Aaron Kemnitzer Plus

New York

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User Bio

Freelance 2D/3D Designer, Animator, and VFX Artist

Software: AE, Nuke, Fusion, Maya, Max, VRay, PF Track, and the Adobe Design Suite


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  1. Frank D
  2. Ian Sigmon
  3. Kirsten Lepore
  4. Rubber House
  5. Jeff Hamada
  6. daniel cordero
  7. Elastic
  8. Something Savage
  9. CHRLX
  10. Fred Kim
  11. GMUNK
  12. Andrew Kramer
  13. Erica Gorochow
  14. Sebas and Clim
  15. The Fox And King
  16. Luke Infinger
  17. dlew
  18. Transparent House

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  1. Great ! check out our last skate animation, if you've got time vimeo.com/88991219
  2. Great ! check out our last skate animation, if you've got time vimeo.com/88991219