Riccardo Giacconi, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2002, Interview 2008
Riccardo Giacconi chats in the interview during the 58th Nobel Laureates Meeting at Lindau...
published: 01 Jun 2010
author: NobelLaureateMeeting
Riccardo Giacconi, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2002, Interview 2008
Riccardo Giacconi, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2002, Interview 2008
Riccardo Giacconi chats in the interview during the 58th Nobel Laureates Meeting at Lindau about how his thoughts about X-rays sitting at the foot of the Mat...- published: 01 Jun 2010
- views: 881
- author: NobelLaureateMeeting
Nowe okna na Wszechświat cz.1 (2) Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
Część druga wykładu prof. Grzegorza Wrochny na temat Nagrody Nobla przyznanej w 2002 r. La...
published: 01 Dec 2013
Nowe okna na Wszechświat cz.1 (2) Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
Nowe okna na Wszechświat cz.1 (2) Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
Część druga wykładu prof. Grzegorza Wrochny na temat Nagrody Nobla przyznanej w 2002 r. Laureaci nagrody Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba i Riccardo Giacconi, wyróżnieni zostali za pionierski wkład w dziedzinę astrofizyki, a w szczególności za odkrycie kosmicznych źródeł promieni X i prace poświęcone detekcji neutrin kosmicznych.- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 6
Nowe okna na Wszechświat cz.2 (2) Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
Część druga wykładu prof. Grzegorza Wrochny na temat Nagrody Nobla przyznanej w 2002 r. La...
published: 01 Dec 2013
Nowe okna na Wszechświat cz.2 (2) Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
Nowe okna na Wszechświat cz.2 (2) Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
Część druga wykładu prof. Grzegorza Wrochny na temat Nagrody Nobla przyznanej w 2002 r. Laureaci nagrody Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba i Riccardo Giacconi, wyróżnieni zostali za pionierski wkład w dziedzinę astrofizyki, a w szczególności za odkrycie kosmicznych źródeł promieni X i prace poświęcone detekcji neutrin kosmicznych.- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 3
Tomaž Podobnik: O masi nevtrinov, o usodi vesolja in sploh o vsem
Polovico letošnje Nobelove nagrade iz fizike sta si razdelila Američan Raymond Davis in Ja...
published: 23 Apr 2011
author: kvarkadabra1
Tomaž Podobnik: O masi nevtrinov, o usodi vesolja in sploh o vsem
Tomaž Podobnik: O masi nevtrinov, o usodi vesolja in sploh o vsem
Polovico letošnje Nobelove nagrade iz fizike sta si razdelila Američan Raymond Davis in Japonec Masatoshi Koshiba za "pionirske prispevke v astrofiziki, pose...- published: 23 Apr 2011
- views: 201
- author: kvarkadabra1
A Further 50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God (Part 3)
Speakers in order of appearance:
101. Sir Andrew Huxley, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or ...
published: 02 Nov 2013
A Further 50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God (Part 3)
A Further 50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God (Part 3)
Speakers in order of appearance: 101. Sir Andrew Huxley, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 102. Steve Jones, UCL Professor of Genetics 103. Yujin Nagasawa, Professor of Philosophy, Birmingham University 104. Dame Alison Richard, Cambridge Professor of Anthropology 105. Peter Millican, Oxford Professor of Philosophy 106. Gareth Stedman Jones, Cambridge Professor of History 107. Roald Hoffmann, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 108. Michael Mann, UCLA Professor of Sociology 109. Brian Greene, Professor of Physics, Columbia University 110. CJ van Rijsbergen, Cambridge Professor of Computer Science 111. Louise Antony, Professor of Philosophy, UMass 112. Leonard Mlodinow, Cal Tech Professor of Physics 113. Lisa Jardine, UCL Professor of History 114. Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 115. Herbert Huppert, Cambridge Professor of Geophysics 116. Geoff Harcourt, Australian Academic Economist, Cambridge 117. Elizabeth Loftus, Professor of Cognitive Psychology, UC Irvine 118. Paul Rabinow, Berkeley Professor of Anthropology 119. Sir Brian Harrison, Oxford Professor of Modern History 120. Lisa Randall, Harvard Professor of Physics 121. Gabriel Horn, Cambridge Professor of Zoology 122. Jonathan Parry, Cambridge Professor of Anthropology 123. Masatoshi Koshiba, Nobel Laureate in Physics 124. Frank Drake, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, UCSC 125. Jared Diamond, Professor of Geography, UCLA 126. Sir John E. Walker, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 127. J.L. Schellenberg, Professor of Philosophy, MSVU 128. Horace Barlow, Visual Neuroscientist, Cambridge 129. Baroness Susan Greenfield, Oxford Professor of Neuroscience 130. Hermann Hauser, Science Entrepreneur (Cambridge) 131. Stephen Gudeman, Professor of Anthropology, Minnesota 132. Jim Al Khalili, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Surrey 133. Mark Elvin, Professor of Chinese History, ANU/Oxford 134. Stuart Kauffman, Professor of Biochemistry and Mathematics, UVM 135. Stefan Feuchtwang, Professor of Anthropology, LSE 136. Ken Edwards, Cambridge Professor of Genetics 137. Raymond Tallis, Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Manchester 138. Geoffrey Hawthorn, Cambridge Professor of Sociology and Political Theory 139. Sir Roger Penrose, Oxford Professor of Mathematics 140. John Dunn, Cambridge Professor of Political Theory 141. Nicholas Humphrey, Professor of Psychology, LSE 142. Craig Venter, Synthetic Life Pioneer 143. Paul Churchland, Professor of Philosophy, UC San Diego 144. Christian de Duve, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 145. Michael Bate, Cambridge Professor of Developmental Biology 146. Melvin Konner, Professor of Anthropology, Emory University 147. Stephen Jay Gould, Harvard Professor of Zoology and Geology 148. Arif Ahmed, Senior Lecturer Philosophy, Cambridge 149. Christof Koch, Caltech Professor of Cognitive and Behavioural Biology 150. Peter Higgs, Nobel Laureate in Physics CLIP SOURCES: The vast majority of the clips have been taken from the following sources: Professor Alan Macfarlane: http://www.alanmacfarlane.com Closer To Truth (Dr Robert Lawrence Kuhn): http://www.closertotruth.com The Science Network (Roger Bingham): http://thesciencenetwork.org The Vega Science Trust (Sir Harold Kroto): http://vega.org.uk Copyright disclaimer--"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." The more scientifically literate, intellectually honest and objectively sceptical a person is, the more likely they are to disbelieve in anything supernatural, including god. These films are part of a compilation of some of the best examples of such individuals, and their thoughts on the divine. All the speakers featured are elite academics and professors at top institutions, some of whom are also Nobel Laureates.- published: 02 Nov 2013
- views: 813
Project Poltergeist
Project Poltergeist: Searching for Missing Neutrinos. We are descendants from poltergeists...
published: 01 May 2013
Project Poltergeist
Project Poltergeist
Project Poltergeist: Searching for Missing Neutrinos. We are descendants from poltergeists and, yes, they have a mass, even though they can travel through so...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 40
- author: Christer Lennart Löfgren, Ph. Lic.
dctp Die wildesten Partikel im Kosmos
Die wildesten Partikel im Kosmos
Nobelpreisträger Koshiba und seine Neutrinos...
published: 09 Sep 2013
dctp Die wildesten Partikel im Kosmos
dctp Die wildesten Partikel im Kosmos
Die wildesten Partikel im Kosmos Nobelpreisträger Koshiba und seine Neutrinos- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 13