- published: 25 Nov 2012
- views: 90249
Virtual work arises in the application of the principle of least action to the study of forces and movement of a mechanical system. The work of a force acting on a particle as it moves along a displacement will be different for different displacements. Among all the possible displacements that a particle may follow, called virtual displacements, one will minimize the action, and, therefore, is the one followed by the particle by the principle of least action. The work of a force on a particle along a virtual displacement is known as the virtual work.
Historically, virtual work and the associated calculus of variations were formulated to analyze systems of rigid bodies, but they have also been developed for the study of the mechanics of deformable bodies.
Method of Virtual Work - Structural Analysis
Virtual Work
SA21: Virtual Work Method (Trusses)
Mechanics of Solids - IITM 3.1 Virtual work method
Virtual Work, Part I
Method of Virtual Work for Beams Example 1 (Part 1/2) - Structural Analysis
Method of Virtual Work for Beams - Structural Analysis
SA22: Virtual Work Method (Beams)
Method of Virtual Work - Truss Example (Part 1/2) - Structural Analysis
تحليل انشائي وميكانيكي structures deflection : virtual work part 1
Brief explanation of the principle of virtual work and a description of the process to calculate deflections in structures using the method of virtual work (aka, the unit load or unit force method)
Nuevo ambiente de aprendizaje Convergencia 2010 Campus Ciudad de México
Lecture Series on Mechanics of Solids by Prof.M.S.Siva Kumar , Department of Applied Mechanics ,I.I.T.Madras. Solving simple problems with virtual work method for equilibrium. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
This video is an introductory and very detailed example demonstrating the application of the principle of virtual work on a cantilever beam. If you have never used the method of virtual work or need a refresher this is a good place to start. Part 1: Overview of the approach and calculating the slope at point B. Part 2: Calculating the deflection at point B.
This video provides an explanation of the method of virtual work for beams and how it is used to calculate deflections and rotations in beams.
Example problem showing how to use the method of virtual work to calculate deflections in a statically determinate truss structure. Part 1 of 2.