- published: 01 Aug 2016
- views: 793615
A fire pot is a container, usually earthenware, for carrying fire. Fire pots have been used since prehistoric times to transport fire from one place to another, for warmth while on the move, for cooking, in religious ceremonies and even as weapons of war.
Fire pots were vital to the development of civilization. Once humans had learned to contain, control and sustain fires, they had an invaluable tool for cooking food that would have otherwise not been edible. Fire pots were also useful for sharpening spears, hollowing out canoes, baking pottery, and many other tasks, such as staying warm.
At first, humans relied on natural fires, caused by lightning strikes or other natural occurrences, to provide them with a flame to start their own fires. Since natural fires are not very common, humans learned how to make fires by igniting tinder from sparks caused by striking stones together, or by creating friction using a bow drill.
Given the time-consuming nature of early firestarting, humans eventually began to use earthenware vessels, or fire pots, in which slow-burning fires could by kept alight indefinitely by using small quantities of fuel. Nomadic people could carry these small fires with them, using them to start larger fires for their evening camps.
Pot may refer to:
Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Slower oxidative processes like rusting or digestion are not included by this definition.
Fire is hot because conversion of the weak double bond in molecular oxygen, O2, to the stronger bonds in the combustion products carbon dioxide and water releases energy (418 kJ per 32 g of O2); the bond energies of the fuel play only a minor role here. At a certain point in the combustion reaction, called the ignition point, flames are produced. The flame is the visible portion of the fire. Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen and nitrogen. If hot enough, the gases may become ionized to produce plasma. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.
Fire in its most common form can result in conflagration, which has the potential to cause physical damage through burning. Fire is an important process that affects ecological systems around the globe. The positive effects of fire include stimulating growth and maintaining various ecological systems. Fire has been used by humans for cooking, generating heat, light, signaling, and propulsion purposes. The negative effects of fire include hazard to life and property, atmospheric pollution, and water contamination. If fire removes protective vegetation, heavy rainfall may lead to an increase in soil erosion by water. Also, when vegetation is burned, the nitrogen it contains is released into the atmosphere, unlike elements such as potassium and phosphorus which remain in the ash and are quickly recycled into the soil. This loss of nitrogen caused by a fire produces a long-term reduction in the fertility of the soil, which only slowly recovers as nitrogen is "fixed" from the atmosphere by lightning and by leguminous plants such as clover.
Red hot may refer to:
How To Make a Concrete Fire Bowl | Gel Fuel
Firepot and First fire
Der original Firepot Outdoorofen
German Blacksmith fire pot in action
Lets make a forge. Part 1 The Fire Pot
DIY Concrete Gel Fire Pit *EASY* | Modern Builds | EP. 5
Bally Wulff Red HOT Firepot erste Goldjackpotjagd 2016 Teil 3 Juwel Jackpot 115 CG Kracher
Der Firepot Outdoorofen
homemade coal forge firepot part 1
Easy Fire Pit Build
Home made fire pot steel rims finished prototype (project vid in description below
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Let's Play #6 Red Hot Firepot am Bally Wulff
Blacksmithing for Beginners - How To Design A Blacksmith Forge - Laying Out A Firepot
Solo Stove Bonfire - The World's Most Unique Fire Pit
How Does It Taste? S1E1: Firepot Dal and Rice with Spinach
Bally Wulff Red Hot Firepot Juweljackpot Kracher !!!
Making a table top FIRE PIT
Better Homes and Gardens Fire Pot unbox and assembly.
Thanks for watching. If you like what I do Support me at https://www.patreon.com/diycreators View all my plans https://gumroad.com/diycreators How to make a simple Diy Fire bowl with Gel Fuel " See description below for the details " - Gel Fuel for the fire http://amzn.to/2afTY80 - Black Marbles http://amzn.to/2asn04K - Instead of Marbles you can use this Fire Glass Onyx Black http://amzn.to/2aeRxXN - Sakrete high strength concrete mix - 2 bowls - Wire mesh Tools & Miscellaneous items Used - Hand shovel http://amzn.to/2any1U9 - Rubber Mallet http://amzn.to/2aeqgAj - Palm sander aka Sheet sander http://amzn.to/2aByvc8 - Sand paper 80 grit and 220 grit - Any oil should work - Weights or large rock (hold bowl in place) - Tin Snips http://amzn.to/2anyNk9 Instagram: https://www....
firing up the new forge and firepot
http://www.original-firepot.de/ Der patentierte „Firepot“ - ein besonders funktioneller und leichter Miniofen für große Outdoor-Touren - im Extremfall ein überlebenswichtiger Partner, welcher nicht nur Wärme spendet, sondern auch als kompakte Heiz- und Kochstelle in der Wildnis dient. Dabei brauchen sie kein Brennmaterial mitführen und sind völlig unabhängig von Strom und Gas sowie allen sonstigen käuflichen Brennstoffen.
The Angele Maschinebau EE4 fire pot with a pre 1987 valve assembly in action, now with the insulating dust layer. Contact: technicusjoe@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/technicusjoe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joey.vanders.... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blacksmithjoey
I need to get me a portable forge made up, since I have no idea what the final product is going to be (just a head design) I'm starting out with the fire pot.
Today I'll show you how to make a DIY concrete fire pit using a couple of plastic bowls, some concrete, and a gel fire canister. This is a super easy and simple build, a perfect project for any experience level Product List: --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONCRETE MIX: From Local Home Center FANCY HEAT CANNED FUEL: http://www.dollartree.com/Fancy-Heat-... SQUARE WIRE MESH: From Local Home Center BLACK RIVER ROCKS: http://www.dollartree.com/34-oz-Black... __________________________________________________________________ DONT FORGET TO LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE. Subscribe: https://goo.gl/pgDSS8 __________________________________________________________________ ADD ME ON: Instagram: https://goo.gl/gJbV99 | @modernbuilds Facebook: https://goo.g...
In this video I talked about a few different fire pot designs and give you the reasons as to why I design mine the way I did. then I go step by step on cutting the patterns out to welding them together. this is just part 1 showing the firepot. the following videos will show the building of the Tuyere with a clicker breaker and the air intake and ash dump. Here is the link to part 2 of the forge build. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2aoR5oVjbY
I demonstrate how to create an easy and very quick firepit made from materials and items I bought at a Lowe's home improvement center. You can cook on it or just sit around it and tell lies. Post apocolyptic life will not be complete without a firepit to cook your rat on. Song Title: "Mississippi" by Loveshadow at CCMIXTER.org It's Creative Commons music so you get to download it for free. Yay! Free stuff ! Song title and artist is also at the end of the video during the raccoon scene. Campfire safety link: http://www.smokeybear.com/campfire-safety.asp
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Blacksmithing for Beginners - How To Design A Blacksmith Forge - Laying Out A Firepot. This video walk you through the process of making the pattern pieces required to fabricate a standard blacksmith forge firepot.
DIY IKEA FIRE PIT by STOVE MODS I show you how to make a fire pit from an IKEA strainer. This did not require lots of work. The only change I made was to drill some holes into the ring at the bottom to allow some more airflow from below. This IKEA hack is a little different from the classic IKEA stove or hobo stove but it works well and soon I had a nice fire going that did burn very well. I wish you much fun with this diy fire pit! STOVE MODS http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWa63RNbVVYj80aCsL3aFyg?sub_confirmation=1 DIY IKEA STOVE REVIEW AND BOILING TEST https://youtu.be/ovCYs1pLD70 DIY IKEA STOVE TUTORIAL https://youtu.be/m7RjSavlOm0 Grater Hobo Stove Tutorial https://youtu.be/ypKquBt9iCw GRATER STOVE BOILING TEST https://youtu.be/bse8pCagcQw
**SPONSORED! I was supported by Firepot to test & film this episode. It did not influence the video as I maintain full editorial control of the content I publish.** In Episode 1 of my new outdoor food series I test the new outdoor food brand Firepot and their Vegan Option, Dal and Rice with Spinach. Watch the video to find out if I like the food - or not! Read the review on https://www.hikinginfinland.com and find their meals at https://www.outdoorfood.com Shot on the Sony a65000: http://amzn.to/2txEllw Zeiss Batis 18mm f/ 2.8: http://amzn.to/2tj9y0r Rode VideoMic Pro: http://amzn.to/2uvlhZk Sony RX 100 IV: http://amzn.to/2tiHquJ DJI Mavic Pro: http://amzn.to/2uvxFs8 Liked this video? Then subscribe http://youtube.com/hendrikmorkel and follow along for more Episodes of "How Does It ...
Und es kam noch der Juweljackpot :-DDD
"Check out the Wrangler RIGGS range of workwear, including their line of Cool Vantage jeans and work pants to help keep you cool while working in the heat: http://bit.ly/2sy78dW To enter the giveaway to win a pair of Cool Vantage pants, just comment below using the hashtag #WranglerRIGGS" View all my plans https://gumroad.com/diycreators Firepit spec: Outside: 20inchLX8inchWX6inchH (508mmLX203.2mmhWX152mmH) Inside: 18inchLX6inchWX5inchH (457.2mmLX152.4mmWX127mmH) Note: You can be as creative as you like, the sky is the limit. ----------------------------Material used for the fire pit----------------------------------- -Gel Fuel for the fire http://amzn.to/2xfI49P -Flame Killer http://amzn.to/2vPdDcE - Black Marbles I used http://amzn.to/2asn04K - (better option) Fire Glass Onyx Bl...
Better Homes and Gardens Fire Pot from walmart unboxing and assembly. If you get one make sure it is not damaged before you leave the store. Thanks for watching.