6 min 0 sec
James Naismith's Founding Rules of Basketball
To see and understand the birth of an international pastime is an unparalleled experience....
published: 19 Feb 2014
James Naismith's Founding Rules of Basketball
James Naismith's Founding Rules of Basketball
To see and understand the birth of an international pastime is an unparalleled experience. Join Selby Kiffer as he shares the story of the Rules of Basketball, written by Dr. Naismith in 1891. On 10 December 2010 Sotheby's will not be selling just a sports relic, but rather an avatar of American culture that has impacted millions of players and fans around the world.- published: 19 Feb 2014
27 min 0 sec
Meet the Past - James Naismith - July 11, 2012
Meet the Past continued when Crosby Kemper III interviewed basketball inventor and former ...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Meet the Past - James Naismith - July 11, 2012
Meet the Past - James Naismith - July 11, 2012
Meet the Past continued when Crosby Kemper III interviewed basketball inventor and former Kansas Jayhawks coach James Naismith, as portrayed by Bill Worley.- published: 19 Feb 2014
6 min 46 sec
James Naismith- More Than Just Basketball
This is a digital narrative about the life and accomplishments of Dr. James Naismith.
published: 19 Feb 2014
James Naismith- More Than Just Basketball
James Naismith- More Than Just Basketball
This is a digital narrative about the life and accomplishments of Dr. James Naismith. Here is the Sources that were accessed throughout the making of the video. Axthelm, P. The City Game. 1971. "College Basketball Tournament History," collegebasketballarchive.com 2009. http://www.collegebasketballarchive.com/history.aspx (accessed 10/01/09-10/13/09). "Dr. James Naismith." Naismithmuseum.com 2009 http://www.naismithmuseum.com/naismith_drjamesnaismith/main_drjam naismith.htm (accessed 10/01/09-10/17/09). Laughead Jr., George. "History of Basketball." http://www.kansasheritage.org/people/naismith.html (accessed 10/05/09-10/07/09). Naismith, James. "Papers of James Naismith." (1898-1937): Spence Art Museum The Official NBA Basketball Encyclopedia. 2d ed. 1994. Webb, Bernice. The Basketball Man, James Naismith. Lawrence, Kan: Kappelman's Historic Collections, 1994. Wolff, A. 100 Years of Hoops. 1991- published: 19 Feb 2014
2 min 34 sec
History of basketball & Naismith
History of basketball
James Naismith, inventor of basketball.
Ian Van Dahl - Movin...
published: 19 Feb 2014
History of basketball & Naismith
History of basketball & Naismith
History of basketball James Naismith, inventor of basketball. songs: Ian Van Dahl - Movin On Chamillionaire - Sound Of Revange- published: 19 Feb 2014
1 min 8 sec
EFEMÉRIDES.- Hace 120 años James Naismith inventaba el baloncesto
Madrid, 15 dic (EFE).- Desde un pequeño gimnasio de Springfield con cestas de melocotones ...
published: 19 Feb 2014
EFEMÉRIDES.- Hace 120 años James Naismith inventaba el baloncesto
EFEMÉRIDES.- Hace 120 años James Naismith inventaba el baloncesto
Madrid, 15 dic (EFE).- Desde un pequeño gimnasio de Springfield con cestas de melocotones hasta las luces deslumbrantes del Madison Square Garden de Nueva York. Ese trayecto resume el fantástico viaje realizado por el baloncesto, que hoy cumple 120 años. Un frío día de diciembre de 1891 James Naismith, profesor de educación física canadiense, recibió un encargo de su director en una escuela de Massachusetts, Estados Unidos. Debía idear algo para entretener en invierno a los dieciocho estudiantes de la escuela que jugaban al rugby y al fútbol americano. Naismith inventó entonces un juego cuyo objetivo era meter el balón en una cesta y días después se jugó el primer partido, que acabó con una sola canasta. Lo que vino después es bien conocido. El baloncesto tuvo un gran éxito y se extendió, primero por Estados Unidos, y después a lo largo del Mundo. En España fue introducido en 1921 por el padre escolapio Eusebio Millán, en Barcelona. El primer campeonato nacional se jugó en 1933. Difícil que entonces alguien imaginara que unos jóvenes españoles llegarían a ser campeones del mundo muchas décadas después.- published: 19 Feb 2014
1 min 26 sec
Why James Naismith is the Greatest McGillian, by Anneth Him-Lazarenko
McGill Martlet basketball star Anneth Him-Lazarenko shares why she thinks James Naismith, ...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Why James Naismith is the Greatest McGillian, by Anneth Him-Lazarenko
Why James Naismith is the Greatest McGillian, by Anneth Him-Lazarenko
McGill Martlet basketball star Anneth Him-Lazarenko shares why she thinks James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, is the Greatest McGillian of all time. To vote for Naismith and the rest of your favourite McGillians, visit http://aoc.mcgill.ca/greatest-mcgillians- published: 19 Feb 2014
2 min 14 sec
Coach John McLendon talking about James Naismith
Legendary Coaching pioneer John B McLendon discussing the games inventor James Naismith an...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Coach John McLendon talking about James Naismith
Coach John McLendon talking about James Naismith
Legendary Coaching pioneer John B McLendon discussing the games inventor James Naismith and his trip to the 1936 Olympic games.- published: 19 Feb 2014
30 sec
Canadian Heritage Project - Basket Ball Invention - Naismith
Ad for the Canadian Heritage Project that recreates the creation and 'evolution' of the ga...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Canadian Heritage Project - Basket Ball Invention - Naismith
Canadian Heritage Project - Basket Ball Invention - Naismith
Ad for the Canadian Heritage Project that recreates the creation and 'evolution' of the game of basketball. Basketball was invented by Canadian James Naismith.- published: 19 Feb 2014
9 min 53 sec
James Naismith in The Invention of Basketball
In this reedited version, James Naismith comes "off the Library shelf" to tell a room full...
published: 19 Feb 2014
James Naismith in The Invention of Basketball
James Naismith in The Invention of Basketball
In this reedited version, James Naismith comes "off the Library shelf" to tell a room full of children how he invented basketball. WARNING: Several morals in this reenactment.- published: 19 Feb 2014