"Ghost" (2011) is a independent shortfilm finished January 2011, shot in my hometown of Vi...
"Ghost" (2011) is a independent shortfilm finished January 2011, shot in my hometown of Viborg. Both I, the DOP and sounddesigner grew up here, and had strong feelings about the locations.
We wanted to tell a simple story with a strong visual universe, using mostly atmosphere and moods. Avoiding dialogue and story telling rules, we played around with the structure, visuals and sound, trying to make the outer world reflect the inner feelings of the characters. This little ekspressive and experimental film was the end result.
Thanks alot to all the friends and family who helped out!
Here's a little "behind the scenes" stuff:
Actors: Alberthe Skovborg Hansen, Frederik Knuth-Winterfeldt, Julie Skibelund Schou
Producers: Tobias Gundorff Boesen, Andreas Berg
Direction & Story: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
DOP: Andreas Berg
Lighting: Mikkel Sigsgaard
Assistants: Anton Iversen, Jesper Karstensen
Sound Design: Thomas Arent Andersen
Editing: Sara Bøgh
Post & Artdirection: Tobias Gundorff Boesen
Festival Updates:
A Night In Paradise Århus Denmark 2011
Blue Whiskey Independent Film Festival Illinoise USA, sept 2011
Salt Lake City International Film Festival, Utah USA, August 2011
Nordisk Panorama, Århus Denmark, September 2011
Fantastisk Film Festival, Lund Sweden, september 2011
Geneva International Film Festival, Austria 4-10 Nov 2011
Encounters, Bristol England 16-20 Nov 2011