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Gustavo Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital completo
Recital Ismael Serrano - Gran Rex 14-11-2013
Ricardo Arjona en el Recital de las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (Intimo Quinto Piso)
Dance Recital
2 year old Dance Recital Fight
GUSTAVO CERATI en Perú (24.04.2010) // Recital completo
los fabulosos cadillacs   mtv unplugged recital completo
Charly Garcia MTV Unplugged 1995 Recital Completo
Bob Marley & The Wailers en vivo [Por consola] Recital Entero
Luis Alberto Spinetta - Acústico (Recital Completo)
Tan Bionica - Recital completo | Villa María 2013


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Gustavo Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34:11
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Gustavo Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital completo

Aclaración: el video es sacado de una transmisión de internet del 2003, mejor calidad no hay. 01 Tu cicatriz en mi (Zucker + Gus Mix) 02 Amor amarillo (05:12...
  • published: 01 Mar 2012
  • views: 105352
  • author: EmaStereo92 Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital completo
Recital Ismael Serrano - Gran Rex 14-11-2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:30:10
  • Updated: 16 Nov 2013

Recital Ismael Serrano - Gran Rex 14-11-2013

Despedida Gira "Todo Empieza Y Todo Acaba En Ti" Argentina 2013
  • published: 16 Nov 2013
  • views: 4062 Ismael Serrano - Gran Rex 14-11-2013
Ricardo Arjona en el Recital de las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (Intimo Quinto Piso)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01:43
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Ricardo Arjona en el Recital de las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (Intimo Quinto Piso)

Recital INTIMO 5to piso en las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa. Arjona en el Recital de las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (Intimo Quinto Piso)
Dance Recital
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:42
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Dance Recital

This has to be the cutest dance recital by a group of 3 year olds... Enjoy.
  • published: 06 Sep 2007
  • views: 2095594
  • author: jirvinesnz Recital
2 year old Dance Recital Fight
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:16
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

2 year old Dance Recital Fight

My daughters first dance recital and she gets into a fight.
  • published: 15 May 2012
  • views: 1274588
  • author: Justin Huber year old Dance Recital Fight
GUSTAVO CERATI en Perú (24.04.2010) // Recital completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:22:05
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

GUSTAVO CERATI en Perú (24.04.2010) // Recital completo

Fuerza Natural en Lima, Perú. SET LIST: 01- Fuerza natural // 00:00 02- Magia // 05:45 03- Deja vu // 11:20 04- Desastre // 15:25 05- Amo... CERATI en Perú (24.04.2010) // Recital completo
los fabulosos cadillacs   mtv unplugged recital completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 38:40
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

los fabulosos cadillacs mtv unplugged recital completo fabulosos cadillacs mtv unplugged recital completo
Charly Garcia MTV Unplugged 1995 Recital Completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04:35
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Charly Garcia MTV Unplugged 1995 Recital Completo

Charly Garcia MTV Unplugged 1995 Recital Completo (Solo Audio) Charly Garcia nos deja entrar en un mundo tumultuoso que si bien no refleja la gloria de sus d... Garcia MTV Unplugged 1995 Recital Completo
Bob Marley & The Wailers en vivo [Por consola] Recital Entero
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46:29
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Bob Marley & The Wailers en vivo [Por consola] Recital Entero

Bob Marley the Wailers 7-21-1979 Live Full Show. Marley & The Wailers en vivo [Por consola] Recital Entero
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:25:21
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2013


WEB : WEB : VIDEOS : CONTACT : medial...
  • published: 09 Mar 2011
  • views: 53465
  • author: anne200del RODRIGUEZ BRUXELLES 1994 RECITAL COMPLET/ Bruselas recital completo
Luis Alberto Spinetta - Acústico (Recital Completo)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:14:14
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Luis Alberto Spinetta - Acústico (Recital Completo)

Recital acústico completo del flaco Spinetta, UN LUJO!! Alberto Spinetta - Acústico (Recital Completo)
Tan Bionica - Recital completo | Villa María 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04:37
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013

Tan Bionica - Recital completo | Villa María 2013

Tan Biónica, la banda de ascendente presente liderada por Chano Moreno Charpentier, que anida en la vertiente del rock pero suma referencias que pueden resul... Bionica - Recital completo | Villa María 2013
Recital de Kevin Johansen 10-12-10
  • Order:
  • Duration: 51:26
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Recital de Kevin Johansen 10-12-10

Presentamos el recital de Kevin Johansen & The Nada + Liniers en el ND/Ateneo de Buenos Aires, transmitido el 11 de Diciembre de 2010. http://www.tvpublica.c... de Kevin Johansen 10-12-10
Calle 13 en La Plata, Recital COMPLETO, HD.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23:45
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Calle 13 en La Plata, Recital COMPLETO, HD.

Listado de Canciones (Leer el resto de la descripción) 00:00:00 Intro video (Intro cd "Entren los que quieran") 00:01:50 Vamo' a Portarnos mal 00:06:27 No hay nadie como tu 00:08:29 Siempre digo lo que pienso 00:12:55 Palabras de René + Ven y críticame 00:20:09 Pal norte 00:24:54 La vuelta al mundo La banda tocó un gran instrumental que no encontré. 00:29:29 Mensaje de René sobre las armas. 00:31:15 La Bala 00:36:00 Suave (Hard Version) (Audio baja calidad) 00:39:55 Presentación de Martín Ferres de Bajofondo (Tango Club) 00:41:20 Tango del pecado 00:46:25 La Perla (Audio baja calidad) 00:51:30 El hormiguero 00:54:57 Cantitos, Entrega (peligrosa, jajaja) de agua mineral 00:57:07 Muerte en hawaii 01:00:00 Atrevete-te-te 01:05:58 Calma pueblo 01:10:14 Latinoamérica 01:15:53 Intro Fiesta de locos 01:18:00 Fiesta de locos 01:22:10 Créditos y Fuegos Artificiales (Outro cd "Entren los que quieran") Es importante aclarar que al video estar compuesto por variedad de grabaciones realizadas en el recital por variedad de personas, la calidad de las imágenes y de algunos audios es también variable, siendo algunas de excelente calidad y otras de menor calidad. La intención fue que no falte ningún tema que hayan tocado. Mi trabajo consistió en buscar los mejores videos y las mejores tomas de cada uno para poder trasladarlos hacia aquella maravillosa noche, y que vuelvan a sentirse ahí. Los nombres de los múltiples usuarios que subieron sus videos se encuentran especificados en los créditos. Espero sepan entender lo laborioso que fue y a su vez, sepan Disfrutarlo. Fran Alvarado.
  • published: 15 Aug 2013
  • views: 679 13 en La Plata, Recital COMPLETO, HD.
  • Gustavo Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital completo
    Gustavo Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital completo
  • Recital Ismael Serrano - Gran Rex 14-11-2013
    Recital Ismael Serrano - Gran Rex 14-11-2013
  • Ricardo Arjona en el Recital de las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (Intimo Quinto Piso)
    Ricardo Arjona en el Recital de las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (Intimo Quinto Piso)
  • Dance Recital
    Dance Recital
  • 2 year old Dance Recital Fight
    2 year old Dance Recital Fight
  • GUSTAVO CERATI en Perú (24.04.2010) // Recital completo
    GUSTAVO CERATI en Perú (24.04.2010) // Recital completo
  • los fabulosos cadillacs   mtv unplugged recital completo
    los fabulosos cadillacs mtv unplugged recital completo
  • Charly Garcia MTV Unplugged 1995 Recital Completo
    Charly Garcia MTV Unplugged 1995 Recital Completo
  • Bob Marley & The Wailers en vivo [Por consola] Recital Entero
    Bob Marley & The Wailers en vivo [Por consola] Recital Entero
  • SILVIO RODRIGUEZ BRUXELLES 1994 RECITAL COMPLET/ Bruselas recital completo
    SILVIO RODRIGUEZ BRUXELLES 1994 RECITAL COMPLET/ Bruselas recital completo
  • Luis Alberto Spinetta - Acústico (Recital Completo)
    Luis Alberto Spinetta - Acústico (Recital Completo)
  • Tan Bionica - Recital completo | Villa María 2013
    Tan Bionica - Recital completo | Villa María 2013
  • Recital de Kevin Johansen 10-12-10
    Recital de Kevin Johansen 10-12-10
  • Calle 13 en La Plata, Recital COMPLETO, HD.
    Calle 13 en La Plata, Recital COMPLETO, HD.

Gustavo Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital completo

Aclaración: el video es sacado de una transmisión de internet del 2003, mejor calidad no hay. 01 Tu cicatriz en mi (Zucker + Gus Mix) 02 Amor amarillo (05:12...
  • published: 01 Mar 2012
  • views: 105352
  • author: EmaStereo92

Gus­ta­vo Cerati - Quilmes Rock 2003 - Recital com­ple­to
Aclaración: el video es saca­do de una trans­misión de in­ter­net del 2003, mejor cal­i­dad no h...
pub­lished: 01 Mar 2012
au­thor: EmaS­tere­o92
Recital Is­mael Ser­ra­no - Gran Rex 14-11-2013
De­s­pe­di­da Gira "Todo Em­pieza Y Todo Acaba En Ti" Ar­genti­na 2013...
pub­lished: 16 Nov 2013
Ri­car­do Ar­jona en el Recital de las Gru­tas de Cac­ahuamil­pa (In­ti­mo Quin­to Piso)
Recital IN­TI­MO 5to piso en las Gru­tas de Cac­ahuamil­pa....
pub­lished: 07 Nov 2012
Dance Recital
This has to be the cutest dance recital by a group of 3 year olds... Enjoy....
pub­lished: 06 Sep 2007
au­thor: jirvi­nesnz
2 year old Dance Recital Fight
My daugh­ters first dance recital and she gets into a fight....
pub­lished: 15 May 2012
au­thor: Justin Huber
GUS­TA­VO CERATI en Perú (24.04.2010) // Recital com­ple­to
Fuerza Nat­u­ral en Lima, Perú. www.​enremolinos.​com SET LIST: 01- Fuerza nat­u­ral // 00:00 02...
pub­lished: 20 Mar 2013
los fab­u­losos cadil­lacs mtv un­plugged recital com­ple­to
pub­lished: 17 Dec 2011
au­thor: Mauri­cio Ras
Char­ly Gar­cia MTV Un­plugged 1995 Recital Com­ple­to
Char­ly Gar­cia MTV Un­plugged 1995 Recital Com­ple­to (Solo Audio) Char­ly Gar­cia nos deja entr...
pub­lished: 30 Apr 2012
Bob Mar­ley & The Wail­ers en vivo [Por con­so­la] Recital En­tero
Bob Mar­ley the Wail­ers 7-21-1979 Live Full Show....
pub­lished: 23 Dec 2011
SIL­VIO RO­DRIGUEZ BRUX­ELLES 1994 RECITAL COM­PLET/ Bruse­las recital com­ple­to
WEB : http://​medialibrecine.​over-blog.​com/​ WEB : http://​habana.​skynetblogs.​be/​ VIDEOS : ht...
pub­lished: 09 Mar 2011
au­thor: an­ne200del
Luis Al­ber­to Spinet­ta - Acústico (Recital Com­ple­to)
Recital acústico com­ple­to del flaco Spinet­ta, UN LUJO!!...
pub­lished: 28 Aug 2011
Tan Bion­i­ca - Recital com­ple­to | Villa María 2013
Tan Biónica, la banda de as­cen­dente pre­sente lid­er­a­da por Chano Moreno Char­p­en­tier, que an...
pub­lished: 05 Feb 2013
Recital de Kevin Jo­hansen 10-12-10
Pre­sen­ta­mos el recital de Kevin Jo­hansen & The Nada + Lin­iers en el ND/Ate­neo de Buenos Ai...
pub­lished: 13 Dec 2010
Calle 13 en La Plata, Recital COM­PLE­TO, HD.
Lis­ta­do de Can­ciones (Leer el resto de la de­scrip­ción) 00:00:00 Intro video (Intro cd "En...
pub­lished: 15 Aug 2013
Vimeo results:
TRI▲NGLE (Full Ver­sion)
2012 | HD | 06'07" | color | Dolby Dig­i­tal | Draw­ing on Paper | USA What would you do if...
pub­lished: 21 Feb 2012
He­brews Re­cit­ed
pub­lished: 11 Oct 2011
Black Tri­an­gle
Black Tri­an­gle is an ex­per­i­men­tal an­i­ma­tion by Grace Nay­oon Rhee....
pub­lished: 17 May 2011
UNI­CORN is one of the se­ries of the NIGHT­MARES pro­ject. Shot on 16mm B/W Neg­a­tive film [7...
pub­lished: 04 Jun 2012

Youtube results:
Tito y La Liga - Recital en vivo "Com­ple­to" (Pa­sion de Saba­do 11-1-2014)
★►Descar­ga todo lo nuevo en: http://​www.​ponecumbia.​net ıll►Seguinos en face­book: http://ww...
pub­lished: 12 Jan 2014
Pro­gra­ma "Tres a las Tres" graba­do en vivo para la tele­visión chile­na en 1978....
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2013
au­thor: mral­dovera
[Dale­Play] Abel Pin­tos en 49º Fes­ti­val Jesús María 2014 - Recital com­ple­to
Todos los dere­chos reser­va­dos al in­ter­prete y a la TV Pub­li­ca, en­car­ga­dos de su di­fusión e...
pub­lished: 17 Jan 2014
Damas Gratis - Recital en vivo "Com­ple­to" (Pa­sion de Saba­do 21-12-2013)
★►Descar­ga todo lo nuevo en: http://​www.​ponecumbia.​net ıll►Seguinos en face­book: http://ww...
pub­lished: 22 Dec 2013
photo: Creative Commons / Chrisa Hickey
Philip Seymour Hoffman at the 81st Academy Awards
Edit Stuff
03 Feb 2014
Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died of a suspected heroin overdose, had recently split from his partner. Police investigating Hoffman's death said they had found nearly 50 bags of heroin in his Manhattan apartment ... It has emerged that Hoffman was recently living apart from O'Donnell and their three children in the rented apartment where he died near the family home ... "He was always quite intense, a little bit paranoid and troubled ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
photo: AP / Wong Maye-E
A lab officer prepares blood samples from a cancer patient for further DNA testing, Thursday April 19, 2007 at a medical lab at the National University Hospital in Singapore, a country well known for its advanced medical treatment and research facilities. The number of cancer cases in Asia is set to rise dramatically by 2020 due largely to longer life spans and changing lifestyles, threatening a health crisis as poorer countries in the region struggle to keep up.(AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)
Edit The Irish Times
04 Feb 2014
The World Health Organisation has warned of a “tidal wave” of cancer and has called for the introduction of restrictions on sugar and alcohol. The agency predicted the number of cases worldwide is expected to rise by 75 per cent over the next 20 years ... Over the same period the number of deaths caused by cancer is predicted to rise from 8.2 million a year to 13 million annually ... Agencies ....(size: 2.5Kb)
photo: WN
File - Caged chickens at a poultry farm in the Philippines. A new strain of bird flu could cause a pandemic according to scientists.
Edit The Independent
05 Feb 2014
Chinese scientists have said the “pandemic potential” of a new strain of bird flu “should not be underestimated” after the first known human infection resulted in the death of an elderly woman. The new strain is a variant of a virus known as H10N8, which scientists believe may have originated in wild birds, and later spread to poultry ... “Now we also must consider H10N8 as well.” ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)
photo: AP / SANA
In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, residents of the besieged Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp wait to leave the camp, on the southern edge of the Syrian capital Damascus, Syria, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014.
05 Feb 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Hama was a prelude to Syria's current nightmare. It was also a forewarning of how long-repressed sectarian identities and the suppression of religion and culture by minority regimes, including meddlesome and foreign powers, always leads to killing, even enormous atrocities and massacres ... On the ground, poison gas was pumped into its buildings ... Resources favor an autonomous solution ... 308.....(size: 5.6Kb)
photo: UN / Hend Abdel Ghany
File - An advance team of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the United Nations arrives in Damascus, Syria, four days after the OPCW Executive Council and the UN Security Council unanimously endorsed a plan to begin the process of overseeing the destruction of the country’s chemical weapons programme, 1 October, 2013.
Edit BBC News
04 Feb 2014
The deadline is looming for Syria's President Bashar al-Assad to sacrifice his complete chemical arsenal - and it looks increasingly likely he will miss it. One thousand three hundred tonnes of chemicals are supposed to be shipped out of the country by 5 February, but it is another deadline that will slip by with no significant movement on the Syrian side ... Continue reading the main story Removing Syria's chemical weapons ... ....(size: 7.3Kb)

Edit San Francisco Chronicle
06 Feb 2014
Dance Movement Classes include the NEW Show Stars Lyrical/Contemporary Class for Ages 6-11 and the NEW Holidays in the Classroom, as well as Twinkle Stars Class Elements for dancers Ages 2-6, Twinkle Stars Recital Choreography, Show Stars Jazz, Tap, Ballet and Hip-Hop Class Elements for dancers Ages 6+ and Show Stars Recital Choreography ... Choreography videos show recital choreography appropriate for the age group and skill level....(size: 5.3Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
06 Feb 2014
Dance Movement Classes include the NEW Show Stars Lyrical/Contemporary Class for Ages 6-11 and the NEW Holidays in the Classroom, as well as Twinkle Stars Class Elements for dancers Ages 2-6, Twinkle Stars Recital Choreography, Show Stars Jazz, Tap, Ballet and Hip-Hop Class Elements for dancers Ages 6+ and Show Stars Recital Choreography ... Choreography videos show recital choreography appropriate for the age group and skill level....(size: 5.3Kb)
Edit The Telegraph India
06 Feb 2014
Bhubaneswar, Feb. 5 ... Artistes of the Srjan institute presented the philosophical lessons, taught by Krishna, in a striking form of an Odissi recital on Tuesday evening at Rabindra Mandap in the city ... From playing chariot and charioteer to transforming the conversation of Krishna and Arjun into dance, the co-ordination as well execution of the recital was quite striking ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit The Hindu
06 Feb 2014
As Kartik Fine Arts’ tight scheduling allowed for limited performance time, this year’s Nadanamamani awardee, Bharatanatyam dancer and musician Uma Namboodiripad Sathya Narayanan, wasted no time on preliminaries ... K ... We enjoyed melody from Mudikondan Ramesh (veena) all through the recital, being the only accompanist ... The recital marks a new chapter in Uma Namboodiripad Sathya Narayanan’s Bharatanatyam career. Keywords....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit STL Today
06 Feb 2014
Dear Abby • I am writing about the letter from “Holding My Tongue” (Nov. 8), the woman who was upset because many children were playing with electronic devices during her grandchildren’s school concerts and recitals ...Laura in Pennsylvania ... Readers had interesting comments on this topic, so I’m sharing a few. ... Dear Abby • I have stopped attending my friends’ grandchildren’s recitals because I, too, cannot tolerate rudeness ... 90069. ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit Yahoo Daily News
06 Feb 2014
DEAR ABBY. I am writing about the letter from "Holding My Tongue" (Nov. 8), the woman who was upset because many children were playing with electronic devices during her grandchildren's school concerts and recitals ... -- LAURA IN PENNSYLVANIA. DEAR LAURA ... DEAR ABBY ... -- UNDERSTANDING IN LOUISIANA. DEAR ABBY ... DEAR ABBY ... I have stopped attending my friends' grandchildren's recitals because I, too, cannot tolerate rudeness....(size: 4.3Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
06 Feb 2014
In our less competitive age, a recital series will have to do, and the inaugural version continued on Wednesday night, with a concert by American organist Paul Jacobs ... GoingOut Guide. Looking for things to do?. Select one or more criteria to search ... More expressive moments, the real high points of this recital, came in the surprising middle selections, beginning with a bittersweet reading of Nadia Boulanger’s F minor prelude ... ....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit The Hindu
06 Feb 2014
Widely travelled across the world with his brilliant rhythm compositions and accompaniment, he has infused deeper expressiveness for the recitals of the best of Odissi dancers and singers ... The virtuoso from village Nahantara, Nimapara in Puri district, shares his journey and efforts. Excerpts. Why mardal? ... With time things have changed ... A lot ... I got lots of offers for solo recitals, and this all due to the late Guru Gangadhar Pradhan....(size: 5.6Kb)
Edit York Press
06 Feb 2014
Andrew Woodmansey ... Andrew now has the chance of auditioning for an international record company recording ... He’s a gifted musician and a popular soloist at our regular Thursday lunchtime public recitals ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit The Guardian
06 Feb 2014
This history of Catholic confession is in large part an impassioned response to sexual abuse by the clergy ... Photograph ... He might ask for clarification or offer advice before imposing a "penance" (usually reciting a few Hail Maries) ... ....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit The Times of India
06 Feb 2014
The evening started with elocutionist Sujoy Prosad Chatterjee reciting dramatized excerpts of Shesher Kobita ... ....(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Feb 2014
2013 saw her embark on a China national tour with Maestro Long Yu and China Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as her 14 city recital tour ... Her debut album, simply titled Violin Recital, released in December 2012 to critical acclaim ... As a pianist, Gordon is a respected recital partner. After completing his studies at the prestigious Manhattan School of Music, Gordon presented many recitals throughout New York City ... In recital, Ms....(size: 29.0Kb)
Edit Detroit news
06 Feb 2014
I am writing about the letter from “Holding My Tongue,” the woman who was upset because many children were playing with electronic devices during her grandchildren’s school concerts and recitals ... I have stopped attending my friends’ grandchildren’s recitals because I, too, cannot tolerate rudeness ... her grandchildren's school concerts and recitals....(size: 13.6Kb)

A recital is a musical (vocal or instrumental) performance. It can highlight a single performer, sometimes accompanied by piano, or a performance of the works of a single composer.

The invention of the solo piano recital has been attributed to Franz Liszt.[citation needed]

Also, a recital may have many participants, as for a dance recital. A dance recital is a presentation of choreographed moves for an audience, usually in an established performing arts venue, possibly competitively. Some dance recitals are seasonal.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Gustavo Cerati (Born Gustavo Adrián Cerati Clark on August 11, 1959), is a singer-songwriter, composer, and rock producer. He is primarily known as the lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist of Soda Stereo (1982–1997), considered by many to be one of the most important and influential bands of Latin Rock. His work inside and outside of Soda Stereo makes him one of the most recognizable figures in Ibero-American rock. His solo career began in the early 1990s when on hiatus from Soda Stereo Cerati recorded his first solo album Amor Amarillo (Yellow Love).

Cerati has experimented with various musical genres, including electronic music (Plan V) and symphonic music. Throughout his career Cerati has been nominated for various Grammy, MTV, and Gardel awards. In 2007, Cerati reunited with Soda Stereo for a reunion tour Me Veras Volver Tour. On the 15th of May 2010 Cerati suffered a cerebral stroke after a show in Venezuela. Since then he remains in a coma under respiratory aide.

Cerati was born on the 11th of August 1959 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was the oldest son of the engineer and accountant Juan José Cerati, and Lilian Clark. From an early age Cerati showed an interest in music. His first incursion into music was a broomstick band that he formed in elementary school. Besides music, Cerati enjoyed drawing. He would spend long hours drawing superheroes such as “Superbrain" (similar to Superman, minus the predilection to kryptonite). He was an able athlete who practiced swimming and athletics. He won second place in a competition for the Billiken magazine after running 100 meters in an intercollegiate competition. One of Cerati’s main activities during his youth was directing the choir for the College, where he was suspended for burping during mass (he was later pardoned after winning a singing competition). As a teenager he worked as a medical assistant at the Boehringer laboratory in Argentina in 1981. A few years later he served in the Argentinian military.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Ismael Serrano (born 9 March 1974) is a Singer/songwriter and guitarist from Spain, popular in Spain and Latin America, known for his insightful and often political lyrics and eclectic musical influences.

He was born in the neighbourhood of Vallecas of Madrid (Spain) in 9 March 1974. After studying Physics in the Complutense University of Madrid, Ismael Serrano started his musical career in the early nineties in Madrid, singing folk based guitar music in a café circuit, at abashedly political venues like Libertad 8, Galileo and Nuevos Juglares. The movement proved to be very popular, inspired by the 20 year old ‘Protest’ song movement under the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, as well as the Nueva canción movement of Latin America.

In 1997 Ismael Serrano signed with Polygram (now Universal) and released his first disc: “Atrapados en Azul”, with songs such as "Papá cuéntame otra vez", "Vértigo" o "Amo tanto la vida" that became hymns for youngsters in Spain and Latin America. For this work he was nominated as ‘Best new artist” for the Spanish Musical Awards of the “Sociedad General de Autores y Editores”.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Edgar Ricardo Arjona Morales, (born 19 January 1964, in Jocotenango near Antigua, Guatemala), known as Ricardo Arjona (Spanish pronunciation: [arˈxona]), is a Guatemalan singer-songwriter and former basketball player and school teacher. In 1993, he received the Rafael Álvarez Ovalle Order from the then President of Guatemala, Ramiro de León Carpio, for his international merits. Arjona began his music career in 1985 at age 21, when he released Déjame Decir Que Te Amo. He rose to prominence in 1989 with his sophomore album Jesús, Verbo No Sustantivo, which garnered him media attention and moderate success.

After joining Sony Music in 1990 he released, in 1993, his fourth album Animal Nocturno, which gained him significant popularity throughout the United States and Latin America, and paved the way for subsequent albums Historias, Si El Norte Fuera El Sur and Sin Daños a Terceros. In 1999 he released his first live album Vivo, which garnered him his first number-one hit on the Billboard Latin Songs chart, "Desnuda". In 2005 he released his tenth album, Adentro, which won both a Latin Grammy Award and a Grammy Award. In 2008, he abandoned Sony Music and signed a record deal with Warner Music, through which, the same year, he released his eleventh studio album, 5to Piso. In 2011, after 26 years within the music sphere, Arjona independently founded his own record label, Metamorfosis, through which he released his thirteenth studio album, Independiente, in 4 October 2011.

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Robert Nesta "Bob" Marley, OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician. He was the rhythm guitarist and lead singer for the ska, rocksteady and reggae band Bob Marley & The Wailers (1963–1981). Marley remains the most widely known and revered performer of reggae music, and is credited with helping spread both Jamaican music and the Rastafari movement to a worldwide audience.

Marley's music was heavily influenced by the social issues of his homeland, and he is considered to have given voice to the specific political and cultural nexus of Jamaica. His best-known hits include "I Shot the Sheriff", "No Woman, No Cry", "Could You Be Loved", "Stir It Up", "Get Up Stand Up", "Jamming", "Redemption Song", "One Love" and, "Three Little Birds", as well as the posthumous releases "Buffalo Soldier" and "Iron Lion Zion". The compilation album Legend (1984), released three years after his death, is reggae's best-selling album, going ten times Platinum which is also known as one Diamond in the U.S., and selling 25 million copies worldwide.

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