
24 Shot Tokyo Marui M66 Revolver - Redwolf Airsoft RWTV
Tim and Tazz take a look at at TM's new gas-powered revolver. It seems revolvers may be ma...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: RedWolf Airsoft
24 Shot Tokyo Marui M66 Revolver - Redwolf Airsoft RWTV
24 Shot Tokyo Marui M66 Revolver - Redwolf Airsoft RWTV
Tim and Tazz take a look at at TM's new gas-powered revolver. It seems revolvers may be making an overdue comeback to airsoft games! This really good looking...- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 53520
- author: RedWolf Airsoft

Tokyo Marui HK416 recoil review
quick review and unboxing of the new tm hk416 recoil airsoft rifle. The demo of firing is ...
published: 24 Jan 2013
author: AirsoftAnimalUK
Tokyo Marui HK416 recoil review
Tokyo Marui HK416 recoil review
quick review and unboxing of the new tm hk416 recoil airsoft rifle. The demo of firing is using the standard sopmod type battery.- published: 24 Jan 2013
- views: 11318
- author: AirsoftAnimalUK

Tokyo Marui M870 Shotgun Tactical - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
We've heard the rumours, seen the pictures and read the articles but the day has finally c...
published: 22 Aug 2013
Tokyo Marui M870 Shotgun Tactical - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
Tokyo Marui M870 Shotgun Tactical - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
We've heard the rumours, seen the pictures and read the articles but the day has finally come for Tim to tell you all what the Tokyo Marui M870 Tactical is all about! *This HOT item Tokyo Marui M870 Tactical Shotgun will re-stock very soon!!* Products Link: http://tinyurl.com/me6rkfx- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 301

Desert Eagle GBB Chrome - Tokyo Marui
Shooting with my Desert Eagle .50AE Airsoft Pistole from Tokyo Marui . Chrono Test with 0....
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: vid0005
Desert Eagle GBB Chrome - Tokyo Marui
Desert Eagle GBB Chrome - Tokyo Marui
Shooting with my Desert Eagle .50AE Airsoft Pistole from Tokyo Marui . Chrono Test with 0.25g BBs and ABBY PREDATOR ULTRA GAS: 1. 288 fps = 0,97J 2. 285 fps ...- published: 25 Dec 2011
- views: 315576
- author: vid0005

(Airsoft) HK416D Tokyo Marui - KhanSeb
My facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/French-Airsoft-Dude/207828539287306 I bo...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: KhanSeb
(Airsoft) HK416D Tokyo Marui - KhanSeb
(Airsoft) HK416D Tokyo Marui - KhanSeb
My facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/French-Airsoft-Dude/207828539287306 I bought the gun on Tokyo Model Company, for 640 USD, here : http://www...- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 94198
- author: KhanSeb

マルイのM870です。暑さのためあまり撮影出来ませんでした(:3っ )っ 同社初のガス式ショットガンということで発表されてから楽しみにしていました。電動ガンと互角以上に戦える!とい...
published: 09 Aug 2013
author: Nishiyan240
マルイのM870です。暑さのためあまり撮影出来ませんでした(:3っ )っ 同社初のガス式ショットガンということで発表されてから楽しみにしていました。電動ガンと互角以上に戦える!という触れ込みだけあってw、実射性能高いです。ガス式なのでとにかくコッキングが軽く、ラピッドファイヤーも楽にできます。ガスタンクの容量もか...- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 18867
- author: Nishiyan240

Tokyo Marui M9A1 GBB 東京マルイ
Tokyo Marui New model M9A1 GBB ! (release at august 24 in japan) マルイの新製品M9A1です。旧M92Fが発売されて...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: Nishiyan240
Tokyo Marui M9A1 GBB 東京マルイ
Tokyo Marui M9A1 GBB 東京マルイ
Tokyo Marui New model M9A1 GBB ! (release at august 24 in japan) マルイの新製品M9A1です。旧M92Fが発売されてからかなりの年月が経ちましたが、 やっとリニューアルされました。ホップ搭載&デコッキング機能が搭載されて良い感じに仕上がっております。...- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 70798
- author: Nishiyan240

(Airsoft) Unboxing the M320A1 Tokyo Marui - KhanSeb
My facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/LeKhanSeb
I bought the M320 (and two spare gr...
published: 11 Oct 2013
(Airsoft) Unboxing the M320A1 Tokyo Marui - KhanSeb
(Airsoft) Unboxing the M320A1 Tokyo Marui - KhanSeb
My facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/LeKhanSeb I bought the M320 (and two spare grenades) from Julien of Pulse Airsoft, for 35 506 yens (about 279,61 €) : http://jmsy07.wix.com/pulse-airsoft The M320A1 Tokyo Marui is a new technology of grenade launcher made by Tokyo Marui. Unlike most grenade launchers, which use grenades inside which all the mechanism remain, the M320 Tokyo Marui directly carries the gas and the shooting mechanism and the grenades itself are made of plastic, are light and unexpensive. This should greatly increase the reliability of this grenade launcher, which to me was the biggest problem of grenade launchers so far. ___________________ Ma page facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LeKhanSeb J'ai acheté le M320 (et 2 grenades supplémentaires) par l'intermédiaire de Julien de Pulse Airsoft pour 35 506 yens (environ 279,61 €) : http://jmsy07.wix.com/pulse-airsoft Le M320A1 Tokyo Marui est une nouvelle technologie de lance grenade réalisée par Tokyo Marui. Contrairement aux lance grenades habituels qui utilisent des grenades dans lesquelles sont contenues tout le mécanisme, le M320 Marui embarque lui-même le gaz et le système de tir et les grenades elle-même sont en plastique, légères et peu chères. Cela devrait grandement améliorer la fiabilité du grenade launcher ce qui à mon avis était le plus gros problème des lances grenade airsoft jusqu'à présent.- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 301

Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Series - [The Gun Corner] - Airsoft Evike.com
We are now factory direct from Tokyo Marui!
Product Link: http://www.evike.com/search/?se...
published: 15 Feb 2014
Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Series - [The Gun Corner] - Airsoft Evike.com
Tokyo Marui VSR-10 Series - [The Gun Corner] - Airsoft Evike.com
We are now factory direct from Tokyo Marui! Product Link: http://www.evike.com/search/?search_in_description=1&sort;=3a&keywords;=SR-TM-PH&x;=0&y;=0 Enjoy the video? Follow the link to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=evikecom Evike.com Website: http://www.EVIKE.com Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/AirsoftEvike Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/evikecom- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 12125

Airsoft Tokyo Marui M870 Gas Shotgun
Hey guys today we're going to take a look at the six shot spread M870 pump action shotgun ...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Airsoft Tokyo Marui M870 Gas Shotgun
Airsoft Tokyo Marui M870 Gas Shotgun
Hey guys today we're going to take a look at the six shot spread M870 pump action shotgun from Tokyo Marui. M870: http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=15722 KWA 1911: http://www.airsoftgi.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=kwa%20m1911&search;_in_description_not=1&inc;_subcat=1&categories;_id=63 AirsoftGI: http://airsoftgi.com OriginPC: http://originPC.com My Computer Hardware: http://www.logicalincrements.com/levelcap/ Get a LevelCap t-shirt: http://levelcap.spreadshirt.com/ Streaming: http://twitch.tv/levelcap Twitter: http://twitter.com/levelcapgaming Facebook: http://facebook.com/levelcapgaming Youtube: http://youtube.com/levelcapgaming Weapon Stats: http://Symthic.com- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 84856

AirsoftEire.com - Marui Desert Eagle Review - HD 720p - Part 1
Marui Desert Eagle Review - HD 720p - Part 1 LINK TO PART 2 HERE: http://www.youtube.com/w...
published: 10 Jun 2009
author: AirsoftEire
AirsoftEire.com - Marui Desert Eagle Review - HD 720p - Part 1
AirsoftEire.com - Marui Desert Eagle Review - HD 720p - Part 1
Marui Desert Eagle Review - HD 720p - Part 1 LINK TO PART 2 HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y95YDkmvmJ0.- published: 10 Jun 2009
- views: 230196
- author: AirsoftEire

Tokyo Marui PX4 (HD) - Redwolf Airsoft - RWTV
The very recently released TM PX4 gas blowback pistol has just hit our shelves and is alre...
published: 24 Dec 2010
author: RedWolf Airsoft
Tokyo Marui PX4 (HD) - Redwolf Airsoft - RWTV
Tokyo Marui PX4 (HD) - Redwolf Airsoft - RWTV
The very recently released TM PX4 gas blowback pistol has just hit our shelves and is already flying off them faster than we can restock. Watch our review to...- published: 24 Dec 2010
- views: 252646
- author: RedWolf Airsoft

Tokyo Marui/next gen AEG HK416D DEVGRU CUSTOM
マルイの次世代電動ガン、HK416D DEVGRUカスタムです。当初購入予定は無かったの...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Tokyo Marui/next gen AEG HK416D DEVGRU CUSTOM マルイの次世代電動ガン、HK416D DEVGRUカスタムです。当初購入予定は無かったのですが色々あって購入に至りました。^^ω 基本性能は先に発売されたHK416Dと変わりませんが最初から様々なオプションが装着されています。また、初期ロットのHK416Dと比べると作動音が静かになっているようです。集弾性も申し分なく良くまとまります。※動画内では7.4v1400mAhのリポを使用しています。(クレーンストックなのでSOPMOD同様の小加工が必要です)ストックのガタは素のHK416Dと比べると多少大きいですが許容範囲内かな?- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 7738

Tokyo Marui M9A1 GBB Quick Review (HD) - RWTV
Take a look at the new version of the Tokyo Marui M9A1! If you are looking for reliability...
published: 14 Sep 2012
author: redwolfairsoft
Tokyo Marui M9A1 GBB Quick Review (HD) - RWTV
Tokyo Marui M9A1 GBB Quick Review (HD) - RWTV
Take a look at the new version of the Tokyo Marui M9A1! If you are looking for reliability and consistency in a high quality product, TM produces just that. ...- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 30007
- author: redwolfairsoft
Vimeo results:

"Os anjos do meio da praça" (2010)
(English version - http://vimeo.com/16584933 )
Sinopse: Uma fábula sobre anjos caídos, so...
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: Alê Camargo
"Os anjos do meio da praça" (2010)
(English version - http://vimeo.com/16584933 )
Sinopse: Uma fábula sobre anjos caídos, sonhos esquecidos, e um menino.
• Prêmio especial do júri oficial -XXXVIII Festival de cinema de Gramado -- RS
• Melhor Direção e Melhor Curta-Metragem -- IV Brazilian Film Festival of Toronto -- Canadá.
• Melhor Video de Animação - XIV FAM - Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul
• Melhor Curta - II Festival de Itapetinga
• Melhor Filme de Animação - Festival Locomotiva 2010
• Melhor curta-metragem nacional de animação -- VI Fantaspoa - RS
• Melhor filme mostra teen --VIII FICI
• Melhor Música - Festival Locomotiva 2010
• Melhor Curta Metragem de Animação - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Melhor Direção (Animação) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Melhor Roteiro (Animação) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Melhor Música (Animação) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Melhor Cenário (Animação) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Melhor Personagem (Animação) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Menção Honrosa - I Curta Amazônia 2010
Seleção Oficial:
• Anima Mundi 2010
• Festival Guarnicê de cinema -- MA
• V mostra de cinema de Ouro Preto -- MG
• V Cine Fantasy -- Festival curta fantástico
• VI Mostra Mosca -- Cambuquira -- MG
• XIII Fenart -- PA
• X Festival Iberoamericano de Cinema de Sergipe
Realização: Ministério da Cultura / Secretaria do Audiovisual
Produção: Buba Filmes
Roteiro e Direção: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Argumento: Alê Camargo
Direção de arte / Desenho de produção: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Desenho de produção adicional /Pintura cenográfica: Fernando Faria
Storyboard / Animatic: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Modelagem: Alê Camargo , Camila Carrossine , Fernando Faria , Gustavo Rodrigues
Texturização: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Rigging: Alê Camargo, Camila Carrossine , Fernando Faria
Animação: Alê Camargo , Camila Carrossine , Diego de Paula , Jonathan Bento , Ricardo Jost , Rodrigo Mendes
Iluminação / Render / Composição: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Desenho Sonoro : Maurício Fonteles
Assistente de som : Marco Rezende
Narração: Ivete Jayme
Técnico de som : Cleyton Pereira
Estúdio de Dublagem : Luminus Dublagens e Produções
Produtora Musical : Opus 10 Produtora
Trilha sonora : Rodrigo Domingos
Coral: Coral del Chiaro
Vozes : Danillo Ferreira, Juliana Damião , Mariza Marzan
Trompete: Luciano Melo
Flauta : Rodrigo Domingos
Captação de áudio : Ricardo Marui
Pós - produção : Módulos
Direção geral de pós - produção : José Francisco Neto, ABC
Supervisão de pós - produção : Giba Yamashiro
Correção de cor : Ricardo "Kodo" Odo
Edição on line : Henrique Reganatti , Tadeu Parrillo Frede
Edição / Finalização: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine

"The angels in the middle of the square" (2010)
Original title: "Os anjos do meio da praça"
Sinopsys: A fable about fallen angels, forgo...
published: 07 Nov 2010
author: Alê Camargo
"The angels in the middle of the square" (2010)
Original title: "Os anjos do meio da praça"
Sinopsys: A fable about fallen angels, forgotten dreams and a boy.
• Jury Award -XXXVIII Festival de Cinema de Gramado -- RS
• Best Direction and Best Short Film -- IV Brazilian Film Festival of Toronto -- Canadá.
• Best animation Video - XIV FAM - Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul
• Best Short film - II Festival de Itapetinga
• Best Animation - Festival Locomotiva 2010
• Best animation brazilian film -- VI Fantaspoa - RS
• Best Film (Teen) --VIII FICI
• Best Music - Festival Locomotiva 2010
• Best Animation Short film - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Best Direction (Animation) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Best Screenplay (Animation)- Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Best Music (Animation) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Best Set Art Direction (Animation) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Best Character (Animation) - Festival de Cinema de Maringá
• Honorary Mention - I Curta Amazônia 2010
Official Selection:
• Anima Mundi 2010
• Festival Guarnicê de cinema -- MA
• V mostra de cinema de Ouro Preto -- MG
• V Cine Fantasy -- Festival curta fantástico
• VI Mostra Mosca -- Cambuquira -- MG
• XIII Fenart -- PA
• X Festival Iberoamericano de Cinema de Sergipe
Realization: Ministério da Cultura / Secretaria do Audiovisual
Production: Buba Filmes
Screenplay and Direction: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Story: Alê Camargo
Art Direction/ Production Design: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Additional Production Design/ Matte paintings: Fernando Faria
Storyboard / Animatic: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Modelling: Alê Camargo , Camila Carrossine , Fernando Faria , Gustavo Rodrigues
Texturing: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Rigging: Alê Camargo, Camila Carrossine , Fernando Faria
Animation: Alê Camargo , Camila Carrossine , Diego de Paula , Jonathan Bento , Ricardo Jost , Rodrigo Mendes
Lighting / Render / Composition: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine
Sound Design : Maurício Fonteles
Sound Assistant : Marco Rezende
Narration: Ivete Jayme
Sound Technician : Cleyton Pereira
Dubbing Studio : Luminus Dublagens e Produções
Music Production : Opus 10 Produtora
Original Score : Rodrigo Domingos
Choir: Coral del Chiaro
Voices : Danillo Ferreira, Juliana Damião , Mariza Marzan
Trumpet: Luciano Melo
Flute : Rodrigo Domingos
Audio Recording : Ricardo Marui
Post Production : Módulos
Post Production Direction : José Francisco Neto, ABC
Post Production Supervision : Giba Yamashiro
Color Correction : Ricardo "Kodo" Odo
Online Edition : Henrique Reganatti , Tadeu Parrillo Frede
Editing / Finish: Alê Camargo & Camila Carrossine

So Heddan So Hoddan Trailer
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, a medieval Sufi poet, is an iconic figure in the cultural history...
published: 22 Feb 2012
author: KPJ
So Heddan So Hoddan Trailer
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, a medieval Sufi poet, is an iconic figure in the cultural history of Sindh. Bhitai’s Shah Ji Risalo is a remarkable collection of poems which are sung by many communities in Kachchh and across the border in Sindh (now in Pakistan). Many of the poems draw on the eternal love stories of Umar-Marui and Sasui-Punhu, among others. These songs speak of the pain of parting, of the inevitability of loss and of deep grief that takes one to unknown and mysterious terrains.
Umar Haji Suleiman of Abdasa, in Kachchh, Gujarat, is a self taught Sufi scholar; once a cattle herder, now a farmer, he lives his life through the poetry of Bhitai. Umar’s cousin, Mustafa Jatt sings the Bheths of Bhitai. He is accompanied on the Surando, by his cousin Usman Jatt. Usman is a truck driver, who owns and plays one of the last surviving Surandos in the region. The Surando is a peacock shaped, five-stringed instrument from Sindh. The film explores the life worlds of the three cousins, their families and the Fakirani Jat community to which they belong.
Before the Partition the Maldhari (pastoralist) Jatts moved freely across the Rann, between Sindh (now in Pakistan) and Kutch. As pastoral ways of living have given way to settlement, borders and industrialisation, the older generation struggles to keep alive the rich syncretic legacy of Shah Bhitai, that celebrates diversity and non-difference, suffering and transcendence, transience and survival. These marginal visions of negotiating difference in creative ways resist cultural politics based on tight notions of nation-state and national culture; they open up the windows of our national imaginary

UK BlytheCon 2012
Message from Junko Wong for the UK BlytheCon. Junko answers questions and takes you on a ...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: Malcolm Wong
UK BlytheCon 2012
Message from Junko Wong for the UK BlytheCon. Junko answers questions and takes you on a tour of Junie Moon and Lele Junie Moon in Shinjuku Marui One.
Youtube results:

Airsoft War Tokyo Marui M4 S-System Daedalus in Action Scotland HD
Airsoft games action. 1 of over 400 airsoft game videos at http://www.youtube.com/scoutthe...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: scoutthedoggie
Airsoft War Tokyo Marui M4 S-System Daedalus in Action Scotland HD
Airsoft War Tokyo Marui M4 S-System Daedalus in Action Scotland HD
Airsoft games action. 1 of over 400 airsoft game videos at http://www.youtube.com/scoutthedoggie Filmed by the No1 YouTube video maker in Scotland, over 120 ...- published: 27 Jun 2011
- views: 141356
- author: scoutthedoggie

Tokyo Marui Colt m1911 (shooting)
This is my Tokyo Marui m1911a1 government style pistol. Its a very nice, expensive GBB (ga...
published: 19 May 2013
author: brickguns1
Tokyo Marui Colt m1911 (shooting)
Tokyo Marui Colt m1911 (shooting)
This is my Tokyo Marui m1911a1 government style pistol. Its a very nice, expensive GBB (gas blowback) pistol. With a tokyo marui you're going to get reliabil...- published: 19 May 2013
- views: 288
- author: brickguns1

Tokyo Marui AUG (High Cycle)
The Tokyo Marui AUG high cycle is an incredible gun, small, light weight, shooting 25 roun...
published: 05 Feb 2013
author: WhatAreYouBuyen
Tokyo Marui AUG (High Cycle)
Tokyo Marui AUG (High Cycle)
The Tokyo Marui AUG high cycle is an incredible gun, small, light weight, shooting 25 rounds per second! A perfect combination with the TM Xtreme 45! ;) The ...- published: 05 Feb 2013
- views: 18293
- author: WhatAreYouBuyen

TOKYO MARUI GLOCK 18C (Airsoft) - Shooting It Underwater
My 435th video. My third video in HD. This video is strictly for entertainment. In absolut...
published: 02 Jan 2013
author: 808Kameleon
TOKYO MARUI GLOCK 18C (Airsoft) - Shooting It Underwater
TOKYO MARUI GLOCK 18C (Airsoft) - Shooting It Underwater
My 435th video. My third video in HD. This video is strictly for entertainment. In absolutely NO WAY are anyone to copy what is done in this video. Anyone wh...- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 4219
- author: 808Kameleon