
Ukiyo-e woodblock printmaking with Keizaburo Matsuzaki
Master printer Keizaburo Matsuzaki visited the Art Gallery of New South Wales in March 201...
published: 09 Mar 2011
author: Art Gallery of NSW
Ukiyo-e woodblock printmaking with Keizaburo Matsuzaki
Ukiyo-e woodblock printmaking with Keizaburo Matsuzaki
Master printer Keizaburo Matsuzaki visited the Art Gallery of New South Wales in March 2010 in conjunction with the exhibition Hymn to beauty: the art of Uta...- published: 09 Mar 2011
- views: 93671
- author: Art Gallery of NSW

Ukiyoe Heroes (11) : Fox Moon - preparation for carving
Recorded in the Tokyo workroom of woodblock printmaker David Bull, this video shows the fi...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (11) : Fox Moon - preparation for carving
Ukiyoe Heroes (11) : Fox Moon - preparation for carving
Recorded in the Tokyo workroom of woodblock printmaker David Bull, this video shows the first stages of production of the next print in Jed Henry's 'Ukiyoe H...- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 6941
- author: David Bull

Ukiyoe Heroes (20) : Proof printing 'Yokai Dracul'
This video shows the process of creating the first trial woodblock prints of the Ukiyoe He...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Ukiyoe Heroes (20) : Proof printing 'Yokai Dracul'
Ukiyoe Heroes (20) : Proof printing 'Yokai Dracul'
This video shows the process of creating the first trial woodblock prints of the Ukiyoe Heroes design known as 'Yokai Dracul'. It was shot in the workroom of the printer who will be doing the initial edition, on September 5, 2013. The completed print - along with all the others in the series - is available for purchase over on Jed Henry's website at: http://www.ukiyoeheroes.com- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 1242

Ukiyoe Heroes (1) : Rickshaw Cart - first proof
Here is the very first proof sheet being pulled from the key block for Jed Henry's print f...
published: 23 Jun 2012
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (1) : Rickshaw Cart - first proof
Ukiyoe Heroes (1) : Rickshaw Cart - first proof
Here is the very first proof sheet being pulled from the key block for Jed Henry's print featuring a certain Italian plumber! It was carved by Tokyo woodbloc...- published: 23 Jun 2012
- views: 28257
- author: David Bull

Ukiyoe Heroes (2) : cutting a colour block
This video shows Tokyo woodblock printmaker David Bull, outlining the basic process of cut...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (2) : cutting a colour block
Ukiyoe Heroes (2) : cutting a colour block
This video shows Tokyo woodblock printmaker David Bull, outlining the basic process of cutting one of the colour blocks for making an ukiyo-e style print. Th...- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 87277
- author: David Bull

Ukiyoe Heroes (13) : Fox Moon - carving the colour blocks
This is the third episode in the collection of videos showing the production of the woodbl...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (13) : Fox Moon - carving the colour blocks
Ukiyoe Heroes (13) : Fox Moon - carving the colour blocks
This is the third episode in the collection of videos showing the production of the woodblock print version of Jed Henry's 'Fox Moon' design (from his 'Ukiyo...- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 5270
- author: David Bull

Ukiyoe Heroes (17) : Samus Gets Her Hair Cut
This is the latest update to the series of videos documenting the production of the Ukiyoe...
published: 13 Apr 2013
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (17) : Samus Gets Her Hair Cut
Ukiyoe Heroes (17) : Samus Gets Her Hair Cut
This is the latest update to the series of videos documenting the production of the Ukiyoe Heroes woodblock print series. It's a kind of 'trailer' for the ne...- published: 13 Apr 2013
- views: 10851
- author: David Bull

Ukiyoe Heroes (16) : Making 'The Hero Rests'
The latest update to the Ukiyoe Heroes print series, this one shows a general overview of ...
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (16) : Making 'The Hero Rests'
Ukiyoe Heroes (16) : Making 'The Hero Rests'
The latest update to the Ukiyoe Heroes print series, this one shows a general overview of how 'The Hero Rests' was made, and was shot in the Seseragi Studio ...- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 13178
- author: David Bull

hokusai shunga ukiyoe woodblock print Meiji era 19th century
Japanese Antique Shunga ukiyoe woodblock print urushi-e Meiji Hokusai school 北齋 浪千鳥 明治時代春畫...
published: 03 May 2013
author: asianantiquegirl
hokusai shunga ukiyoe woodblock print Meiji era 19th century
hokusai shunga ukiyoe woodblock print Meiji era 19th century
Japanese Antique Shunga ukiyoe woodblock print urushi-e Meiji Hokusai school 北齋 浪千鳥 明治時代春畫 Featuring a beautifully done and well preserved shunga ukiyoe anti...- published: 03 May 2013
- views: 2278
- author: asianantiquegirl

A Arte Japonesa do UKIYO-E - Parte 1/2
O documentário pretende por um lado mostrar, ensinar e descobrir a arte japonesa (selos e ...
published: 25 Oct 2011
author: Anne123x
A Arte Japonesa do UKIYO-E - Parte 1/2
A Arte Japonesa do UKIYO-E - Parte 1/2
O documentário pretende por um lado mostrar, ensinar e descobrir a arte japonesa (selos e gravuras do japão), e de outro, demonstrar como os selos japoneses ...- published: 25 Oct 2011
- views: 5036
- author: Anne123x

Ukiyoe Heroes (14) : Fox Moon - proof printing
The fourth episode in the series documenting the production of Jed Henry's Fox Moon woodbl...
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (14) : Fox Moon - proof printing
Ukiyoe Heroes (14) : Fox Moon - proof printing
The fourth episode in the series documenting the production of Jed Henry's Fox Moon woodblock print, this one shows Dave pulling the first proof copy. It's p...- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 5025
- author: David Bull

Japanese Art "UKIYO-E" Movie
Original movie is on http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6505875....
published: 03 May 2009
author: MSHRMRDM1985
Japanese Art "UKIYO-E" Movie
Japanese Art "UKIYO-E" Movie
Original movie is on http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6505875.- published: 03 May 2009
- views: 13661
- author: MSHRMRDM1985

Edo Pop - Paul Binnie
Edo Pop: The Graphic Impact of Japanese Prints http://www.japansociety.org/event/edo-pop-t...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: JapanSocietyNYC
Edo Pop - Paul Binnie
Edo Pop - Paul Binnie
Edo Pop: The Graphic Impact of Japanese Prints http://www.japansociety.org/event/edo-pop-the-graphic-impact-of-japanese-prints Paul Binnie - interview (b. 19...- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 4322
- author: JapanSocietyNYC
Youtube results:

Ukiyoe Heroes (18) : Making 'Infestation'
This is the most recent update to the Ukiyoe Heroes print series, showing a general overvi...
published: 01 May 2013
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (18) : Making 'Infestation'
Ukiyoe Heroes (18) : Making 'Infestation'
This is the most recent update to the Ukiyoe Heroes print series, showing a general overview of how 'Infestation' was made. It was shot in the Seseragi Studi...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 8701
- author: David Bull

Ukiyoe Heroes (3) : proofing 'Rickshaw Cart'
This video shows the very first proofing session of the initial print in Jed Henry's 'Ukiy...
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: David Bull
Ukiyoe Heroes (3) : proofing 'Rickshaw Cart'
Ukiyoe Heroes (3) : proofing 'Rickshaw Cart'
This video shows the very first proofing session of the initial print in Jed Henry's 'Ukiyoe Heroes' series - 'Rickshaw Cart'. Shot in the Tokyo workroom of ...- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 27884
- author: David Bull

Ukiyoe Heroes (21) : Making the 'I Choose You' woodblock print
Shot in the workroom of David Bull in Tokyo, Japan, this video shows the test proofing of ...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Ukiyoe Heroes (21) : Making the 'I Choose You' woodblock print
Ukiyoe Heroes (21) : Making the 'I Choose You' woodblock print
Shot in the workroom of David Bull in Tokyo, Japan, this video shows the test proofing of Jed Henry's 'I Choose You' design from his Ukiyoe Heroes series. The print is now available at: http://ukiyoeheroes.com Read more about the print at: http://mokuhankan.com/heroes/index.html- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 2117