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La meravigliosa vita delle api
What is an API?
Geo - Le api assassine 30/09/2013
L'uomo che vive con le api
Google I/O 2011: Secrets and surprises of the Google Geo APIs
What is Open? A simple description of APIs.
La fortissima vita delle api!
YouTube Analytics API in ~10 minutes
What is an API? How Do You Make a Business Out of an API? Gilbert West at
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
Video Persib Bandung Uji Coba Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api! [EKSKLUSIF]
Google Maps API: Snazzy Maps


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Crooked Earth (2001)


Will Bastion returns home from the army after an absence of 20 years to bury his father, the former chief of thee Maori tribe, Ngati Kaipuku. The eldest son, he is reluctant to inherit his fathers role, so it is taken more willingly by his younger brother, Kahu. Kahu is the leader of a band of drug dealers and trouble-makers who ride horses through the middle of town, wrecking peoples gardens. Under the guise of refusal of a land settlement, Kahu makes a large marijuana deal with some murdering city folk. Will must choose between loyalty for his brother and his father, Maori tradition, and contemporary financial issues.

Keywords: independent-film


What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? (1999)




Jake's search for redemption.


Mulla Rota: We coulda bin good together, eh gil?

Jake Heke: You hang out with shit, you get treated like shit!

Apeman: Look at me.::Tania Rogers: I wouldn't want your face to be the last thing I see.

[last lines]::Jake Heke: [to Sonny] I'm not gonna lose you, alright? No more. Let's go home.

The Quiet Earth (1985)


A man wakes up to find himself literally alone in the world, and goes about trying to find other survivors, as well as to find out what happened. He suspects that a government research project he was involved in had something to do with the disappearance of everyone. Eventually he finds several other people, and once they begin to trust each other they try to figure out why they were left on earth.

Keywords: airplane-accident, alarm-clock, alternate-universe, alternative-reality, another-dimension, apocalypse, auld-lang-syne, axe, bare-breasts, bare-butt



[Aiming a shotgun at a crucifix]::Zac Hobson: If you don't come out I'll shoot the kid!

[recording his audio log]::Zac Hobson: Zac Hobson, July 5th. One: there has been a malfunction in Project Flashlight with devastating results. Two: it seems I am the only person left on Earth.

Api: You coming?::Joanne: I wouldn't ride with you if you were the last man on Earth.::Api: I'm workin' on it.

Zac Hobson: I've been condemned to live.

[speaking to a cardboard cut-out of Adolf Hitler]::Zac Hobson: Look, I haven't got time to talk to you, I'm a very busy man! Besides, you've had your turn...

Api: You tell lies!

Joanne: If we find anyone alive, what do you think they will be like?::Zac Hobson: We might find all manner of horrors. Politicians... Transvestites...

Joanne: God blinked, and the whole world disappeared.

Joanne: Anything else sir?::Zac Hobson: Ah... more crumpet?::Joanne: Sorry, love crumpet's off. [She turns and leaves the room, revealing that she has cut the back of her skirt off showing her bare buttocks. Zac begins to get up to persue her but screams as he accidentally dumps his cup of hot coffee on his crotch]

[first lines]::Zac Hobson: [trying to pay for gasoline] Hello... Hello... Hello?

Make changes yourself !

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La meravigliosa vita delle api
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:55
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

La meravigliosa vita delle api

La vita delle api vista dalla videocamera in un alveare. meravigliosa vita delle api
What is an API?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:23
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

What is an API?

Many terms are thrown around the digital marketing world, none of which confuse people more than API. API stands for Application Programming Interface and it... is an API?
Geo - Le api assassine 30/09/2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:46
  • Updated: 02 Oct 2013

Geo - Le api assassine 30/09/2013 - Geo del 30 settembre 2013 - Le api assassine
  • published: 02 Oct 2013
  • views: 628 - Le api assassine 30/09/2013
L'uomo che vive con le api
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:23
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

L'uomo che vive con le api

DolomitEconomia. C'è un uomo che vive con le api. Lorenzo De Candido, 36 anni, ha costruito una casa proprio per loro, in località Le Ante, sopra S. Stefano ...'uomo che vive con le api
Google I/O 2011: Secrets and surprises of the Google Geo APIs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 59:17
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Google I/O 2011: Secrets and surprises of the Google Geo APIs

Ossama Alami, Aaron Jacobs We've been busy this year! Come learn about some new, some hidden, and some surprising features of the Maps API, Earth API, Fusion... I/O 2011: Secrets and surprises of the Google Geo APIs
What is Open? A simple description of APIs.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:28
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

What is Open? A simple description of APIs.

APIs are becoming more and more commonplace, and more necessary for businesses of any kind to extend their offerings. Along with this proliferation, comes co...
  • published: 11 Jan 2011
  • views: 20748
  • author: BBYOpen is Open? A simple description of APIs.
La fortissima vita delle api!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 33:13
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

La fortissima vita delle api!

Questo video è stato realizzato a integrazione del libro fotografico "API conoscerle per difenderle, conoscerle per migliorarci". E' un video fumetto che esp...
  • published: 16 Feb 2012
  • views: 31388
  • author: Fotoapi fortissima vita delle api!
YouTube Analytics API in ~10 minutes
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:38
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

YouTube Analytics API in ~10 minutes

YouTube Developer Advocate Jeremy Walker discusses how to get up and running on the YouTube Analytics API in roughly 10 minutes. You can find out more about ... Analytics API in ~10 minutes
What is an API? How Do You Make a Business Out of an API? Gilbert West at
  • Order:
  • Duration: 27:17
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

What is an API? How Do You Make a Business Out of an API? Gilbert West at

A straight forward answer to what an API is and the business implications of using them to build your products and companies. A true story told by Gilbert We... is an API? How Do You Make a Business Out of an API? Gilbert West at
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00:18
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters

Google Tech Talks January 24, 2007 ABSTRACT Every day around the world, software developers spend much of their time working with a variety of Application Pr... To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
Video Persib Bandung Uji Coba Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api! [EKSKLUSIF]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:51
  • Updated: 03 Jan 2014

Video Persib Bandung Uji Coba Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api! [EKSKLUSIF]

[Langsung ke video skip ke detik 50] Persib Bandung Uji Coba Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api! Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api yang biasa disebut GBLA ini memiliki kualitas bertaraf internasional. Juga sudah dilengkapi dengan E-Board (Papan iklan elektronik)
  • published: 03 Jan 2014
  • views: 248 Persib Bandung Uji Coba Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api! [EKSKLUSIF]
Google Maps API: Snazzy Maps
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:04
  • Updated: 20 Dec 2013

Google Maps API: Snazzy Maps

Paul Saxman if the Maps API team introduces developers to Snazzy Maps.
  • published: 20 Dec 2013
  • views: 2066 Maps API: Snazzy Maps
7 Kembang Api Terindah di Dunia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:58
  • Updated: 19 Dec 2013

7 Kembang Api Terindah di Dunia

7 Kembang Api Terindah di Dunia - Setiap akhir tahun yang akan memasuki tahun baru atau detik detik menjelang pergantian tahun ,biasanya diseluruh dunia beramai ramai menyalakan kembang api,sebagai tanda memasuki tahun baru yang sudah didepan mata,kembang api adalah peledak yang bisa meluncur ke udara dengan mengeluarkan warna dan bentuk yang bermacam macam. Kembang Api Terindah saat ini semakin hari semakin maju dan berkembang,setiap tahunnya selalu mengalami peningkatan dalam membuatnya agar tampak lebih indah,seperti yang terjadi di new york amerika serikat,dimana pesat kembang api disana menampilkan kembang api seperti sebuah bintang bintang dan galaksi. Kembang Api dibuat indah agar masyarakat menikmati langit yang gelap dengan taburan warna warni yang cantik dan mengkilap,seperti sebuah pertunjukan yang menegangkan apalagi bila diselingi dengan alunan musik yang ceria. Kembang api terbesar banyak diadakan di kota kota besar di dunia seperti tokyo,london,moscow,dan new york,serta kota kota besar lain di seluruh dunia,moment seperti ini memang sangat dinantikan oleh masyarakat yang merayakan pergantian tahun dengan penuh suka cita. Pesta kembang api juga tak selalu di malam pergantian tahun baru,ada juga saat melakukan acara tertentu agar tampak meriah mereka menambahkan kembang api sebagai salah satu acaranya. Lihat Juga Video Penampakan Hantu Nyata Terekam Oleh Kamera Lihat Juga Teknologi Canggih di Air Terbaru Canggih Banget Gila Klik di bawah ini Untuk berlangganan Video menarik lainnya
  • published: 19 Dec 2013
  • views: 6 Kembang Api Terindah di Dunia
Api da salvare
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:34
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

Api da salvare

Questo video denuncia la scomparsa delle api attraverso la testimonianza diretta degli apicoltori. Unisciti al loro appello per proteggere le api, firma subi... da salvare
  • La meravigliosa vita delle api
    La meravigliosa vita delle api
  • What is an API?
    What is an API?
  • Geo - Le api assassine 30/09/2013
    Geo - Le api assassine 30/09/2013
  • L'uomo che vive con le api
    L'uomo che vive con le api
  • Google I/O 2011: Secrets and surprises of the Google Geo APIs
    Google I/O 2011: Secrets and surprises of the Google Geo APIs
  • What is Open? A simple description of APIs.
    What is Open? A simple description of APIs.
  • La fortissima vita delle api!
    La fortissima vita delle api!
  • YouTube Analytics API in ~10 minutes
    YouTube Analytics API in ~10 minutes
  • What is an API? How Do You Make a Business Out of an API? Gilbert West at
    What is an API? How Do You Make a Business Out of an API? Gilbert West at
  • How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
    How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
  • Video Persib Bandung Uji Coba Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api! [EKSKLUSIF]
    Video Persib Bandung Uji Coba Stadion Gelora Bandung Lautan Api! [EKSKLUSIF]
  • Google Maps API: Snazzy Maps
    Google Maps API: Snazzy Maps
  • 7 Kembang Api Terindah di Dunia
    7 Kembang Api Terindah di Dunia
  • Api da salvare
    Api da salvare

La meravigliosa vita delle api

La vita delle api vista dalla videocamera in un alveare.

La mer­av­igliosa vita delle api
La vita delle api vista dalla video­cam­era in un alveare....
pub­lished: 04 Oct 2012
au­thor: Piero Fas­sio
What is an API?
Many terms are thrown around the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing world, none of which con­fuse peo­ple mor...
pub­lished: 10 Dec 2007
Geo - Le api as­sas­sine 30/09/2013
http://​www.​geo.​rai.​it - Geo del 30 set­tem­bre 2013 - Le api as­sas­sine...
pub­lished: 02 Oct 2013
L'uomo che vive con le api
DolomitE­cono­mia. C'è un uomo che vive con le api. Loren­zo De Can­di­do, 36 anni, ha costru­it...
pub­lished: 17 Sep 2011
Google I/O 2011: Se­crets and sur­pris­es of the Google Geo APIs
Os­sama Alami, Aaron Ja­cobs We've been busy this year! Come learn about some new, some hidd...
pub­lished: 12 May 2011
What is Open? A sim­ple de­scrip­tion of APIs.
APIs are be­com­ing more and more com­mon­place, and more nec­es­sary for busi­ness­es of any kind...
pub­lished: 11 Jan 2011
au­thor: BBY­Open
La for­tis­si­ma vita delle api!
Questo video è stato re­al­iz­za­to a in­te­grazione del libro fo­tografi­co "API conoscer­le per d...
pub­lished: 16 Feb 2012
au­thor: Fo­toapi
YouTube An­a­lyt­ics API in ~10 min­utes
YouTube De­vel­op­er Ad­vo­cate Jere­my Walk­er dis­cuss­es how to get up and run­ning on the YouTub...
pub­lished: 07 May 2013
What is an API? How Do You Make a Busi­ness Out of an API? Gilbert West at Bizcamp.​be
A straight for­ward an­swer to what an API is and the busi­ness im­pli­ca­tions of using them to...
pub­lished: 25 Mar 2011
au­thor: Ramon Suarez
How To De­sign A Good API and Why it Mat­ters
Google Tech Talks Jan­uary 24, 2007 AB­STRACT Every day around the world, soft­ware de­vel­op­er...
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2007
au­thor: GoogleTechTalks
Video Persib Ban­dung Uji Coba Sta­dion Gelo­ra Ban­dung Lau­tan Api! [EK­SKLUSIF]
[Lang­sung ke video skip ke detik 50] Persib Ban­dung Uji Coba Sta­dion Gelo­ra Ban­dung Lau­tan...
pub­lished: 03 Jan 2014
Google Maps API: Snazzy Maps
Paul Sax­man if the Maps API team in­tro­duces de­vel­op­ers to Snazzy Maps....
pub­lished: 20 Dec 2013
7 Kem­bang Api Terindah di Dunia
7 Kem­bang Api Terindah di Dunia - Se­ti­ap akhir tahun yang akan mema­su­ki tahun baru atau de...
pub­lished: 19 Dec 2013
Api da sal­vare
Questo video de­nun­cia la scom­parsa delle api at­traver­so la tes­ti­mo­ni­an­za di­ret­ta degli api...
pub­lished: 22 May 2013
Vimeo results:
GRAVE­O­LA - BAB­U­LI­NA'S TRIP [music video]
Bab­u­li­na's Trip is the sec­ond music video from the album 'Eu Pre­ciso de Um Liq­uid­i­fi­cador'...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2013
au­thor: apiário
Apis Jyeah
One fine sun­day morn­ing, the never gets bored hill in KL we bombed. GENTING SEM­PAH. Apis J...
pub­lished: 08 Apr 2012
au­thor: Iqbal
Mt Keira Raw
My 2nd heat down Mt Keira with Louis Pil­loni, Lach­lan Carey and Liam Be­m­rose...
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2012
au­thor: Api Ihaia
vídeo de Erick Ricco e Julia Lego em exibição de 12 a 30 de setem­bro de 2012 BH Shop­ping ...
pub­lished: 16 Sep 2012
au­thor: apiário

Youtube results:
VIDEO Pesta Kem­bang Api Indah Per­ayaan Tahun Baru 2014 Man­cane­gara
Video Pesta Kem­bang Api Keren Super Meri­ah - Per­ayaan tahun 2014, se­banyak 7 ton kem­bang a...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
KEM­BANG API MALAM TAHUN BARU 2014 DI MONAS https://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=rhwtLTB_​sAM KE...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
Pesta Kem­bang Api Ter­megah dan Terindah Di Dunia, Se­la­mat Tahun Baru 2014
Pesta Kem­bang Api Ter­megah dan Terindah Di Dunia, Se­la­mat Tahun Baru 2014 Pesta Kem­bang Ap...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2014
What is an API
API ap­plies to the In­ter­net, you may not have known that it stood for Ap­pli­ca­tion Pro­gramm...
pub­lished: 22 Nov 2010
photo: AP / Slamet Riyadi
A women walks on a road covered with volcanic ash following an eruption of Mount Kelud, in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Friday, Feb 14, 2014.
Edit The Guardian
14 Feb 2014
Ash cloud from Java island's Mount Kelud forces 100,000 people to flee their homes and international airports to close. Villagers covering their faces from volcanic ash after Mount Kelud's eruption. two people were killed overnight from falling debris. Photograph. Hafidz Novalsyah/AP ... Kediri, a normally bustling town about 19 miles (30km) from the mountain, was largely deserted as residents stayed indoors to avoid the choking ash ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
photo: World Press Photo / John Stanmeyer
African migrants on the shore of Djibouti city at night, raising their phones in an attempt to capture an inexpensive signal from neighboring Somalia—a tenuous link to relatives abroad.
Edit The New York Times
14 Feb 2014
In order to view this feature, you must download the latest version of flash player here. In a striking departure from past years, the World Press Photo top prize was given not for a hard-news image, but was awarded to John Stanmeyer for a photo of African migrants in Djibouti trying to capture a faint signal that provides a tenuous link to relatives in Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Showcase. The World Press Photo Contest ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... Mr ... ....(size: 8.4Kb)
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino
Italian lawmakers gather to vote on a new president whose first job will be to seek the formation of a new government after inconclusive elections, in Rome Thursday, April 18, 2013.
Edit Business Insider
12 Feb 2014
Matteo Renzi leaving a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta in Rome. Italy is preparing for a possible intra-party government shake-up. In April, Prime Minister Enrico Letta came to power after forming a coalition headed by the country's Democratic party (PD). But the PD leader (and mayor of Florence), Matteo Renzi, has since criticized Letta ... Letta's office to discuss a possible takeover," the BBC's David Willey writes ... OR ... ....(size: 9.6Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / David Gold
Mr. Bigg's.jpg  The fast-food restaurant chain Mr. Bigg's in Nigeria
Edit The Examiner
13 Feb 2014
The International Business Times and a Nigerian news website titled the Osun Defender, reports a horrific story about a Nigerian restaurant that got busted for selling human flesh and promoting cannabilism. Last Thursday, Anambra authorities closed an unnamed restaurant after learning that it served dishes containing human flesh ... The shocked pastor called the police ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)

Edit The Verge
15 Feb 2014
The API for glass was also renamed to from "Glass" to "Mirror" API and I think this is because this same API will be used in all wearables Google is a data driven company ... The Apps currently available on Glass will be easily ported to the Watch with Google providing API access to Google Now....(size: 6.5Kb)
Edit The Verge
15 Feb 2014
Windows Phone 9 Concept - black_hawk. Posted by black_hawk on February 15, 2014 12.28 pm 0. Dear folks, respected readers of the Verge, ... (please read each new addition and see related screenshots in links). Windows Phone 9 UI. ... Interactive tiles. (developers have access to a new API where they can add buttons to tiles for quicker access) ... (pinch-out on the home screen or in apps with this new API for quicker access of scroll-able screens) ... ....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit Fresno Bee
15 Feb 2014
Mathematics teacher Sharon M. Hart's Valley Voices (Feb ... This gap calls into question the meaningfulness of these scores ... This requires additional statistical analysis ... Is an increase of 10 points on the API simply due to chance? If so, then the "improvement" is an illusion ... Roy....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
15 Feb 2014
Twitter is an incredible resource for insight into what's popular. It's a good indicator of what cool new tech is trending and what news story is being talked about most. But what if you could use it to monitor what drugs are trending and being talked about the most? ... How does it work?. Twitter has a publicly-accessible API, so Deford and the other designers were able to pull tweets that matched specific query words....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
15 Feb 2014
Twitter is an incredible resource for insight into what's popular. It's a good indicator of what cool new tech is trending and what news story is being talked about most. But what if you could use it to monitor what drugs are trending and being talked about the most? ... How does it work?. Twitter has a publicly-accessible API, so Deford and the other designers were able to pull tweets that matched specific query words....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit The Business Review
15 Feb 2014
eHarmony ... The new system, developed through an API from cloud communications specialist Twilio, is a vast improvement over eHarmony’s “kludgy” old system, which required one of the parties to initiate the call via a computer “and then this calling service would end up calling each of the two people that were the matches,” explained , vice president of product management and lifecycle marketing, in an interview with L.A. Biz ... Comments ... ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit noodls
15 Feb 2014
(Source. Informatica Corporation) Redwood City, Calif., February 14, 2014 -  ... Hybrid² Integration , Q1 2014 ... The complete report, including The Forrester Wave graphics, is available at. ...  . The Forrester Wave™ ... "We provide data integration, cloud integration, B2B integration, business process management (BPM) and API management and ensure data quality and master data management across all of our customers' resources ... ###....(size: 4.4Kb)
Edit noodls
15 Feb 2014
(Source. City of Lancaster, CA). 2014 State of the City Address Highlights Lancaster's Purpose-Driven Achievements. Mayor Parris Recaps a Year of Progress, Assures a Future with Hope. 2/13/2014 ... Along the education front, Lancaster's SOAR High School continues to be the crown jewel of the educational system, performing in the top 1% of high schools in the nation with an API score of 945 at the end of the 2011-2012 school year ... Rex Parris....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit noodls
15 Feb 2014
(Source. SMPTE - Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers). Task Force Sponsored by NABA, AMWA, SMPTE, IABM, 4As, ANA, and EBU Seeks Contributions to New User-Requirements Survey ... Other task force activities will include the collection of data on existing products for transcode, transform, and file QC, and their ability to be driven by data from UML, XML, API, script, and other machine-to-machine communication mechanisms....(size: 9.4Kb)
Edit MuchMusic
15 Feb 2014
... && getCookie("mml")!=""){ try{{verb.'comment',address.response});}catch(err){} } }); }); }; // Load the Framework asynchronously (function() { var s = document.createElement( 'script' ); s.async = true; s.src = document.location.protocol + '//'; document.body.appendChild(s); }()); ....(size: 10.0Kb)
Edit Business Wire
14 Feb 2014
GE) announced today it has completed the acquisition of API Healthcare, a healthcare workforce management solutions provider, headquartered in Hartford, WI. API Healthcare’s complementary offerings will expand GE Healthcare’s current Hospital Operations Management (HOM) portfolio, which gives hospitals real-time access to operational data ... About API Healthcare ....(size: 7.2Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
14 Feb 2014
14, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- ScinoPharm (TWSE.1789) an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) specialty company, announced unaudited record results for its fiscal year 2013 ... In regards to the overall performance over the past year, APIs for oncological and central nervous system (CNS) treatments have achieved steady sales ... By 2014, seven additional API items are expected to be launched in the U.S., Canadian, European and Japanese markets....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
14 Feb 2014
Frost & Sullivan has found that Allscripts has successfully aligned its open application programming interface (API) product offering with a number of key trends that are reshaping the healthcare industry, particularly in the area of enhanced data integration and electronic health record (EHR) functionality. The company's Open API initiative ......(size: 7.0Kb)

An application programming interface (API) is a specification intended to be used as an interface by software components to communicate with each other. An API may include specifications for routines, data structures, object classes, and variables. An API specification can take many forms, including an International Standard such as POSIX or vendor documentation such as the Microsoft Windows API, or the libraries of a programming language, e.g. Standard Template Library in C++ or Java API.

An API differs from an application binary interface (ABI) in that the former is source code based while the latter is a binary interface. For instance POSIX is an API, while the Linux Standard Base is an ABI.

An API can be:

The term API may be used to refer to a complete interface, a single function, or even a set of APIs provided by an organization. Thus, the scope of meaning is usually determined by the context of usage.

An API may describe the ways in which a particular task is performed. In procedural languages like C language the action is usually mediated by a function call. Hence the API usually includes a description of all the functions/routines it provides. For instance: the math.h include file for the C language contains the definition of the function prototypes of the mathematical functions available in the C language library for mathematical processing (usually called libm). This file describes how to use the functions included in the given library: the function prototype is a signature that describes the number and types of the parameters to be passed to the functions and the type of the return value. The behavior of the functions is usually described in more details in a human readable format in printed books or in electronic formats like the man pages: e.g. on Unix systems the command man 3 sqrt will present the signature of the function sqrt in the form: <source lang="C"> SYNOPSIS

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Gilbert West (1703–1756) was a minor English poet, translator and Christian apologist in the early and middle eighteenth century. Samuel Johnson included him in his Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets.

The son of Richard West, he was educated at Winchester, Eton and Christ Church, Oxford; his father intended a career in the Church for him. However, he was persuaded by his uncle, Lord Cobham to take a commission in the army but soon left to work under Lord Townshend, a prominent Whig. West left this position when it became clear that he had no prospect of advancement in such a career.

West married a Miss Bartlett with whom he lived in Wickham in Kent and was appointed Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital which provided him a modest income. During this period, following dialogue with George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton he published the essay Observations on the history and evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1747) for which Oxford University awarded him an LLD. In 1749 West published his translations of the odes of Pindar; his translation of Pindar remained the standard version throughout the following century. Only late in his life did West achieve a measure of financial success when he was appointed to a clerkship of the Privy Council in 1752. He died four years later.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
