
Titus Livy
Titus Livy-Roman Historian....
published: 30 Mar 2012
author: TheCCMillennium
Titus Livy

Livy Pear - Beginnings
Wir sind mit Livy Pear in ein charmantes Café am Münchner Ostbahnhof getaucht und damit wi...
published: 13 Jun 2013
author: Hauskonzerte
Livy Pear - Beginnings
Livy Pear - Beginnings
Wir sind mit Livy Pear in ein charmantes Café am Münchner Ostbahnhof getaucht und damit wieder rausgekommen... Beginnings... http://hauskonzerte.com http://w...- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 3812
- author: Hauskonzerte

Livy Jeanne ~ Wrong Side of the Dirt Official Video
Single Available on iTunes:
published: 28 Jan 2014
Livy Jeanne ~ Wrong Side of the Dirt Official Video
Livy Jeanne ~ Wrong Side of the Dirt Official Video
Single Available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/wrong-side-of-the-dirt-single/id777987428?ls=1 #spreadthelove by sharing this link and using the hashtag #wsotd ! Keep in Touch L- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 4910

Inner Ninja - Classified ft David Myles - Livy Jeanne Official Cover Music Video
Check out my new single Any Other Way!! https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/any-other-way-si...
published: 13 Feb 2013
author: livymusic
Inner Ninja - Classified ft David Myles - Livy Jeanne Official Cover Music Video
Inner Ninja - Classified ft David Myles - Livy Jeanne Official Cover Music Video
Check out my new single Any Other Way!! https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/any-other-way-single/id666071968 hey everyone! so this is totally out of my element...- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 43435
- author: livymusic

Livy Jeanne "Any Other Way" Official Lyric Video
So excited to share this with all of you! Here is the official lyric video for my new sing...
published: 09 Jul 2013
author: livymusic
Livy Jeanne "Any Other Way" Official Lyric Video
Livy Jeanne "Any Other Way" Official Lyric Video
So excited to share this with all of you! Here is the official lyric video for my new single Any Other Way! #Anyotherway You can get the single on iTunes her...- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 3630
- author: livymusic

Livy Pear - Enough (PULS Live Session)
Mehr dazu auf: http://www.deinpuls.de
Livy Pear aus München und Berlin zeigen, wie man mit...
published: 15 Jan 2014
Livy Pear - Enough (PULS Live Session)
Livy Pear - Enough (PULS Live Session)
Mehr dazu auf: http://www.deinpuls.de Livy Pear aus München und Berlin zeigen, wie man mit wenigen Zutaten große Pop-Schmankerl backt.- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 865

Lucky-nya si Luki + Sinopsis(Egi John, Livy Andriany)
Cast : Egi John, Livy Andrini ; Anthony Xie, Aji Nawas, Nina Tosefu, Ika Angel, Dianz Nova...
published: 30 Sep 2013
Lucky-nya si Luki + Sinopsis(Egi John, Livy Andriany)
Lucky-nya si Luki + Sinopsis(Egi John, Livy Andriany)
Cast : Egi John, Livy Andrini ; Anthony Xie, Aji Nawas, Nina Tosefu, Ika Angel, Dianz Nova, Fanni, Intan Agency Sinopsis : Keberuntungan selalu menghampiri LUKI (20) mahasiswi, cantik, dan baik hati, yang selalu membawa keberuntungan. Mulai dari seringnya pacaran dengan cowok keren, kaya, dan baik hati hingga sering mendapat juara di berbagai lomba. Karena sering mendapat keberuntungan, dua temannya yakni TASYA (20) dan KEISHA (20) selalu mengajak LUKI jika ada acara doorprize atau acara apapun. Merasa dirinya dijadikan objek, Luki pun tak mau merugi, dia selalu meminta persenan jika berhasil memberi keberuntungan teman-temannya. Sementara itu, ROMMI (20), mahasiswa, ganteng, dan pinter. Sepanjang hidupnya jarang sekali bahkan tidak pernah mendapat keberuntungan. Dalam hal memilih cewek selalu diluar dari kriterianya, selalu manja, matre, tidak cantik, dan yang menyebalkan cewek-cewek itu tidak terlalu pintar. Hingga suatu hari, dalam sebuah acara pesta ulangtahun Keisha ada sebuah acara tukar topeng. Setiap undangan yang datang harus menggunakan topeng, baik cewek maupun cowok. Luki dan Rommi pun datang ke acara itu. Mereka pun menggunakan topeng yang disiapkan panitia. Rommi menggunakan topeng Superman sedangkan Luki mengenakan topeng Wonder Woman. Melihat Rommi mengenakan topeng Superman, Luki langsung tertarik dia pun langsung merebut topeng itu. Awalnya Rommi marah, namun karena yang ditukar adalah topeng Wonder Woman, kemarahan Rommi luntur. Pasalnya Rommi penggemar tokoh Wonder Woman. Tak disangka, usai mengenakan topeng itu, keberuntungan mereka pun langsung bertukar. Luki yang selalu beruntung mendadak keberuntungannya hilang. Sementara Rommi mendadak jadi sering beruntung. Hal ini diketahui saat dia main di Time Zone dalam permainan ambil boneka, Rommi bisa langsung menangkap boneka-boneka bagus dan mahal. Begitupun saat door price , Rommi langsung mendapat handphone keluaran terbaru, dan berbagai keuntungan lainnya. Penasaran apa yang terjadi padanya, Luki pun menanyakan ketidakberuntungannya itu pada temannya yang paranormal, BOY (25). Dari Boy, Luki mendapat informasi bahwa semua itu gara-gara topeng yang pernah ditukar di pesta. Luki kaget, kesal dan berusaha menemui Rommi dengan membawa topeng Superman yang dianggapnya pembawa sial. Pertengkaran dan perebutan topeng yang dianggap membawa keberuntungan itu sangat menarik dan akhirnya menimbulkan cinta diantara mereka. Hingga akhirnya mereka tak ingin bertukar topeng lagi karena mereka merasakan untukmu, untukku, dan untuk bersama. "Tasya Tania-Bagiku (Cinta Tak Berbalas)", sound recording administered by: 70:25 Valleyarm Digital Pty Ltd/ Music Services Asia Pte Ltd "Stephan Sechi-Yo Baby Yo", sound recording administered by: 39:50 AdRev for a 3rd Party- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 1030

Livy Pear - Fairytale (PULS Live Session)
Mehr dazu auf: http://www.deinpuls.de
Zwei Gitarren und zwei mal Gesang: das Folk-Pop Duo ...
published: 15 Jan 2014
Livy Pear - Fairytale (PULS Live Session)
Livy Pear - Fairytale (PULS Live Session)
Mehr dazu auf: http://www.deinpuls.de Zwei Gitarren und zwei mal Gesang: das Folk-Pop Duo Livy Pear steht für reduzierte Akustik und tiefsinnige Texte.- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 913

Office Boy Jadi Bad Boy (Rully Fiss, Livy Andriany)
Cast : Rully Fiss, Livy Andriany, Bemby Putuanda, Yudittia, Dede Ratu
"Lyla-Bernafas Tanpa...
published: 20 Oct 2013
Office Boy Jadi Bad Boy (Rully Fiss, Livy Andriany)
Office Boy Jadi Bad Boy (Rully Fiss, Livy Andriany)
Cast : Rully Fiss, Livy Andriany, Bemby Putuanda, Yudittia, Dede Ratu "Lyla-Bernafas Tanpamu", sound recording administered by: 29:41 Believe- published: 20 Oct 2013
- views: 1443

Drunk Last Night ~ Eli Young Band ~ Livy Jeanne
I've loved this song since it came out.... but i fell head over heels with this song when ...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Drunk Last Night ~ Eli Young Band ~ Livy Jeanne
Drunk Last Night ~ Eli Young Band ~ Livy Jeanne
I've loved this song since it came out.... but i fell head over heels with this song when I was in Nashville at The Bluebird and I heard Josh Osborne the writer himself perform it!!! Its so amazing to hear the writers stories on the song and how it came about!!! I love songwriting... beautiful thing!- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 345

Livy Pear - Not this time (Live & Unplugged - egoFM Lokalhelden) www.egoFM.de
Livy Pear - Not this time (Live & Unplugged - egoFM Lokalhelden) www.egoFM.de Endlich: Die...
published: 26 May 2013
author: egoFMania
Livy Pear - Not this time (Live & Unplugged - egoFM Lokalhelden) www.egoFM.de
Livy Pear - Not this time (Live & Unplugged - egoFM Lokalhelden) www.egoFM.de
Livy Pear - Not this time (Live & Unplugged - egoFM Lokalhelden) www.egoFM.de Endlich: Die erste Compilation des Radiosenders egoFM! ▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽Hier Bestellen:...- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 828
- author: egoFMania

Livy Pear - Fairytale Live // Stuttgart Rocker 33
Livy Pear live in Stuttgart als Special Guest beim Songslam am 9.6.2013....
published: 14 Jun 2013
author: LivyPear
Livy Pear - Fairytale Live // Stuttgart Rocker 33
Livy Pear - Fairytale Live // Stuttgart Rocker 33
Livy Pear live in Stuttgart als Special Guest beim Songslam am 9.6.2013.- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 614
- author: LivyPear

Livy High - Stay (Official Music Video)
http://www.livyhigh.com Livy High's music is available on iTunes. For more information on ...
published: 18 Oct 2010
author: pfstudioswichita
Livy High - Stay (Official Music Video)
Livy High - Stay (Official Music Video)
http://www.livyhigh.com Livy High's music is available on iTunes. For more information on the band, feel free to check them out on Facebook, Myspace, YouTube...- published: 18 Oct 2010
- views: 102120
- author: pfstudioswichita

Livy Jeanne - I Wanna Fall In Love ~ Original
Livy Jeanne performs her original "I Wanna Fall In Love" at the Flying Canoe West Coast Pu...
published: 09 May 2011
author: livymusic
Livy Jeanne - I Wanna Fall In Love ~ Original
Livy Jeanne - I Wanna Fall In Love ~ Original
Livy Jeanne performs her original "I Wanna Fall In Love" at the Flying Canoe West Coast Pub during week #6 of "Conversations and Song" with Sue Medley and Sp...- published: 09 May 2011
- views: 38385
- author: livymusic
Vimeo results:

Livi jam 09
published: 10 Aug 2009
author: Alex D
Livi jam 09

Kevin + Livi
Canon 5D Mark II + Panasonic HMC-155...
published: 07 Jan 2011
author: Codec Productions 可點映象
Kevin + Livi
Canon 5D Mark II + Panasonic HMC-155

NST Basic DVD - Promo
Michael Nixon-Livy the developer of the world acclaimed Neurostructural Integration Techni...
published: 28 Nov 2008
author: Michael Nixon-Livy
NST Basic DVD - Promo
Michael Nixon-Livy the developer of the world acclaimed Neurostructural Integration Technique - NST, gives a brief introduction to NST and a small sample of what is contained in the Core(1 hour) and Categories(2 hour) long step by step DVD presentations.
Youtube results:

Livy Pear - not this time (live bei Matz TV)
Livy Pear live beim Goldenen Studio von Matz TV
published: 29 Aug 2013
Livy Pear - not this time (live bei Matz TV)
Livy Pear - not this time (live bei Matz TV)
Livy Pear live beim Goldenen Studio von Matz TV www.Facebook.com/livypear www.livypear.com Die neue EP „Beginnings" und die stylischen Jutetaschen gibt's im Onlineshop unter: http://livypear.bigcartel.com Livy Pear auf Herbsttour: 28.9.2013 // Reutlingen // Kulturnacht 01.10.2013 // Münster // Fyal 02.10.2013 // Dortmund // Salon Fink 03.10.2013 // Köln // Kulturcafe Lichtung 04.10.2013 // Köln // Lagerfeuer Deluxe 05.10.2013 // TBA // 08.10.2013 // Mannheim // Songslam 10.10.2013 // Darmstadt // Blumen 11.10.2013 // Brühl // Culturapalooza 12.10.2013 // Mainz // Schon Schön 09.11.2013 // München // Sound of Munich Now- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 8

Buy the new single Any Other Way on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/any-other-w...
published: 28 Aug 2013
Buy the new single Any Other Way on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/any-other-way-single/id666071968 Music video by Livy Jeanne performing Any Other Way (C) 2013 Black Box Recordings- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 359

Temporary - Livy Jeanne
I thought this song was too amazing not to be heard everywhere! I do not own this song, no...
published: 24 Jul 2013
author: Meghan Lever
Temporary - Livy Jeanne
Temporary - Livy Jeanne
I thought this song was too amazing not to be heard everywhere! I do not own this song, no copyright infringement intended. All goes to Black Box Recordings ...- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 85
- author: Meghan Lever