
iFly TV: Little Secrets Buenos Aires
Wander off the beaten track and discover the true Buenos Aires. The Argentine capital is b...
published: 06 May 2013
author: iflymagazine
iFly TV: Little Secrets Buenos Aires
iFly TV: Little Secrets Buenos Aires
Wander off the beaten track and discover the true Buenos Aires. The Argentine capital is bursting with life on the streets, in the parks and at the many outd...- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 5990
- author: iflymagazine

Cities - The Real Buenos Aires 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary
Cities - The Real Buenos Aires 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary, recorded 02.10.2010 To arr...
published: 06 Feb 2011
author: RuniTravel
Cities - The Real Buenos Aires 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary
Cities - The Real Buenos Aires 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary
Cities - The Real Buenos Aires 1 of 2 - BBC Travel Documentary, recorded 02.10.2010 To arrive in Buenos Aires is to find oneself somewhere at once deeply fam...- published: 06 Feb 2011
- views: 61973
- author: RuniTravel

Diario de viaje - Argentina, Buenos Aires (10/10/2012)
La capital de la República Argentina está orgullosa de sus orígenes, de la belleza de su c...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: CanalOnceIPN
Diario de viaje - Argentina, Buenos Aires (10/10/2012)
Diario de viaje - Argentina, Buenos Aires (10/10/2012)
La capital de la República Argentina está orgullosa de sus orígenes, de la belleza de su ciudad, y de sus habitantes. Por sus calles surgen distintas manifes...- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 35401
- author: CanalOnceIPN

A Pé - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Episódio 1 (1st episode): Buenos Aires, Argentina *English subtitles available / legendas ...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: A Pé
A Pé - Buenos Aires, Argentina
A Pé - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Episódio 1 (1st episode): Buenos Aires, Argentina *English subtitles available / legendas disponíveis em inglês e português. Eu sempre gostei de viajar e de ...- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 38107
- author: A Pé

Buenos Aires, Argentina - A Survival Guide
What to expect in Buenos Aires, Argentina... This video made by a group of international v...
published: 02 May 2013
author: Voluntario Global
Buenos Aires, Argentina - A Survival Guide
Buenos Aires, Argentina - A Survival Guide
What to expect in Buenos Aires, Argentina... This video made by a group of international volunteers aims to explain some of the cultural differences between ...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 592
- author: Voluntario Global

Buenos Aires (Argentina) | O Mundo Segundo os Brasileiros | 15/04/2013 | HD
O Mundo Segundo os Brasileiros (3a Temporada) | Band Buenos Aires (Argentina) [15/04/2013]...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: DocTVBR
Buenos Aires (Argentina) | O Mundo Segundo os Brasileiros | 15/04/2013 | HD
Buenos Aires (Argentina) | O Mundo Segundo os Brasileiros | 15/04/2013 | HD
O Mundo Segundo os Brasileiros (3a Temporada) | Band Buenos Aires (Argentina) [15/04/2013] "O Mundo Segundo os Brasileiros visita a cidade de Buenos Aires, n...- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 3130
- author: DocTVBR

Buenos Aires, Argentina - Top Things To Do
http://www.livingradically.com/ Buenos Aires is known as the Paris of South America. We sp...
published: 18 Jan 2010
author: livingradically
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Top Things To Do
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Top Things To Do
http://www.livingradically.com/ Buenos Aires is known as the Paris of South America. We spent an amazing week in Buenos Aires and now share our thoughts and ...- published: 18 Jan 2010
- views: 45158
- author: livingradically

Go or No: Buenos Aires, Argentina Travel Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Buenos Aires, Argentina with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rud...
published: 20 Oct 2013
Go or No: Buenos Aires, Argentina Travel Review
Go or No: Buenos Aires, Argentina Travel Review
The Ins and Outs of traveling to Buenos Aires, Argentina with Andrea Feczko and Rachel Rudwall Watch more @HowTwoTravelers videos! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=andreafeczko Capital of Argentina, and home to steak, tango, and Evita, Buenos Aires is an exciting city with lots to do. But, is it worth the trip? -Tango Dancing and Nightlife -Argentine meals: steaks, meats, Malbec wine, empanadas, and more -Argentine couture -Casa Rosada, La Boca, Palermo, Recoleta Cemetery -Evita Peron -El Ateneo Bookstore -San Telmo Market -Club Eros, La Cabrera Follow us on twitter! http://www.twitter.com/HowTwoTravelers http://www.twitter.com/AndreaFeczko http://www.twitter.com/RachelRoams Instagram @AndreaFeczko @RachelRoams- published: 20 Oct 2013
- views: 934

Hey You! What Song Are You Listening To? BUENOS AIRES
Que canción estás escuchando? A short film by Greg Henkel & Agustin Norverto. We walked ar...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: agusnor
Hey You! What Song Are You Listening To? BUENOS AIRES
Hey You! What Song Are You Listening To? BUENOS AIRES
Que canción estás escuchando? A short film by Greg Henkel & Agustin Norverto. We walked around Buenos Aires asking people with earphones what music they wer...- published: 23 Jun 2011
- views: 84470
- author: agusnor

Auf 3 Sofas durch - Buenos Aires | EinsPlus
Dieses mal gehts nach Südamerika, nach Argentinien um genau zu sein. Selbst die Brücken in...
published: 13 Sep 2013
Auf 3 Sofas durch - Buenos Aires | EinsPlus
Auf 3 Sofas durch - Buenos Aires | EinsPlus
Dieses mal gehts nach Südamerika, nach Argentinien um genau zu sein. Selbst die Brücken in Buenos Aires tanzen Tango!! Die Brücke, die ich meine, heißt Puente de la Mujer, (Frauenbrücke). Sie wurde 2001 eröffnet und der Architekt sagt sie stelle ein Paar dar, dass Tango tanzt. Der Brückenpfeiler soll der Mann sein, die Brücke selbst die Frau. Ich war mit meiner persönlichen Tango-Lehrerin Carla dort. Sie sieht allerdings kein Tango-Paar sondern nur ne Brücke: Ich hingegen (sehr Fantasiebegabt) sehe dort auf jeden Fall ein tanzendes Paar - ich glaube allerdings Foxtrott! Mein zweiter Host Marcin wohnt teilweise im Dschungel nördlich von Buenos Aires. (8 Monate war er am Stück hier). Jeder wuschtelt sich so Hippy-Aussteiger-Style durchs Leben. Wir sollten ein Boot abholen und zu anderen Dreadlock-Menschen bringen... Städtereisen intim und hautnah. Mit der Videokamera in der Hand und dem Couchsurfer-Portal im Laptop taucht Thomas Niemietz in sechs angesagten Metropolen in die Leben junger Urban Natives ein. Ab 26. November um 21.45 Uhr in EinsPlus Noch mehr 'Auf 3 Sofas..': Kanal abonnieren unter: http://goo.gl/B2XuV Fan werden bei Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/3Sofas YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/einsplus Offizielle Homepage: http://www.einsplus.de/- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 483

Documentary Buenos Aires The most beautiful of America
Buenos Aires became one of the main cities in the world as the capital of an agrarian expo...
published: 06 Feb 2013
author: São Paulo TV
Documentary Buenos Aires The most beautiful of America
Documentary Buenos Aires The most beautiful of America
Buenos Aires became one of the main cities in the world as the capital of an agrarian exportation country. The paradox of an urban society in an agrarian cou...- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 7334
- author: São Paulo TV

Bizarre Foods Buenos Aires 1
Bizarre Foods Buenos Aires Part 1
Subscribe to Us Now!
Andrew tries some of the most int...
published: 21 Sep 2013
Bizarre Foods Buenos Aires 1
Bizarre Foods Buenos Aires 1
Bizarre Foods Buenos Aires Part 1 Subscribe to Us Now! Andrew tries some of the most interesting and unique food items that are found in Buenos Aries. Traditionally, the city focuses on large meaty meals. Andrew not only tries some interesting cuts and types of meat, but also different ways of meal preparation from some of the local restaurants and vendors. Bizarre Foods Buenos Aires- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 400

Comprinhas de Buenos Aires 2013
Oiii meninas, aproveitem para assistir em HD! Post no blog: http://minhalombrigadehoje.blo...
published: 19 Jun 2013
author: Natália Lombardi
Comprinhas de Buenos Aires 2013
Comprinhas de Buenos Aires 2013
Oiii meninas, aproveitem para assistir em HD! Post no blog: http://minhalombrigadehoje.blogspot.com.br/2013/06/video-comprinha-e-mimos-da-loja-boni.html Me e...- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 869
- author: Natália Lombardi

Natalie Tran in Buenos Aires with Lonely Planet
Natalie Tran filmed this video on her world trip with Lonely Planet. See all the videos fr...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: Lonely Planet
Natalie Tran in Buenos Aires with Lonely Planet
Natalie Tran in Buenos Aires with Lonely Planet
Natalie Tran filmed this video on her world trip with Lonely Planet. See all the videos from Nat's trip here: http://lonelyplanet.com/natalie/- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 248937
- author: Lonely Planet
Vimeo results:

Buenos Aires Ciudad - Gobierno Abierto
Please visit (and Like)
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: Esteban Diácono
Buenos Aires Ciudad - Gobierno Abierto
Please visit (and Like)
Institutional Video for the Open Government Plan of the City of Buenos Aires.
Video institucional para la presentación del Plan de Gobierno Abierto del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Design by the always amazing Carla Dasso.

Buenos Aires - Inception Park
published: 15 Feb 2012
author: Black Sheep Films
Buenos Aires - Inception Park
Directed by Fernando Livschitz

Buenos Aires Ciudad - Gobierno Abierto
Video institucional para la presentación del Plan de Gobierno Abierto del Gobierno de la C...
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: Buenos Aires Data
Buenos Aires Ciudad - Gobierno Abierto
Video institucional para la presentación del Plan de Gobierno Abierto del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Dirección General de Información y Gobierno Abierto - Ministerio de Modernización
Buenos Aires Data: data.buenosaires.gob.ar
Blog: gobiernoabierto.buenosaires.gob.ar
Twitter: @GCBAdata

Buenos Aires Salud Clip 01
The Government of the City of Buenos Aires presents comprehensive health campaign.
The ne...
published: 03 Oct 2013
author: DHNN Creative Agency
Buenos Aires Salud Clip 01
The Government of the City of Buenos Aires presents comprehensive health campaign.
The new campaign puts the focus on the importance of health as a priority issue for the Government of the City of Buenos Aires , and shows how , through a comprehensive plan of awareness , prevention and care , the City guarantees health care to all who need it.
The campaign features 10 animated TV mics. Through different media , how this system diffuses health responds to specific and real problems of the population , through a wide range of services and useful information for everyone.
It also communicates about improvements through the implementation of major works, the incorporation of new equipment for hospitals and health centers , creating shifts telephone system in hospitals to reduce and streamline the waiting time , care plans personalized care , training in healthy habits , among other topics of relevance to those who use the public health system of the City.
Client: Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Agency: Don
Title: Salud
General Creative Director: Papon Ricciarelli / Gonzalo Ricca
Creative Director: Gonzalo Ricca
Copyright: Gustavo Lema
Head of art: Javier Guaschetti
Brands General Director: Santiago Sarni
Producer: Carlos Cavaciocchi
Producer Agency: DHNN Creative Agency
Executive Producer: Juan Mai
Animator and post: Leandro Feuz
Director: Juan Crescimone / Lucas Davison
Sonido: Twins Music
Youtube results:

Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Video realizado por la Subsecretaria de Turismo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Video done b...
published: 28 Dec 2007
author: PluralHC
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Video realizado por la Subsecretaria de Turismo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Video done by the Tourism department of Ciudad de Buenos Aires.- published: 28 Dec 2007
- views: 195721
- author: PluralHC

Que Tiene Buenos Aires - programa 3
En "¿Que tiene Buenos Aires?" mostramos a la ciudad de Buenos Aires a través de la mirada ...
published: 09 Oct 2013
Que Tiene Buenos Aires - programa 3
Que Tiene Buenos Aires - programa 3
En "¿Que tiene Buenos Aires?" mostramos a la ciudad de Buenos Aires a través de la mirada del extranjero que vive por propia decisión aquí. No sólo están contentos de vivir en nuestra ciudad sino que sienten que encontraron su lugar en el mundo para desarrollarse personal y profesionalmente. Conducen: Sofía Calamita y Alfredo Quiros Seguinos en: Twitter @CiudadAbiertaBA https://twitter.com/CiudadAbiertaBA Facebook http://www.facebook.com/CiudadAbiertaBA MIRÁ Ciudad Abierta x http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/ciudada... NUEVO stream!- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 52

Comprinhas em Buenos Aires
Não esqueça de trocar a qualidade para 720p!
Post no Blog: http://migre.me/gs5oX
published: 25 Oct 2013
Comprinhas em Buenos Aires
Comprinhas em Buenos Aires
Não esqueça de trocar a qualidade para 720p! Post no Blog: http://migre.me/gs5oX Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlogJanaMakeUp Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BlogJanaMakeUp Instagram: http://instagram.com/janamake/ (@janamake)- published: 25 Oct 2013
- views: 35083

Vlog Buenos Aires: Feirinha em San Telmo/ último dia!
FOTOS: http://niinasecrets.com.br/2013/vlog-buenos-aires-feirinha-em-san-telmo-ultimo-dia/...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: NiinaVlog
Vlog Buenos Aires: Feirinha em San Telmo/ último dia!
Vlog Buenos Aires: Feirinha em San Telmo/ último dia!
FOTOS: http://niinasecrets.com.br/2013/vlog-buenos-aires-feirinha-em-san-telmo-ultimo-dia/ Blog: http://niinasecrets.com.br/ e-mail: niinasecrets@hotmail.com...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 61405
- author: NiinaVlog