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The Coalition in power

  1. 1

    'Issues of quality control' at ABC: Former chairman

    by NewsOnABC 581 views

    Donald McDonald, former chairman of the ABC, says he would not have published leaked material from whistleblower Edward Snowden and calls for a review of the broadcaster.

  2. 2

    Clive Palmer concerned his phone is bugged

    by NewsOnABC 4,277 views

    Billionaire MP Clive Palmer asks Prime Minister Tony Abbott whether Australian Parliamentary offices are under covert surveillance. Read more: http://ab.co/1jjJpAM

  3. 3

    Religion raised as pokies reform again rears head

    by NewsOnABC 4,095 views

    Independent MP Andrew Wilkie asks why 'avowed Christians' in the Australian Government want to dismantle laws tackling problem gambling.

  4. 4

    Two-party system 'threatens democracy': Palmer

    by NewsOnABC 23,506 views

    Maverick billionaire MP Clive Palmer uses his maiden speech to Federal Parliament to call for innovation and changes to taxation. Read more here: http://ab.co/1aoLVOi

  5. 5

    Filipino 'porn star' tweet: Liberal strategist responds

    by NewsOnABC 8,801 views

    Liberal strategist Mark Textor talks to the ABC's Andrew Greene following racially-loaded statements posted on Twitter. Read more: http://ab.co/189JBka

  6. 6

    Abbott: Australia spies 'to help allies'

    by NewsOnABC 6,574 views

    Prime Minister Tony Abbott says Australia uses resources such as 'information' to help friends and allies. His comments come as revelations Australia attempted to tap the phone of Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono emerge: http://ab.co/1bSrqw1

  7. 7

    Montage: Kevin Rudd's political journey

    by NewsOnABC 4,990 views

    A collection of significant moments from the political legacy of former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd, who has resigned from the Parliament. Read more here: http://ab.co/1aSQwhN

  8. 8

    'When did this so-called spying take place?'

    by NewsOnABC 2,277 views

    Prime Minister Tony Abbott tells the ABC's 7:30 program "all governments gather information" in relation to allegations Australia has spied on Indonesia.

  9. 9

    'Fasten your seatbelts' as Newman savages Palmer

    by NewsOnABC 3,733 views

    Queensland Premier Campbell Newman launches an extraordinary spray against new Federal MP Clive Palmer, including alleging he sought preferential treatment for business projects. Read more: http://ab.co/1clLjeQ Interview by ABC 612 Brisbane's Steve Austin.

  10. 10

    'Electricity Bill' reference to Bill Shorten ruled okay by Speaker

    by NewsOnABC 10,767 views

    The Speaker of Federal Parliament, Bronwyn Bishop, has ruled that it is OK to refer to the Opposition Leader as "Electricity Bill Shorten". Read more here: http://ab.co/HVLDrj

  11. 11

    Labor MPs erupt in laughter as Abbott calls for Bishop to be Speaker

    by NewsOnABC 22,726 views

    Watch Prime Minister Tony Abbott call for Bronwyn Bishop's election as Speaker of the Australian Parliament. Read more: http://ab.co/1dZKH0J

  12. 12

    Clive Palmer references Karl Marx in opening political salvo

    by NewsOnABC 8,426 views

    In address to the National Press Club ahead of his first Parliamentary sitting, Clive Palmer suggest the world would be a better place if Karl Marx, the father of communism, had remained a journalist.

  13. 13

    MP likens Australian Parliament to Hogwarts

    by NewsOnABC 11,598 views

    Labor MP Tony Burke declares it is as if Professor Dolores Umbridge, a fictional headmistress in the Harry Potter novels, is now in charge of Parliament as Bronwyn Bishop takes up the role of Speaker. http://ab.co/1dZKH0J

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