
Constitutional Principles: Representative Government
Do you understand the key differences between a Republic and a Democracy? The Bill of Righ...
published: 08 Sep 2011
author: BillofRightsInst
Constitutional Principles: Representative Government
Constitutional Principles: Representative Government
Do you understand the key differences between a Republic and a Democracy? The Bill of Rights Institute has created a short, engaging video for Constitution D...- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 16451
- author: BillofRightsInst

published: 11 Aug 2011
author: TheCognitiveMedia

Representative Democracy IS NOT Democracy
"In 93 percent of House of Representatives races and 94 percent of Senate races that had b...
published: 31 Oct 2009
author: TheLeftLibertarian
Representative Democracy IS NOT Democracy
Representative Democracy IS NOT Democracy
"In 93 percent of House of Representatives races and 94 percent of Senate races that had been decided by mid-day Nov. 5, the candidate who spent the most mon...- published: 31 Oct 2009
- views: 11808
- author: TheLeftLibertarian

Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy--Jack Robert Riordan
published: 05 Aug 2013
author: Mike Petri
Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy--Jack Robert Riordan
Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy--Jack Robert Riordan
- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 3
- author: Mike Petri

Representative Democracy
published: 01 Jun 2009
author: mypoliscilab
Representative Democracy

Representative Democracy
Share this video!...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: David Floyd
Representative Democracy

The Philosophical Foundation of Representative Democracy
published: 05 Aug 2013
author: DigitalCivics
The Philosophical Foundation of Representative Democracy
The Philosophical Foundation of Representative Democracy
- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 6
- author: DigitalCivics

There is no such thing as "representative democracy"
What has been forced down our throats as being a system of freedom that no nation is free ...
published: 14 Aug 2013
There is no such thing as "representative democracy"
There is no such thing as "representative democracy"
What has been forced down our throats as being a system of freedom that no nation is free without is a lie. only the people ruling themselves is democracy. submission of that right to self rule to a small group of elected rulers is a form of oligarchy.- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 23

The Democratic Way 1: 150 years of representative democracy
The Democratic Way is a series of short films outlining the development of representative ...
published: 06 Sep 2013
The Democratic Way 1: 150 years of representative democracy
The Democratic Way 1: 150 years of representative democracy
The Democratic Way is a series of short films outlining the development of representative democracy in Finland from the Diet of Porvoo to the present day. Along the way viewers can learn more about places, buildings and statues illustrating the continuity of regular legislative work in Finland since 1863. The films were produced by Parliament of Finland in cooperation with the University of Helsinki and Arcada University of Applied Sciences.- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 52

Liberal Democracy & Representative Democracy
published: 23 Jul 2010
author: parliamentofvictoria
Liberal Democracy & Representative Democracy
Liberal Democracy & Representative Democracy
- published: 23 Jul 2010
- views: 1051
- author: parliamentofvictoria

The Role of Education in a Representative Democracy
In July 2008, the Alliance for Representative Democracy launched a professional developmen...
published: 05 Aug 2013
author: DigitalCivics
The Role of Education in a Representative Democracy
The Role of Education in a Representative Democracy
In July 2008, the Alliance for Representative Democracy launched a professional development initiative on the curricular programs of the Center for Civic Edu...- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 6
- author: DigitalCivics

Take back your representative democracy.
Find your real party, don't just settle for the one you know....
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: Mark Steiner
Take back your representative democracy.
Take back your representative democracy.
Find your real party, don't just settle for the one you know.- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 160
- author: Mark Steiner

The Role of State Legislatures in a Representative Democracy
In July 2011 the Alliance conducted a four-day institute for middle and high school teache...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: DigitalCivics
The Role of State Legislatures in a Representative Democracy
The Role of State Legislatures in a Representative Democracy
In July 2011 the Alliance conducted a four-day institute for middle and high school teachers in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the video was to increase the...- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 187
- author: DigitalCivics

R1.5 Evolution of Representative Democracy
R1.5 Evolution of Representative Democracy....
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: DrPalmerHistory
R1.5 Evolution of Representative Democracy
R1.5 Evolution of Representative Democracy
R1.5 Evolution of Representative Democracy.- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 16
- author: DrPalmerHistory
Vimeo results:

Selepas Tsunami (After the Tsunami)
The 12th General Election did not only result in the change of government in four states o...
published: 14 May 2010
author: Pusat KOMAS
Selepas Tsunami (After the Tsunami)
The 12th General Election did not only result in the change of government in four states or the lost of Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in Parliament. It brought along many practices never seen before in the governmant system. In Selangor, a body under the state assembly was formed to monitor the use of public funds.
In the federal Parliament the increasing presence of opposition representatives has resulted in more serious debates. Today, UMNO and Barisan Nasional has started speaking the language of change. However, the real reform process is not as easy as voting on polling day.
This documentary discusses the meaning behind those promised changes. Info on KOMAS - http://komas.org
A Big Pictures production for Pusat KOMAS.
36 mins.
Director: Anna Har
Producer: Brenda Danker
Executive Producer: Jerald Joseph
Editor: Chi Too
Pilihan Raya umum ke-12 bukan setakat melibatkan perubahan empat kerajaan negeri atau kehilangan kuasa dua pertiga Barisan Nasional di Parlimen. Ia membawa kepada pelbagai amalan yang tidak wujud dan namkapasing sebelum inin dapat dirasakan oleh rakyat buat julung kalinya. Di negeri Selangor satu badan di bawah Dewan Negeri ditubuhkan untuk memantau perbelanjaan dana awam.
Di peringkat Persekutuan , Parlimen kini nampak lebih serius dengan kehadiran wakil pembangkang. Hari ini, Barisan Nasional yang keras kepala sebelum 8 Mac lalu, juga sudah mula bertutur dalam bahasa prubahan. Bagaimanapun, perubahan yang sebenar bukanlah semudah membuang undi pada pilihan raya.
Selepas Tsunami is also available in Mandarin, Tamil, and Iban language.
Please contact Pusat KOMAS +603-7968 5415 to purchase the DVDs. Email: info@komas.org.

Content is Queen
"Content is Queen" is a video art series of generative portraits that reflects on the foun...
published: 22 May 2011
author: Sergio Albiac
Content is Queen
"Content is Queen" is a video art series of generative portraits that reflects on the foundations of democracy and the resilient nature of the structures of power. At the same time, it is a paradoxical dialogue and strange marriage between the banal and the utterly majestic: to create the series, the most popular (in a truly democratic sense) internet videos of a given moment are used as the input of a generative process that "paints" with action the portrait of the Queen.
On a technical level, this piece is a result of my research in breaking the limitations of the static image in a contemporary revision of the tradition of painting. The portraits are created using an innovative generative technique that I have developed called "generative video painting". It differs from previous attempts of video collage (like the techniques developed by David Hockney, mixing simultaneous points of view of an action) or video mosaic (where still images are represented by whole videos acting as pixels when properly reduced in size). My technique uses regions of video content to effectively represent or "paint" heterogeneous regions of the image. Both the partial content of the videos and the whole image are fully visible at the same time, widening the possibilities to deliver meaning in a contemporary aesthetic language.
To better experience this piece as a painting, there is no sound. See it full screen to enjoy details.
The generative process is implemented using Processing (www.processing.org).
Many thanks to Andres Colubri (GSVideo library) and the whole Processing community.

The Exile Nation Project: An Oral History of the War on Drugs [HD]
openDemocracy & The Tedworth Charitable Trust...in association with Exile Nation Media...p...
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: Nomad Cinema (Charles B Shaw)
The Exile Nation Project: An Oral History of the War on Drugs [HD]
openDemocracy & The Tedworth Charitable Trust...in association with Exile Nation Media...presents
The Exile Nation Project
An Oral History of the War on Drugs & The American Criminal Justice System
A film by Charles Shaw
The Land of the Free punishes or imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation. This collection of testimonials from criminal offenders, family members, and experts on America’s criminal justice system puts a human face on the millions of Americans subjugated by the US Government's 40 year, one trillion dollar social catastrophe: The War on Drugs; a failed policy underscored by fear, politics, racial prejudice and intolerance in a public atmosphere of "out of sight, out of mind."
The United States has only 5% of the world's population, yet a full 25% of the world's prisoners. At 2.5 million, the US has more prisoners than even China does with five times the population of the United States. 8 million Americans (1 in every 31) languish under some form of state monitoring known as "correctional supervision." On top of that, the security and livelihood of over 13 million more has been forever altered by a felony conviction.
The American use of punishment is so pervasive, and so disproportionate, that even the conservative magazine The Economist declared in 2010, "never in the civilized world have so many been locked up for so little."
The project will unfold over a two year period, beginning with the release of this feature-length documentary and then continuing on with the release of short films and complete interviews from each of the 100 participants in the project, meant to represent the 1 in 100 Americans that are currently sitting behind bars.
The Exile Nation Project is made possible by a generous grant from the Tedworth Charitable Trust and the openDemocracy group, in association with Exile Nation Media. All content produced is non-commercial and available for free distribution under a Creative Commons license.
BONUS FEATURE: "Friday the 13th" a poem by John Sinclair, follows the credits.
Written, Produced and Directed by Charles Shaw
Director of Photography - Charles Shaw
Edited by Charles Shaw & Dustin Edwards
Motion Graphics - Dustin Edwards, Brodie Sullivan
Music by Random Rab, Junior Boys, Cloud Cult, Four Tet, The War on Drugs, SearchLite.
Production Assistants - Erin Shaw, Michael Garfield, Baza Novic
Technical Advisor - Taylor Cahill
Christian Parenti
Eric Sterling
Mark Kleiman, Ph.D
Sanho Tree
Judge James P. Gray
Ethan Nadelmann
Anthony Papa
John Sinclair
Nora Callahan
Chuck Armsbury
Amy Povah Ralston
Lynette Shaw
Scott Imler
Kyle Kazan
Julie Holland, M.D.
Robert Manor
Aaron Blackledge, M.D.
Randolph Hencken
Stephen Dubov
Chris Bava
Steve Costello
Dorothy Johnson-Speight
Ryan Keesling
Alexis Wilson Briggs
Malakkar Vohryzek
AJ Lovewins
Debi Campbell
Julie Falco
Allison Moore
Jean Marlowe
Rebecca Forbes
Stephani Conyers
Dimitri Mobengo Mugianis
Audra DeLuca
Nicole Benisch
Anthony Reed
Charles Shaw is an award-winning journalist, author of the critically-acclaimed memoir, Exile Nation: Drugs, Prisons, Politics & Spirituality, and Director of the documentary film, The Exile Nation Project: An Oral History of the War on Drugs & The American Criminal Justice System.
Charles serves as Editor for the openDemocracy Drug Policy Forum and the Dictionary of Ethical Politics, both collaborative projects of Resurgence, openDemocracy, and the Tedworth Charitable Trust.
Charles' work has appeared in Alternet, Alternative Press Review, Conscious Choice, Common Ground, Grist, Guardian UK, Huffington Post, In These Times, Newtopia, The New York Times, openDemocracy, Planetizen, Punk Planet, Reality Sandwich, San Diego Uptown News, Scoop, Shift, Truthout, The Witness, YES!, and Znet. He was a Contributing Author to the 2008 Shift Report from the Institute for Noetic Sciences, and in Planetizen's Contemporary Debates in Urban Planning (2007, Island Press). In 2009 he was recognized by the San Diego Press Club for excellence in journalism.

53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonal...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: EDP
53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly
Comments: "Range" is an appropriate middle name. What incredibly
detailed reporting on a variety of complicated topics. What an ability to
make us feel as if we know the players. What skill in explaining messy
situations. The very essence of solid journalism.
2nd place: David Evans, Bloomberg Markets, "Duping the Families of
Fallen Soldiers"
HM: Mariel Garza, Los Angeles Daily News Editorials
A2. PRINT (Under 50,000 circulation)
Radley Balko, Reason Magazine
Comment: ―Radley Balko is one of those throw-back journalists that
understands the power of groundbreaking reporting and how to make a
significant impact through his work. Time and time again, his stories cause
readers to stop, think, and most significantly, take action.
2nd Place: Dan Evans, Glendale News-Press
HM: Ryan Vaillancourt, Los Angeles Downtown News
Ana Garcia and Fred Mamoun, KNBC-TV
Garcia and Mamoun shoot, write and edit compelling stories. One of
their strengths as a team is the obvious respect for their subjects, and the
ability through contacts in the community to land exclusive interviews and
opportunities. They are strong storytellers and the pieces move!
2nd Place: Antonio Valverde, Univision
Valverde has a wide range as a journalist. He is able to work with various
segments of the community to tell compelling stories. He has political
acumen and can accurately and fairly tell stories, while also reaching out
to the disenfranchised to share their stories of life in L.A.
Susan Valot, KPCC
Comments: Well-rounded reports with authoritative, informed tone. Great
use of sound. Valot‘s work is some of the best we‘ve heard.
2nd Place: Brian Watt: KPCC
HM: Kitty Felde: KPCC
Daniel Heimpel, FosteringMediaConnections.org
2nd Place: Chris Hedges, Truthdig.com
HM: Robert Scheer, Truthdig.com
Kim Masters, KCRW-FM Radio
Comments: Nice voice in both senses of the word, along with substantive
content. Covering a story about outed CIA agent Valerie Plame, she
tracked down Plame to comment on her portrayal, rather than just talking
to the actress. She also gave a lot of information on entertainment agents
that broadened the picture the public was likely to have of that
2nd Place: Tara Wallis-Finestone, NBC LA
HM: George Pennacchio, KABC-TV
Rick Loomis, Los Angeles Times
Over 50,000 circulations – including news bureaus and correspondents
Tracy Manzer and Sarah Peters, Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Heroes foil
bank heist"
Comments: The writing was appropriately-paced for the category and
the story content. I enjoyed the writers' use of sensory details and factual
information, presented with a slightly humorous/sarcastic tone that made
this piece fun to read.
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly, ―The Parent Trigger‖.
Comments: Documents a groundswell of democracy while explaining a
new law through a real-world prism. Powerful. Incredibly well-sourced and
informative, yet provides a human touch. The story of poor minorities trying
to make a change documented how the masses can move the
establishment. Inspiring to others, this story shows what newspaper do like
no other. Bravo.
2nd Place: Thomas Curven, Los Angeles Times, ―Walking Away from Grief‖
HM: Kristopher Hanson, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Dangers Close to
Steve Friess, LA Weekly, ―A Tragic Love Story‖
2nd Place: Charlotte Hsu, LA Weekly, ―Forever Scared — The Story of
Herman Atkins‖
HM: Karen Robes Meeks, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Murchison: A
Portrait of a Long Beach Lobbyist‖
David Evans, Bloomberg News, "Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash
Payout as Insurers Profit"
Comments: These articles are the soul of great investigative journalism,
uncovering a shocking system whereby the families of slain soldiers are
tricked about benefits, and where shameless insurance companies reap
big profits at the expense of those families.
Best of all, it led to immediate Congressional investigations and action.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "The Dance of the Lemons"
HM: Monica Alonzo and Simone Wilson, LA Weekly, "Culture of Cruelty"
Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times, "California unfriendly to business?
Figures say no"
Comments: This is an authoritative and well-documented piece that
refutes the common wisdom of California's tax structure being unfriendly
to business.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "Barry Minkow 2.0"
HM: Donna Howell, Investor's Business Daily,
Youtube results:

No representative democracy - only 44% of MPs against war when 80% public opinion was against
People's Administration - MAINSTREAM UK party for Direct Democracy via Web and Phone: http...
published: 30 Aug 2013
No representative democracy - only 44% of MPs against war when 80% public opinion was against
No representative democracy - only 44% of MPs against war when 80% public opinion was against
People's Administration - MAINSTREAM UK party for Direct Democracy via Web and Phone: http://www.PAparty.co.uk- published: 30 Aug 2013
- views: 7

India's is a representative democracy - Sravan - Tv9
India's is a representative democracy - Sravan
For more videos go to http://www.freetv9.co...
published: 04 Nov 2013
India's is a representative democracy - Sravan - Tv9
India's is a representative democracy - Sravan - Tv9
India's is a representative democracy - Sravan For more videos go to http://www.freetv9.com Follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/tv9telugu Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/tv9ap- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 267

The Philosophical Foundation of Representative Democracy: Discussion Topic 5
In July 2008, the Alliance for Representative Democracy launched a professional developmen...
published: 15 May 2009
author: DigitalCivics
The Philosophical Foundation of Representative Democracy: Discussion Topic 5
The Philosophical Foundation of Representative Democracy: Discussion Topic 5
In July 2008, the Alliance for Representative Democracy launched a professional development initiative on the curricular programs of the Center for Civic Edu...- published: 15 May 2009
- views: 58
- author: DigitalCivics

Comparison between Representative Democracy & Real-Time Online Direct Democracy (P2 of 2)
This is a comparison between Representative Democracy system and Real-Time Online Direct D...
published: 16 Apr 2012
Comparison between Representative Democracy & Real-Time Online Direct Democracy (P2 of 2)
Comparison between Representative Democracy & Real-Time Online Direct Democracy (P2 of 2)
This is a comparison between Representative Democracy system and Real-Time Online Direct Democracy system - written as part of a campaign started in 2011 by Dr Fereydun Hilmi and Harem Karem in the United Kingdom with the intention of a peaceful democratic transformation from representative democracy to real-time online direct democracy. Click here for more information http://kurdistantribune.com/rtoldd/- published: 16 Apr 2012
- views: 113