
Game Theory: Polybius, MK Ultra, and the CIA's Brainwashing Arcade Game
Polybius is the biggest video game urban legend. An arcade game that brainwashes its playe...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: The Game Theorists
Game Theory: Polybius, MK Ultra, and the CIA's Brainwashing Arcade Game
Game Theory: Polybius, MK Ultra, and the CIA's Brainwashing Arcade Game
Polybius is the biggest video game urban legend. An arcade game that brainwashes its players with subliminal messages. Most write it off as a glitchy version...- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 462273
- author: The Game Theorists

Creepy Gaming - POLYBIUS: Real or Fake? (S2:Ep.2)
THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL EPISODE YET!*** This week we take a look at the urban legend of Pol...
published: 01 Oct 2012
author: TheStickyPaddle
Creepy Gaming - POLYBIUS: Real or Fake? (S2:Ep.2)
Creepy Gaming - POLYBIUS: Real or Fake? (S2:Ep.2)
THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL EPISODE YET!*** This week we take a look at the urban legend of Polybius. Did the infamous arcade cabinet really exist? Or was it j...- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 131869
- author: TheStickyPaddle

Extranormal Polybius El videojuego maldito
Extranormal Polybius El videojuego maldito . . Follow me: http://twitter.com/TheCalavera01...
published: 22 Dec 2009
author: TheCalavera01
Extranormal Polybius El videojuego maldito
Extranormal Polybius El videojuego maldito
Extranormal Polybius El videojuego maldito . . Follow me: http://twitter.com/TheCalavera01.- published: 22 Dec 2009
- views: 1206948
- author: TheCalavera01

Haunted Gaming - Polybius Revisited (CREEPYPASTA THEORY)
Hey guys and gals, me Mutahar again! This time we take a look back at a popular creepypast...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Haunted Gaming - Polybius Revisited (CREEPYPASTA THEORY)
Haunted Gaming - Polybius Revisited (CREEPYPASTA THEORY)
Hey guys and gals, me Mutahar again! This time we take a look back at a popular creepypasta that I've done before called Polybius! Could it have been real? B...- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 123326
- author: SomeOrdinaryGamers

The Polybius Theory
The Gamer from Mars will uncover the truth about the Polybius Arcade Cabinet Rumor....
published: 09 Dec 2011
author: TheGamerFromMars
The Polybius Theory
The Polybius Theory
The Gamer from Mars will uncover the truth about the Polybius Arcade Cabinet Rumor.- published: 09 Dec 2011
- views: 263913
- author: TheGamerFromMars

Polybius: The Facts and Fiction
Could a video game really drive someone insane? Some people believe so -- and, according t...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Polybius: The Facts and Fiction
Polybius: The Facts and Fiction
Could a video game really drive someone insane? Some people believe so -- and, according to the urban legend, the game still exists. But how much of the story is true? Join Ben and Matt as they take a look at the legendary Polybius. Join Ben and Matt to learn the Stuff They Don't Want You To Know about everything from ancient history to UFOs, government secrets, and the future of civilization. New videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Watch More Stuff They Don't Want You To Know on TestTube http://testtube.com/stufftheydontwant... STDWYTK Audio Podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/stuff-they-dont-want-you-to/id732915228?mt=2&ign-mpt;=uo%3D2 STDWYTK Audio Podcast RSS Feed: http://www.howstuffworks.com/podcasts/stuff-they-dont-want-you-to-know-audio.rss Please Subscribe to Stuff They Don't Want You To Know http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Watch More http://www.youtube.com/user/conspirac... Twitter http://twitter.com/ConspiracyStuff Ben on Twitter http://twitter.com/BenBowlinHSW Facebook http://facebook.com/ConspiracyStuff Google+ http://gplus.to/ConspiracyStuff- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 10624

Let's Play - Polybius, The Urban Legend (Do not watch if prone to seizures)
I play Polybius, the game that supposedly causes people to go insane and was created by th...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: shiftri
Let's Play - Polybius, The Urban Legend (Do not watch if prone to seizures)
Let's Play - Polybius, The Urban Legend (Do not watch if prone to seizures)
I play Polybius, the game that supposedly causes people to go insane and was created by the military. The edges in the video are not a render glitch, that is...- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 20248
- author: shiftri

Polybius is an urban legend among arcade games. Allegedly released in several Oregon Subur...
published: 01 Apr 2009
author: Shadgrimgrvy
Polybius is an urban legend among arcade games. Allegedly released in several Oregon Suburbs in 1981 it caused traumatic side-effects for people who played i...- published: 01 Apr 2009
- views: 226646
- author: Shadgrimgrvy

Polybius Gameplay
Más Info sobre el juego Polybius : http://documentalium.blogspot.com/2010/01/leyendas-urba...
published: 04 Mar 2013
author: Documentalium
Polybius Gameplay
Polybius Gameplay
Más Info sobre el juego Polybius : http://documentalium.blogspot.com/2010/01/leyendas-urbanas-polybius-el-videojuego.html Polybius es un supuesto videojuego ...- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 3939
- author: Documentalium

Urban Legends - Polybius
An Arcade video game that was released in a small Portland suburb and would give players s...
published: 10 Aug 2013
author: Real Life Mysteries
Urban Legends - Polybius
Urban Legends - Polybius
An Arcade video game that was released in a small Portland suburb and would give players symptoms such as, Nightmares, Headaches, Amnesia, Blackouts, Epileps...- published: 10 Aug 2013
- views: 3319
- author: Real Life Mysteries

Loquendo Polybius - El arcade del terror
Hola a todos los Gamers, seguidores, amigos, y demás usuarios de YouTube. Aquí les traigo ...
published: 28 Mar 2012
author: Vandersar895
Loquendo Polybius - El arcade del terror
Loquendo Polybius - El arcade del terror
Hola a todos los Gamers, seguidores, amigos, y demás usuarios de YouTube. Aquí les traigo mis palabras sobre el polémico juego que salió hace más o menos una...- published: 28 Mar 2012
- views: 2338
- author: Vandersar895

EP2 Polybius
Un misterioso gioco arcade del 1981, come può essere entrato nella mente e nella vita di m...
published: 21 Apr 2012
author: parliamodivg
EP2 Polybius
EP2 Polybius
Un misterioso gioco arcade del 1981, come può essere entrato nella mente e nella vita di molti giocatori dell'Oregon? GRUPPO FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.co...- published: 21 Apr 2012
- views: 225261
- author: parliamodivg

Video Game Mysteries Polybius
In the 80's arcades dominated the gaming scene. Although amongst the Pac-Mans and Asteroid...
published: 19 May 2013
author: TheTetrahedronVG
Video Game Mysteries Polybius
Video Game Mysteries Polybius
In the 80's arcades dominated the gaming scene. Although amongst the Pac-Mans and Asteroids, there was an obscure game that allegedly caused some very nasty ...- published: 19 May 2013
- views: 3366
- author: TheTetrahedronVG

bloggers jugando polybius---un juego maldito...
jejeje aki las consecuencias de lo que te causa este juego sera verdad aki lo comprobamos ...
published: 03 Jul 2011
author: SkepticsAscetics
bloggers jugando polybius---un juego maldito...
bloggers jugando polybius---un juego maldito...
jejeje aki las consecuencias de lo que te causa este juego sera verdad aki lo comprobamos Apoyanos dandole laike: https://www.facebook.com/SkepticsAscetics?r...- published: 03 Jul 2011
- views: 11572
- author: SkepticsAscetics
Vimeo results:

We are submerged in a dry swimming pool. A SEGA Mega Drive, Commodore 64, floppy disk driv...
published: 20 Jul 2013
author: James Houston
We are submerged in a dry swimming pool. A SEGA Mega Drive, Commodore 64, floppy disk drives and hard drives sing in unison. The unusual ensemble (controlled live via MIDI) are given a last curtain call in a nostalgic farewell to forgotten friends.
Video by James Houston
"I asked Julian Corrie to compose and perform a piece of bespoke music for antiquated hardware that I had turned into instruments then rigged together via MIDI."
See also Big Ideas (don't get any) http://1030.co.uk/work/big-ideas-dont-get-any/
Polybius production photos:
@1030 , @miaouxmiaoux , @officialboldyin
Produced by Bold Yin for Channel 4

POLYBIUS ( 2010)
published: 01 Feb 2010
author: Raquel Meyers
POLYBIUS ( 2010)

A 3 minute short for Channel 4's Random Acts strand. A bittersweet love song to everything...
published: 02 May 2013
author: David Liddell - DOP
A 3 minute short for Channel 4's Random Acts strand. A bittersweet love song to everything retro.
Shot on Canon C300 and EF Primes.
Director: James Houston
DOP: David Liddell
Producer: Joanne Daly
Company: Bold Yin
Youtube results:

Qué es lo que realmente pasa cuando juegas polybius y lo que a mi me pasó
Jamás lo vallan a descargar, no tube tiempo de buscar los demas mensajes pero algo es algo...
published: 18 Dec 2009
author: inquisidor124
Qué es lo que realmente pasa cuando juegas polybius y lo que a mi me pasó
Qué es lo que realmente pasa cuando juegas polybius y lo que a mi me pasó
Jamás lo vallan a descargar, no tube tiempo de buscar los demas mensajes pero algo es algo, me dio amnesia intermedia , sobre todo de corto plazo, se los dig...- published: 18 Dec 2009
- views: 4817
- author: inquisidor124

Polybius - Subliminal Messages & Voices (Read Description)
Voices:- Long exhale - 6:04, 8:33. Scream - 8:42. 'Try again' - 21:13. 'Why don't you play...
published: 30 Mar 2013
author: VideoGameCarnage
Polybius - Subliminal Messages & Voices (Read Description)
Polybius - Subliminal Messages & Voices (Read Description)
Voices:- Long exhale - 6:04, 8:33. Scream - 8:42. 'Try again' - 21:13. 'Why don't you play?' - 21:50. Moan - Every time you start a level. Subliminal Message...- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 2940
- author: VideoGameCarnage

Spielmythos: Polybius - Selbstmord und Paranoia durch Arcade-Spiel
In diesem Video geht es um den Mythos um das Arcade-Spiel Polybius. Download von Polybius:...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: valhtv
Spielmythos: Polybius - Selbstmord und Paranoia durch Arcade-Spiel
Spielmythos: Polybius - Selbstmord und Paranoia durch Arcade-Spiel
In diesem Video geht es um den Mythos um das Arcade-Spiel Polybius. Download von Polybius: http://sinnesloschen.com Gefällt mir auf http://facebook.com/valen...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 10441
- author: valhtv

Dross juega Polybius
Las historias de pesadillas, de epilepsia y de agentes secretos en las salas recreativas. ...
published: 04 Sep 2009
author: DrossRotzank
Dross juega Polybius
Dross juega Polybius
Las historias de pesadillas, de epilepsia y de agentes secretos en las salas recreativas. Dross se envalentona y juega el juego tras la leyenda. Haz click en...- published: 04 Sep 2009
- views: 522538
- author: DrossRotzank