Pixelmon 2.5.2 Database Editing Tutorial
Today we're learning how to make simple modifications to the Pixelmon 2.5.2 database, sinc...
published: 02 Nov 2013
Pixelmon 2.5.2 Database Editing Tutorial
Pixelmon 2.5.2 Database Editing Tutorial
Today we're learning how to make simple modifications to the Pixelmon 2.5.2 database, since many people are posting about being unable to modify it for their own custom pixelmon servers. With this, you should be able to edit how pokemon spawn, items, abilities, stats, evolutions, and pretty much whatever else you can think of ! (so as long you know what you're doing) Don't be afraid to experiment! Let me know if you are interested in more tutorials in the comments, I would be glad to post more guides for specific things (such as the above examples) Links: H2 Database: http://www.h2database.com/html/main.html Pixelmon 2.5.2: http://pixelmonmod.com/blog/?page_id=16 Dev's warning: http://www.pixelmonmod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=121&t;=8720&start;=12 Note that this method also works with 2.5.0 and 2.5.1. Please, please, please do NOT post on the pixelmon forums with any problems you encounter editing the database. I imagine that's probably why they 'locked' it to begin with. It's a massive pain to bugfix if every case has a different custom version of pixelmon. If you have issues, post them here, or on another forum once people start learning how to do this.- published: 02 Nov 2013
- views: 1552
"Lost Colony" (Tonio Andrade) Book Trailer
Tonio Andrade, associate professor of history at Emory University, describes his new book,...
published: 28 Jan 2012
author: EmoryUniversity
"Lost Colony" (Tonio Andrade) Book Trailer
"Lost Colony" (Tonio Andrade) Book Trailer
Tonio Andrade, associate professor of history at Emory University, describes his new book, "Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory over...- published: 28 Jan 2012
- views: 1467
- author: EmoryUniversity
projets koxinga
Projets Koxinga
Koxinga, Zhèng Chénggōng en mandarin, (chinois traditionnel : 鄭成功, chinoi...
published: 23 Sep 2013
projets koxinga
projets koxinga
Projets Koxinga Koxinga, Zhèng Chénggōng en mandarin, (chinois traditionnel : 鄭成功, chinois simplifié : 郑成功) (1624-1662), est un pirate et général chinois. Koxinga naît en 1624 à Hirado au Japon. Son père, Zheng Zhilong (鄭芝龍) est un pirate, un marin et un marchand originaire d'une famille de pêcheurs du Fujian. Il va souvent à Hirato pour faire du commerce et c'est là qu'il rencontre la mère de Koxinga, la Japonaise Tagawa Matsu (田川松). Il est élevé jusqu'à ses sept ans par sa mère puis son père l'emmène à Nan'an, près de Quanzhou au Fujian pour son éducation. Il y reçoit l'enseignement des érudits confucéens afin de pouvoir passer l'examen impérial. La dynastie Ming tombe en 1644 au profit des Mandchous venus du Nord qui fondent la dynastie Qing. Cependant les princes du Sud restent fidèles aux Ming et continuent la guerre afin de prolonger le pouvoir politique des Ming. Le prince Tang est un de ces princes combattants, très influents dans la région de Fuzhou. Il reçoit l'appui de Zheng Zhilong qui s'arrange pour que Zheng Chenggong serve à ses côtés. Le prince accorde alors à ce dernier le droit de porter le nom de famille de la famille impériale Ming, Zhu (朱), ce qui vaudra à Zheng Chenggong son surnom populaire de Guó Xìng yé (國姓爺/国姓爷) soit « Grand père au nom national ». Approximativement transcrit par les Néerlandais, ce surnom devient Koxinga dans les pays occidentaux. La fidélité aux Ming n'est pas la seule raison qu'ont les pirates tels que Koxinga et Zheng Zhilong de combattre les Qing. Ceux-ci ont en effet restreint le commerce par différentes mesures défavorables et la situation des pirates marchands devient beaucoup plus délicate que sous les Ming. En 1646, le prince Tang meurt, trahi par Zheng Zhilong qui s'était rendu compte que la lutte était sans espoir et que les Qing allaient l'emporter. Koxinga n'est pas de cet avis et continue le combat. Il prend comme base les deux cités de Xiamen et Jinmen et soutient le prince Gui (le futur empereur Yongli (en)) par des raids dans les régions de Fujian, Guangdong et Zhejiang. Il reçoit de l'empereur Yongli le titre de prince et la préfecture de Yanping. Il pousse ses razzias jusqu'à Nankin mais est repoussé progressivement jusqu'à se sentir acculé. Il se rend compte qu'il lui faut une base plus solide pour assurer ses arrières. Il décide donc de prendre l'île de Taïwan et d'en chasser les Hollandais. Il débarque à Taïwan près de Tainan le 30 avril 1661 avec 25 000 hommes, et entreprend le siège de Fort Zeelandia. Les Hollandais se rendent le 1er février 1662, et Koxinga signe un traité avec le gouverneur hollandais Frederick Coyett1. Koxinga meurt quelques mois plus tard le 23 juin 1663, Son fils Zheng Jing lui succède.- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 5
国姓爷 chinese dynasty change koxinga zheng cheng gong.flv
the hero koxinga/zheng cheng gong....
published: 13 Nov 2010
author: yawei li
国姓爷 chinese dynasty change koxinga zheng cheng gong.flv
国姓爷 chinese dynasty change koxinga zheng cheng gong.flv
the hero koxinga/zheng cheng gong.- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 2424
- author: yawei li
Historic Tour of Anping Fort & Koxinga Shrine in Taiwan
Email us at kababayan@la18.tv for story suggestions. Like us on Facebook at https://www.fa...
published: 20 May 2013
author: Kababayan Today
Historic Tour of Anping Fort & Koxinga Shrine in Taiwan
Historic Tour of Anping Fort & Koxinga Shrine in Taiwan
Email us at kababayan@la18.tv for story suggestions. Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kababayanla18. Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.c...- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 64
- author: Kababayan Today
Koxinga shrine inside
Inside the shrine to Koxinga, 360 view and a walk out the front....
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: Nicolas Morrison
Koxinga shrine inside
Koxinga shrine inside
Inside the shrine to Koxinga, 360 view and a walk out the front.- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 60
- author: Nicolas Morrison
Koxinga Shrine
KOXINGA In 1661, Koxinga led his troops on a landing at Lu'ermen to attack the Dutch colon...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: Nicolas Morrison
Koxinga Shrine
Koxinga Shrine
KOXINGA In 1661, Koxinga led his troops on a landing at Lu'ermen to attack the Dutch colonists in Taiwan. On 1 February 1662, the Dutch Governor of Taiwan, F...- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 63
- author: Nicolas Morrison
the 17th Taiwan boat(Taiwan, OCAC, macroview)
影片名稱:「The 17th Taiwan boat」 http://www.mactv.com.tw/mactv_en/vod_f.htm?pid=5&classid;=5 Aft...
published: 18 Aug 2010
author: taiwanmactv
the 17th Taiwan boat(Taiwan, OCAC, macroview)
the 17th Taiwan boat(Taiwan, OCAC, macroview)
影片名稱:「The 17th Taiwan boat」 http://www.mactv.com.tw/mactv_en/vod_f.htm?pid=5&classid;=5 After five years of planning, the replica of the 17th Century Taiwan b...- published: 18 Aug 2010
- views: 107
- author: taiwanmactv
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 5
Speech by consul general of China Before this speech, Mr. Naruhiko Kuroda (黒田成彦), Mayor of...
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: chanponking
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 5
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 5
Speech by consul general of China Before this speech, Mr. Naruhiko Kuroda (黒田成彦), Mayor of Hirado city, declared that Hirado city would start both cultural a...- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 115
- author: chanponking
Koxinga - 國姓爺
Me and Caleb at Revolver's Sept 2013 SDSTFU show, playing "Koxinga" (國姓爺), an original son...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Koxinga - 國姓爺
Koxinga - 國姓爺
Me and Caleb at Revolver's Sept 2013 SDSTFU show, playing "Koxinga" (國姓爺), an original song by Caleb Cole and Mark Darville- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 32
Koxinga Shrine,Tainan,Taiwan 台南延平郡王祠
延平郡王祠位於台南市中西區開山路152號,歷史建築,創建於明永曆十六年(西元1662年),開放時間:8:30~17:30。 明永曆十五年(西元1661年)國姓爺鄭成功驅逐荷蘭人開台...
published: 25 Aug 2009
author: michaelceo
Koxinga Shrine,Tainan,Taiwan 台南延平郡王祠
Koxinga Shrine,Tainan,Taiwan 台南延平郡王祠
延平郡王祠位於台南市中西區開山路152號,歷史建築,創建於明永曆十六年(西元1662年),開放時間:8:30~17:30。 明永曆十五年(西元1661年)國姓爺鄭成功驅逐荷蘭人開台成功,明永曆十六年鄭成功去世後,府城居民為感念鄭氏驅荷開台、開疆拓土、矢志孤忠、延明正朔的功績與精神,便在今延平郡王祠之處立廟奉祀國姓...- published: 25 Aug 2009
- views: 1754
- author: michaelceo
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 2
Shintoist style Consul general of China in Nagasaki city....
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: chanponking
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 2
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 2
Shintoist style Consul general of China in Nagasaki city.- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 47
- author: chanponking
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 1
Shintoist style....
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: chanponking
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 1
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 1
Shintoist style.- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 73
- author: chanponking
Vimeo results:
"Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory over the West" (by Tonio Andrade) Book Trailer
During the seventeenth century, Holland created the world's most dynamic colonial empire, ...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: Hal Jacobs
"Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory over the West" (by Tonio Andrade) Book Trailer
During the seventeenth century, Holland created the world's most dynamic colonial empire, outcompeting the British and capturing Spanish and Portuguese colonies. Yet, in the Sino-Dutch War--Europe's first war with China--the Dutch met their match in a colorful Chinese warlord named Koxinga. Part samurai, part pirate, he led his generals to victory over the Dutch and captured one of their largest and richest colonies--Taiwan. How did he do it? Examining the strengths and weaknesses of European and Chinese military techniques during the period Tonio Andrade's "Lost Colony: The Untold Story of China's First Great Victory over the West" (Princeton University Press, 2011) provides a balanced new perspective on long-held assumptions about Western power, Chinese might, and the nature of war. Andrade is an associate professor of history at Emory University.
From the book jacket: "You can read this book as an exciting novel full of pirates, swashbuckling characters, beheadings, treachery, and battles on land and sea--a novel that just happens to be true--or as a revelatory look at the little-known first war between China and the West, and window into one of the biggest unsolved questions of world history: why Europe rather than China colonized the world from the time of Columbus onward. Either way, you will be sorry when you reach the last page." --Jared Diamond, author of "Guns, Germs, and Steel and Collapse"
For more information on the book, see http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9525.html
Barbaren in de Chineze zee
I digitized this video as part of a short research project / essay at univerity entitled "...
published: 02 May 2010
author: Marcel Oomens
Barbaren in de Chineze zee
I digitized this video as part of a short research project / essay at univerity entitled "Zheng Chenggong and nationalist historiography". You can find the final essay and download transcripts (Dutch and English) at http://marceloomens.com/archives/499
Dorresteijn, J. (1986), “Barbaren in de Chineze zee”, in J. Dorresteijn (ed.) (2006), Nederlanders Overzee (DVD), disc 2, episode 3, Bridge Pictures, the Netherlands.
Gulangyu Island - Sunlight Rock & Cable Car
Happy Chinese people who have been let out for the weekend to play at the holiday island o...
published: 04 Nov 2007
author: Dennis Wright
Gulangyu Island - Sunlight Rock & Cable Car
Happy Chinese people who have been let out for the weekend to play at the holiday island of Gulangyu near the city of Xiamen. The island features a theme park commemorating the valour of military hero Koxinga who drove the evil colonial Dutch out of Taiwan.
Youtube results:
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 4
Taoist style Delegation from Tainan city....
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: chanponking
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 4
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 4
Taoist style Delegation from Tainan city.- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 38
- author: chanponking
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 6
Speech by the Vice Mayor of Tainan city....
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: chanponking
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 6
Celebration day for the birthday of Koxinga Hirado, Nagasaki 2010/07/14 - 6
Speech by the Vice Mayor of Tainan city.- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 54
- author: chanponking
Pixelmon 2.5.2 Database Editing Tutorial: The Legendary Birds and Rayquaza
A continuation of my other videos! Learn how to enable the legendary birds and Rayquaza s...
published: 03 Nov 2013
Pixelmon 2.5.2 Database Editing Tutorial: The Legendary Birds and Rayquaza
Pixelmon 2.5.2 Database Editing Tutorial: The Legendary Birds and Rayquaza
A continuation of my other videos! Learn how to enable the legendary birds and Rayquaza spawning naturally wherever you want! If you have any issues, please feel free to ask in the comments. (Old description) Today we're learning how to make simple modifications to the Pixelmon 2.5.2 database, since many people are posting about being unable to modify it for their own custom pixelmon servers. With this, you should be able to edit how pokemon spawn, items, abilities, stats, evolutions, and pretty much whatever else you can think of ! (so as long you know what you're doing) Don't be afraid to experiment! Let me know if you are interested in more tutorials in the comments, I would be glad to post more guides for specific things (such as the above examples) Links: H2 Database: http://www.h2database.com/html/main.html Pixelmon 2.5.2: http://pixelmonmod.com/blog/?page_id=16 Dev's warning: http://www.pixelmonmod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=121&t;=8720&start;=12 Note that this method also works with 2.5.0 and 2.5.1. Please, please, please do NOT post on the pixelmon forums with any problems you encounter editing the database. I imagine that's probably why they 'locked' it to begin with. It's a massive pain to bugfix if every case has a different custom version of pixelmon. If you have issues, post them here, or on another forum once people start learning how to do this.- published: 03 Nov 2013
- views: 3947
小紫斑蝶採蜜 Euploea tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer
拍攝地點是在茂林的紫蝶幽谷,算是紫斑蝶外圍棲息地。她們還有主要及次要棲息地。 看起來今年紫斑蝶的數量並不如去年。...
published: 08 Dec 2010
author: Sam Hsieh
小紫斑蝶採蜜 Euploea tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer
小紫斑蝶採蜜 Euploea tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer
拍攝地點是在茂林的紫蝶幽谷,算是紫斑蝶外圍棲息地。她們還有主要及次要棲息地。 看起來今年紫斑蝶的數量並不如去年。- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 79
- author: Sam Hsieh