Common knowledge helps environmental sustainability (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Edit noodls 07 Apr 2015
(Source. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) ... The delimitation of the study area comprises, apart from all the towns that follow this river (Carabaña, Tielmes, Perales de Tajuña, Morata de Tajuña and Titulcia), the village of Valdilecha, Valdelaguna, Chinchón, Valdearacete, Brea de Tajo, Estremera, Fuentidueña de Tajo and Villamanrique de Tajo. The last three villages are located at the Tajo basin ... BARBERO-BARRERA, M. M.; GIL-CRESPO, I....

High Museum of Art to Present "The Forty Part Motet" by Janet Cardiff (High Museum of Art)

Edit noodls 16 Sep 2014
(Source. High Museum of Art) High Museum of Art to Present "The Forty Part Motet" by Janet Cardiff. Masterwork sound installation from MoMA collection on view in fall 2014. ATLANTA, Sept ... 11through Jan ... Most recently shown by The Metropolitan Museum of Art in The Cloisters' Fuentidueña Chapel in New York City, the piece was created in 2001 by Cardiff, a renowned sound artist who has exhibited extensively around the world ... Tel....