Bird Migration
A documentary about bird migration and their stop overs in the North West of England....
published: 28 Jan 2012
Physics of Bird Migration
It is spring and we went to check out the migratory birds returning from their winter grou...
published: 29 Apr 2013
Bird Migration (Inspiration by Frederic Delarue HQ-Sound)
Thousands of miles journey to the far north into the arctic, every year, migratory birds f...
published: 03 Apr 2013
The Great Migration - KQED QUEST
For thousands of years and countless generations, migratory birds have flown the same long...
published: 17 Mar 2010
author: KQED
Bird migration, a perilous journey - Alyssa Klavans
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/bird-migration-a-perilous-journey-alyssa-klava...
published: 17 Sep 2013
7. The Living Planet - The Sky Above
Broadcast 8 March 1984, this episode deals with the air and those creatures that spend mos...
published: 13 Jan 2012
author: AtheistClone
HD - Bird migration invasion - blackbirds, starlings and grackles in New Baden, IL
(1080p HD) The biannual blackbird, starling and grackle migration arrives in southern Illi...
published: 06 Nov 2012
BBC SpringWatch - Winter bird migration
While the weather may be nice today, the late spring has affected the migration of million...
published: 27 May 2013
Masters of Migration
The Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory is the place to see Sandhill cranes. Some of the...
published: 16 Sep 2009
How we know birds migrate!
Everyone knows that birds migrate north in the spring and south in the fall. It seems like...
published: 13 May 2013
Migration Google Earth Tour Video
The arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) makes an incredible migration each year. These small b...
published: 05 Dec 2011
Migratory Birds Flying Over Venice
francishector.com, mediaupdate.info....
published: 26 Apr 2013
Wild Moments: Real Reason Birds Migrate
News 8's Jack Hubley explains why birds migrate south, and the reason may not be what you ...
published: 20 Sep 2010
author: wgaltv
Great Bird Migration
15.12.2011 09:25am These birds were passing by in the morning. They were headed south. Vid...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: toyferrari
Youtube results:
I fly with migrating birds
Come fly with me...Meet this week's pioneer Christian Moullec, who has developed a beautif...
published: 07 Jun 2011
author: shamengo2
Bird Migration - Texas Parks and Wildlife [Official]
Of the 900 different bird species in the U.S., 600 of them are found in Texas, making it o...
published: 07 Oct 2009
Bird Migration above Israel - Autumn 2011
Bird Migration above Israel - Autumn 2011 for purchase please contact Yuval Dax Yuvaldax@g...
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: yuval dax
Bird Migration Over NYC w/ Andrew Farnsworth
Video dispatch given by Boonsri Dickinson. Birds migrate at night and use flight calls to...
published: 08 Dec 2013
