Ending Disunity in the Black Community: Breeching Distrust Along Gender Lines
Part 2 in a series of videos addressing solutions to the disunity in the Black Community....
published: 16 Oct 2013
Ending Disunity in the Black Community: Breeching Distrust Along Gender Lines
Ending Disunity in the Black Community: Breeching Distrust Along Gender Lines
Part 2 in a series of videos addressing solutions to the disunity in the Black Community.- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 16
Explosive Breeching
TGN had the opprotunity to observe a few local Police Departments' Bomb Squads and SWAT Te...
published: 30 May 2012
author: AFMOTGN
Explosive Breeching
Explosive Breeching
TGN had the opprotunity to observe a few local Police Departments' Bomb Squads and SWAT Teams as they were going through Explosive Breeching Training. Long s...- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 38
- author: AFMOTGN
Black-I Robotics Stand-Off Pole Tool for Small Water Breeching Charges
Black-I Robotics Stand-Off Disposable Pole Tool for Small Water Charges demonstrated with ...
published: 05 Aug 2013
Black-I Robotics Stand-Off Pole Tool for Small Water Breeching Charges
Black-I Robotics Stand-Off Pole Tool for Small Water Breeching Charges
Black-I Robotics Stand-Off Disposable Pole Tool for Small Water Charges demonstrated with a Remotec F6A and a QinetiQ-NA Dragon Runner. July 17, 2013- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 8
LAKE CAMANCHE Breeching trout
It appears they were happy to be out of the fish truck and in to the main lake. Luckily fo...
published: 08 Nov 2012
author: Lake Camanche
LAKE CAMANCHE Breeching trout
LAKE CAMANCHE Breeching trout
It appears they were happy to be out of the fish truck and in to the main lake. Luckily for them, there was not a pelican in sight!- published: 08 Nov 2012
- views: 60
- author: Lake Camanche
How to Pronounce Breeched
Learn how to say Breeched correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorial...
published: 18 Jan 2013
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Breeched
How to Pronounce Breeched
Learn how to say Breeched correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of breech (oxford dictionary): noun 1the part of a ca...- published: 18 Jan 2013
- views: 4
- author: Emma Saying
trigger modded + bolt-action breeched in-line clip Shadow Hawk 100
trigger modded + bolt-action breeched in-line clip Shadow Hawk 100
Trigger modded followi...
published: 08 Sep 2011
trigger modded + bolt-action breeched in-line clip Shadow Hawk 100
trigger modded + bolt-action breeched in-line clip Shadow Hawk 100
trigger modded + bolt-action breeched in-line clip Shadow Hawk 100 Trigger modded following pSyK's mod guide found here - http://nerfsg.freeforums.org/max-force-shadowhawk-100-trigger-mod-psyk-s-clean-ver-t3168.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHCU9mXiTuM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX8A0UqDkdQ sorry about the bad video quality etc ... this is mainly just to show how the bolt works ...- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 651
Angel Breeched LS and LS Titan Integration WIP
Sorry for the lack of videos lately, I havent been modding much....
published: 21 Jul 2011
author: GreenWing24
Angel Breeched LS and LS Titan Integration WIP
Angel Breeched LS and LS Titan Integration WIP
Sorry for the lack of videos lately, I havent been modding much.- published: 21 Jul 2011
- views: 221
- author: GreenWing24
Angel Breeched Longshot
If your interested in my bro's longshot, PM me. Mods done are AR removal, Spring Sretched ...
published: 03 Oct 2009
Angel Breeched Longshot
Angel Breeched Longshot
If your interested in my bro's longshot, PM me. Mods done are AR removal, Spring Sretched and Nightfinder spring added. Locks taken out, Tarnished black and grey paintjob, and added 0 ring. Getting 65 plus with streamlines. PM for more info or offer.- published: 03 Oct 2009
- views: 768
The boys having their first trot together
Is it just me, or are these two doing really well for their second time ground-driving as ...
published: 30 Jul 2011
author: Spyderwind\'s channel
The boys having their first trot together
The boys having their first trot together
Is it just me, or are these two doing really well for their second time ground-driving as a pair? Kody (the 11 year old chestnut) is an experienced single dr...- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 273
- author: Spyderwind\'s channel
Australian Property Bubble: Against the Wind
Ok so if your watching this video you should know how much trouble this one gave me!! Apol...
published: 20 May 2012
author: AussiePropertyBubble
Australian Property Bubble: Against the Wind
Australian Property Bubble: Against the Wind
Ok so if your watching this video you should know how much trouble this one gave me!! Apologies if you got a notification of incomplete uploads, i wanted to ...- published: 20 May 2012
- views: 8189
- author: AussiePropertyBubble
Vimeo results:
The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. Th...
published: 22 Sep 2009
author: Victoria and Albert Museum
The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. The purpose of the lecture is to celebrate the legacy of the Museum’s founding director, and explore its implications for museums, culture and society today.
The lecture, entitled 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum' was delivered by Professor Sir Christopher Frayling. He presented new research on the “chamber of horrors” (a contemporary nickname for one of the V&A;'s earliest galleries, 'Decorations on False Principles', that opened in 1852) and the myths and realities of its reception, then opened up a wider debate on design education and museums from the nineteenth century to the present day.
Mark Jones: The annual Henry Cole lecture has been initiated to celebrate Henry Cole's legacy and to explore the contribution that culture can make to education and society today. It has also been launched to celebrate the opening of the Sackler Centre for arts education, including the Hochhauser Auditorium in which we sit tonight. There could be no one better than Professor Sir Christopher Frayling to give the inaugural Henry Cole Lecture. Christopher is a rare being: an intellectual who is a great communicator; a theorist who has a firm grip on the practical realities of life: a writer who truly and instinctively understands the words of making design and visual communication. As an enormously successful and respected Rector of the Royal College of Art, as Chairman of the Arts Council, and as a member and chair of boards too numerous to mention - but not forgetting the Royal Mint Advisory Committee which has recently been responsible for redesigning the coinage (personal interest) and as by far the longest-serving Trustee of the V&A;, he brings together culture, education and public service in a way which Henry Cole would have approved and admired. So it's more than fitting that he should be giving this first Henry Cole Lecture, 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum'.
Thank you very much indeed Mark and thank you very much for inviting me to give this first Henry Cole Lecture. Just how much of an honour it is for me will I hope become clear as the lecture progresses.
Mark, Chairpeople, ladies and gentlemen:
Hidden away in the garden of the South Kensington Museum - now the Madejski Garden of the V&A; - there is a small and easily overlooked commemorative plaque that doesn't have a museum number. It reads: 'In Memory of Jim Died 1879 Aged 15 Years, Faithful Dog of Sir Henry Cole of this Museum'. Jim had in fact died on 30 January 1879. He was with Henry Cole in his heyday, as the king of South Kensington - its museums and colleges - and saw him through to retirement from the public service and beyond. And next to this inscription there's another one dedicated to Jim's successor, Tycho, and dated 1885. The dogs are actually buried in the garden. Now we know from Henry Cole's diary that between 1864 and 1879 Jim, who was a cairn terrier, was often to be seen in public at his master's side. In 1864 they were together inspecting the new memorial to the Great Exhibition of 1851 just behind the Albert Hall - a statue of Prince Albert by Joseph Durham on a lofty plinth covered in statistics about the income, expenditure and visitor numbers to the Great Exhibition: 6,039,195 to be exact. Cole had been a tireless champion of Prince Albert and according to the Princess Royal (later Empress of Prussia) there was a family saying in Buckingham Palace at the time, invented by Albert himself, that when things needed doing 'when we want steam we must get Cole'. We may therefore assume that when looking at the memorial, Cole was interested in the inscription, the statistics and the likeness of Prince Albert, while Jim was more interested in the possibilities of the plinth. In early 1866 - these are five studies of Jim, an etching by Henry Cole himself of 1864. In early 1866, first thing in the morning, soon after the workmen's bell had rung, Henry and Jim would set forth together from Cole's newly constructed official residence in the Museum (where he moved in July 1863) to tour the building sites of South Kensington - a name which was first invented by Cole when he re-named the museum The South Kensington Museum to describe the new developments happening around Brompton Church. According to 'The Builder' magazine, these two well-known figures would 'be seen clambering over bricks, mortar and girders up ladders and about scaffolding'. Several buildings in the South Kensington Renaissance Revival style were springing up all around them: The Natural History Museum, The College of Science, the extension to this Museum. And on the morning the Bethnal Green Museum opened - 24 June 1872 - Jim showed a healthy distaste for his master's well-known predilection for pomp and
The Classical Osteopathic Treatment of the Sick Infant
The following is a short, edited film demonstrating basic and key techniques used in Class...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: classicalosteopathy
The Classical Osteopathic Treatment of the Sick Infant
The following is a short, edited film demonstrating basic and key techniques used in Classical Osteopathy in the treatment of sick and immune-compromised infants.
The severity of the condition may require urgent palliative treatment in the attempt to control potentially life-threatening symptoms. At the same time there is often the need to attend to the severely dysfunctional body mechanics and delayed physiological development.
In an attempt to integrate both aims, the treatment protocol used is one known as the ‘total body adjustment’. Its aim is to both modulate the neuro-endocrine-immune systems as well as to simultaneously improve any biomechanical dysfunction.
It is hoped, furthermore, that the intense mechano-tranduction effects produced by such treatment may also positively effect genetic expression.
This integrative and correlative approach cannot be undertaken, however, during an acute infection or constitutional crisis. In this case the pressing and potentially life-threatening symptoms must be palliated by way of very short and repeated osteopathic intervention of a much more local nature.
In the case of infection or auto immune dysfunction, the treatment would be directed to specifically enabling, for example, an effective immune response, causing a rapid rise in immunoglobulin levels and an increase in anti-inflammatory markers.
In addition, an attempt would also be made to detect the presence of any somatic component that may contribute to exacerbated somato-visceral reflexes related to the disease or patho-physiology. Procedures designed to correct or modify such somatic dysfunction and concurrent aberrant reflexes would be attempted. Both aims are illustrated in the following video.
The child in question in this film is a boy of 1 year and 8 months who was born by way of an urgent caesarian operation at 34 weeks because of a breech presentation and maternal haemorrhaging.
While his weight was normal at birth, no increase in head circumference size was noted during the weeks following birth, remaining at 31.5 cm diameter.
In addition, within a few weeks after birth he developed severe gastro-oesophageal reflux, approximately 4-6 times per day and weight gain was very retarded as a result. This symptom continued unabated till some 1 month ago when it almost remitted following his 3rd osteopathic treatment.
The child also suffered an umbilical hernia soon after birth and underwent operative repair.
Examination of the infant within the first few weeks of life strongly suggested that the child suffers a rare genetic condition known as Kabuki syndrome.
The signs and symptoms include recurrent urinary tract infections, delayed and impaired mental development, reduced distance between the temporal bones, widened orbits, mild lop ears, short neck, repeated sucking movements, intermittent eye contact and severe dystonic movements of the limbs together with severe muscular hypo-tonicity together with skeletal abnormalities and joint laxity. Many of the above listed signs can be observed on viewing this film.
In the past few months the child has also developed atopic dermatitis and has been hospitalized of late suffering recurrent asthma and pulmonary infections.
The treatment begins with the child seated on the operator’s lap, his uncontrolled floppy head secured by the operator’s chin. The operator spreads his hands around the whole thoracic cage and reaches the sternum just superior to the underlying thymus gland.
A rhythmic, intermittent pressure-release manoeuvre is introduced, its depth determined by the underlying tissue resistance, both beneath the sternum as well as around the rib cage and finally focusing over the spleen and liver. Its purpose is to maximize venous and lymphatic drainage from the pulmonary field as well as simultaneously mobilise pulmonary macrophages, thymus antibody production and raise the body’s white blood cell count.
The treatment continues with a powerful but gentle hanging traction articulation to the thoracic and lumbar spine to attempt to overbear the rigidly kyphotic and almost embryonic state of the spine.
With the child prone across the operator’s lap, emphasis is brought to bear on establishing rhythmic and coordinated segmental articulation and the development of a flexible lumbar curve. Arm and leg leverages are constantly employed in order to engage all the soft tissue attachments and to bring about free and rhythmic conjoint activity between arthrodial and soft tissues.
The slow, rhythmic, oscillatory articulations have a strongly sedative effect producing a reduction in the spasmodic dystonia, presumably via its effect on the extra-pyramidal brain centres.
A similar effect is attained at a later stage of the treatment demonstrated when classical cranial techniques are applied to release all the scalp attachments to affect deep and superficial vascular exchange. In addition, carefully applied
Atomic TV's Artscape 1998 Episode
Join Atomic TV at Artscape 98 and witness Scott Huffines' spiritual rebirthJoin Atomic TV ...
published: 18 May 2010
author: Atomic TV
Atomic TV's Artscape 1998 Episode
Join Atomic TV at Artscape 98 and witness Scott Huffines' spiritual rebirthJoin Atomic TV at Artscape 98 and witness Scott Huffines' spiritual rebirth (and cohort Tom Warner's spiritual breech rebirth) inside "Sweetie" (a gigantic, giggling Mrs. Butterworth edifice), meet globetrotting mannequin Bud, TV art cars, body painting, artchicks, kung-fu nuns, hear free-love bohemians discuss masturbation and testicle grooming, hear porn starlet Shayla LaVeux discuss anal love beads, plus listen to music by The Prodigy (their banned "Smack My Bitch Up" video!), French ambient rockers Air ("Sexy Boy"), Jesus & Mary Chain ("Rock & Roll"), 60's French ye-ye girl Francois Hardy ("Tous les Garcons & Les Filles") and a marionette medley by Cliff Richards & The Shadows from THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!(and cohort Tom Warner's spiritual breech rebirth) inside "Sweetie" (a gigantic, giggling Mrs. Butterworth edifice), meet globetrotting mannequin Bud, TV art cars, body painting, artchicks, kung-fu nuns, hear free-love bohemians discuss masturbation and testicle grooming, hear porn starlet Shayla LaVeux discuss anal love beads, plus listen to music by The Prodigy (their banned "Smack My Bitch Up" video!), French ambient rockers Air ("Sexy Boy"), Jesus & Mary Chain ("Rock & Roll"), 60's French ye-ye girl Francois Hardy ("Tous les Garcons & Les Filles") and a marionette medley by Cliff Richards & The Shadows from THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!
I love Japan
so ?...
published: 26 May 2013
author: breech
I love Japan
so ?
Youtube results:
City Of Bones Fandom - Don't You Worry Child
Just something I worked up during my free lessons in school. Sorry it's been a long time s...
published: 13 Nov 2013
City Of Bones Fandom - Don't You Worry Child
City Of Bones Fandom - Don't You Worry Child
Just something I worked up during my free lessons in school. Sorry it's been a long time since my last vid, but I will soon be trying to do something different i.e. short films :) No intentions of breeching copyright, the footage and music still belong to their rightful owners.- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 32
40 Weeks Pregnant
40 Weeks pregnant. Breeched Baby. My husbands thoughts on the whole process and what it's ...
published: 29 Nov 2013
40 Weeks Pregnant
40 Weeks Pregnant
40 Weeks pregnant. Breeched Baby. My husbands thoughts on the whole process and what it's like from the guys perspective- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 502