大阪府警察歌斉唱(Osaka prefecture Police Song)
(Osaka prefecture police new year ceremony pre-training singing Osaka ...
published: 07 Dec 2013
大阪府警察歌斉唱(Osaka prefecture Police Song)
大阪府警察歌斉唱(Osaka prefecture Police Song)
年頭視閲式事前訓練にて大阪府警察歌斉唱 (Osaka prefecture police new year ceremony pre-training singing Osaka prefecture police song.)- published: 07 Dec 2013
- views: 71
橋下 徹 大阪府知事 2011.1.25
Toru HASHIMOTO, Governor, Osaka Prefecture 橋下徹・大阪府知事が記者会見し、大阪都構想について語り、質問に答えた。 ≪「大阪に来てください...
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: jnpc
橋下 徹 大阪府知事 2011.1.25
橋下 徹 大阪府知事 2011.1.25
Toru HASHIMOTO, Governor, Osaka Prefecture 橋下徹・大阪府知事が記者会見し、大阪都構想について語り、質問に答えた。 ≪「大阪に来てください。同じような体育館、病院、同じ高さのビル、みんな二つある。全部無駄!」≫ 橋下知事は、「東京にいると問題を感じないかもしれないが、日本...- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 63333
- author: jnpc
Sojiji Temple (総持寺) , Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture
Sojiji Temple (総持寺) is located in Ibaraki City of the Osaka Prefecture. It is a small but...
published: 07 Sep 2013
Sojiji Temple (総持寺) , Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture
Sojiji Temple (総持寺) , Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture
Sojiji Temple (総持寺) is located in Ibaraki City of the Osaka Prefecture. It is a small but charming neighborhood temple, popular with the Ibaraki residents. It is the #22 Temple in the Saikoku 33 Kannon Temple Pilgrimage of Western Japan. Enjoy. 西国観音巡礼 第 22 番 総持寺- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 26
[Sight-seeing] Osaka prefecture trace. 西町奉行所跡・大阪府庁跡(初代)
In Osaka of the Shogunate government controlled area the town city magistrate's office by ...
published: 16 Jul 2012
author: デフ 太郎
[Sight-seeing] Osaka prefecture trace. 西町奉行所跡・大阪府庁跡(初代)
[Sight-seeing] Osaka prefecture trace. 西町奉行所跡・大阪府庁跡(初代)
In Osaka of the Shogunate government controlled area the town city magistrate's office by a geographic position Both East-West city magistrate's offices were...- published: 16 Jul 2012
- views: 94
- author: デフ 太郎
岸和田市 Japan Osaka Prefecture Kishiwada City
岸和田市(きしわだし、英語表記:Kishiwada-city)は、大阪府泉南地域に位置する市。 現在はだんじり祭りで有名だが、江戸時代には岸和田藩の城下町として栄えた。同市は永住外...
published: 25 Sep 2008
author: 渡辺 一二三
岸和田市 Japan Osaka Prefecture Kishiwada City
岸和田市 Japan Osaka Prefecture Kishiwada City
岸和田市(きしわだし、英語表記:Kishiwada-city)は、大阪府泉南地域に位置する市。 現在はだんじり祭りで有名だが、江戸時代には岸和田藩の城下町として栄えた。同市は永住外国人と、国内在住期間が3年を越え満18歳以上で3ヵ月以上市内に住む「定住外国人」にも住民投票の投票権(参政権ではない)を認めている。 ...- published: 25 Sep 2008
- views: 1232
- author: 渡辺 一二三
箕面大滝 Minoh-daki waterfall in Minoh, Osaka prefecture, Japan (2012.11.10)
箕面川を流れる落差33m、滝幅5mの滝。箕面公園内にあり、大阪府箕面市のシンボルで日本の滝百選の一つに選定されている。 かつては修験道の道場であった。 紅葉のピークには少し早かった...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: kamigata0
箕面大滝 Minoh-daki waterfall in Minoh, Osaka prefecture, Japan (2012.11.10)
箕面大滝 Minoh-daki waterfall in Minoh, Osaka prefecture, Japan (2012.11.10)
箕面川を流れる落差33m、滝幅5mの滝。箕面公園内にあり、大阪府箕面市のシンボルで日本の滝百選の一つに選定されている。 かつては修験道の道場であった。 紅葉のピークには少し早かったかも。 阪急箕面線箕面駅から徒歩約1時間。 上の車道に駐車場もあるが、紅葉のシーズンを中心に大変混雑するので、避けた方がいい この日の...- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 34
- author: kamigata0
Back-streets of Hirakata City.Osaka Prefecture.
published: 17 May 2012
author: Ross-Barry Barcock
Back-streets of Hirakata City.Osaka Prefecture.
Back-streets of Hirakata City.Osaka Prefecture.
cycling.- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 82
- author: Ross-Barry Barcock
"Osaka - Universal Studios Japan" Amnezia's photos around Osaka Japan, Japan (osaka prefecture)
Preview of Amnezia's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW1
"Osaka - Universal Studios Japan" Amnezia's photos around Osaka Japan, Japan (osaka prefecture)
"Osaka - Universal Studios Japan" Amnezia's photos around Osaka Japan, Japan (osaka prefecture)
Preview of Amnezia's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/amnezia/1/1210347420/tpod.html This blog previe...- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 210
- author: TripAdvisorTRIPWOW1
Farmland near Hoji, Katano City. Osaka Prefecture.
published: 17 May 2012
author: Ross-Barry Barcock
Farmland near Hoji, Katano City. Osaka Prefecture.
Farmland near Hoji, Katano City. Osaka Prefecture.
cycling.- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 15
- author: Ross-Barry Barcock
Vimeo results:
100 MAN FIGHT - Trailer
Journey to the 100 Man Fight: The Judd Reid story
In 2011, Judd Rei...
published: 30 Jun 2013
author: Anton Cavka
100 MAN FIGHT - Trailer
Journey to the 100 Man Fight: The Judd Reid story
In 2011, Judd Reid was invited by the World Kumite Organization (WKO) to attempt the 100 Man Kumite to be held in Japan on October 22nd at the Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium.
The 100 Man Kumite is an event steeped in tradition where a person attempts to fight 100 black belts consecutively for 1.5 minute rounds, taking almost 3.5 hours to complete. Very few people have ever attempted, let alone completed what must be the toughest mental and physical challenge in the world.
Judd is the current WKO world heavyweight champion and the first foreigner to have completed the 1000 day "uchi deshi" live in student program in Tokyo, Japan under Kyokushin Karate Founder Sosai Mas Oyama from 1990-1993.
Journey to the 100 Man Fight is a documentary that tells Judd's incredible story of life long dedication to martial arts and and his attempt at the 100 Man Kumite in the twilight of his fight career.
Rainy Train - Yui Japan (Shizuoka)
Tokyo2Osaka crew waiting at the train crossing after riding through the rain in the rural ...
published: 30 Jun 2009
author: Underdog Pictures
Rainy Train - Yui Japan (Shizuoka)
Tokyo2Osaka crew waiting at the train crossing after riding through the rain in the rural town of Yui Japan in Shizuoka Prefecture.
Memory Palimpsest | Palimpsest Pamięci
This film is an integral part of my diploma work at Graphic Design & Media Arts Faculty at...
published: 15 Jul 2011
author: odaibe
Memory Palimpsest | Palimpsest Pamięci
This film is an integral part of my diploma work at Graphic Design & Media Arts Faculty at Fine Arts Academy in Wroclaw. Im an author of video and music / sound design. Instruments like zithra, piano and double bass where recorded by Noise of The World.
Memory Palimpsest project is under the honorary patronage of :
Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology
MATSUMI Japanese Language School
Miejski Ośrodek Kultury w Nowej Rudzie
Oria media
ArC2 Fabryka Projektowa
Palimpsest (gr.παλίμψηστον palimpseston from πάλιν palin -"again" and ψάω psao - "wipe") manuscript written on material previously used for writing, from which the previous text was removed, mostly to reduce the cost of this material. In a figurative sense, the word "palimpsest" is also ambiguous statement, a multilayered semantics.
Franz Eckert was born April 5, 1852, in Neurode (out of Nowa Ruda), German composer, along with Hiromori Hayashi co-founder of Japan's nationalanthem - Kimi Ga Yo. Popularized Western compositions and instruments previously unknown in contemporary Japan. He died on August 8, 1916, in Seoul.
During autumn 2010, I was documenting the visual landscape & collecting field recordings in central Japan, Tokyo agglomeration, Gifu prefecture and the cities of Osaka and Kyoto. After returning to Poland, I visited - Nowa Ruda (formerly Neurode) a hidden city in the Owl Mountains. Diploma project, which is now presented is the result of processing a multi-layered audio-visual material collected in places associated with life and work of Franz Eckert.
Palimpsest (gr. παλίμψηστον palimpseston, od πάλιν palin - "ponownie" i ψάω psao - "ścieram") – rękopis spisany na używanym już wcześniej materiale piśmiennym, z którego usunięto poprzedni tekst, najczęściej w celu zmniejszenia kosztów owego materiału. W sensie przenośnym słowo "palimpsest" oznacza również wypowiedź wieloznaczną, o wielowarstwowej semantyce.
Franz Eckert urodzony 5 kwietnia 1852 r. w Neurode (obecnie Nowa Ruda), niemiecki kompozytor, współtwórca razem z Hayashi Hiromori, hymnu państwowego Japonii - Kimi Ga Yo. Spopularyzował zachodnioeuropejskie kompozycje oraz instrumenty, zupełnie nieznane w ówczesnej Japonii. Zmarł 8 sierpnia 1916 r. w Seulu.
Jesienią 2010 roku, dokumentowałem przestrzeń wizualną i krajobraz dźwiękowy centralnej Japonii, m.i.n aglomeracji Tokijskiej, prefektury Gifu oraz miast : Osaka i Kyoto. Po powrocie do Polski, niezacierając pamięci azjatyckich podróży, odwiedziłem ukryte w Górach Sowich miasto - Nową Rudę (dawniej Neurode). Projekt dyplomowy, który obecnie prezentuję jest wynikiem przetworzenia wielo-warstwowego materiału audio-wizualnego zebranego w miejscach związanych z życiem i twórczością Franza Eckerta.
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art (21CM) is located in Kanazawa, a small arts-mi...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: Tramnesia
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art (21CM) is located in Kanazawa, a small arts-minded city on the western coast of Japan. Opened in 2004, the museum occupies a prime position in the city center, across the street from not only City Hall but also the old castle and Kenrokuen, one of the loveliest gardens in all of Japan. When you spend some time in Kanazawa, 21CM’s central location makes sense: the geography, the building’s circular form, and the steady traffic streaming throughout the space all suggest the 21CM as a community hub in this charming town by the sea.
The museum was designed by SANAA, an architecture firm now very much celebrated around the world, whose reputation was earned from projects like this. Similar to Gehry’s Guggenheim in Bilbao, the 21CM has had a transformative effect on this provincial city off the Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka shinkansen axis. Not only has the museum placed Kanazawa on the map for the world’s art travelers, more importantly, it gave residents another way to imagine their town, as a place that matters beyond its traditional prefectural boundaries. The seriousness of the museum’s ambitions are further bolstered by the strength of its exhibits, hosting shows by foreign artists like Matthew Barney and Gerhard Richter as well as by some of our favorite Japanese artists like Takashi Homma and Makoto Saito. For a small city, it’s an incredible opportunity to experience the work and ideas from such a wide range of people.
Architecturally, the museum is a cluster of box-like galleries unified by a circular shell. SANAA has compared it to a series of islands, an archipelago, and the way we experience the space very much has that feel of circulating water. It’s clear the museum’s design explores some of the dominant issues in Japanese architecture – the binary tension between public-private, inside-outside, decentralization, geometry, ambiguous space, etc. And much has been said about the round building’s de-centered approach, which is all true. You can enter the building from four different directions depending on where you are in the neighborhood and each port will influence how you experience the space. It’s like the flip side to SANAA’s Moriyama House in Tokyo -- a similar group of segmented structures open to its surroundings -- but this museum, as a public space, feels more dynamic and complete, inviting and impressive.
We spent a couple months in Kanazawa not too long after the museum first opened and always loved visiting, stopping by once or twice a week for lunch in the café, to thumb through architecture books displayed on Atelier Bow Wow’s fantastic manga-pod, or to gape at the abyss of Anish Kapoor’s optical mystery or just to sit in the quiet of the James Turrell room. Our favorite space, though, was the library, a place to browse through current issues of Japanese and international art magazines and to research the works of artists you think about as you wander the museum or through the town itself. Its glass walls make the space so inviting, where you can watch the changing light outside and all the activity passing through the museum itself. The nearby galleries reserved for kids and community projects are always full, with children on school-sponsored field trips romping through, pensioners, young couples on dates, office workers on lunch breaks -- it makes you feel like you’re in the heart of the city.
Kanazawa is a town whose beauty and primary attraction is from its past and how well it has managed to preserve it. Never bombed in the war, it’s the town we always imagined Kyoto would be, and there are many neighborhoods where it’s easy to lose yourself in time and forget which century you are in. Still, you know from the name alone that the museum is not preoccupied with this past. Instead, what makes the 21st Century Museum so special and meaningful is how confidently it thinks about the present and the future, not by locking itself in the sentimental prison of history but by showing how art and architecture can help you understand all of this and still provide a way to make you feel connected to it all.
Youtube results:
This construction was made when abut 1890. Sorry. Osaka prefecture Nakanoshima library.The...
published: 24 Mar 2011
author: keiji4956
This construction was made when abut 1890. Sorry. Osaka prefecture Nakanoshima library.There is in Nakanoshima.- published: 24 Mar 2011
- views: 22
- author: keiji4956
Back-streets of Katano City. Osaka Prefecture.
published: 17 May 2012
author: Ross-Barry Barcock
Back-streets of Katano City. Osaka Prefecture.
Back-streets of Katano City. Osaka Prefecture.
cycling.- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 38
- author: Ross-Barry Barcock
Hoji, Katano City.Osaka Prefecture.
published: 17 May 2012
author: Ross-Barry Barcock
Hoji, Katano City.Osaka Prefecture.
Hoji, Katano City.Osaka Prefecture.
cycling.- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 24
- author: Ross-Barry Barcock
Komatsu Senior Executive Officer Kazuhiko Iwata : Osaka Prefecture University 大阪府立大学
Taichung Commercial Bank 台中銀行 TEL: 86 21 6841 4567 http://komatsu-ltd-6301-tyo-tokyo-forex...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Komatsu Senior Executive Officer Kazuhiko Iwata : Osaka Prefecture University 大阪府立大学
Komatsu Senior Executive Officer Kazuhiko Iwata : Osaka Prefecture University 大阪府立大学
Taichung Commercial Bank 台中銀行 TEL: 86 21 6841 4567 http://komatsu-ltd-6301-tyo-tokyo-forex.tumblr.com/ Here is why Chinese official economic figures can't be trusted http://ajw.asahi.com/article/forum/politics_and_economy/east_asia/AJ201302110014 'NO Dogs and Japanese Are Allowed' http://ajw.asahi.com/article/views/column/AJ201305080011 Danilov Vadim AV-VA CIS SEO: http://japan-russia.jimdo.com/- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 1