
Inside the McLaren Technology Centre - /DRIVEN
The heart of McLaren Automotive - The McLaren Technology Centre and the new McLaren Produc...
published: 22 May 2012
author: drive
Inside the McLaren Technology Centre - /DRIVEN
Inside the McLaren Technology Centre - /DRIVEN
The heart of McLaren Automotive - The McLaren Technology Centre and the new McLaren Production Centre. The headquarters for one of the most successful Formul...- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 316694
- author: drive

Valedictory Speech by Shri Arun Jaitley on "Article 370" at India International Centre, New Delhi
23rd January 2014, Valedictory Speech by Shri Arun Jaitley - Discussion on "Article 370" o...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Valedictory Speech by Shri Arun Jaitley on "Article 370" at India International Centre, New Delhi
Valedictory Speech by Shri Arun Jaitley on "Article 370" at India International Centre, New Delhi
23rd January 2014, Valedictory Speech by Shri Arun Jaitley - Discussion on "Article 370" organized by SPM Research Foundation. Venue : Lecture Room-2, India International Centre Annexe Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi - http://bit.ly/1ipijd0.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 0

published: 07 Sep 2010
author: sadet sarichesse

Both Centre and UP govt are not bothered about the poor: Modi
Addressing a rally in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministe...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Both Centre and UP govt are not bothered about the poor: Modi
Both Centre and UP govt are not bothered about the poor: Modi
Addressing a rally in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Thursday said the Congress continues to mock the poor and cannot tolerate a one time seller of tea becoming the nation's prime minister.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 0

New exclusive footage of civic centre man
Watch exclusive footage of the man who threatened to jump off the 23-storey Civic Centre i...
published: 16 Jan 2014
New exclusive footage of civic centre man
New exclusive footage of civic centre man
Watch exclusive footage of the man who threatened to jump off the 23-storey Civic Centre in Cape Town.- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 2934

Flashmob - Eastgate Shopping Centre, Inverness
On Saturday 26th October shoppers at the Eastgate Shopping Centre in Inverness got an "unf...
published: 06 Nov 2013
Flashmob - Eastgate Shopping Centre, Inverness
Flashmob - Eastgate Shopping Centre, Inverness
On Saturday 26th October shoppers at the Eastgate Shopping Centre in Inverness got an "unforgettable" surprise. Watch what happened when we launched the 2013 Scottish Poppy Appeal there.- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 9097

Car bomb in centre of Cairo kills at least three
A car bomb attack has killed at least three people and injured dozens more close to the po...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Car bomb in centre of Cairo kills at least three
Car bomb in centre of Cairo kills at least three
A car bomb attack has killed at least three people and injured dozens more close to the police... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU http://www.euronews.com/2014/01/24/car-bomb-in-centre-of-cairo-kills-at-least-three A car bomb attack has killed at least three people and injured dozens more close to the police headquarters in the centre of Cairo on Friday morning. Egyptian state television quoted witnesses as saying that gunmen opened fire after the blast. The explosion damaged the building and sent smoke rising over the city. Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 0

Time Zombie Attack! - Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Series 7 - BBC
The TARDIS is picked up by an intergalactic salvage crew, accidentally knocking Clara into...
published: 18 Jan 2014
Time Zombie Attack! - Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Series 7 - BBC
Time Zombie Attack! - Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Series 7 - BBC
The TARDIS is picked up by an intergalactic salvage crew, accidentally knocking Clara into the depths of the TARDIS. Needing help to rescue her, the Doctor promises the Van Baalen brothers the salvage of a lifetime. To ensure cooperation, the Doctor locks everyone in and sets the self-destruct to go off in 30 minutes. As if that wasn't bad enough molten time zombies are attacking! Subscribe here for more exclusive Doctor Who clips and content http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=doctorwho The Brand New Doctor Who Website - http://www.doctorwho.tv Doctor Who YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/doctorwho Doctor Who Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWho Doctor Who Twitter https://twitter.com/bbcdoctorwho This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.- published: 18 Jan 2014
- views: 12165

Centre équestre Schleich - Les Écuries de la Baie
Voici une vidéo de notre centre équestre, nous espérons qu'il vous plaira. Laissez des com...
published: 02 Nov 2013
Centre équestre Schleich - Les Écuries de la Baie
Centre équestre Schleich - Les Écuries de la Baie
Voici une vidéo de notre centre équestre, nous espérons qu'il vous plaira. Laissez des commentaires ! Partenaires : - Le centre équestre d'Uros ( de Manon Cheval ) - Le haras des chevaux enchantés ( de Chevaux Schleich ) - Le haras des pommes d'Amour ( de Starstable )- published: 02 Nov 2013
- views: 979

The Rainbow Centre
The Rainbow Centres donation page - http://www.justgiving.com/rcsl/donate The Rainbow Cent...
published: 27 May 2013
author: JacksGap
The Rainbow Centre
The Rainbow Centre
The Rainbow Centres donation page - http://www.justgiving.com/rcsl/donate The Rainbow Centres Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/TheRainbowCentreSriLan...- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 1048222
- author: JacksGap

Slightly Left of Centre - Love The Way You Move (LTWYM) Official Music Video
Buy Now on iTunes: tinyurl.com/mj3x7rz
published: 15 Aug 2013
Slightly Left of Centre - Love The Way You Move (LTWYM) Official Music Video
Slightly Left of Centre - Love The Way You Move (LTWYM) Official Music Video
Buy Now on iTunes: tinyurl.com/mj3x7rz ------------------------------------------------------------ DOWNLOAD OUR FREE ALBUM: www.slightlyleftofcentre.com Love The Way You Move (LTWYM) By Slightly Left of Centre Lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/s/slightly+left+of+centre/love+the+way+you+move_21064114.html Production company: ohyeahwow.com Directed by: Ben Ommundson and Aaron Mcdonald Engineered by Slightly Left of Centre @ Sterling Mews Recording Studios 2013 Mixed by Slightly Left of Centre & Michael Pace @ Pace Audio Studios 2013 Mastered by Tom Coyne @ Sterling Sound New York City 2013 More info on SLC: slightlyleftofcentre.com facebook.com/slightlyleftofcentre youtube.com/slocaus reverbnation.com/slightlyleftofcentre facebook.com/slightlyleftofcentre or Follow us on twitter.com/SLOCband (or @SLOCband)- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 16451

Mr Brightside C Sharp - The Call Centre out 16/12/13
Official music video for our Christmas charity record in support of Tŷ Hafan, please downl...
published: 02 Dec 2013
Mr Brightside C Sharp - The Call Centre out 16/12/13
Mr Brightside C Sharp - The Call Centre out 16/12/13
Official music video for our Christmas charity record in support of Tŷ Hafan, please download it and support this amazing charity https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/mr.-brightside-in-c-sharp/id740506533?i=740506640&uo;=4 Tŷ Hafan offers comfort, care and support for life-limited children and young people and is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the whole family. Thanks to everyone who helped us make the video including Paul Child and all at Music Wales, Dewi Evans at Cracking Productions and everyone at Tesco Llansamlet, The Grand Theatre Swansea, Swansea Market, Tata Steel in Port Talbot and Tonyrefail School, oh and the sheep from Penyrheol panto!- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 3814

The Heart of the TARDIS - Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Series 7 - BBC
The Doctor, thinking they are going to die, asks Clara to explain who she is and how she c...
published: 21 Jan 2014
The Heart of the TARDIS - Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Series 7 - BBC
The Heart of the TARDIS - Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - Series 7 - BBC
The Doctor, thinking they are going to die, asks Clara to explain who she is and how she could have died twice before. Clara doesn't understand, and the Doctor realises she has no knowledge of their previous encounters and is simply a young woman. The Doctor and Clara then leap across the chasm, believing that it is an illusion the TARDIS is using to scare off others. Reaching the engine room, they find the engine has exploded but the TARDIS has placed the room in time stasis as a safety measure. Clara looks at her hand, the burn marks formed into words - "big friendly button". Subscribe here for more exclusive Doctor Who clips and content http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=doctorwho The Brand New Doctor Who Website - http://www.doctorwho.tv Doctor Who YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/doctorwho Doctor Who Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWho Doctor Who Twitter https://twitter.com/bbcdoctorwho This is a channel from BBC Worldwide who help fund new BBC programmes.- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 22361

Žalgiriečiai ir "One Team" - Kauno socializacijos centre
Kauno "Žalgiris" aktyviai tęsia Eurolygos socialinės programos „One Team" veiklą Lietuvoje...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Žalgiriečiai ir "One Team" - Kauno socializacijos centre
Žalgiriečiai ir "One Team" - Kauno socializacijos centre
Kauno "Žalgiris" aktyviai tęsia Eurolygos socialinės programos „One Team" veiklą Lietuvoje. Šio projekto ambasadoriai Martynas Pocius ir Justinas Dentmonas kartu su komandos administracija ir sirgaliais apsilankė Kauno socializacijos centre. Žalgiriečiai ir "One Team" bendradarbiavimą su Kauno socializacijos centru pradėjo prieš pusantro mėnesio. Per šį laiką centro auklėtiniai susipažino su "Žalgirio" arena, stebėjo Lietuvos čempionų rungtynes, į centrą nuvykę "Žalgirio" atstovai su jaunuoliais surengė tris bendrus užsiėmimus, o praėjusią savaitę projekto ambasadoriai M.Pocius ir J.Dentmonas savo vizitu pradžiugino visus socializacijos centro auklėtinius ir darbuotojus. Centro sporto salėje kartu susėdę svečiai ir vaikai diskutavo įvairiomis temomis. Krepšininkai papasakojo apie savo kelią į didįjį sportą ir atskleidė kokią svarbą jų gyvenimuose turėjo užsibrėžto tikslo siekimas. Naujieji "One Team" ambasadoriai ne tik dalinosi savo patirtimi, bet ir klausėsi vaikų pasakojimų apie svajones bei atsakinėjo į visus rūpimus klausimus.- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 1037
Vimeo results:

Next Floor
De Denis Villeneuve
D'après une idée originale de Phoebe Greenberg
Au cours d’un opulent ...
published: 23 Sep 2013
author: Centre Phi | Phi Centre
Next Floor
De Denis Villeneuve
D'après une idée originale de Phoebe Greenberg
Au cours d’un opulent et luxueux banquet, onze convives, servis sans retenue par des valets et des serviteurs attentionnés, participent à un étrange rituel aux allures de carnage gastronomique. Dans cet univers absurde et grotesque, une succession d’événements viendra secouer la procession de cette symphonie d’abondance.
Présenté dans plus de 200 festivals de par le monde.
A reçu près de 60 prix internationaux, dont :
Prix Canal + du Meilleur Court Métrage, Semaine de la Critique du Festival de Cannes 2008
Prix Génie et Jutra du meilleur court métrage dramatique (2009)
By Denis Villeneuve
Based on an original idea by Phoebe Greenberg
During an opulent and luxurious banquet, complete with cavalier servers and valets, eleven pampered guests participate in what appears to be a ritualistic gastronomic carnage. In this absurd and grotesque universe, an unexpected sequence of events undermines the endless symphony of abundance.
Shown in over 200 festivals worldwide.
Winner of nearly 60 international prizes, amongst others:
Prix Canal + for best short film, Semaine de la Critique, Cannes Film Festival 2008
Genie and Jutra Awards for Best Live Action Short Drama (2009)

Designing Bond's Look
Here we present a short study into James Bond’s persona...
published: 02 Jul 2012
author: Barbican Centre
Designing Bond's Look
Here we present a short study into James Bond’s personal style, meeting award winning costume designer, Lindy Hemming; and a handful of bespoke tailors who have been instrumental in shaping and crafting this icon of style over 50 years.
The Barbican marks the 50th anniversary of James Bond with a unique exhibition showcasing the inside story of the design and style of the world’s most influential and iconic movie brand: http://www.barbican.org.uk/bond/

Danse Macabre
Pendant un certain temps, alors qu'on le croit parfaitement inerte, notre cadavre s'anime,...
published: 17 Oct 2013
author: Centre Phi | Phi Centre
Danse Macabre
Pendant un certain temps, alors qu'on le croit parfaitement inerte, notre cadavre s'anime, s'exprime et s'agite en un ultime ballet macabre. Les nombreux spasmes qui secouent notre corps ne sont-ils que mouvements erratiques ou font-ils écho au tourbillon et au tumulte de notre vie passée? - Danse Macabre (Pedro Pires)
Du co-réalisateur de TRIPTYQUE en salle prochainement, Pedro Pires débute sa collaboration au cinéma avec le légendaire Robert Lepage sur le court métrage DANSE MACABRE. S'en suivront une formidable aventure à travers une centaine de festivals et plus de 40 prix incluant le meilleur court canadien du TIFF, le Grand Prix National à Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay et le doublé : Prix Jutra et Prix Genie du meilleur court la même année.
Scénario et Réalisation: Pedro Pires
Concept: Robert Lepage
Idée Originale, Chorégraphie et Interprétation: AnneBruce Falconer
Direction Artistique: Catherine Chagnon
Images et Montage: Pedro Pires
For a period of time, while we believe it to be perfectly still,
lifeless flesh responds, stirs and contorts in a final macabre ballet.
Are these spasms merely erratic motions
or do they echo the chaotic twists and turns of a past life?
The co-director of the upcoming TRIPTYQUE, Pedro Pires ushers in his cinematic collaboration with the legendary Robert Lepage with the short film DANSE MACABRE. Thus began a formidable adventure throughout over a hundred festivals and more than 40 prizes, including Best Canadian Short at TIFF, the Grand Prix National at Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay as well as the doublé : both the Jutra and Genie for Best Short Film, in the same year.
Scenario and Director: Pedro Pires
Concept: Robert Lepage
Original Idea, Choreography and Interpretation: AnneBruce Falconer
Artistic Direction: Catherine Chagnon
Images and Editing: Pedro Pires

Designing Bond's World
This film focuses on the creation of the iconic world i...
published: 02 Jul 2012
author: Barbican Centre
Designing Bond's World
This film focuses on the creation of the iconic world inhabited by James Bond over 50 years. We spend time with award winning set designer, Sir Ken Adam; as well as Aston Martin’s Head of Design; along with the designers and the makers of the legendary Golden Gun.
The Barbican marks the 50th anniversary of James Bond with a unique exhibition showcasing the inside story of the design and style of the world’s most influential and iconic movie brand: http://www.barbican.org.uk/bond/
Youtube results:

A day at the assessment centre
A typical day at an assessment centre showing candidates taking the different tests....
published: 31 Jul 2013
A day at the assessment centre
A day at the assessment centre
A typical day at an assessment centre showing candidates taking the different tests.- published: 31 Jul 2013
- views: 2825

Jesus at the Centre of it All Israel Houghton & Micah Massey - Hillsong Conference *New Song*
Jesus at the Center of it All... Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it a...
published: 28 Aug 2011
author: freechapelworship
Jesus at the Centre of it All Israel Houghton & Micah Massey - Hillsong Conference *New Song*
Jesus at the Centre of it All Israel Houghton & Micah Massey - Hillsong Conference *New Song*
Jesus at the Center of it All... Jesus at the center of it all Jesus at the center of it all From beginning to the end It will always be It's always been You...- published: 28 Aug 2011
- views: 1245792
- author: freechapelworship

Documentaire : Centre spécial pour filles rebelles
Centre spécial pour filles rebelles
Un film de Danièle ALET
Découvrez l'histoire de ces j...
published: 15 Oct 2013
Documentaire : Centre spécial pour filles rebelles
Documentaire : Centre spécial pour filles rebelles
Centre spécial pour filles rebelles Un film de Danièle ALET Découvrez l'histoire de ces jeunes filles multirécidivistes placées pendant six mois par la justice dans un centre spécialisé, le centre de la seconde chance... Durée : 111 minutes- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 536

Lady Gaga - Applause choreography by Oleg Kasynets feat Lada Kasynets - Dance Centre Myway
Jazz-funk studios in Dance Centre Myway. Kiev, Ukraine.
Choreography by Oleg Kasynets (Оле...
published: 24 Aug 2013
Lady Gaga - Applause choreography by Oleg Kasynets feat Lada Kasynets - Dance Centre Myway
Lady Gaga - Applause choreography by Oleg Kasynets feat Lada Kasynets - Dance Centre Myway
Jazz-funk studios in Dance Centre Myway. Kiev, Ukraine. Choreography by Oleg Kasynets (Олег Касинец). Dancers: Oleg Kasynets (Олег Касинец), Lada Kasynets (Лада Касинец). Music: Lady Gaga - Applause from ARTPOP. http://www,mywaydance.com/ You dream to take Oleg and Lada Kasynets classes? Dreams come true in Dance Centre Myway! MYWAY.2.SKILL program - 3 to 90-days courses for dancers from all over the world is AVAILABLE NOW! Check out the link: http://mywaydance.com/visit/ Subscribe MYWAYDANCE to SEE videos FIRST Join Dance Centre Myway in social networks! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dancecentremyway Twitter: https://twitter.com/MywayUA Vkontakte: http://vk.com/mywaydance- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 1596