Prop ruling turns Parliament into a circus
Fireworks in Parliament as Member For North Sydney Joe Hockey expands a prop showing Labor...
published: 28 May 2009
author: Mr Gillespie from the Department
Prop ruling turns Parliament into a circus
Prop ruling turns Parliament into a circus
Fireworks in Parliament as Member For North Sydney Joe Hockey expands a prop showing Labor's forecast debt to the year 2022. A rather hilarious performance a...- published: 28 May 2009
- views: 30650
- author: Mr Gillespie from the Department
Parliament hears insults exchanged and Speaker questioned
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott exchanged insults while Pet...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: NewsOnABC
Parliament hears insults exchanged and Speaker questioned
Parliament hears insults exchanged and Speaker questioned
Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott exchanged insults while Peter Slipper narrowly survived a vote on his role as Speaker before r...- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 106350
- author: NewsOnABC
U.S. President Barack Obama addresses the Australian Parliament 17-11-2011
US President Barack Obama has declared the Asia-Pacific region his nation's top priority i...
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: Ian McPherson
U.S. President Barack Obama addresses the Australian Parliament 17-11-2011
U.S. President Barack Obama addresses the Australian Parliament 17-11-2011
US President Barack Obama has declared the Asia-Pacific region his nation's top priority in an address to a special sitting of Australia's Federal Parliament...- published: 17 Nov 2011
- views: 59169
- author: Ian McPherson
MP likens Australian Parliament to Hogwarts
Labor MP Tony Burke declares it is as if Professor Dolores Umbridge, a fictional headmistr...
published: 12 Nov 2013
MP likens Australian Parliament to Hogwarts
MP likens Australian Parliament to Hogwarts
Labor MP Tony Burke declares it is as if Professor Dolores Umbridge, a fictional headmistress in the Harry Potter novels, is now in charge of Parliament as Bronwyn Bishop takes up the role of Speaker. http://ab.co/1dZKH0J- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 208
How the Australian Parliament wastes time late at night
10 December 2013. The Speaker Bronwyn Bishop gets confused when making a ruling (accidenta...
published: 14 Dec 2013
How the Australian Parliament wastes time late at night
How the Australian Parliament wastes time late at night
10 December 2013. The Speaker Bronwyn Bishop gets confused when making a ruling (accidentally ruling in favour of the opposition), after which, Anthony Albanese insists on a division on every single procedural motion that follows. A division requires that members not in the chamber come from their office into the chamber to vote (for risk of being outvoted by the other side) for which four minutes is allowed. Then all members' vote of "aye" or "no" is recorded - not just how many members on each side, but their names too, which takes another five minutes or so. The opposition has no chance of winning a division - the government having a majority of members in the House - so insisting on a division for each motion serves no purpose other than to waste an enormous amount of MPs' time. Parliament finally ended for the day at 11:10pm.- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 27
Fireworks as Wilson Tuckey is kicked out of the House
Member For O'Connor Wilson Tuckey refuses to leave without a fight after the Speaker of th...
published: 28 May 2008
author: Mr Gillespie from the Department
Fireworks as Wilson Tuckey is kicked out of the House
Fireworks as Wilson Tuckey is kicked out of the House
Member For O'Connor Wilson Tuckey refuses to leave without a fight after the Speaker of the newly-elected Rudd Labor Government "asks" him to leave the Chamb...- published: 28 May 2008
- views: 66342
- author: Mr Gillespie from the Department
Tony Abbott's Godwin Grech moment - Parliament of Australian 29 Nov 2012
Tony Abbott's Godwin Grech moment - no evidence, no smoking gun and no guts. Nothing but a...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: George Bludger
Tony Abbott's Godwin Grech moment - Parliament of Australian 29 Nov 2012
Tony Abbott's Godwin Grech moment - Parliament of Australian 29 Nov 2012
Tony Abbott's Godwin Grech moment - no evidence, no smoking gun and no guts. Nothing but a smear campaign against the Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gill...- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 19736
- author: George Bludger
Abbott & Rudd debate Health & Hospital policy - Part 1/3
House of Representatives 18/3/10 The Government suspends Question Time to enable Leader of...
published: 19 Mar 2010
author: ShowsOn
Abbott & Rudd debate Health & Hospital policy - Part 1/3
Abbott & Rudd debate Health & Hospital policy - Part 1/3
House of Representatives 18/3/10 The Government suspends Question Time to enable Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott (Liberal, New South Wales) to outline t...- published: 19 Mar 2010
- views: 11002
- author: ShowsOn
MP suspended for calling Treasurer Costello a "chicken"
An MP is suspended from the service of the House for calling Treasurer Peter Costello a ch...
published: 18 Oct 2007
author: Mr Gillespie from the Department
MP suspended for calling Treasurer Costello a "chicken"
MP suspended for calling Treasurer Costello a "chicken"
An MP is suspended from the service of the House for calling Treasurer Peter Costello a chicken (according to the news that day). Earlier in this clip the Sp...- published: 18 Oct 2007
- views: 49231
- author: Mr Gillespie from the Department
Australia's new Parliament sits for the first time
New Prime Minister Tony Abbott has begun to outline his legislative agenda but the issue o...
published: 12 Nov 2013
Australia's new Parliament sits for the first time
Australia's new Parliament sits for the first time
New Prime Minister Tony Abbott has begun to outline his legislative agenda but the issue of asylum seekers is still overshadowing Australian politics.- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 140
Gillard grills Abbott on his misogyny
https://www.facebook.com/KeepCalmAbbottisnotPM For a transcript: http://www.smh.com.au/opi...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: liberalcynic
Gillard grills Abbott on his misogyny
Gillard grills Abbott on his misogyny
https://www.facebook.com/KeepCalmAbbottisnotPM For a transcript: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/transcript-of-julia-gillards-speech-20121010-27...- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 215597
- author: liberalcynic
Parliament Question Time Nov 2 2011
Australian Parliament Question time November 2 2011. Questions regarding the Qantas Employ...
published: 02 Nov 2011
author: TheBreakfastBurrito
Parliament Question Time Nov 2 2011
Parliament Question Time Nov 2 2011
Australian Parliament Question time November 2 2011. Questions regarding the Qantas Employee lockout of Oct 29, 2011.- published: 02 Nov 2011
- views: 2187
- author: TheBreakfastBurrito
Tony Abbott (and Christopher Pyne) running from Parliament to avoid accepting Craig Thomson's vote.
Tony Abbott (and Christopher Pyne) running from Parliament to avoid accepting Craig Thomso...
published: 30 May 2012
author: phonytonyabbott
Tony Abbott (and Christopher Pyne) running from Parliament to avoid accepting Craig Thomson's vote.
Tony Abbott (and Christopher Pyne) running from Parliament to avoid accepting Craig Thomson's vote.
Tony Abbott (and Christopher Pyne) running from Parliament to avoid accepting Craig Thomson's vote. It should be reminded that political parties don't accept...- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 45907
- author: phonytonyabbott
Vimeo results:
Wayne Glew Interview - Writ Of Mandamus And Australian Constitution_Version 1
Wayne Kenneth of the family Glew is interviewed by Graham Francis of the family Lennard.
published: 19 Dec 2010
author: Wayne Glew Strawman
Wayne Glew Interview - Writ Of Mandamus And Australian Constitution_Version 1
Wayne Kenneth of the family Glew is interviewed by Graham Francis of the family Lennard.
Wayne and a group of 8 other Australians have issued the nescessary paperwork that litterally sacks the entire Australian parliament.
This "Writ Of Mandamus" was officially placed in at the High Court and accepted as "all in order" in early December 2010.
The High court now has until December the 29th to issue it's response which will be...if it follows the law...to dissolve the Parliament through various Constitutional measures.
This is not a joke nor a "mickey mouse" fun and games outfit. It is the real deal.
Wayne explains the basics and the power that lies within the grasp of the individual if they will only see that wise men from not so long ago framed the laws of the land to be in accord with the will of the people.
This video will be updated and added to regularly.
When it is finalized with extra video and images and general information it will be posted in high quality for people to turn into DVD's and distribute.
Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor | Gianna Jessen, supravieţuitoare a avortului
Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor, speaks at Queen's Hall, Parliament House, Victoria (Aust...
published: 04 Feb 2010
author: provita
Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor | Gianna Jessen, supravieţuitoare a avortului
Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor, speaks at Queen's Hall, Parliament House, Victoria (Australia), on the eve of the debate to decriminalize abortion in Victoria.
Gianna Jessen is a public speaker who travels around the world. She primarily speaks against abortion by sharing her personal story as an abortion survivor. Gianna has cerebral palsy as a result of the saline solution used during the abortion procedure, and after she was born alive, doctors predicted she would never crawl or walk. Today, she runs marathons.
She use to say, "If abortion is about women's rights, then what were my rights?"
See http://www.giannajessen.com/
(RO) Gianna Jessen (SUA), supravieţuitoare a unui avort nereuşit, vorbeşte la Queen's Hall, Parliament House, statul australian Victoria, în timpul dezbaterilor privind legalizarea avortului, în 2008.
Gianna Jessen a rămas cu o paralizie cerebrală după ce s-a născut la 7 luni în urma unei tentative de avort salin. Procedura presupune administrarea unor chimicale, iar copilul moare şi este expulzat în câteva ore. Norocul Giannei a fost că medicul avorţionist nu era în spital în momentul în care s-a declanşat expulzarea, întrucât în astfel de cazuri, copilul care se naşte totuşi viu este ucis de medic sau lăsat să moară de foame - ca expresie supremă a "progresului umanităţii".
Deşi doctorii au spus că ea nu va putea niciodată merge, Gianna aleargă astăzi maraton pentru a strânge fonduri dedicate altor supravieţuitori ai avortului.
Gianna şi-a dedicat viaţa muzicii şi educării publicului asupra acestui flagel înspăimântător, avortul, care a făcut doar în SUA aproape 50 de milioane de victime.
Urâtă, ameninţată cu moartea de feministe, Gianna obişnuieşte să spună: "Dacă avortul este dreptul femeii, unde sunt drepturile mele?"
Mai multe la http://www.giannajessen.com/
România are, din 1990, cea mai înaltă rată a avortului din cele 27 de ţări care astăzi alcătuiesc Uniunea Europeană.
Friends of Malaysia, Singapore and Australia Forum with Raja Petra Kamaruddin and YB Nurul Izzah
More than 500 people turned up at Clayton Hall to listen to Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah a...
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: Lutfi Hakim
Friends of Malaysia, Singapore and Australia Forum with Raja Petra Kamaruddin and YB Nurul Izzah
More than 500 people turned up at Clayton Hall to listen to Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah and Malaysia Today blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin untangle current political issues.
The MP and blogger-in-exile were in Melbourne before heading to the Australian capital Canberra for an official visit to the Parliament to meet with Australian Parliamentarians.
The forum was chaired by Singapore opposition figure, Dr James Gomez.
For more details on upcoming events , like www.facebook.com/msafriends
Video by Mozad Kamari
The Act to End Poverty is moved through the House of Representatives
At 9:15pm, Monday the 31st of May, the Act to End Poverty was moved through the House of R...
published: 01 Jun 2010
author: Peter Willis
The Act to End Poverty is moved through the House of Representatives
At 9:15pm, Monday the 31st of May, the Act to End Poverty was moved through the House of Representatives.
Maria Vamvakinou (MP for Calwell), Greg Hunt (Shadow Minister for Climate Action and MP for Flinders) and Mike Symon (MP for Ringwood) spoke.
The Act to End Poverty united 50,000 Australians over the course of the MAKE POVERTY HISTORY Roadtrip campaign. Now it has been endorsed by both parties, in both Houses of Parliament.
More information can be found at: www.acttoendpoverty.com.au
Youtube results:
Uproar in Australian parliament
Four MP's evicted from the house in a Ruckus over Kev's RDO (rostered day off)...
published: 22 Feb 2008
author: Mick Rogers
Uproar in Australian parliament
Uproar in Australian parliament
Four MP's evicted from the house in a Ruckus over Kev's RDO (rostered day off)- published: 22 Feb 2008
- views: 112047
- author: Mick Rogers
Kevin Rudd announces his retirement from Parliament
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd tearily announces he will leave Parliament. Read more: ht...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Kevin Rudd announces his retirement from Parliament
Kevin Rudd announces his retirement from Parliament
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd tearily announces he will leave Parliament. Read more: http://ab.co/1aSQwhN- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 301
Parliament House of Australia, Canberra, ACT Australia
The Australian Parliament House is located on Capital Hill, Canberra, Australian Capital T...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: TheFamilyguy421
Parliament House of Australia, Canberra, ACT Australia
Parliament House of Australia, Canberra, ACT Australia
The Australian Parliament House is located on Capital Hill, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Australia. This is the new Parliament House that wa...- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 2139
- author: TheFamilyguy421
Queen addresses nation from Parliament House, Canberra 21 October 2011
On the third day of the 16th visit Australia, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is welcomed t...
published: 22 Oct 2011
author: aussiecrowntv
Queen addresses nation from Parliament House, Canberra 21 October 2011
Queen addresses nation from Parliament House, Canberra 21 October 2011
On the third day of the 16th visit Australia, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is welcomed to a reception at Parliament House, Canberra, by the Prime Minister,...- published: 22 Oct 2011
- views: 6696
- author: aussiecrowntv