Since 1891
The New York Botanical Garden . . . Since 1891
The New York Botanical Garden has been an integral part of New York City and the surrounding area since 1891. Efforts in conservation, education, and science...- published: 04 Jan 2011
- views: 4290
- author: The New York Botanical Garden

Bartleby the Scrivener - FULL Audio Book - by Herman Melville (1819-1891)
Bartleby the Scrivener - FULL Audio Book - by Herman Melville (1819-1891) Audio is courtes...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: GreenAudioBooks
Bartleby the Scrivener - FULL Audio Book - by Herman Melville (1819-1891)
Bartleby the Scrivener - FULL Audio Book - by Herman Melville (1819-1891)
Bartleby the Scrivener - FULL Audio Book - by Herman Melville (1819-1891) Audio is courtesy of Librivox. Thanks for viewing! Please like, comment and subscri...- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 3729
- author: GreenAudioBooks

Historia De Los Partidos Politicos "El Radicalismo 1891-1943"
Unitarios y federales, radicales y peronistas, socialistas o conse...
published: 03 Sep 2013
Historia De Los Partidos Politicos "El Radicalismo 1891-1943"
Historia De Los Partidos Politicos "El Radicalismo 1891-1943"
Sinopsis: Unitarios y federales, radicales y peronistas, socialistas o conservadores... La crónica de los partidos políticos en la Argentina constituye una historia de enfrentamientos y de distintas visiones para construir una nación. Para indagar sobre la organización del Estado a través de la vida de los partidos políticos, esta serie aborda los orígenes y el desarrollo de cada uno de ellos, sus fundamentos, ideales y contradicciones.- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 184

Safvet beg Bašagić "BOŠNJAKU" (02.VII.1891.g.)
Safvet beg Bašagić "Bošnjaku" 2. VII. 1891.g. Primi pozdrav, premili spomene, Od gorštaka ...
published: 30 Dec 2012
author: BosniacumLilium
Safvet beg Bašagić "BOŠNJAKU" (02.VII.1891.g.)
Safvet beg Bašagić "BOŠNJAKU" (02.VII.1891.g.)
Safvet beg Bašagić "Bošnjaku" 2. VII. 1891.g. Primi pozdrav, premili spomene, Od gorštaka sa studene st'jene, Gdje-no soko sokoliće leže, Gdjeno zemlja krvnu...- published: 30 Dec 2012
- views: 3884
- author: BosniacumLilium