
The Best Songs 1998
Lo mejor del año 1998....
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: willtopsmusictv
The Best Songs 1998
The Best Songs 1998
Lo mejor del año 1998.- published: 04 Nov 2010
- views: 1752855
- author: willtopsmusictv

Peace - 1998 (Delicious)
EP Delicious is the debut extended play from Birmingham quartet Peace. Through Columbia, t...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: Milan Dujic Dujke
Peace - 1998 (Delicious)
Peace - 1998 (Delicious)
EP Delicious is the debut extended play from Birmingham quartet Peace. Through Columbia, the extended play was first released on September 7, 2012 in the Uni...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 10300
- author: Milan Dujic Dujke

Binary Finary - 1998 (Original Mix)
Please visit the Official Binary Finary Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/binaryfinary...
published: 19 Oct 2008
author: factorremix
Binary Finary - 1998 (Original Mix)
Binary Finary - 1998 (Original Mix)
Please visit the Official Binary Finary Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/binaryfinary.- published: 19 Oct 2008
- views: 679553
- author: factorremix

Billy Crystal Oscars Opening -- 1998 Academy Awards
Billy Crystal's Oscars opening monologue at the 70th Academy Awards® in 1998....
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: Oscars
Billy Crystal Oscars Opening -- 1998 Academy Awards
Billy Crystal Oscars Opening -- 1998 Academy Awards
Billy Crystal's Oscars opening monologue at the 70th Academy Awards® in 1998.- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 130097
- author: Oscars

Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine (1998) + Lyrics
(chorus) You need to give it up. Had about enough. It's not hard to see, the boy is mine. ...
published: 28 Apr 2009
author: Neka lovmytwo
Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine (1998) + Lyrics
Brandy & Monica - The Boy Is Mine (1998) + Lyrics
(chorus) You need to give it up. Had about enough. It's not hard to see, the boy is mine. I'm sorry that you Seem to be confused He belongs to me The boy is ...- published: 28 Apr 2009
- views: 10572485
- author: Neka lovmytwo

1998 JGTC Rd.2 All Japan Fuji GT Race
1998 ...
published: 30 Aug 2013
1998 JGTC Rd.2 All Japan Fuji GT Race
1998 JGTC Rd.2 All Japan Fuji GT Race
忘れてはならない日、地獄のスタート http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%AA%E7%94%B0%E5%93%B2%E4%B9%9F 1998 全日本GT選手権 第2戦 富士スピードウェイ レース 決勝:5月3日 雨時々曇 ・観衆:4万7500人(主催者発表) http://supergt.net:8080/ftp/classic/supergt.net/jgtc/ex/gtc_cham/1998/cha98_2/gtc_982.htm 実況:斉藤一也 解説:由良拓也 ピットレポーター:中島秀之/村上若子 ゲスト:2代目林家三平(林家いっ平)- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 370

Nuclear Detonation Timeline "1945-1998"
The 2053 nuclear tests and explosions that took place between 1945 and 1998 are plotted vi...
published: 13 Jul 2010
author: Don\'t Blink
Nuclear Detonation Timeline "1945-1998"
Nuclear Detonation Timeline "1945-1998"
The 2053 nuclear tests and explosions that took place between 1945 and 1998 are plotted visually and audibly on a world map. As the video starts out detonati...- published: 13 Jul 2010
- views: 521484
- author: Don\'t Blink

Finale Coupe du Monde 1998 - France/Brésil - Commentateurs français !
Final de la coupe du monde de foot 1998 ! France - Brésil (12 Juillet 1998) Avec les comme...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: fddugis
Finale Coupe du Monde 1998 - France/Brésil - Commentateurs français !
Finale Coupe du Monde 1998 - France/Brésil - Commentateurs français !
Final de la coupe du monde de foot 1998 ! France - Brésil (12 Juillet 1998) Avec les commentaires français de Thierry Roland et Jean-Michel Larqué !!! ( Homm...- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 404422
- author: fddugis

Gia (1998) Full Movie [HD 720p] Angelina Jolie
Hope You Enjoyed It!
Like and Subscribe for More!
Gia (1998) Full Movie [HD 720p] Angelina...
published: 31 Dec 2013
Gia (1998) Full Movie [HD 720p] Angelina Jolie
Gia (1998) Full Movie [HD 720p] Angelina Jolie
Hope You Enjoyed It! Like and Subscribe for More! Gia (1998) Full Movie [HD 720p] Angelina Jolie The story of the life of Gia Carangi, a top fashion model from the late 1970s, from her meteoric rise to the forefront of the modeling industry, to her untimely death from AIDS at age 26. Director: Michael Cristofer Writers: Jay McInerney, Michael Cristofer Stars: Angelina Jolie, Faye Dunaway, Elizabeth Mitchell- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 325

THE INTERNET on April 4th, 1998
One day almost 13 years ago I just decided to fill a VHS tape with me using the internet. ...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: DiamondGB
THE INTERNET on April 4th, 1998
THE INTERNET on April 4th, 1998
One day almost 13 years ago I just decided to fill a VHS tape with me using the internet. I've edited out a lot of even more boring bits of this video, you'r...- published: 11 Jan 2011
- views: 451182
- author: DiamondGB

Wetten Dass- Streit mit Götz George (Original 1998)
Wetten Dass am 10.10.1998 aus der Weser-Ems-Halle Oldenburg.
Götz George sieht Wetten Das...
published: 20 Sep 2013
Wetten Dass- Streit mit Götz George (Original 1998)
Wetten Dass- Streit mit Götz George (Original 1998)
Wetten Dass am 10.10.1998 aus der Weser-Ems-Halle Oldenburg. Götz George sieht Wetten Dass nicht als richtiges Feld (und Gottschalk nicht als richtigen Ansprechpartner) um seinen Mörder-Blockbuster ''Solo für Klarinette'' zu promoten. Folge: Das Oldenburger Publikum steht auf der Seite von Thomas Gottschalk und buht....- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 171

Zlatý turnaj století ( Nagano 1998 ) dokument / sportovní
Shrnutí hokejového turnaje v Naganu
Sportovní vzpomínky: Zlatý turnaj století
Zlatý turna...
published: 25 Nov 2013
Zlatý turnaj století ( Nagano 1998 ) dokument / sportovní
Zlatý turnaj století ( Nagano 1998 ) dokument / sportovní
Shrnutí hokejového turnaje v Naganu Sportovní vzpomínky: Zlatý turnaj století Zlatý turnaj století, který vznikl díky České televizi mapuje neuvěřitelnou cestu našich hokejových reprezentantů za olympijským triumfem v nejkvalitnějším měření sil historie ledního hokeje, ke kterému došlo na zimních hrách v japonském Naganu na 18. zimních olympijských hrách. Turnaj se hrál od 7. do 22. února 1998 v halách The Big Hat a Aqua Wing Arena. Turnaj, který zastínil všechny ostatní sporty na olympiádě, byl jednoznačně největší událostí v novodobé hokejové historii. Poprvé totiž mohli na zimních olympijských hrách startovat i profesionálové z NHL. A tak jednotlivé země přijeli reprezentovat skutečně ti nejlepší hokejisté planety. Závěr známe každý, výhra nad silným Ruskem ve finále nás katapultovala na zlatý trůn- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 34

WCW: Uncensored 1998
Uncensored 1998 - Civic Center; Mobile, AL 3/1...
published: 14 Aug 2013
WCW: Uncensored 1998
WCW: Uncensored 1998
=========================================== Uncensored 1998 - Civic Center; Mobile, AL 3/15/1998 ===========CARD/SPOILERS BELOW============ - TV Title: Champ Booker T beat Eddie Guerrero - Juventud Guerrera beat Konnan - Cruiserweight Title: Champ Chris Jericho beat Dean Malenko - Lex Luger beat Scott Steiner - Triple Jeopardy Match for US Title: Champ Dallas Page beat Raven & Chris Benoit - The Giant beat Kevin Nash - Bret Hart beat Curt Hennig by DQ - WCW Title: Champ Sting beat Scott Hall - Hollywood Hogan & Randy Savage fought to a no contest ===========================================- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 481
Vimeo results:

"Seek & Destroy" 1998 promo
This 15 year old Seek & Destroy commercial was released in the fall of '98 and distributed...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: Little Devil Brand
"Seek & Destroy" 1998 promo
This 15 year old Seek & Destroy commercial was released in the fall of '98 and distributed to bike shops on VHS. It also ran in an issue of Props video magazine, but hasn't seen the light of day since then. We re-released it on the internet as a way of saying thanks to all the friends and supporters of Little Devil over the years. Riders in order of appearance: Pat Juliff, Garrett Byrnes, Brian Iarocci, Derek Adams, Van Homan, Chris Stauffer, and Rich Hirsch.
Follow @littledevilbrand on Instagram for updates and nostalgia. #bringlittledevilback

Frozen - Madonna - Chris Cunningham - 1998
Otra obra maestra de 1998 del genial Director Chris Cunningham, quien marcó "El" estilo a...
published: 01 Mar 2010
author: Gonzalo Ezcurra
Frozen - Madonna - Chris Cunningham - 1998
Otra obra maestra de 1998 del genial Director Chris Cunningham, quien marcó "El" estilo audiovisual de los 90s.
Referencia C - proyecto corto:
Ahí te lo subí con buena calidad, fijate Jessi como acorde con lo oscuro del tema, Madonna se encuentra en un desierto oscuro (Mojave - California) y con un clima de luz fría (azulada) y gracias a una impecable edición y a cámaras inversas, siempre esta develando su rostro del manto negro que la cubre gracias al viento.
Transmite perfectamente a Madonna como un ser enigmático, fijate sus manos cubiertas de dibujos realizados con henna que tienen su significado en el yoga (el que lleva en la palma de la mano se llama "Ohm" que significa "La vibración del universo"), que le dan un aire más místico a su imagen. Esta costumbre india de tatuarse temporariamente se llama "Mehndi".
Por lo que estuve averiguando con entendidos en el tema, Madonna esta representando la diosa de la mitología griega Artemisa, que era la diosa virgen de la caza, fijate como la muestran en el aire o levitando y en muchas representaciones artísticas de Artemisa, estaba acompañada por un perro de caza. También Artemisa simboliza la oscuridad a los velos negros.
Igualmente hay una mezcla muy extraña de simbolismos griegos y celtas y al final con el hinduismo que puede no tengan ninguna relación.... o si. Sigo investigando.
Me volví loco tratando de buscar un significado al vestuario pero después me enteré que es de una colección de ese mismo año (1998) de vestidos estilo gótico de Jean-Paul Gaultier. Igualmente el vestuario se asemeja mucho al de la diosa Budista (de Asia del este) Kuan-Yin o Guan Yin.
Todavía no logro develar el significado de los collares o gargantillas que lleva puestos. Son dos, uno al principio como con un camafeo y al final como una especie de gargantilla de hierro muy victoriana.

Glass (1998)
16mm, 7:00, 1998
A not-so-still life in the backyard with children...
published: 01 Sep 2008
author: Leighton Pierce
Glass (1998)
16mm, 7:00, 1998
A not-so-still life in the backyard with children, water, fire and a few other basic elements. While the ultimate effect is poetic and transformative, it is simultaneously a study in the laws of optics - an exploration of refraction, diffraction, diffusion, reflection and absorption.
"A window pane is a paradox of sorts, as it unifies two opposing functions. On the one hand it separates the 'inside' from the 'outside' while the two spaces still remain visually connected. Glass, like water, can also flow, and both substances also share the qualities of transparency, refraction, and reflection. It is in this last quality that 'inside' and 'outside' can merge into one image. The accompanying crystal clear soundtrack, which ranges from a groaning swing to a crackling fire, very effectively contrasts the diffuse qualities of GLASS."
- from the Impakt Festival Catalogue 1998,
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Youtube results:

05-19-1998 Yankees - Orioles brawl
One of baseball's greatest brawls....
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: nemesisntdead
05-19-1998 Yankees - Orioles brawl
05-19-1998 Yankees - Orioles brawl
One of baseball's greatest brawls.- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 325105
- author: nemesisntdead

The Love Letter (1998)
Scotty Corrigan buys an antique desk and finds a Civil War-era letter inside it, written b...
published: 19 Oct 2013
The Love Letter (1998)
The Love Letter (1998)
Scotty Corrigan buys an antique desk and finds a Civil War-era letter inside it, written by a woman who died over a hundred years ago. Fancifully, he writes and mails a reply...only to have it reach its destination in the past. As Elizabeth and Scotty continue their remarkable correspondence, they find themselves falling in love, and more than restless about their impending, respective, marriages.- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 763

Superbowl XXXII 1998
Superbowl XXXII 1998
Superbowl XXXII 1998
Superbowl XXXII 1998
Superbowl XXXII 1998
published: 19 Nov 2013
Superbowl XXXII 1998
Superbowl XXXII 1998
Superbowl XXXII 1998 Superbowl XXXII 1998 Superbowl XXXII 1998 Superbowl XXXII 1998 NFL NFL NFL NFL- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 8

1998 NBA Finals Game 6 Chicago Bulls vs. Utah Jazz 1st half
In a repeat of the previous year's Finals, the Bulls won the series 4 games to 2 for their...
published: 14 Jan 2014
1998 NBA Finals Game 6 Chicago Bulls vs. Utah Jazz 1st half
1998 NBA Finals Game 6 Chicago Bulls vs. Utah Jazz 1st half
In a repeat of the previous year's Finals, the Bulls won the series 4 games to 2 for their third consecutive NBA title and their sixth in eight seasons. Michael Jordan was voted the Most Valuable Player of the series (he also had won the award the last five times the Bulls won the Finals: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, and 1997). This would be his sixth NBA championship and sixth Finals MVP award in six full basketball seasons, an unprecedented feat. From Wikipedia- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 54