
UNESCO: Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2009 URL: ht...
published: 26 Sep 2009
author: unesco
UNESCO: Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2009 URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/RL/00265 Description: Gagaku, chara...- published: 26 Sep 2009
- views: 127243
- author: unesco

Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan (complete)
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan allows the viewer to experience the haunting sounds of th...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: David MacDonald
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan (complete)
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan (complete)
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan allows the viewer to experience the haunting sounds of the Japanese court orchestra and to see the magnificent costumes and ...- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 22724
- author: David MacDonald

雅楽:越天楽 Gagaku:Etenraku
Gagaku is Japanese traditional music. Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Tradition-...
published: 19 Feb 2008
author: ytclassic
雅楽:越天楽 Gagaku:Etenraku
雅楽:越天楽 Gagaku:Etenraku
Gagaku is Japanese traditional music. Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Tradition-Gagaku-Various-Artists/dp/B00003WG46/- published: 19 Feb 2008
- views: 463951
- author: ytclassic

Gagaku 雅楽
Gagaku (雅楽, literally "elegant music") is a type of Japanese classical music that has been...
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: runupahill1
Gagaku 雅楽
Gagaku 雅楽
Gagaku (雅楽, literally "elegant music") is a type of Japanese classical music that has been performed at the Imperial court for several centuries. It consists...- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 22404
- author: runupahill1

Tōru Takemitsu: In an Autumn Garden, for gagaku orchestra (I. Strophe)
Tokyo Gakuso -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com....
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: Rique Borges
Tōru Takemitsu: In an Autumn Garden, for gagaku orchestra (I. Strophe)
Tōru Takemitsu: In an Autumn Garden, for gagaku orchestra (I. Strophe)
Tokyo Gakuso -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com.- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 280
- author: Rique Borges

Manzairaku 2 of 3, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music
Manzairaku, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music. Performed by The Boa...
published: 05 May 2010
author: fri198765
Manzairaku 2 of 3, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music
Manzairaku 2 of 3, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music
Manzairaku, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music. Performed by The Board's Music Department, Board of the Ceremonies, The Imperial Househ...- published: 05 May 2010
- views: 14969
- author: fri198765

Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan (part 1/5)
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan allows the viewer to experience the haunting sounds of th...
published: 01 Mar 2011
author: David MacDonald
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan (part 1/5)
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan (part 1/5)
Gagaku: The Court Music of Japan allows the viewer to experience the haunting sounds of the Japanese court orchestra and to see the magnificent costumes and ...- published: 01 Mar 2011
- views: 9996
- author: David MacDonald

ONO GAGAKU KAI in Moscow Conservatory
2013, November 12. Ансамбль "Оно Гагаку Кай": мастер-класс в Московской консерватории. XV ...
published: 13 Nov 2013
ONO GAGAKU KAI in Moscow Conservatory
ONO GAGAKU KAI in Moscow Conservatory
2013, November 12. Ансамбль "Оно Гагаку Кай": мастер-класс в Московской консерватории. XV Международный музыкальный фестиваль "Душа Японии".- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 77

Toshio Hosokawa: New Seeds of Contemplation (1986/1995)
Toshio Hosokawa (*1955): New Seeds of Contemplation, Mandala for Shomyo and Gagaku (1986/1...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: TheWelleszTheatre
Toshio Hosokawa: New Seeds of Contemplation (1986/1995)
Toshio Hosokawa: New Seeds of Contemplation (1986/1995)
Toshio Hosokawa (*1955): New Seeds of Contemplation, Mandala for Shomyo and Gagaku (1986/1995). Ensemble Yusei diretto da Toshio Hosokawa. *** The music publ...- published: 18 Jun 2012
- views: 2542
- author: TheWelleszTheatre

Gagaku and Hogaku Japanese Music at Columbia
Gagaku, which literally means "elegant music," is East Asia's oldest musical tradition, cu...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: ColumbiaNews
Gagaku and Hogaku Japanese Music at Columbia
Gagaku and Hogaku Japanese Music at Columbia
Gagaku, which literally means "elegant music," is East Asia's oldest musical tradition, currently enjoying a revival both in Japan and on the Morningside cam...- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 734
- author: ColumbiaNews

Manzairaku 3 of 3, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music
Manzairaku, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music. Performed by The Boa...
published: 05 May 2010
author: fri198765
Manzairaku 3 of 3, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music
Manzairaku 3 of 3, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music
Manzairaku, Bugaku (Gagaku) - ancient Japanese court dance and music. Performed by The Board's Music Department, Board of the Ceremonies, The Imperial Househ...- published: 05 May 2010
- views: 3994
- author: fri198765

Gagaku: Tokyoku
Tokyo Gakuso -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com....
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: Rique Borges
Gagaku: Tokyoku
Gagaku: Tokyoku
Tokyo Gakuso -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com.- published: 14 Oct 2012
- views: 313
- author: Rique Borges
Youtube results:

Gagaku: Saibara- Koromogae
Tokio Gakuso, Tadaaki Ohno....
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: egmdokttor
Gagaku: Saibara- Koromogae
Gagaku: Saibara- Koromogae
Tokio Gakuso, Tadaaki Ohno.- published: 01 Apr 2011
- views: 1496
- author: egmdokttor

北之台雅楽アンサンブル ボストン・シンフォニー・ホール公演 ~ Kitanodai Gagaku Ensemble at the Boston Smyphony Hall
公益社団法人 北之台雅楽アンサンブル
2012年4月9日 日米桜寄贈百周年記念事業 ~百年の春、千年の春~ ボストン・シンフォニー・ホール公演
Gagaku Performanc...
published: 29 Aug 2013
北之台雅楽アンサンブル ボストン・シンフォニー・ホール公演 ~ Kitanodai Gagaku Ensemble at the Boston Smyphony Hall
北之台雅楽アンサンブル ボストン・シンフォニー・ホール公演 ~ Kitanodai Gagaku Ensemble at the Boston Smyphony Hall
公益社団法人 北之台雅楽アンサンブル 2012年4月9日 日米桜寄贈百周年記念事業 ~百年の春、千年の春~ ボストン・シンフォニー・ホール公演 Gagaku Performance at the Boston Symphony Hall by Kitanodai Gagaku Ensemble on April 9th 2012 web url: kitanodaigagaku.com- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 96

平調音取 越殿楽(えてんらく) 雅楽 / GAGAKU : Etenraku
笙(しょう)、篳篥(ひちりき)、龍笛(りゅうてき)の3名による越殿楽(えてんらく)の演奏。 越殿楽は1分20秒からで、その前の曲は平調音取(ひょうじょうのねとり) と言って、西洋音...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: kreismusic
平調音取 越殿楽(えてんらく) 雅楽 / GAGAKU : Etenraku
平調音取 越殿楽(えてんらく) 雅楽 / GAGAKU : Etenraku
笙(しょう)、篳篥(ひちりき)、龍笛(りゅうてき)の3名による越殿楽(えてんらく)の演奏。 越殿楽は1分20秒からで、その前の曲は平調音取(ひょうじょうのねとり) と言って、西洋音楽でのチューニングにあたります。 越殿楽は、雅楽の中では最も有名な曲目です。 笙は天から差し込む光を表し、龍笛は天と地の間を泳ぐ龍の声...- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 4238
- author: kreismusic