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17 Gavan de Oro-San Luis de Palenque PAREJAS GANADORAS MODALIDAD PAREJAS DE BAILE Chayann Jimenez y Karetine Gonzalez Felipe Hinojosa y Francy Santos.
joropo otro genero musical latino.
El Conjunto Llanero Caribabare de Villanueva Casanare exhibe su talento artístico, con la ejecución de sus instrumentos y su pareja de baile.
Joropo entreverado es una las muchas versiònes coreograficas que tiene el este baile.El jorpo es el ritmo y el baile mÀS REPRESENTATIVO DE LA REGION COLOMBO ...
Hola Parrandeando con el Folklore tiene el agrado de presentar Lo Mejor de Mario Dìaz Mix Joropo Tuyero o Central. Mezclado por mi persona Rafa Fernandez JFK. Espero sea de su agrado. Pueden Visitar nuestra pagina en Lista de Canciones : 01 El Leñador Perdido 00:00 a 4:24 02 El Tira Besistos 4:20 a 8:15 03 El Gato Enmochilao 8:16 a 10:16 04 Un jonron con Tres en Base 10:17 a 14:43 05 El Amanecer Tuyero 14:45 a 18:05 06 El Ermitaño 18:07 a 21:12 07 Tu Voz 21:14 a 23:55 08 La Muerte de Tite 23:57 a 26:48 09 Travesuras en la playa 26:50 a 31:32 10 Ese Rancho se Gotea 31:39 a 36:39 11 El Reloj y la Camioneta 36:41 a 40:57 12 El Cazador 40:58 a 43:39 13 Nicanor Ochoa 43:40 a 45:40 14 El llanto de una niña 45:41 a 50:50 15 Muñequita Vieja 50:41 a 55:52 16 Perdoname 55:52 a 59:50 17 Como Madre no Hay Mujer 59:52 a 1:03:47 18 El Gato Negro 1:03:50 a 1:08:19 19 La Casita 1:08:20 a 1:13:04 20 Amiga novia y amante 1:13:06 a 1:17:48 21 Tuyero que Bonito 1:17:50 a 1:20:44 22 Tierra Liberada 1:20:49 a 1:24:50 23 A mario Diaz 1:24:51 a 1:29:21 24 De Requena no Me voy 1:29:52 a 1:32:40 25 Cantaras para mi 1:32:41 a 1:36:33 26 Festividades de Cembrina 1:36:44 a 1:40:40.
Ganadores de la categoría Profesional Espectáculo de la versión 11 de Joropiando en el Arauca 2014. /
9 Festival Nacional de Música llanera El Chalán San Rafael de Guanapalo Casanare-Colombia, 3 de los 5 finalistas, en la modalidad parejas de baile libre.
Ganador en la categoría joropo espectáculo en la versión 10 de Joropiando en el Arauca año 2013. /
Para que disfruten a través de este video clip, los mejores sitios naturales de Acacías Meta, localizado en el llano Colombiano. REALIZACIÓN: www.arielmedios...
una desmostración sensacional del baile de joropo en el precipicio de manera fenomenal espero que disfruten este video gracias por los comentarios sigamos ap...
Recopilacion de videos Bailes de Joropo... El joropo es un género musical folclórico autóctono de Venezuela y Colombia, con origen y epicentro en los Llanos,...
Delegación Venezolana_ Ensayando previamente en Casanare antes de ir a Villavicencio-Meta al Concurso del 43 Torneo Internacional del Joporo. En la parte fin...
Primer lugar Baile de Joropo académico, Festival de música llanera el Girara de Oro. Tame, Arauca. Joropo dance of Venezuela. /
Eta versión de joropo, es uns propuesta del ballet Cantaclro de Maracaibo-Venezuel con una puesta en escena con téctica nacionalista.
Visita JULIO PANTOJA en concierto mani casanare 2011 en el marco del XIX festival internacional de la bandola llanera Pedro Flore...
Joropo Venezolano
Joropo Venezolano
Página Oficial - Official Site: Cantando 'Aquí les traigo joropo' esta joven de 13 años mostró su talento y representó al folclor llanero. Singing 'Aquí les traigo joropo' this 13 year old showed his talent and represented the Colombia’s east region folklore Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
Del LP. Joropo ...... En el minuto 12,44 hay un muy buen contrapunteo por tema. LP de producción Evangélica.
Noelia Arias y Andreína Chataing en Joropo Caliente - Infieles - Chilevisión Cuando el simpático de Charly va a la casa de sus nuevos vecinos a reclamar por la música, se encuentra que tiene una guapísima vecina venezolana que lo hará caer en más de un problema. ¿Qué ocurrirá? Descúbrelo aquí.
los niños del joropo en cofren gracias DIOS por la oportunidad CORCULLA
Arena Presenta en una amena entrevista a la banda aragüeña Toberías @toberiasbanda, que nos trae una propuesta de #electrojoropo que está buenísima. Serenatuyera, Yogurizate, serán los temas que tendremos en esta edición de Arena Presenta. ¡Escúchala!
Un resumen de las diferentes manifestaciones del Joropo Venezolano, donde se aprecia al Joropo Llanero que es el más reconocido y representativo como folclor...
Las Tradiciones, las costumbres y el folklore de nuestro pueblo, son la expresión más honesta de la identidad de una región, es por ello que el equipo de Vive Orinoco realizó este documental lleno de historia y calidez, protagonizado por los verdaderos actores; cultores, bailadores, gente del pueblo que no han dejado a un lado sus raíces. Joropo Guayanes, expresión de un pueblo
Documental "El Joropo se hizo Torneo" narra como se inicio el festival en los años 60's. Las Experiencias, el baile del Joropo, los cantantes, los compositor...
Programa de formacion integral en danza llanera para niños y niñas de primera infancia (3 y 5 años de edad) en la ciudad de villavicencio "parvulitos del joropo". Corporacion Cultural Llanera Luis Ariel Y Gil Arialdo Rey Roa. Capacitar en danza llanera a 120 niños y niñas de los estratos 1, 2 y 3 en edades comprendidas entre los 3 y los 5 años de edad, de la ciudad de Villavicencio. Proyecto apoyado por el Programa Nacional de Concertación Cultural del Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia
Musica llanera, solo éxitos Edición No 6. Joropo solo Joropo
El divertido y jocoso tema del SAPO. He escuchado que es original de Jazmin Muñoz. Torrente joropo venezolano en la guitarra de Ariel Atencio. Jardín 15 de d...
Documental Jhon Jairo Gaitan Tarquino Realizador Javier Corba Festival ‘El Garcero del Llano’, de Yopal (Casanare), fue declarado por el Congreso como Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación. Es un proyecto pedagógico con el propósito de difundir los valores culturales y artísticos de Yopal pero con proyección Departamental y fortalecer la identidad regional de todas las escuelas de Casanare. Organizado por la secretaría de Educación y Dirección de Núcleo. Obtuvo calificación de 66. ACTIVIDADES QUE SE DESARROLLAN: Exposiciones de arte Muestras gastronómicas Coleo Música: Voz Recia Voz pasaje Canción inédita Interpretación de instrumentos musicales Danzas Bailes Coreografías Coplas Poemas
22 Marzo 2015 festival internacional del rodeo en tauramena grupo compañia Joropo de Villavicencio
Vibraphonist Victor Feldman performing Marty Paich's arrangement of his original composition "Caracas Nights" from "Venezuela Joropo" with Bill Perkins on flute, Dennis Budimir on guitar, Monty Budwig on bass and Colin Bailey on drums.
Niños de tres y cuatro años de edad, de Sabaneta de Barinas, en Venezuela bailando Joropo, baile tradicional.
Baile realizado por Danzas Nacionalistas Expresión Criolla en la celebración de su 34 Aniversario. Coreografia: Prof. William Palencia
Baile realizado por Danzas Nacionalistas Expresión Criolla en la celebración de su 34 Aniversario. Coreografia: Prof. William Palencia
Transmisión del canal público estatal TVES. Poliedro de Caracas, marzo de 2015. Con el Sistema de Orquestas Infantiles y Juveniles, Cristóbal Jiménez, el teniente Juan Escalona, Scarleth Linares, Rey Armas, Fabiana Ochoa, Luis Silva y Vitico Castillo. ¡Joropo llanero venezolano!
Joropo Central (Juanestebiando) Cheo Hurtado & José Archila ℗ EBD Records Released on: 2015-03-19 Artist: Cheo Hurtado & José Archila Auto-generated by YouTube.
La cantora y cuatrista venezolana, Géronima Muñoz, homenajeará al Comandante Chávez este domingo en el auditorio de Cantv.
aquí tienen un video de joropo basico oh joropo para principiantes.. espero les guste
hola. espero les ayude esto ..
Hola amigos aquí tienen algo chido
hola amigos. aquí les tengo una introducción a el apagón. espero les ayude, poco a poco iremos progresando a los manidos de joropo. saludos
Hay un joropo urbano que surgió en Venezuela a partir de 1860, 1870 con grandes Maestros del piano, como Heraclio Fernández, el creador del Diablo Suelto. Es un vals muy rápido, imposible de bailarlo pero se parece más a un joropo. Y así muchos músicos de esa época, comienzan a componer joropos inspirados por los joropos tradicionales del llano y sobre todo por los joropos centrales”. Web: | Twitter: | Facebook: | Instagram:
Como se ha visto en Venezuela existen diversos estilos de joropo según las prácticas propias de cada zona del país. El joropo guayanés surge de la confluencia del joropo llanero y el oriental mezclado con la música propia de la región. A los instrumentos cuatro, bandolín (mandolina) y maracas del joropo oriental, se le agregó la bandola guayanesa, instrumento de cuatro órdenes de cuerdas dobles, de acero que se toca con un plectro. Es una variedad de la bandola oriental que influyó en el joropo guayanés y sustituyó el arpa llanera. Esta expresión netamente venezolana se caracteriza por un baile de parejas en el que una primera pareja sale y se ubica en el centro mientras el resto de las que la rodean zapatean fuertemente a ritmo sostenido. Web: | Twitter: | Facebook: | Instagram:
El joropo llanero es una manifestación popular heredada de nuestros antepasados que se ha trasmitido de generación en generación. Es una expresión donde se conjugan la música que se interpreta con arpa, cuatro y maracas y el baile como un todo. Se caracteriza por un sistema de secuencias armónicas fijas, que a partir de canciones y danzas tradicionales se convirtieron en formas musicales, subdividiéndose en dos grandes tipos: golpes y pasajes. El primero generalmente se le califica como recio, por sus características de fuerza y vigor. Posee una estructura musical fija y sus letras se componen de versos octosílabos; mientras, que el pasaje tiene un carácter más lírico. El pasaje es más bien sereno, en comparación al golpe; sus temas más comunes son el amor y la tierra. Los instrumentos usados para interpretar el joropo llanero son: el arpa, el cuatro y las maracas, pero últimamente se incluye el bajo eléctrico Web: | Twitter: | Facebook: | Instagram:
Género musical característico de los estados Aragua y Miranda y de las zonas oriental de Carabobo y norte de Guárico. El joropo tuyero o pasaje aragüeño, como también se le conoce, acompaña al baile del joropo en la zona central del país. Este género es interpretado por un conjunto conformado por un arpista y un cantante que, a su vez, ejecuta las maracas. Por esta razón, este grupo se conoce con el nombre de Arpa, maraca y buche. En el joropo central destacan las siguientes variantes o especies: golpes, resbalosas, pajarillos, yaguazos, pasajes, guabinas. Web: | Twitter: | Facebook: | Instagram:
Esta variante del joropo se interpreta y baila en los estados del oriente del país: Anzoátegui, Monagas, Sucre y Nueva Esparta. Se realiza en las fiestas patronales y otras festividades colectivas. El joropo con estribillo o golpe y estribillo son expresiones de este género local. Está estructurado en dos partes bastante diferenciadas entre sí. En una primera etapa se hace la exposición del tema, por un compositor y se interpreta al inicio en compás de seis por ocho o tres por cuatro que son los ritmos propios de este género; y una segunda parte denominada estribillo, invariablemente interpretada en el compás de seis por ocho con una progresión armónica establecida, donde improvisa el instrumento solista. Los instrumentos utilizados tradicionalmente son la mandolina (bandolín), el cuatro, la guitarra, la marímbola y las maracas. Algunos grupos utilizan el acordeón, también conocido como cuereta, para reemplazar al bandolín Web: | Twitter: | Facebook: | Instagram:
Marco Granados - Flute Jorge Polanco - Cuatro Gonzalo Teppa - Bass
Sandoval 4tet: Ricardo Sandoval: mandoline Leo Rondon. cuatro [fabriqué par] Roberto Koch: contrebasse Rafael Mejias: percussion Enregistrement: 9/02/2014 Réalisation et montage : Maxence Tasserit Chef opérateur : Ishrann Silgidjian Assistant opérateur : Jean Didion Chef électricien : Romain Schar Cadreurs : Michael D'Auzon, Ishrann Silgidjian, Maxence Tasserit Ingénieur du son : Charles Pouchayret
North Devon Guitar Ensemble directed by Des Miles perform Joropo by Andrew Forrest in a joint concert with Alma Quartet at the Holy Trinity Church Barnstaple North devon on Valentines Day 2015. Hannah, Jonnie, Berx and Rowen who make up Alma performed their quartet programme in the second half of the concert.
... y celebra la Navidad con música de Put A Fyah tocando salsa, merengue, tambores, gaitas y joropo.
Austin American Statesman 2014-12-11... y celebra la Navidad con música de Put A Fyah tocando salsa, merengue, tambores, gaitas y joropo.
Austin American Statesman 2014-12-04... slapping on this jazz-inflected joropo, a style of music that comes from Colombia's plains.
Huffington Post 2014-11-18... traditional musical styles that define their homeland, like bullarengue, mapalé, joropo or cumbia.
Huffington Post 2014-11-14Carabello wore a T-shirt with the face of Chavez among a crowd whipped up by traditional joropo music and speeches.
Taipei Times 2014-10-19Carabello wore a t-shirt with the face of Chavez among a crowd whipped up by traditional 'joropo' music and speeches.
The Times of India 2014-10-19Carabello wore a t-shirt with the face of Chavez among a crowd whipped up by traditional 'joropo' music and speeches.
Reuters 2014-10-19It began with , writes Harvard professor Ricardo Hausmann ... So how did the professor come to do the Joropo with the president?
CounterPunch 2014-09-23... For Juju" is based on a joropo groove from Venezuela and features Harry Appelman’s inspired solo.
The Examiner 2014-08-032, No ... On his own, Rojas produced a perpetual-motion improvisation, with lots of chattering, on Moisés Moleiro’s El Joropo.
The Dallas Morning News 2014-07-14(Source: ... Jul 03, 2014 ... ) ... A vibrant melting pot of rhythms such as bolero, folkloric and joropo with a strong jazz influence ... ).
noodls 2014-07-04In order to play in a surprise concert, they go in the forest with their friends Joropo and Raina:
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2014-06-18... home and that the main tourist areas of the city where fully enjoyed during the Festival of Joropo.
noodls 2013-09-26The Joropo is a musical style resembling the waltz, and an accompanying dance, having African and European influences originated in Venezuela . It's a fundamental genre belonging to its typical music or música criolla (creole music). It is also the most popular "folk rhythm": the well-known song "Alma Llanera" is a joropo, considered the unofficial national anthem of Venezuela.
In 1882 it became Venezuela's national dance. Formerly, the Spanish word joropo meant "a party", but now it has come to mean a type of music and dance that identifies Venezuelans. This is because in the 18th century the llaneros started using the word “joropo” instead of the word "fandango", which was the word used at the time for party and dance.
The Joropo is played with the arpa llanera (harp), bandola, cuatro, and maracas (ibid), making use of polyrhythmic patterns, especially of hemiola, and alternation of 3/4 and 6/8 tempos. It was originally played, most often also sung, by the llaneros, the inhabitants Venezuelean Llanos, ' (plains), and thus also called música llanera (ibid).
Death-like in her pallor
Silver spiders in the parlor glisten
Come into me, listen
We'll open our wounds
Kill the devil moon
Come into me, listen
Am I what you see
Is this what is me
Come into me, listen
A diamond in the rough
A heart torn off the cuff
You wore it on your sleeve
Now come into me
Her heart was all she owned
Her body worn down to the bone
For she gave herself away
On every money day
Yes she took her "payn" in style
For she was saturns child
Come into me, listen
So look at my face
Draw a mask
White circles on the sun
Look at my face
Draw a mask
White circles: its begun
Hollow your mind
Watch yourself die
Come into me, listen
Come into me, listen
There's patchouli, spanish blossom, frankincense, and
I'm lavender, lavender
There's cedarwood, champa, musk, and myrrh
I'm lavender, lavender
I was smolderlng then you breathed deep
May your soul be free now my smoke is sweet
There's sandalwood, lilac, magnolia
I'm lavender, lavender
Ylang ylang, jasmine, amber
I'm lavender, lavender
I was smoldering then you breathed deep
Now our soul is free and our smoke is sweet
she could tell you right now
she could hold you near
she could tell you right now
but she couldn't shake your fear
for this is not your answer
still you gamble the loss
she was the devil's daughter
but now she carries a cross.
she suffered wooden idols
she won't take them up again
she suffered wooden idols
they're like a promise whispered in the wind
you're walkin, down the lonely highway
but you know how to believe
just got to have her hold you that way
til your tear she will receive
still you wander on and on for miles
cos you just can't shake your beast
even as she gives you her tender smile
your endless searching will never cease
you suffer wooden idols
but take them up again
you suffer wooden idols
Don't let the troll into your bed
he'll take your soul then eat your head
inside the honey hollow space
licking his fingertips of cake
He brings the whirling deep in your heart
then sing as twirling demons dark
to take you down beneath the ridge
To where is found his silent bridge
Still is the water green and thick
he'll drag you under with his stick
see flaxen gold floats there through the mist
he killed someone's daughter with his wick
An arm with grey skin bobs slowly in the pit
No don't let the troll creep in your door
he'll take you in sleep to his chamber of horror
are you dreaming no use pleading
In the interim of temporary defeat...
I am not in flame mode
I will destroy what tries to damage me Again...
know how I live by a third of my Full force and Will.
In order to not threaten
mere mortals...
Don't worry.
I am of beast nature after all
And I have let
it out of its cage.
in a room of dying
in a room of fate
in a room of dying
in a room of hate
in a room of dying
in a room of pain
in a room of dying
in a room of blame
in a room of dying
in a room of faith
in a room of dying
give me your promise baby tell me true
give me your promise i will love you
give me your promise baby make it tonight
give me your promise tell me you're mine
superficiality comes in easily
protect now the inner sanctum
alone with myself i barely recognize
reasons for this occurrence
and for this demise
superficiality comes in easily
protect now the inner sanctum
but if with a mind that is calm and clean
with him does bliss follow
mind is supreme all is creation of mind
like the never-deserting shadow
"how many times will i ask this of you baby
how will i make myself clear to you baby
how many prayers will i offer tonight baby
through the soft veil of these hot lonely tears
baby ooooh...
the never-deserting shadow
the never-deserting shadow
give me your promise baby oooh tell me true
give me your promise i will love you
give me your promise baby make it tonight
give me your promise tell me you're mine
oooh the shadow, the never-deserting shadow
the never-deserting shadow
deceptive eyes azure
and black as his heart, they do lie as they lure
go with him down and the chain will follow
unto the ends of earth now, his pain will swallow you
down down as he buries your face
down and down, his kiss sears with a trace
of the sign of the cross you'll believe now you're lost
of the sign, of the sign, of the sign of the cross...
so don't walk this red river
drink the blood from the cup
don't swim this red water
for its sad and corrupt, ahhhhhh
deceptive eyes azure
and black as his heart, they do lie as they lure
follow him down unto the ends of the earth
don't let him touch you-his cruel dead mirth
the prophesy of his words will haunt you (they hunt you down)
the prophesy of his words will taunt you (they hurt you now)
the prophesy of his words will haunt you (they hunt you down)
the prophesy of these words the prophesy of these words
so don't walk this red river
drink the blood from the cup
don't swim this red water
for its sad and corrupt, ahhhhhh
deceptive eyes azure
and black as his heart, they will lie as they lure
go with him down and the chain will follow
unto the ends of the earth now his pain
will swallow you down
(yes open your arms wide, my dear, and spread them)
open your legs wide, and welcome in
to the deep black hole through eyes azure
the deep black soul of a lonely voyeur
At last it's coming up, the sun
The bodysnatcher's day be gone
With blackened teeth and ruddy skin
And swigging long upon his gin
He's weak with his breaking back
The corpse he carries in his sack.
The bulging burlap caked with clay
Is foul yet musky from where it lay
Beside his shovel, oh precious rubble
Inside her cold and lonely grave
The mournful wind sings songs of praise:
How lovely she in her blue dress
Behold the tempting virgin flesh
Her sunken eyes filled with blind grace
Her shrunken lips with secret tastes...
For raven hair in tangles coiled
Upon white satin, he hath toiled.
He'd held her dainty feet and sighed...
The downy smooth upon her thighs
And wrapped within his fraying scarf
One little heart floats in a jar...
Swaying quiet now lifts his head
This robber stops to toast the dead
And pray will he in town lust waits
For paid he'll be by pounds just weighed...
This night he'll roam the streets of mud
He's slushing down these roads of blood
Tonight he'll own the meat and mud
This night he'll roam the streets of mud
Tonight he'll own the meat and mud
How lovely she in her blue dress
Behold the tempting virgin flesh
Ravished only by one called
the believers dance in front the altar
the believers strip their clothes
the believers give their bodies
the believers for Her glory sacrifice their own daughters
the believers chant her name
they place flowers at her feet
the believers drink her blood
the believers: lambs to the slaughter
sacred words they hear the sacred words
they feel they feel the sacred touch the touch the touch
sacred words they hear the sacred words
they feel they feel the sacred touch the touch the touch
in a trance the priestess has fallen
possessed, no longer herself
the priestess became the goddess
vain goddess of the sea risen
she is an expression of their nameless hunger
she is an expression of both the good and evil
she's become the mother of their nameless hunger
sacred words they hear the sacred words
they feel they feel the sacred touch the touch the touch
and they who've laid down their weapons
are no longer soldiers
but have become all the drowned children
who feel no pain
they reveal treasures hidden on the bottom
of the sea for centuries
and 3 blind man will wander
canes above their able heads through eternity...
blind men all in a line who'll never see
will wander wander aimlessly
they are blindmen, they'll never see
And what do I do
with the gift you present to me
The one no one else would buy
They would not accept the filthy premise
Of your most terrible innocence
So let them say how you were wild
For what you really were was tender
Yes how you screamed all through the night
Yet silent tears streamed down in morning light
Most beautiful my lonely sinner
So come over dear sister
Let them say how you ran wild
So come over dear sister
You gave birth to this devil child
How you screamed all through the night
In your glass cage and crimson neon light
Most beautiful my lonely sinner
So come over dear sister
Though you were born down there in the dark shack
These pearls you now wear once hung down my Duchess' back
So carefully wrapped round the precious throat
Just twisted this here shiny rope
Beautiful my lonely sinner
Most beautiful my lonely sinner
So carefully wrapped round the precious throat
Here is the bleeding heart
Remember she once declared
Now she just plays her part
Deadly game of solitaire
And you may have trade places
Moved in for the kill
Yes, traded faces
But you can never break her will
it is my life now someone lived it before
like mirrors reflecting but never opening doors
its my life now finally up to me
it is my life now i give up purity
there's no redemption in those arms tonight
so c'mon take up your rifle aim it low
no redemption in the stars so bright
so lead me down the road
She left an empty space
Is it me you will save
They say she left her bed in haste
Like screams from a livid grave
And I don't see attraction from within your eyes
But I don't need that satisfaction
So just keep telling me those lies
is it my life now someone lived it before
like mirrors reflecting but never opening doors
is it my life now is up to me
well the mirrors they shattered the doors are all opening
there's no redemption in those arms so tight
so c'mon take up your rifle aim it slow
better arm yourself now from the stars so white
You're burnin' me - you're burnin' me
You're a sacred disciple wannabe
You're playing the fool now you're wearing those clothes
You're dressing for him - "How could you do it?"
Don't you feel shame for giving in
Don't you feel shame - oh well I knew it...
Well I knew it was coming - I was ready for it
When you jumped ... to his every beck and call
Want to get on your feet again
Get back up on your feet
I was crying for you then
Your good heart turning cheap...
He's the black in the cave -
"His red women are Dracula's brides..."
But to call him a vampire will only "romanticize"
So let's call him the junkman - the corrupt man
Now let's see him for what he really is - Charon who'll
take you..
. Across the River Styx
Yeah he'll take you to the other side
And you won't find your peace
Yeah he'll take you to the other side...
As he watches you bleed...
For your good heart - I was crying
For your good heart - I was crying
red is the color, there's no other, red velvet tap your veins
red is the color, red is the lover, red as drippin' stains,
red as the lips the wet tongue licks, red as the eyes that weep,
mmm the bridegroom's red-devil cake, red as love,
red as hate, red as anger, red as rage, red as playin' games,
red as comin' home, red as poppies, fire and pain,
red as you and she, red as ecstasy, red as racing cars,
clinic cards, nirvana, red as a rose, a barfly's nose,
back alabama roads, the Grand Wizard's robes, red as china,
rubies, leather bridles, stirrups, red as sticky gooey syrup,
red as cavier, mars, red as hell, red stripe, life,
red as Jack the Ripper's surgical knife... ("you're better red.)
red as cherry, power, armies, jelly, red as Kahlo's Birth, mud,
sand and dirt, red magenta, Georgia clay, placenta,
red & black-venom lack, red as snakes-i'm crawlin, down
your back, red as a clown, Circus Mort, red as your way out,
red abort, red as pleasure, traitor, red flavor, red as walls,
smog, red silos, red stone, red sheets, read Keats, red sunset,
nuclear accident, red sleep, red wings, red emergency,
red candles, insects, trance, cannibals, red sea, pussy,
red shock, executioner's block, red as laughter, red slaughter
eaten by carrion, Sharon Bateman, fate, and Al's hair,
red sardonyx, red fingernails, lil' Red Ridin' Hood, MATADOR,
crucifix, red is good, red as red, red as stop, red prick...
("you're better red.) red as party, sacred altars, Lola's dress,
rubber halters, red as war, red Xmas, red as a temple,
red as your next meal, red prostitutes, red preachers, suits,
red mama's boots, red alert, red sex, red dessert, red hex,
red as crimson, scarlet, vermillion, red cactus,
a virgin's mattress, red as sin, red as ink in Ted and Norman's
skin, red candy, toys, red box, munition, red as flesh whipped
into submission, red as wounds of Christ,
Bluebeard's wife, red as meat is, red as Foetus...
("you're better red...)
And the red against black is the fulfillment of a
contract carried on the bony back of the keeper of a
stony plaque engraved with names of the faceless and the
maimed by our "sleeper of the age," our "creeper of the
page," the reaper of our stolen rage in all his foul
glory puffed up with the fear and dignity stripped of all
those left in crumbled agony decaying in the stinking
heat, evaporating meat. The folded satin on your "Sunday
best" shimmers like a glaze on this bright and holy day
as you lick the lifeless gaze within this vast and
splendid maze where loneliness is churning with maggots
as far as the eye can see heat is rising off the sand
somewhere out on this holy land time once
was held in their hands
but it bleeds now down the mountain red to the river
where they burn their dead
and it sinks deep in the blackest sea
to a bed of ancient memory-
the incense is sweet fills the air this night: lulls you to sleep
the past and the future are here in this fever
from the cold star that makes no sound
a cruel poison comes down as we bathe nude
in the wind, metallic blue becomes our skin
strange is the magic
the waters make no sound
strange is the magic
we lay our bodies down
love dark and tragic
we lay upon the ground
love is the magic
now we spiral round
we drink the waters
filled with delight
the past and the future
closed to our sight
no need for the wisdom
words from the sages
for here is oblivion
come down through the ages
you don't come to this place on your own
you're born to this pain it's your home
it's useless they say to run and hide
you know it's useless they pay who stay and fight
we didn't come here of our own volition
it's prophesy, apathetic contrition
and we didn't come here of a free will
to grip a silent unknown fear then lay quite still
we close our eyes, turn our face
close our mind now go away
shut your eyes and turn away
you've closed your mind but it's here to stay
in the flickering blue century
the blue eternity
blue bombs explode on the screen
blue arms outstretched as they plead
see the cold star, it makes no sound, poison comes down
Every species of the earth squeezed together alive and
writhing, devouring and copulating in a collective wail
of blood defecation and flying ripped skin, enclosed in a
colossal glass box. The tentacle of the octopus furious
with the jaw of the lion. The boa-constrictor and the
bleating lamb. The pummeling gorilla and the flailing
bull. The shivering whale and the frozen fetal man...
Saw all them colors in the black room.
Heard all 'em moving ridin' black light.
Saw all them colors in the black room.
Ride far away in the black night.
Next day come said t'were thunder shook the rockin'
N' said t'were lightnin' done lit up our sky.
Daddy said t'were thunder shook the rockin' porch.
But mammy said t'were Daddy's gun
the bridge is long and narrow
the hills are burned by sorrow
the black crow died of blackness
the moon gave up his madness
but when two hearts like ours return
to the open sea
no arm can pull us down
no angel beneath the water
can never pull us under
some eyes can seal no secrets
but time erodes a surface
a snake swims the ocean
in an earth that turns for no one
but when two minds like ours dream
in an open sea
no steel door can close us in
no cruel angel at the gate
will ever seal our fate
the bridge is long and narrow
the hills drown in sorrow
the black crow died of blackness
the moon gave up his madness
but when two hearts like ours return
to the open sea
but when two minds like ours dream
in an open sea
no cruel arm can pull us down
no steel door can close us in
no angel beneath the water
will ever take us under
in an open sea
we're in an open sea
how'm i supposed to do that
i never be able to give it back
and didn't you hear them say
you can't enter her
it's no place for beginners
it's an exclusive club
for those whose words
well they draw blood
then why did you kill
then why did i kill me
kill kill kill kill kill
killed killed
i'm a killer
so bring on the sticks and stones
the whips and chains
to stroke my bruises tender
the welts in vain
the shiny razor blade
caressing cuts
blessed are piss and shit
come now anoint
i lick your angry fist
i love your touch
i pray here everyday
yeah come and suck
so now obliterate
and feel the needles
come now infuse my hate
i am your mother
come in infuse my hate
i am your lover
so now obliterate
i am the other
blessed are spit and cum
i killed your lover
i pray here every day
yeah come and suck
so now infuse my hate
i love your touch
the water fills my lungs
the blood is pounding
the pain it floods my lungs
the drum is pounding
the pain it floods my brain
i kill your lover
i pulled it from the wall
and dialed the number
my heart stopped on the way
i felt life draining
come now obliterate
i am the other
come in infuse my hate
i kill your lover
i pray here every night
come in and feel my 'bite'
and now infuse my hate
and we'll obliterate
come now obliterate
i kill your lover
come now obliterate
i kill your lover
i'm a killer
i'm a killer
i'm a killer
i'm a killer
i'm a killer
i'm a killer
i'm a killer
i'm a killer
"i'll be your killer"
i got a gun
i got a gun
i got a house
you can't come in
i got a gun
i won't stop until i get what i want
keep yourself in your own world
your affection's worth nothing to me
i won't stop until i get what i want
i got a gun
i got a gun
i got a house
you can't come in
i got a gun
You can't kiss me
You can't lick me
You can't kick me
You can't miss me
You can't taste me
You can't shake me
You can't make me
You can't hate me
You can't ache for me
You can't explode what's empty
You can't erode the memory
You can't kill me
You can't heal me
You can't bleed me
You can't grieve for me
You can't believe in me
You can't leave me
You can't erode what's empty
You can't explode the memory
freedom, my freedom
freedom, get off my back
freedom, freedom
i don't want your love
i don't want your pity
i don't want your body
i don't want your mouth
i don't want your violence
i don't want your mind
i don't want your weakness
i don't want what you need
freedom, my freedom
freedom, freedom
i don't want it
i don't want your love
i don't want your pity
i don't want your body
i don't want your mouth
i don't want your violence
i don't want it, don't want it
The malignancy grows with fibrous insistence
as the body wastes and rots.
In the face of destruction
Death pulls at your sleeve
Your body writhes in anger
Your body writhes in joy
In the face of death
Spider in your ear
Mice at your heart
We can't deny the monstrous
Our flesh entwined
And grown together
now disentangles with all its pain
Disease remission
Divine intervention
I've been busy making my effigy
And I suffer the hurt of a fragile strength
I won't open the wound delivered by weakness
I won't open the wound aware of its weakness
And be nothing but the weak...
In longing and in sorrow
The burden of effort and the weariness of distrust
We part in wordless staring tenderness.
With sores, scars, and crippled healing
if you wanna be the star
just get the big guitar
a pair of leather jeans
lends credibility
make all the critics cream
just get down on your knees
learn how to scream and seize
every "opportunity"
you'll make them beg for it
you're one tough rockin' bitch
you got a lot to show
on college radio
so drop all the petals soft as velvet
tear up your petals moist and delicate
flower petals soft as velvet
rip up the petals moist and delicate
they're falling
now I know you wanna be the rage
wanna live inside the formaldehyde cage
i know your mind's made up
your breasts tattooed
the power won't rub off
now it's part of you
you got nothing to prove
you got nothing to prove
you've shown to those pricks once more
made them beg for it
you're one bad bitchin' whore
so drop all the petals soft as velvet
tear up your petals moist and delicate
flower petals soft as velvet
rip up the petals moist and delicate drop all the
petals soft as velvet
tear up your petals moist and delicate
flower petals soft as velvet
rip up the petals moist and delicate
rip up the petals moist and delicate
flower petals soft as velvet
rip up the petals
rip up the petals
you can hear them out there
the're gonna follow you down
on the rocks, in the air
inside your mind they made you scared
of all the lies that have been told
of all the hearts now that have been sold
of all the tears that've been disowned
those cries are gonna swallow up the seeds you have
so hold on and make it last
hold on for your last holy breath
hold on for your faith, it has lapsed
those cries like an acid they will eat through your mask
those cries like a hammer they will nail down your past
those cries gonna swallow up your last dying gasp
you can hear them out there
they come inside and ride you slow
they come inside where they will grow
without a hope without a dream
without anything
without a demon to turn the key
of all the lies now that have been told
of all the hearts now that have been sold
of all the tears that've been disowned
those cries are gonna swallow up the seeds you have
those cries gonna getcha chill you down to the bone
those cries gonna swallow up your last dying gasp
so hear them now all the dead-eyed souls
who've spent their lives and just grown old
go hear the cries from the dead-eyed souls
Now Michel was a man
He rode his horse high
A knife in his hand
Cold rain in his eyes
A knife in his hand
He curses the sky
Come woman come woman
Out from the deep
Take the knife from my hand
Make your love to me
We leave blood in the sand
As we swim in the sea
Take a branch from the tree
Draw circles in red dirt
A branch from the tree
A stick from the ground
A stone from the deep
Draw circles in red dirt
"Cold rain in my eyes,
A knife in her hand
We draw circles in red dirt
And curse the land"
In her red velvet
She holds her cigar
Looks in the mirror
Drinks blood rum
Chants in the mirror
As smoke fills her face
We light the candles
Send them out to sea
Light the candles
Send them out to sea
In silent boats
We send them out to sea
Take a branch from the tree
Draw circles in red dirt
A branch from the tree
A stick from the ground
A stone from the sea
Draw circles in red dirt
Now Michel was a man
He rode his horse high
A knife in his hand,
cold rain in his eyes
A knife in his hand,
he curses the sky
Come woman come woman
Come out from the sea
You took the knife from my hand
And you made love to me
You left my blood in the sand
As I sink to this deep.
Eshu Eshu
Eshu Eshu
my hair is tangled on the tree
it floats and twists - a writhing beast
my body stripped of finery
but the diamonds is shining on the ring
my lover he gave it just to me
in a velvet box of his disease
now blood has pooled in a face of blue
she cannot weep who's died of you
we pushed out off the cliff to row
in foggy deep at midnight's toll
and the one you strangled in the sea
she beckons you 'come to your drink'
oh belly aching, my hole is full
of fishes a eating up to my skull
then slit my wrists to go to sleep
and lick this fungus to give me dreams
come and give me what i need - insidious with cruelty
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup with a
vile disease
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup with a
vile disease
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
came and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
my hair is tangled on the tree
it floats and twists - a writhing beast
my body stripped of finery
but the diamonds is shining on the ring
my lover he gave it just to me
in a velvet box of his disease
now blood has pooled in a face of blue
she cannot weep who's died of you
we pushed out off the cliff to row
in foggy deep at midnight's toll
and the one you strangled in the sea
she beckons you 'come to your drink'
oh belly aching, my hole is full
of fishes a eating up to my skull
then slit my wrists to go to sleep
and lick this fungus to give me dreams
come and give me what i need - insidious with cruelty
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup with a
vile disease
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup with a
vile disease
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
come and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
came and give me what i need - come fill your cup
'come to your drink'
I need my conscience to keep watch over me
To protect me from myself
So i can wear honesty like a crown on my head
When i walk into the promised land
We've been too long american dreaming
And i think we all lost the way
Forlorn somnambulistic maniacal in the dark
I'm in love with an american girl
Well, she's my best friend
I love her surreptitious smile
That hides the pain within her
And we'll go dancing in the rings of laughter
And leave alone by the shores
Feel alone in the brands of rapture
And leave alone for the loss
Faith, on the lea the rising wind blows
Faith, on the lea the rising wind blows
How long? how long?
Here alone on the grounds of allegiances we've left
Turned back by the foot of the doorway
Never lost and found
We've been too long american dreaming
I think we've lost the heart
Forlorn somnambulistic maniacal in the dark
Faith, on the lea the rising wind blows
Faith, on the lea the rising wind blows
As your hands tightened around your throat
I knew that this time you would kill me
And like all the times before
When I didn't struggle
Because there was no use
Again I succumbed
Again the mask melts away
i pretend...
i held myself...
i fall out of myself.
let it go.
a memory of me...
a flight towards disappearing...
a woman's dreams...
watch over the memory of men...
i've gone to god...
let it go.
take pity, please, lord misery
how shiny your throne as you view the stage
oh majesty, you flatter-see before you o'this our humble
applaud the dance-such innocence
before you, have mercy a man of hate
we sing for thee, lady destiny
how bloody our knees as we kiss your name
oh can it be, kind blasphemy
anoint, pray, your servants, offering
this innocence, such innocence
before you have mercy a man of hate
we claim its not our fault
we're actors in our guilty mission
for shame is in the thought
not our pretty submission:
"reveal my good confession what i hope to gain
i admit to grand obsession breathing in my veins
watch lovers there pull out their hair
so slowly to rise toward the sky
one plucks feathers from wings leather
his luck is decreed from angel cain
it's not too late-open the ruby gate
show mercy before this man of hate
thus is our tail of woe and wail
we tried to enact so faithfully
but humankind so frail is blind
our failings do fall as the ax does swing
oh innocence, bleed innocence
tormented, behold we're all men of hate
plead innocence, such innocence...