Book Hour: Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience

Here is a book you should read for the joy of reading. It contains the letters and correspondence of many figures in history at momentous times. However, it also contains some of he most wonderfully written letters from average people regarding unusual situations. The book will touch, move, inspire, and provoke you to laughter and […]

What Do The Media Economists See in the Jobs Report That We Don’t?

Media celebrated the economic news that we’ve recovered all the lost jobs. But what’s the real story? The truth is revealed by what media economists didn’t say: Even though we now have the same number of jobs in 2008, our workforce is now seven million people larger; low wage jobs are replacing the higher wage […]

Jeanene Louden and I Have Good News About Business, Ethics, Investing, Climate Change, and Surveillance

Not all news about business is bad. Ronnie Moas is an investment hero as he shines light on corporate excesses, many companies are disavowing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s denial of climate change, and companies are now competing to provide the most secure digital communications. Apparently, the rest of the world wasn’t buying what they […]

Book Hour: Explosion Green – One Man’s Journey to Green the World’s Largest Industry

Every architect, building engineer, construction manager, and developer around the world has been affected by the green building movement started by David Gottfried. His influence and standards have been applied to hundreds of thousands of buildings representing billions of square feet. He was able to explain environmental concepts in economic terms that have been embraced […]

Book Hour: Ain’t It Time We Say Goodbye – The Rolling Stones on the Road to Exile

Bad behavior, drug use, irresponsibility, and incredible talent all traveled with the Rolling Stones during their last tour of England and their American tour in 1972. The author, Robert Greenfield, traveled with them, stayed in their homes, and shared experiences with Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts, and others. Listen to the dysfunctional but necessary […]

Hungary’s Warning for the U.S.: Fascism Can Have the Illusion of Freedom

Hungary stacked the Supreme Court and judicial appointments with political ideologues, consolidated the media, instituted restrictions on voters, gerrymandered safe political districts, de-funded their political opponents, chipped away labor rights, punished investigative journalists, saturated schools with political supporters, and used economic austerity to only provide government favors to corporations who support them. The extreme-right opposition […]

NAFTA in Mexico: Bad and Getting Worse

Many NAFTA promises never came true after twenty years. The US and Mexican people are working for less money, fewer jobs, manufacturing that’s moved to Asia, and food control by multi-national agricultural corporations. Across North America, small towns, rural economies, and families have been devastated by NAFTA. The resulting immigration issues, increases in drug cartels […]

If the Shareholder Meeting is Remote, Is There Something to Hide?

Is a corporation hiding something if they hold their annual shareholders’ meeting in a remote location. Most annual meetings are close to headquarters and scheduled at convenient times. However, what happens if the meeting is scheduled at 7:00am on the day after Christmas in Gillette, Wyoming? Should you be worried? David Yermack is a professor […]

Who is Representing the People?

Americans are against GMOs, the TPP, the end of net neutrality, and low minimum wages. However, despite broad and vocal coalitions of Democrats, Republicans, young, old, minorities, men, women, and others, these issues keep marching forward against us. Congress is oblivious to issues such as GMOs where polling is 93% opposed. Labor unions, the Tea […]

Jeanene Loudon and I Talk About The Business of Being Progressive

Why are progressives always playing defense while conservatives play offense? We always have to stop things like the Keystone pipeline, Citizens United, the Trans Pacific Partnership, and the end of net neutrality rather than advance progressive reforms. Well there is the business of administering progressive organizations. It requires goal-setting, strategies, organization, performance measures, and marketing […]

Book Hour: Last Stand at Khe Sanh – The U.S. Marines’ Finest Hour in Vietnam

Vietnam is rarely discussed but this story of courage must be heard. Author Gregg Jones tells us about the political and strategic conditions leading up to the siege at Khe Sanh as 6,000 Americans defended a remote air base from 30,000 attackers. His book reveals the stories of the men who put their lives on […]