- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 311
- author: mbhsug

fish with toast - Fische mit Toast (Perciformes, Rutilus rutilus)
In a lake with very clear water, I met these fish. They were very curious, but the perch d...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: mbhsug
fish with toast - Fische mit Toast (Perciformes, Rutilus rutilus)
In a lake with very clear water, I met these fish. They were very curious, but the perch did not like my toast. In contrast, the roach were very shy, but the...
- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 311
- author: mbhsug

Curious fish in a lake. - Neugierige Fische im See. (Perciformes)
These fishes wanted to know what I sank in their lake. I thought they might fear the red c...
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: mbhsug
Curious fish in a lake. - Neugierige Fische im See. (Perciformes)
These fishes wanted to know what I sank in their lake. I thought they might fear the red cover of my underwater camera housing. But the red colour attraced t...
- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 459
- author: mbhsug

How to Pronounce Perciformes
Learn how to say Perciformes correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutor...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: Emma Saying
How to Pronounce Perciformes
Learn how to say Perciformes correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of perciform (oxford dictionary): adjective Zoolog...
- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 5
- author: Emma Saying

Laetacara araguaiae - Cuidados Parentais em Cichlidae (Perciformes)
Laetacara araguaiae Ottoni & Costa, 2009 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) Casal monitorando os juv...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: 7sic
Laetacara araguaiae - Cuidados Parentais em Cichlidae (Perciformes)
Laetacara araguaiae Ottoni & Costa, 2009 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) Casal monitorando os juvenis, que começam a ensaiar os primeiros nados e exploração do meio...
- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 29
- author: 7sic

All about Perciformes. This is another Text 2 Audio transformation using Flite. Below is t...
published: 26 Sep 2013
All about Perciformes. This is another Text 2 Audio transformation using Flite. Below is the transcript for the recording:
Perciformes, also called the Percomorphi or Acanthopteri, are the largest order of vertebrates, containing about 40% of all bony fish. Perciformes means "perch-like". They belong to the class of ray-finned fish, and comprise over 10,000 species found in almost all aquatic environments. The order contains about 160 families, which is the most of any order within the vertebrates. It is also the most variably sized order of vertebrates, ranging from the Schindleria brevipinguis to the Makaira species. They first appeared and diversified in the Late Cretaceous. Among the well-known members of this group are cichlids, sunfish/bluegill, damselfish, bass, and perch.
- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 0

O. Perciformes
published: 08 Jul 2012
author: Elizabeth Ubillus
O. Perciformes
- published: 08 Jul 2012
- views: 31
- author: Elizabeth Ubillus

Buceando un barco hundido en Punta Guiones (Diving a sunken ship in Punta Guiones)
Un buceo interesante en un barco hundido al menos hace más de 25 años en Punta Guiones. El...
published: 08 May 2012
author: JHNRco
Buceando un barco hundido en Punta Guiones (Diving a sunken ship in Punta Guiones)
Un buceo interesante en un barco hundido al menos hace más de 25 años en Punta Guiones. El barco ahora es hogar de una gran cantidad de peces que encuentran ...
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 167
- author: JHNRco

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus)
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) * Family: Scombridae, * Genus: Thunnus, * Species:...
published: 16 Feb 2011
author: tomb0171
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus)
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) * Family: Scombridae, * Genus: Thunnus, * Species: T. thynnus, * Phylum: Chordata, * Class: Perciformes, * Order: Per...
- published: 16 Feb 2011
- views: 7330
- author: tomb0171

Cyrtocara moorii (Coppia)
(Family: Cichlidae (Ciclide) Subfamiglia: Pseudocrenilabrinae Order: Perciformes Class: Ac...
published: 12 Jan 2009
author: Gio Sapor
Cyrtocara moorii (Coppia)
(Family: Cichlidae (Ciclide) Subfamiglia: Pseudocrenilabrinae Order: Perciformes Class: Actinopterígios Name: Hump-head Maximum size of male: 20.0 cm Habitat...
- published: 12 Jan 2009
- views: 5721
- author: Gio Sapor

Defesa da Prole - Laetacara araguaiae
Defesa da prole, por macho da espécie Laetacara araguaiae Ottoni & Costa, 2009 (Perciforme...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: 7sic
Defesa da Prole - Laetacara araguaiae
Defesa da prole, por macho da espécie Laetacara araguaiae Ottoni & Costa, 2009 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) Ataque a "invasor" e retirada de alevinos da zona de ...
- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 27
- author: 7sic

Luzonichthys sp.mov
Luzonichthys sp. Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes) , Perciformes (Perch-likes), Serranida...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: brianeyes21
Luzonichthys sp.mov
Luzonichthys sp. Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes) , Perciformes (Perch-likes), Serranidae (Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets), Anthiinae. DISTRIBUTIO...
- published: 20 Nov 2011
- views: 170
- author: brianeyes21

Herichthys labridens
La coppia F1 è di provenienza dell' America Centrale, la sua zona di origine è esattamente...
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: Gio Sapor
Herichthys labridens
La coppia F1 è di provenienza dell' America Centrale, la sua zona di origine è esattamente "Media Luna Spring", Regione della Huasteca Potosina (Stato di San...
- published: 12 Jul 2011
- views: 583
- author: Gio Sapor
Youtube results:

Scorpionfish. Pez Escorpion. Скорпена. Caribe. Talamanca. Costa Rica
Scorpionfish. Pez Escorpion. Скорпена. 29.06.2013. Los escorpeniformes (Scorpaeniformes) s...
published: 13 Jul 2013
author: sergey krutko
Scorpionfish. Pez Escorpion. Скорпена. Caribe. Talamanca. Costa Rica
Scorpionfish. Pez Escorpion. Скорпена. 29.06.2013. Los escorpeniformes (Scorpaeniformes) son un orden de actinopterigios, cercanamente relacionado y a veces ...
- published: 13 Jul 2013
- views: 69
- author: sergey krutko

Raubfisch Kunstköder Lexikon
Spinn Angeln Mit Blinker Wobbler Spinner Gummifisch Shad Drop Shot Fliege spinnangeln spi...
published: 15 Sep 2013
Raubfisch Kunstköder Lexikon
Spinn Angeln Mit Blinker Wobbler Spinner Gummifisch Shad Drop Shot Fliege spinnangeln spinnfischen....
Raubfisch : Zander Hecht Barsch Forelle Wels Waller
Raubfische kommen sowohl im Süß- als auch im Salzwasser vor. Beispiele für Süßwasser-Raubfische sind Hechte (Esox) und Welse (Silurus) sowie viele Forellenfische (Salmoniden) und Barschartige (Perciformes). Raubfische im Meer sind u. a. die Haie (Selachii), marine Barschartige wie die Barrakudas (Sphyraena) sowie Makrelen und Thunfische (Scombridae).
Ein Kunstköder ist eine beim Angeln verwendete, vorwiegend aus Metall, Holz, Plastik und synthetischen Materialien bestehende Imitation verschiedener Nährtiere von vorwiegend Raubfischen (kleinere Fische und Insekten) die, mit Haken bestückt und durch das Wasser gezogen (Spinnfischen) oder auf dem Wasser treibend (Fliegenfischen), verschiedene Reize auf jagende Fische ausüben und diese zum Biss verleiten. Nicht immer imitieren die Kunstköder direkt Nahrung der erhofften Beute, oft wecken sie einfach deren Aggression und Jagdtrieb. Blinker sind die einfachsten Kunstköder. Sie bestehen lediglich aus einem Metallblatt, welches beim Zug an der Angelschnur durch das Wasser torkelt. Diese Methode hat sich vor allem beim Hechtangeln bewährt, da der Blinker einen kleinen, kranken Fisch imitiert. Aber auch Barsche lassen sich mit dieser Methode fangen, wenn der Blinker nicht allzu groß ausfällt.
Spinner (auch Spinnerblatt) (abgeleitet vom englischen to spin): Ein Metallblatt, welches auf Zug um eine Achse rotiert und durch die so entstehenden Reize (Druckwellen) Raubfische zum Biss verleitet. Durch diese Druckwellen wird das Seitenlinienorgan (Ferntastsinn) des Fisches gereizt.
Wobbler imitieren beim Ziehen durch das Wasser mit schaukelnden Bewegungen kranke Fischchen, die für Raubfische eine attraktive Beute darstellen. Wobbler haben eine Tauchschaufel deren Form die Bewegung ergibt und für die Tauchtiefe mitentscheidend ist.
Oberflächenköder, z. B. Popper zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie an der Oberfläche schwimmen und auch beim Einziehen nicht abtauchen. Durch kurzes Durchbrechen der Wasseroberfläche können Luftblasen mit unter Wasser gesaugt werden, die zu einem Plopp-Geräusch führen. Dies soll die Aufmerksamkeit der Raubfische wecken.
Jerkbaits sind ähnlich wie große Wobbler, haben aber keine Tauchschaufel. Es gibt sowohl schwimmende als auch mehr oder weniger schnell sinkende Modelle. Die reizvolle Bewegung muss ihnen durch ruckartige Köderführung vermittelt werden. Dabei werden grob zwei mögliche Bewegungsmuster unterschieden: die horizontalen Links-rechts-Bewegungen bei den Slidern und die vertikalen Sägezahnmuster bei den Divern oder Pullbaits. Die Bewegungen fallen je nach Art, Form und Führung weich bis zackig aus.
Twister (wurmähnlich) und Shad (fischähnlich) oder Softjerks genannt, die besonders beim Drop Shot Angeln immer populärer werden.
Silberkarpfen Blinder Hecht "Riesen Hecht" "Großer Döbel" Angeln Weiße Elster Schkeuditz Leipzig Sachsen Sachsen Anhalt Aal Aland Angelfreunde Angelknoten Anhalt Bachforelle Barbe Barsch Bass Largemouth Balzer Performer Classic Carp Bass Bodden Boilies Boot Bootsangeln Brandungsangeln Brasse Brot Buckellachs Busch Büsche Carp Delitzsch Die Dorsch Dresden Drill Drill Drop Döbel Dölzig Echolo Esox Feedern Feld Ferry Fishermans Partner F.B. Classic Fliegenfischen Fliegenrute Forelle Frolic-Tipp Frosch Futter Futterkorb Gewitter Graser Graserdrill Grasersession Grasfisch Graskarpfen Grundmontage Gummiköder Gummifisch Fledermaus Fledermäuse Bat Bats Gummiköderangeln HD Haken Halle Hecht Heilbutt Hering Hornhecht Jiggen Kanal Karpfen Karpfen Kescher Kleinliebenau Autobahnsee Campingplatz Grillen gegrillt barbecue BBQ steak Kliesche Knoten Kopyto Kraut Köderfisch Köhler Königslachs Leipzig Lippi Luppe Lützschena Mais Maiskette Marlin Monofile Montage Nacht Nachtangeln Nachtfischen Naturköderangeln Oberflächenfischen Plötze Pod Posenfischen Feuerlöschteich Rabutz Rapfen Regen Regenbogenforelle Rod Rotauge Rotbarsch Saale Sachsen Sachsen Saibling Saibling Saibling Schilf Schilfgürtel Schkeuditz Schladitz Schleie Schnur Schnur Schuppenkarpfen Schuppenkarpfen Schuppi Schwarzbarsch Schwimmbrot Seeforelle Seelachs Seerosen Session Shimano Shot Spiegelkarpfen Spinnfischen Steinbeisser Stippen Sturm Stör TV Tackle Texas-Rig Unwetter Urhecht Vertikalangeln Vorfach Wahren Waller Wehlitz Wels WobblerKarpfenanglen Wolfsbarsch Zander Ziegelleiteich abonnieren angel angeln bait baits bissanzeiger blei boilie boilies brolly carp carpsounder common daiwa dresden drill dynamite extreme fallbiss fischundfang fish fishing flash fox fullrun fun germany haken karpfen kilo mirror mosella pellets pelzer pfund pod prologic regen rig rod rolle run ruten schnur schuppi schwer shimano spiegelkarpfen spiegler sportex succesful tackle trüb vollrun Äsche Tauwurm Wurm
- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 68

Snook Fishing Stuart FL (772) 341-2274 Chaos Fishing Charters - Snook Fishing Stuart Florida
Snook Fishing Stuart FL http://chaosfishingcharters.com/ Call Capt Jon Today! (772) 341-22...
published: 29 Jul 2013
author: Chaos Fishing Adventures
Snook Fishing Stuart FL (772) 341-2274 Chaos Fishing Charters - Snook Fishing Stuart Florida
Snook Fishing Stuart FL http://chaosfishingcharters.com/ Call Capt Jon Today! (772) 341-2274 The common snook is a species of marine fish in the family Centr...
- published: 29 Jul 2013
- views: 301
- author: Chaos Fishing Adventures

Bass fishing at hidden pond
Dave and Keith went to the Duryea ponds. They were using live bait on a bobber and hooked ...
published: 26 Jul 2013
Bass fishing at hidden pond
Dave and Keith went to the Duryea ponds. They were using live bait on a bobber and hooked into 7 bass. They missed a few more. Overall, it was a good day.
Bass fishing is the activity of angling for the North American gamefish known colloquially as the black bass.[1] There are numerous black bass species considered as gamefish in North America, including largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui), Spotted bass or Kentucky bass (Micropterus punctatus), Guadalupe bass (Micropterus treculii), and many other species and subspecies of the genus Micropterus. Though referred to as bass, all are actually members of the sunfish family (Centrarchidae: order Perciformes).[2]
Modern bass fishing has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry.[3] The sport has changed drastically since its beginnings in the late 19th century. From humble beginnings, the black bass has become the second most specifically sought-after game fish in the United States. The sport has driven the development of all manner of fishing gear, including rods, reels, lines, lures, electronic depth and fish-finding instruments, drift boats, float tubes, and specialized bass boats.All black bass are well known as strong fighters and are fished recreationally. Depending upon species and various other factors such as water quality and availability of food, black bass may be found in lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, even roadside ditches.[1] Largemouth are known for their greater overall size and resistance when hooked, favoring short, powerful runs and escape to cover such as submerged logs or weedbeds,[4] while smallmouth bass tend to jump more and fight aggressively on the surface when hooked, in order to throw the hook.[4]
All black bass are scent as well as visual predators so care should be taken to ensure no foreign scents, like bug spray, or any outdoor chemicals, or any personal chemicals, like tobacco, contaminate one's hands when handling your line, reels, rods, artificial baits, and particularly soft plastics.[5] Bass are usually fileted when taken for the table; the flesh is white and flaky, with a mild taste when cooked.[6]Bass fishing in the United States largely evolved on its own, and was not influenced by angling developments in Europe or other parts of the world. Indeed modern British sea bass fisherman look to the United States freshwater bass techniques for inspiration for lure fishing and to the USA, Japan and China for tackle. During the early-to-mid-19th century, wealthy sport anglers in the United States (mostly located in the northeastern portion of the country) largely confined themselves to trout and salmon fishing using fly rods. While smallmouth bass were sought by some fly fishermen,[1] most bass fishing was done by sustenance anglers using poles and live bait.[4] The working-class heritage of bass fishing strongly influenced the sport and is manifested even today in its terminology, hobbyist literature, and media coverage.[4]
In the mid-19th century, the first artificial lure used for bass was developed in the form of an Artificial fly.[1] At first, these artificial fly patterns were largely derivations of existing trout and salmon flies.[1] As time went on, new fly patterns were specifically developed to fish for bass, as well as heavier spinner/fly lures that could be cast by the baitcasting and fixed-spool casting reels and rods available at the time.[4][7] Floating wooden lures(plugs) or poppers of lightweight cork or balsa were introduced around 1900, sometimes combined with hooks dressed with artificial fur or feathers.[4] Production of the plastic worm began in 1949, but it was not until the 1960s that its use became popular. The plastic worm revolutionized the sport of bass fishing.[8]
In the United States, the sport of bass fishing was greatly advanced by the stocking of largemouth and smallmouth bass outside their native ranges in the latter portion of the 19th century.[1][4][7] As the nation's railroad system expanded, large numbers of 'tank' ponds were built by damming various small creeks that intersected the tracks in order to provide water for steam engines; later, new towns often sprang up alongside these water stops.[4][7] Shippers found that black bass were a hardy species that could be transported in buckets or barrels via the railroad, sometimes using the spigot from the railroad water tank to aerate the fingerlings.[7]
- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 8