
Latin American Revolutions: Crash Course World History #31
Crash Course poster #1 of 3: http://dft.ba/-ccposter1 In which John Green talks about the ...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: crashcourse
Latin American Revolutions: Crash Course World History #31
Latin American Revolutions: Crash Course World History #31
Crash Course poster #1 of 3: http://dft.ba/-ccposter1 In which John Green talks about the many revolutions of Latin America in the 19th century. At the begin...- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 375921
- author: crashcourse

Geography of Latin America Overview
16 minute descriptive video of Central and South American Geography....
published: 19 Sep 2013
Geography of Latin America Overview
Geography of Latin America Overview
16 minute descriptive video of Central and South American Geography.- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 8

Latin America and the Caribbean: Wild Wealth
Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the documentary was produced by Nat...
published: 15 Jan 2013
author: Gabriel Salvo Parra
Latin America and the Caribbean: Wild Wealth
Latin America and the Caribbean: Wild Wealth
Financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the documentary was produced by National Geographic film crews who traveled from the Andes to the Amaz...- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 1371
- author: Gabriel Salvo Parra

Geography of the world Latin America Video part one
This first video ia a great colection from United Streaming to know about Latin America in...
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: John Jairo Rendon
Geography of the world Latin America Video part one
Geography of the world Latin America Video part one
This first video ia a great colection from United Streaming to know about Latin America in your class.- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 2402
- author: John Jairo Rendon

Black in Latin America E02, Brazil: A Racial Paradise
In Brazil, Professor Gates delves behind the façade of Carnival to discover how this 'rain...
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: Bladeboy05
Black in Latin America E02, Brazil: A Racial Paradise
Black in Latin America E02, Brazil: A Racial Paradise
In Brazil, Professor Gates delves behind the façade of Carnival to discover how this 'rainbow nation' is waking up to its legacy as the world's largest slave...- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 121363
- author: Bladeboy05

Black in Latin America E03, Mexico and Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet
In Mexico and Peru Professor Gates explores the almost unknown history of the significant ...
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: Bladeboy05
Black in Latin America E03, Mexico and Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet
Black in Latin America E03, Mexico and Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet
In Mexico and Peru Professor Gates explores the almost unknown history of the significant numbers of black people—the two countries together received far mor...- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 154693
- author: Bladeboy05

Noam Chomsky - History of US Rule in Latin America
History of US Rule in Latin America; Elections and Resistance to the Coup in Honduras - Pr...
published: 19 Dec 2009
author: PHubb
Noam Chomsky - History of US Rule in Latin America
Noam Chomsky - History of US Rule in Latin America
History of US Rule in Latin America; Elections and Resistance to the Coup in Honduras - Professor Noam Chomsky PhD. Filmed by Paul Hubbard at Massachusetts I...- published: 19 Dec 2009
- views: 59902
- author: PHubb

Latin America Physical Geography
Unit 4....
published: 09 Dec 2012
author: paul sampson
Latin America Physical Geography

Latin America's Economic Divide
Stratfor Latin America Analyst Karen Hooper examines the regional effects of two Latin Ame...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: STRATFORvideo
Latin America's Economic Divide
Latin America's Economic Divide
Stratfor Latin America Analyst Karen Hooper examines the regional effects of two Latin American trade blocs, the left-leaning Mercosur and the right-leaning ...- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 6370
- author: STRATFORvideo

Latin America's Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 - BBC News and Documentary
Latin America's Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 - BBC News and Documentary, recorded 18.10....
published: 06 Mar 2011
author: RuniTravel
Latin America's Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 - BBC News and Documentary
Latin America's Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 - BBC News and Documentary
Latin America's Economic Boom Explained 1 of 2 - BBC News and Documentary, recorded 18.10.2010 A look at how Countries all around Latin America continue to p...- published: 06 Mar 2011
- views: 37175
- author: RuniTravel

Inside Story - Latin America: Reforming from within
As regional leaders meet in Havana, we examine how they can challenge Washington's influen...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Inside Story - Latin America: Reforming from within
Inside Story - Latin America: Reforming from within
As regional leaders meet in Havana, we examine how they can challenge Washington's influence in their bloc.- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 1612

Black in Latin America ( Episode 2 ) Cuba The Next Revolution
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: Haitianbeatz Makak
Black in Latin America ( Episode 2 ) Cuba The Next Revolution
Black in Latin America ( Episode 2 ) Cuba The Next Revolution
- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 17005
- author: Haitianbeatz Makak

Calle 13 - Latinoamérica
Calle 13 - Latinoamérica Directores Jorge Carmona y Milovan Radovic Productor Alejandro No...
published: 27 Sep 2011
author: elvecindariocalle13
Calle 13 - Latinoamérica
Calle 13 - Latinoamérica
Calle 13 - Latinoamérica Directores Jorge Carmona y Milovan Radovic Productor Alejandro Noriega Patria Producciones.- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 18879257
- author: elvecindariocalle13

Jáfumega - Latin'América
Carnaval Vale do Sousa Já fumega Latin'America....
published: 25 Feb 2007
author: Tadeu de Egas Moniz
Jáfumega - Latin'América
Jáfumega - Latin'América
Carnaval Vale do Sousa Já fumega Latin'America.- published: 25 Feb 2007
- views: 338993
- author: Tadeu de Egas Moniz
Vimeo results:

Stash Latin America - Launching Spot
The Stash latin America Book + DVD launching spot is...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: Flamboyant Paradise
Stash Latin America - Launching Spot
The Stash latin America Book + DVD launching spot is a trip inside Latin America’s ancient soul. We enter the depths of a surreal creature which remains to Incas’ culture totemic designs. At the end of the journey we find the hidden Stash, a jewel of pure explosive energy. This is the creative energy of the most outstanding Latin American animation, design & VFX studios.
Stash Media:
Stash Latin America: Book + DVD Now Available:
Stash Latin America features work from 35 Animation, VFX & Design studios from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and México.
Directed by Flamboyant Paradise
Sound Design: Noroeste Música y Sonido
Directors: Antoine Quairiat - Javier Lourenço
Executive Producer: Guido Rutenberg
Producer: Mechi Serrano
3D Team: Nahuel Belich, Eugenio Pignataro, Alejandro Agrasar
Compositors: Antoine Quairiat - Guillermo Salerno
Client Supervisor: Stephen Price, Aixa Rocca, Valentina Vescovi

Comedy Central - Latin America Reel
-CLIENT: Comedy Central (Latin America and Brasil).
-AGENCY: Leandro Spatz.
-INFO: TV netw...
published: 12 Aug 2011
author: 2veinte
Comedy Central - Latin America Reel
-CLIENT: Comedy Central (Latin America and Brasil).
-AGENCY: Leandro Spatz.
-INFO: TV network reel for Latin America.
Creative direction: Leandro Spatz.
Art direction and animation: 2veinte.
Edition: Leandro Spatz.
Music and sound fx: Leandro Spatz.

Cycling Latin America
A bicycle trip around Latin America. 29.000 kilometers, 27 months (2008 - 2011), 16 countr...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: Kevin Bauer
Cycling Latin America
A bicycle trip around Latin America. 29.000 kilometers, 27 months (2008 - 2011), 16 countries. An unforgettable experience...
Photos & Editing: Kevin Bauer
Music: Bosques de mi Mente

AXN Latin America 2013 INHOUSE Refresh
Empaque gráfico realizado totalmente INHOUSE, rediseñando todas las piezas existentes para...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: Roberto Chriqui
AXN Latin America 2013 INHOUSE Refresh
Empaque gráfico realizado totalmente INHOUSE, rediseñando todas las piezas existentes para darle un mayor funcionamiento y editabilidad a nivel de producción por Final Cut.
Este proyecto en especial fue un gran reto en muchos aspectos ya que nunca se le pudo dedicar un 100% de nuestro tiempo, siempre tuvimos que trabajar en paralelo a nuestros trabajos del día a día.
Sin duda alguna fue un gran aprendizaje y un buen entrenamiento para ser capaces de desarrollar proyectos de gran magnitud dentro de la oficina y no tener que contratar un estudio de diseño externo (el cual le dedica el 100% de su tiempo y cuenta con el doble o triple del personal que nosotros), Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de haber completado este gran reto.
Todos los gráficos fueron generados en Cinema 4D, posteriormente se trabajaron en After Effects junto a los títulos y textos. una vez aprobados se pasaron a Motion para convertirlos en editables y manejables dentro de Final Cut.
Dirección de Arte: Sergio Moreno
Diseño gráfico y animación: Roberto Chriqui
Soporte de Aplicación: Roberto Carbonell
Adaptación para Impresos: Wilfred Hernandez
Música: "Octupus" Bloc Party
Youtube results:

Viewfinder Latin America - 03Feb2014 Coming Soon promo
Viewfinder LAtin America returns with a new series as Al Jazeera continues its coverage of...
published: 03 Feb 2014
Viewfinder Latin America - 03Feb2014 Coming Soon promo
Viewfinder Latin America - 03Feb2014 Coming Soon promo
Viewfinder LAtin America returns with a new series as Al Jazeera continues its coverage of the region and it's on-going relationship with regionally based filmmakers.- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 454

Moving to Latin America: A Gringo Warning
If you are planning a move to Latin America, do as I say and not as I did: RENT for a FULL...
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: Humptydumptytribe
Moving to Latin America: A Gringo Warning
Moving to Latin America: A Gringo Warning
If you are planning a move to Latin America, do as I say and not as I did: RENT for a FULL YEAR before plunking one dollar down on a piece of land there. Don...- published: 21 Mar 2012
- views: 19692
- author: Humptydumptytribe

Introduction to Latin America
Hi, My name is Daniel West, and I'm a student at the University of Texas. I'm currently st...
published: 05 Nov 2009
author: Daniel West
Introduction to Latin America
Introduction to Latin America
Hi, My name is Daniel West, and I'm a student at the University of Texas. I'm currently student teaching in a 9th grade Geography class, and I made this movi...- published: 05 Nov 2009
- views: 8267
- author: Daniel West

China's growing influence in Latin America worries Congress
The US has set its sights on a new region of the globe - the Asia Pacific. It's all an att...
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: RTAmerica
China's growing influence in Latin America worries Congress
China's growing influence in Latin America worries Congress
The US has set its sights on a new region of the globe - the Asia Pacific. It's all an attempt to keep close tabs on China - a power gaining significant infl...- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 6865
- author: RTAmerica