Canarian Wrestling
Some traditional canarian wrestling, you will find this demonstration while visiting the S...
published: 21 Jan 2007
author: JonPaulMac
Canarian Wrestling
Some traditional canarian wrestling, you will find this demonstration while visiting the Sunday market in Teguise
published: 21 Jan 2007
views: 2259
Lutte Senegalaise vs. Lucha Canaria
January 14, 2012 Canary Islands (Spain) Lutte Senegalaise or Lamb (Senegalese Wrestling) v...
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: KagaruNakama
Lutte Senegalaise vs. Lucha Canaria
January 14, 2012 Canary Islands (Spain) Lutte Senegalaise or Lamb (Senegalese Wrestling) vs. Lucha Canaria (Canarian Wrestling)
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: KagaruNakama
views: 6673
lucha canaria
Agarrada Lucha Canaria, Jacinto Abreu-Ruyman Leal 2 de 3...
published: 01 Mar 2007
author: RuymanLeal
lucha canaria
Agarrada Lucha Canaria, Jacinto Abreu-Ruyman Leal 2 de 3
published: 01 Mar 2007
author: RuymanLeal
views: 6859
Lucha Canaria (Canarian Wrestling)
Fotos en vivo de la lucha canaria, deporte muy antíguo de las Islas Canarias, comenzamos d...
published: 19 Mar 2008
author: chojuan48
Lucha Canaria (Canarian Wrestling)
Fotos en vivo de la lucha canaria, deporte muy antíguo de las Islas Canarias, comenzamos desde niños, jugando.....
published: 19 Mar 2008
author: chojuan48
views: 4806
LEVANTARSE O DERRIBAR (Canarian Wrestling)
Poema dedicado a mi hijo ya la Lucha Canaria Autor: Chojuan48 Música: Chojuan48...
published: 30 Mar 2008
author: chojuan48
LEVANTARSE O DERRIBAR (Canarian Wrestling)
Poema dedicado a mi hijo ya la Lucha Canaria Autor: Chojuan48 Música: Chojuan48
published: 30 Mar 2008
author: chojuan48
views: 3563
Lucha Canaria / Freestyle Wrestling Kitty Style
What this snippet doesn't show is that Balu (in the blue corner, on the right) started thi...
published: 09 Dec 2009
author: pamelaheywood
Lucha Canaria / Freestyle Wrestling Kitty Style
What this snippet doesn't show is that Balu (in the blue corner, on the right) started this with an unprovoked attack on his sister - as he always does. Kitty (in the red corner, on the left) had already given him slap for that. The match goes to her by 2 falls and 1 submission, I think. Girl power! Nacieron en las islas canarias. (They were born in the Canary Islands.)
published: 09 Dec 2009
author: pamelaheywood
views: 70
Kick Flexibility
GREAT KICKING MATERIAL CLICK Blue Link www.elasticsteel.net Kick Flexibility and different...
published: 28 Sep 2008
author: arctic1000
Kick Flexibility
GREAT KICKING MATERIAL CLICK Blue Link www.elasticsteel.net Kick Flexibility and different ways to compensate for the lack of flexibility whileKick Flexibility and different ways to compensate for the lack of flexibility while doing a kick. doing a kick. •Greco-Roman Wrestling •Kinomichi •La Canne •Lutta Corsa •Parkour •Savate •Khridoli •German Ju-Jutsu •German school of fencing •Kampfringen •Nindokai •Pankration •Baranta •Bataireacht •Italian School of Swordsmanship •Combat 56 •Jogo do Pau •Sambo •Spetsnaz GRU Hand-to-hand Combat Style •Systema oKadochnikov's Systema ROSS oRyabko's Systema •Real Aikido •Svebor •Canarian Wrestling •Destreza •Juego del Palo •Keysi Fighting Method •Zipota •Schwingen •Combat Hopak
published: 28 Sep 2008
author: arctic1000
views: 5208
Martial Arts Kicks -Martial art kicking techniques
GREAT KICKING MATERIAL CLICK Blue Link www.elasticsteel.net Martial Arts Kicks -Martial ar...
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: arctic1000
Martial Arts Kicks -Martial art kicking techniques
GREAT KICKING MATERIAL CLICK Blue Link www.elasticsteel.net Martial Arts Kicks -Martial art kicking techniques Martial Arts Kicks -Martial art kicking techniques A DVD series teaching how make your kicks what you want them to be. •Greco-Roman Wrestling •Kinomichi •La Canne •Lutta Corsa •Parkour •Savate •Khridoli •German Ju-Jutsu •German school of fencing •Kampfringen •Nindokai •Pankration •Baranta •Bataireacht •Italian School of Swordsmanship •Combat 56 •Jogo do Pau •Sambo •Spetsnaz GRU Hand-to-hand Combat Style •Systema oKadochnikov's Systema ROSS oRyabko's Systema •Real Aikido •Svebor •Canarian Wrestling •Destreza •Juego del Palo •Keysi Fighting Method •Zipota •Schwingen •Combat Hopak
published: 30 Aug 2008
author: arctic1000
views: 17618
Lucha Canaria Training - Mariano Napoles.
Lucha Canaria training at "Baragua Judo Kay", Miami. Florida. United States....
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: marianojudoca
Lucha Canaria Training - Mariano Napoles.
Lucha Canaria training at "Baragua Judo Kay", Miami. Florida. United States.
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: marianojudoca
views: 101
Lucha Canaria- Joan Lajo tira a 7
Supercopa GC Guanarteme-Santa Rita 09...
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: GuiniguadaTV
Lucha Canaria- Joan Lajo tira a 7
Youtube results:
Desafíos de Lucha Canaria (XXX Aniversario Belén María)
XXX Aniversario Belén MAría. Desafíos entre Aythami Martín - Juan A. Perez, Luis Guedes - ...
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: RedCulturaCanaria
Desafíos de Lucha Canaria (XXX Aniversario Belén María)
XXX Aniversario Belén MAría. Desafíos entre Aythami Martín - Juan A. Perez, Luis Guedes - Cirio Santana, Juan Espino - Aday Barbuzano
published: 28 Jul 2011
author: RedCulturaCanaria
views: 644
Lucha Canaria
Canarian wrestling is a traditional sport in the islands. Lucha Canaria en Lanzarote...
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: enjoylanzarotetv
Lucha Canaria
Canarian wrestling is a traditional sport in the islands. Lucha Canaria en Lanzarote
published: 30 Mar 2011
author: enjoylanzarotetv
views: 813
Los Abrigos Fiesta Day
Los Abrigos in Tenerife had an October fiesta day. Traditional costumes and folk music wit...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: canaryphotostock
Los Abrigos Fiesta Day
Los Abrigos in Tenerife had an October fiesta day. Traditional costumes and folk music with market stalls, food, drinks, hand made crafts, dancing, displays of Canarian stick fighting, wrestling and self defense. All set in the beautiful fishing village with good crowds and local media including television and photographers from canaryphotostock.com
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: canaryphotostock
views: 204
Exhibición de Lucha Leonesa en Ciñera (4ª parte)
published: 30 Sep 2009
author: ClubCampohermoso
Exhibición de Lucha Leonesa en Ciñera (4ª parte)