
Carol Malone, Benefits Street, and mental health

Journalist at the Mirror and general scumbag, Carol Malone, has attacked an individual on Channel 4's 'Benefits Street - calling her a lazy, feckless, thief, and denouncing her mental health problems as a 'sob story'... This is my brief response.

Earlier today I had an unpleasant experience. I was forced to remember that Carol Malone, her yachting blazers, and bouffant wig, still existed.

Ordinarily, an individual, who in the name of journalism – claimed that illegal immigrant receive free cars, and that the Philpott deaths were an accident waiting to happen because they claimed benefits – would live long in the memory.

The tasks of today and tomorrow

A piece exploring transformation in struggle, its limits, and tasks in an environment when people aren't self-initiating struggle in our specific historical position. Examples looked at are IWW experiences in the Port Trucker wildcats of 2005, Occupy, Madison, and the unfolding of the crisis.

Much thinking in the United States around how to work against this system tends to speak as if our tasks are fairly fixed. Generally, people searching for how to organize look to radically different contexts than our own.

New report details widespread torture of female Iraqi prisoners

Trigger Warning: Rape

Electrolux proposes halving Italian workers' wages

Swedish company Electrolux proposes to workers at its four Italy plants to take a 50% pay cut so as to keep them competitive with their counterparts in Poland and Hungary.

It is certainly not a coincidence that Electrolux’s proposal came just after the signing of the new agreement on union representation, when in the eyes of big business the Italian unions look friendlier than ever.

Granarolo protesters march through Bologna [photos]

Bologna saw 1,000 people marching on February 1st, to bring the claims of Granarolo workers to the attention of local and national authorities.

There were logistics workers not only from Granarolo’s own warehouse but also from other warehouses across Northern Italy, where strikes and protests have been taking place almost every day for months.

Responding to the growing importance of the state in the workers' movement

One of a series about the increase in efforts directed at state intervention to improve capitalism, and the need to oppose it within the IWW and for workers organizing.

Recent waves of protests in the US have given us useful examples to understand how American revolutionaries can work out our politics in practice. IWW members and branches in particular have witnessed renewed interest and potential in class conflicts, organizing, and aspects of its politics.

Workers' struggles in East Asia (January 2014)

Cambodian garment workers prepare to defence from police attack during a strike

Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia during January 2014 and related resources. The most important stories appear on my Twitter feed as soon as I find them:

This month there has been news from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. This month I haven't provided my own summaries or filtered articles for some countries.

Scabs: part I

The first part of an account by Phinneas Gage of a wildcat strike by employees of a private mail contractor, and the difficulty the postal worker's union had in going beyond 'bargaining unit unionism'.

[i]This entry is a two-part story from contributor Phinneas Gage about a wildcat strike by contractors at the Canadian postal service, and continues our coverage of struggles within Canada Post. In the course of the strike, union workers had to figure out how to relate to contractors and where scabbing starts and solidarity ends.

White supremacy and the looting of detroit

Mike Kolhoff on right wing politics and its effects on the current situation in Detroit.

The court has ruled, so the legalized looting of Detroit will go ahead as Governor Snyder has planned. The Emergency Manager has ordered the DIA to provide him with a list of the values of the many artworks in the institute. The city water works are also probably going to be sold, as well as city parks and anything else they can get a nickel for.

The state of the union is …unequal

An article by Mike Harris on the recent "State of the Union" address by President Obama, and the most recent fast food strikes and efforts at worker organizing in the US.

OK, so the “little person” has been fighting against wage theft, low wages, and harsh working and living conditions for years. Sometimes alone and lonely, sometimes collectively and in a self-managed way. For the past year or so, mainstream labor, through various grass-roots and top-down efforts has tried to coordinate the fight against poverty wages.

Golden Dawn attack on self-organised space Resalto

Fascist murders, we will crush you

Supporters of Golden Dawn took to the streets to attack the self-organised space Resalto close to the spot of the murder of antifascist musician Pavlos Fyssas.

Golden Dawn supporters returned to the streets of Athens on Saturday 25th January. Dozens of fascists once again marched through the neighbourhood of Keratsini, the same area where Golden Dawn members murdered Pavlos Fyssas in September.

Aldrovandi killers to return to uniform

Federico Aldrovandi, murdered by police.

In Ferrara last week, on 22 January, a Department of Security disciplinary commission reinstated the four police officers responsible for the death of Federico Aldrovandi. Aldrovandi was a teenager when he was murdered on 25 September 2005 by being brutally beaten by the three men and a woman.

All four can now resume their old jobs because, thanks to various cover-ups which slowed the case down, they have not been dismissed from the police force.

Granarolo workers demanding reinstatements attacked by police [video]

Around 100 workers at the Granarolo warehouse in Bologna have been protesting for eight months, demanding better working conditions, better wages, the repeal of Bossi-Fini law and the reinstatement of 51 colleagues who were fired in reprisal for their involvement in strikes and protests.

On January 23, after four days of picketing, around a hundred of them organized by the base union SI COBAS together with other logistics workers, activists from local radical organizations and social centers, blockaded the road connecting the warehouse to the city and the national highway network.

Work and exploitation in the virtual economy

A brief history of my work as an online contractor and the exploitation inherent within the industry.

After reading Wotsits experiences of the Jobcentre, it got me thinking about my own time there too. But I don't really have much to add, in fact mine would be rather tame since I left the Job Centre before they brought most of that stuff in.

Chile port strike resumes

Chile port strike

Dockers in Chile ended a 3-week strike that inflicted over $100 million (US) in damages to both the lucrative agricultural export sector -- at a crucial harvest time -- and the world's largest copper industry.

The strikers, according to spokesperson Sergio Vargas, will return to work tomorrow (Sunday) after the bosses agreed to make a one-time retroactive payment for unpaid meal breaks going back to 2005.

PCS hangs militant rep out to dry in HP dispute

PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka

The Public and Commercial Services Union has in the past year worked to sabotage a dispute between its members at Hewlett Packard and their employer. This has culminated in the betrayal of one of their own reps, John Pearson, after he was unjustly sacked by the company.

PCS is best known as the civil servants’ union, however it has members in various areas of the private sector due to privatisation and outsourcing. This includes workers for Hewlett Packard who before 1995, with several contract transfers in between, were civil servants in the Department for Social Security’s (now the DWP) IT Services Agency.


People died for your right, not your obligation

2014 and 2015 are, in a row, two big years for electoralism. I'm already fed up with it.

This year, there will be a referendum on Scottish Independence. Next year, there will be a UK general election. Both of these events are the source of considerable hope and excitement on the left, because either or both offer the opportunity for change.

The Elk River Spill — Capitalism at its “best”

Article on the Elk River Spill in West Virginia by a member of the WSA. This is our first regular blog entry for

On the morning of Thursday, January 9, 2014, 7500 gallons of a coal cleaning chemical known as Crude MCHM (principally composed of 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol) leaked from a storage tank and then from a containment wall at a facility on the banks of the Elk River in West Virginia.

Trade unionist savagely beaten in Milan

Fabio Zerbini with microphone, addressing a workers' demonstration.

On Tuesday 14th January, in northern Milan, trade unionist Fabio Zerbini was brutally beaten by two men suspected to be connected with Italian organised crime.

Fabio Zerbini is a co-ordinator for the SI Cobas, a base union that is active in the logistics and warehouse sector. A few days before he had found his car’s side-view mirror broken. A note had been left on his windscreen with an apology and a phone number to call to arrange a meeting to refund the damage.

Italian unions sign up to the repression of trade union rights

It should have been just the implementation decree for the 31 May agreement but it has turned into a new agreement, with an even harsher level of repression against workers’ struggles.

The agreement regulates relations between Confindustria (the major employers’ organization in Italy) and the three confederal unions CGIL, CISL and UIL, and limits workers’ trade union rights severely. It sets out that only those unions which signed the 31 May agreement can take part in negotiations about workers’ future. What’s more, it has introduced a system of ‘certification’ for members.