
A Tourists Guide to Moroni, Comoros!
I fly into Moroni, the capital of the Comoros. Unlike the Seychelles, Maldives and Mauriti...
published: 29 May 2012
author: cessnagbdso
A Tourists Guide to Moroni, Comoros!
A Tourists Guide to Moroni, Comoros!
I fly into Moroni, the capital of the Comoros. Unlike the Seychelles, Maldives and Mauritius, this Indian Ocean nation sees very little tourism and is one of...- published: 29 May 2012
- views: 3851
- author: cessnagbdso

Comoros - Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia 5/23/2013
published: 25 May 2013
author: Fire Museum Presents
Comoros - Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia 5/23/2013
Comoros - Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia 5/23/2013
- published: 25 May 2013
- views: 72
- author: Fire Museum Presents

Invest in Comoros
The Comoros islands are an archipelago in the Indian Ocean located about 320 km east of no...
published: 31 Mar 2012
author: Investcomoros
Invest in Comoros
Invest in Comoros
The Comoros islands are an archipelago in the Indian Ocean located about 320 km east of northern Mozambique and 480 km west of Madagascar. It comprises four ...- published: 31 Mar 2012
- views: 3145
- author: Investcomoros

Comoros' Next Chapter: Revitalizing Growth in a Post-Conflict Environment
The Union of the Comoros is taking active steps to revitalize private sector growth follow...
published: 03 Dec 2013
Comoros' Next Chapter: Revitalizing Growth in a Post-Conflict Environment
Comoros' Next Chapter: Revitalizing Growth in a Post-Conflict Environment
The Union of the Comoros is taking active steps to revitalize private sector growth following decades of political instability. With support from the World Bank Group, the archipelago island nation is enacting reforms to improve the business environment and attract foreign investors back to the country. Learn more: www.wbginvestmentclimate.org Stay Connected http://www.facebook.com/IFCwbg http://www.twitter.com/IFC_org http://www.ifc.org/LinkedIn http://www.youtube.com/IFCvideocasts http://www.ifc.org/SocialMediaIndex- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 16

Taarab east africa swahili comoros
http://www.wifi-avenue.com the best dating site 100% free Rencontrez les belles swahili su...
published: 16 Dec 2012
author: MWANA MUDU
Taarab east africa swahili comoros
Taarab east africa swahili comoros
http://www.wifi-avenue.com the best dating site 100% free Rencontrez les belles swahili sur ce site en français, anglais, swahili, portugais.- published: 16 Dec 2012
- views: 750
- author: MWANA MUDU

Vacation in Comoros
Some footage from my vacation in Moroni, Comoros....
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: Bertil Holmström
Vacation in Comoros
Vacation in Comoros
Some footage from my vacation in Moroni, Comoros.- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 1286
- author: Bertil Holmström

comoros islands
some pictures for Comoros Islands...cultures,mosques,animals,money...i hope you will enjoy...
published: 11 Feb 2012
author: Mahmoud SCM
comoros islands
comoros islands
some pictures for Comoros Islands...cultures,mosques,animals,money...i hope you will enjoy this video...HAHAHAHAHAH.- published: 11 Feb 2012
- views: 4781
- author: Mahmoud SCM

The Megachiroptera Of The Comoros
Documentary Project Proposal by Cineroam Media waiting for Broadcasters approval. Filmed w...
published: 17 May 2012
author: Cine Roam
The Megachiroptera Of The Comoros
The Megachiroptera Of The Comoros
Documentary Project Proposal by Cineroam Media waiting for Broadcasters approval. Filmed with a prosumer camera. This film project is a proven attempt to dep...- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 854
- author: Cine Roam

WAWILI WAPENDA NAO - Chakacha from Comoro
published: 03 Nov 2010
author: kenyanprince007
WAWILI WAPENDA NAO - Chakacha from Comoro
WAWILI WAPENDA NAO - Chakacha from Comoro
HIVYO VIUNO VYA KI COMORO...ENJOY !- published: 03 Nov 2010
- views: 178653
- author: kenyanprince007

surah 57 "al hadid" verses16-20 beautiful quran recitation by a young comorian boy. comore...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: comorya
surah 57 "al hadid" verses16-20 beautiful quran recitation by a young comorian boy. comores جزر القمر.- published: 11 Jan 2011
- views: 165466
- author: comorya
Vimeo results:

Mohéli - Visages des Comores- Comorian faces Clip 1
A documentary shot in the Comoros archipelago.
Extrait d'un documentaire de 52 minutes su...
published: 24 Sep 2010
author: Francis Frenkel
Mohéli - Visages des Comores- Comorian faces Clip 1
A documentary shot in the Comoros archipelago.
Extrait d'un documentaire de 52 minutes sur les habitants de l'île de Mohéli dans l'archipel des Comores.
Cet extrait de 6 minutes présente une famille modeste qui prépare le repas du soir, repas du ramadan.
Préparation des boulettes de farine de manioc au lait de coco, bananes cuites...
La cuisine est située dans la cour de toutes les maisons comoriennes de Mohéli, en terre battue ou en ciment, et le foyer est uniquement à bois.
Toute la famille participe à l'élaboration du repas.
This 6 minutes clip presents a modest family preparing the evening meal, meal during Ramadan.
Preparation of cassava flour dumplings in coconut milk, bananas cooked ...
The kitchen is located in the courtyard of every house of Moheli island, clay or cement, and the fireplace is solely wood.
The whole family participates in the preparation of meals
Camera : Canon 5D Mark II
Lens / Objectif : 50mm f:1,4 Canon USM
Editing / Montage ; Sony Vegas pro 9

Bande annonce : 2 ans de voyage à pied en famille - Trailer : 2 years trek in family arround the world -7 minutes
Bande annonce 7 minutes :
2 années de voyage à pied en famille autour du monde de 2005 - ...
published: 26 Feb 2011
author: Francis Frenkel
Bande annonce : 2 ans de voyage à pied en famille - Trailer : 2 years trek in family arround the world -7 minutes
Bande annonce 7 minutes :
2 années de voyage à pied en famille autour du monde de 2005 - 2007
Mon fils Ruben était âgé de 4 mois au départ, Viktor avait 6 ans et Léa 12 ans.
Madagascar, Comores, Thaïlande, Cambodge, Laos, Inde, Myanmar.
Trailer 7 minutes :
A 2 years trek with my 3 children and my wife, walking arround the world.
My son was 4 month at the beginning of the trip in 2005, Viktor was 6 and Léa was 12.
Madagascar, Comoros, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, India, Myanmar (Burma).
Camera : Panasonic NV GS 400 (25fps)
Editing : Sony vegas
Music : Snow Patrol

Paolo W. Tamburella Djahazi
Paolo W. Tamburella
Djahazi, 53rd International Art Exhibition, Biennale di Venezia, Comor...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: Paolo W. Tamburella
Paolo W. Tamburella Djahazi
Paolo W. Tamburella
Djahazi, 53rd International Art Exhibition, Biennale di Venezia, Comoros Islands Pavilion, Venice

Mohéli - Visages des Comores - Comorian faces Clip 3
Extrait d'un documentaire de 52 minutes sur l'île de Mohéli dans l'archipel des Comores.
published: 09 Sep 2010
author: Francis Frenkel
Mohéli - Visages des Comores - Comorian faces Clip 3
Extrait d'un documentaire de 52 minutes sur l'île de Mohéli dans l'archipel des Comores.
Cet extrait de 4 minutes, présente le M'rengué, une sorte de Capoéra, entre danse et combat très violent... Un groupe joue de la musique très répétitive avec beaucoup de percussions, et les jeunes gens du village de Nioumachoua s'affrontent à mains nues devant les habitants assis en cercle pour former une arène.
Tous les coups sont permis, sauf en dessous de la ceinture. Si le sang coule le combat est arrêté. Le combattant doit danser pour inviter un adversaire... Des arbitres-danseurs gèrent les combats, et le public....
4 minutes Clip extract from a 52 minutes documentary about the inhabitants of an island in the Comoros archipelago : Moheli
This short clip is showing a "M'rengué", a ceremony / spectacle between dance and fights very violent ...
A band is playing music with a lot of very repetitive percussion, and the young men of Nioumachoua fight with bare hands in front of the all the village sitting in a circle to form a kind of ring.
All shots are allowed, except below the belt. If blood flow the fight is stopped. The fighter must dance to invite an opponent ... Referees-dancers manage the fighting, and the public ....
Camera : Canon 5D Mark II - Z-finder Zacuto
Lens :50mm Canon f:1,5 / 3 000 ISO
Editing : Sony Vegas 9 Pro
Youtube results:

جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 4|Sahar Urdu TV
Broadcast Date-:-July 04 2013 -Watch FULL Program on our New Youtube Channel: https://www....
published: 06 Jul 2013
author: UrduSaharTV
جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 4|Sahar Urdu TV
جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 4|Sahar Urdu TV
Broadcast Date-:-July 04 2013 -Watch FULL Program on our New Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/UrduSaharTV -Do Not Forget to Subscribe Us -Website: ht...- published: 06 Jul 2013
- views: 25
- author: UrduSaharTV

جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 4|Sahar Urdu TV
Broadcast Date-:-July 04 2013 -Watch FULL Program on our New Youtube Channel: https://www....
published: 05 Jul 2013
author: SaharTvUrdu
جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 4|Sahar Urdu TV
جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 4|Sahar Urdu TV
Broadcast Date-:-July 04 2013 -Watch FULL Program on our New Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/UrduSaharTV -Do Not Forget to Subscribe Us -Website: ht...- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 77
- author: SaharTvUrdu

جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 2|Sahar Urdu TV
Broadcast Date-:-June 20 2013 -Watch FULL Program on our New Youtube Channel: https://www....
published: 20 Jun 2013
author: SaharTvUrdu
جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 2|Sahar Urdu TV
جزیرہ کمور|Documentary About Comoros Islands|Part 2|Sahar Urdu TV
Broadcast Date-:-June 20 2013 -Watch FULL Program on our New Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/UrduSaharTV -Do Not Forget to Subscribe Us -Website: ht...- published: 20 Jun 2013
- views: 75
- author: SaharTvUrdu