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Q: The Winged Serpent (1982) - Trailer
Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)
Q - THE VOICE OF Q (1982)
Collective Haul - ELF, Ulta, & Fashion Q 1982 !
Theatrical Trailer - Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)
Chelsea 2-3 Tottenham, FA Cup Q/F 1982
Q*Bert (1982 Gottlieb)
Q 'The Voice Of Q' (Philly World Records 1982)
Q*bert arcade game review - Qbert Gottlieb 1982
Q - The voice of Q (1982 12
BB & Q Band - Imagination (1982)
CineMassacre's Monster Madness 2012 ep 02 - Q The Winged Serpent (1982)



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Q: The Winged Serpent (1982) - Trailer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:32
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013
Trailer for a US film, derived from a VHS source. Director: Larry Cohen Starred: David Carradine, Michael Moriarty, Candy Clark Alternative title: * Q DVD: R... The Winged Serpent (1982) - Trailer
Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:27
  • Updated: 07 May 2013
Director:Larry Cohen;=dvd&qid;=1... The Winged Serpent (1982)
Q - THE VOICE OF Q (1982)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:14
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2013
'"Q' was a one-off project from the relatively obscure disco production team of Michael Forte and Bruce Weeden. Released in 1982 on the burgeoning Philly Wor... - THE VOICE OF Q (1982)
Collective Haul - ELF, Ulta, & Fashion Q 1982 !
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:52
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013
Open for more goodies!* I have a blog you can visit for even MORE fashion/beauty fun! Also... Stalk me! Instagram : venicegal89 Twitt...
  • published: 18 Mar 2013
  • views: 482
  • author: venicegal89 Haul - ELF, Ulta, & Fashion Q 1982 !
Theatrical Trailer - Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:30
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013
Check out the original theatrical trailer for Larry Cohen's Q: The Winged Serpent. Buy Q: The Winged Serpent on Blu-Ray at: Its name is Quetzalcoatl, a dragon-like Aztec god that is summoned to modern-day Manhattan by a mysterious cult. But just call it "Q"...because that is all you'll be able to say before it tears you apart! Roosting within the top of the Chrysler Building, this fearsome monster begins raining blood -- from the bodies of window washers, construction workers and rooftop sunbathers alike -- onto the streets of New York! WANT MORE SCREAMS? SUBSCRIBE HERE: CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK:;=ts FOLLOW US ON TWITTER:
  • published: 14 Aug 2013
  • views: 52 Trailer - Q: The Winged Serpent (1982)
Chelsea 2-3 Tottenham, FA Cup Q/F 1982
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:17
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2013
The 6th Round draw of the 1981-82 FA Cup produced this intriguing all-London clash. Chelsea in those days were a Second Division side (how times change, eh?)... 2-3 Tottenham, FA Cup Q/F 1982
Q*Bert (1982 Gottlieb)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:11
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013
A platform/run n jump/maze game where the object of the Q*bert game is to change the color of the top of the cubes to the Destination color indicated at the ...*Bert (1982 Gottlieb)
Q*bert arcade game review - Qbert Gottlieb 1982
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:30
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013
Join the John's Arcade Forum and discuss with like-minded enthusiasts!: Here's a video review of the classic arcade game fr...*bert arcade game review - Qbert Gottlieb 1982
Q - The voice of Q (1982 12
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:09
  • Updated: 05 Jun 2013
Q - The voice of Q (instrumental) 12" Philly World Records label.
  • published: 23 Mar 2013
  • views: 92
  • author: Streborp01 - The voice of Q (1982 12" instrumental)
BB & Q Band - Imagination (1982)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:49
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013
from the album "All Night Long"
  • published: 13 Mar 2008
  • views: 180500
  • author: veewee & Q Band - Imagination (1982)
CineMassacre's Monster Madness 2012 ep 02 - Q The Winged Serpent (1982)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:58
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013
CineMassacre's Monster Madness 2012 - 80's-A-Thon Episode 02 - Q The Winged Serpent (1982)
  • published: 03 Oct 2012
  • views: 22938
  • author: Raven4492's Monster Madness 2012 ep 02 - Q The Winged Serpent (1982)
Ray at home b/q 1982
  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:02
  • Updated: 05 May 2013
Ray "AKA" Foggy with beard has two B/Qs at home in "1982", Rocks with friends doing some "Real cool" dance moves. at home b/q 1982

Trailer for a US film, derived from a VHS source. Director: Larry Cohen Starred: David Carradine, Michael Moriarty, Candy Clark Alternative title: * Q DVD: R...

Q: The Winged Ser­pent (1982) - Trail­er
Trail­er for a US film, de­rived from a VHS source. Di­rec­tor: Larry Cohen Starred: David Car...
pub­lished: 18 May 2009
Q: The Winged Ser­pent (1982)
Di­rec­tor:Larry Cohen http://​www.​imdb.​com/​title/​tt0084556/​ http://​www.​amazon.​com/​Q-Winged-S...​
pub­lished: 04 Oct 2010
au­thor: Morten A. Olsen
Q - THE VOICE OF Q (1982)
'"Q' was a one-off pro­ject from the rel­a­tive­ly ob­scure disco pro­duc­tion team of Michael Fo...
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2011
Col­lec­tive Haul - ELF, Ulta, & Fash­ion Q 1982 !
Open for more good­ies!* I have a blog you can visit for even MORE fash­ion/beau­ty fun! www....
pub­lished: 18 Mar 2013
au­thor: venice­gal89
The­atri­cal Trail­er - Q: The Winged Ser­pent (1982)
Check out the orig­i­nal the­atri­cal trail­er for Larry Cohen's Q: The Winged Ser­pent. Buy Q: ...
pub­lished: 14 Aug 2013
Chelsea 2-3 Tot­ten­ham, FA Cup Q/F 1982
The 6th Round draw of the 1981-82 FA Cup pro­duced this in­trigu­ing all-Lon­don clash. Chelse...
pub­lished: 02 Feb 2011
Q*Bert (1982 Got­tlieb)
A plat­form/run n jump/maze game where the ob­ject of the Q*bert game is to change the color...
pub­lished: 02 Aug 2010
Q 'The Voice Of Q' (Philly World Records 1982)
pub­lished: 06 May 2009
au­thor: gresty1
Q*bert ar­cade game re­view - Qbert Got­tlieb 1982
Join the John's Ar­cade Forum and dis­cuss with like-mind­ed en­thu­si­asts!: http://​www.​johnsar...
pub­lished: 04 Apr 2011
Q - The voice of Q (1982 12" in­stru­men­tal)
Q - The voice of Q (in­stru­men­tal) 12" Philly World Records label....
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2013
au­thor: Stre­bor­p01
BB & Q Band - Imag­i­na­tion (1982)
from the album "All Night Long"...
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2008
au­thor: vee­wee
Cin­e­Mas­sacre's Mon­ster Mad­ness 2012 ep 02 - Q The Winged Ser­pent (1982)
Cin­e­Mas­sacre's Mon­ster Mad­ness 2012 - 80's-A-Thon Episode 02 - Q The Winged Ser­pent (1982)...
pub­lished: 03 Oct 2012
au­thor: Raven4492
Ray at home b/q 1982
Ray "AKA" Foggy with beard has two B/Qs at home in "1982", Rocks with friends doing some "...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2012
au­thor: Ray Hard­grave
La Ser­pi­ente Volado­ra (Q The Winge Ser­pent) (Larry Cohen, EEUU, 1982) - Trail­er Español
Más In­for­ma­ción: http://​todoelterrordelmundo.​blogspot.​com....
pub­lished: 14 Sep 2012
Youtube results:
2. Q: The Winged Ser­pent (1982) Re­view
For my sec­ond re­view I look at Q: The Winged Ser­pent....
pub­lished: 31 Aug 2012
Betty White in Q-Tip Com­mer­cial - 1982
Here is Betty White sell­ing Q-Tips. Her en­dorse­ment will sway my pur­chas­ing de­ci­sion on co...
pub­lished: 23 Oct 2011
au­thor: Lu­gosi­able
A Gift For The Gods - Q: The Winged Ser­pent (1982)
In this scene from Q: The Winged Ser­pent, David Car­ra­dine and Richard Roundtree in­ves­ti­gat...
pub­lished: 14 Aug 2013
CMM #7: 'Q: The Winged Ser­pent (1982)' by Robert O. Ragland
This is from the last movie pro­duced by Samuel Z. Arkoff. Larry Cohen wrote and di­rect­ed t...
pub­lished: 02 Jan 2013
au­thor: iron­handz1
photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais
President Barack Obama smiles during his interview with The Associated Press, Friday, April 15, 2011, in Chicago.
Edit The Times of India
17 Oct 2013
WASHINGTON. The US Congress on Wednesday approved an 11th-hour deal to end a partial government shutdown and pull the world's biggest economy back from the brink of a historic debt default that could have threatened financial calamity ... The White House budget office told hundreds of thousands of federal workers, the bulk of whom had been idle for the past 16 days, to be ready to return to work on Thursday ... POLITICAL DYSFUNCTION ... ....(size: 7.0Kb)
photo: AP / Rukmini Callimachi
An armed policeman walks past the shattered glass windows of a shop in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013.
Edit The Times of India
18 Oct 2013
Chilling new CCTV footage has emerged of terrorists casually gunning down shoppers during the attack on Kenya's Westgate shopping centre last month ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
photo: AP / Mahesh Kumar A.
Indian children, working at a roadside hotel, carry a table in Hyderabad, India, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012.
Edit Voa News
17 Oct 2013
Anita Powell. JOHANNESBURG — The Australian-based Walk Free Foundation has released its first-ever Global Slavery Index - a ranking of 162 countries by their prevalence of modern slavery. The Index found that tens of millions of people worldwide are living in slave-like conditions, most of them in Asia. Slavery is often thought of as a relic of past centuries, and is banned internationally ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ... ....(size: 4.6Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Zaereth
Bull moose, eating a fire weed plant. The moose is a herbivore and is capable of consuming many types of plant or fruit. The average adult moose needs to consume 9770 Calories per day to maintain its body weight.
Edit The Examiner
15 Oct 2013
Moose die-off, this is a term that is not going away anytime soon as moose are disappearing at an alarming rate across North America. This moose-die off is seen in several northern states were ticks are prevalent and according to the N.Y. Times on Oct. 14, moose have been found with over 100,000 ticks on them ... Ticks thrive when the weather is warmer ... The larva stay there waiting for a host to brush by and carry them away ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)
photo: AP / Manu Brabo
Free Syrian Army fighters look at a Syrian Army jet, not pictured, in Fafeen village, north of Aleppo province, Syria, Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012.
Edit The Daily Telegraph
17 Oct 2013
Related Articles. The damage done to 'Syria's oldest church' seen first hand 16 Oct 2013. Inside Syria's model town. Peace, until al-Qaeda arrived 05 Oct 2013. Eat cats and dogs, imam tells starving Syrians 15 Oct 2013. Asma al-Assad denies leaving Syria 15 Oct 2013. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday that efforts are intensifying to try to hold the Geneva meeting in mid-November ...  . Syria. News ». World News » ... ....(size: 6.2Kb)

Edit New York Post Online
18 Oct 2013
The creepy “Clark Rockefeller” case that riveted New Yorkers gets the Erin Moriarty/“48 Hours” treatment Saturday (10 p.m./Ch. 2) — featuring Moriarty’s exclusive jailhouse interview with slippery, German-born con man Christian Gerhartsreiter (aka “Clark Rockefeller,” “Christopher Crowe” and other aliases) ... Moriarty says there was a lot of tension during her sitdown with Gerharsreiter....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit The Irish Times
18 Oct 2013
Pensioner Richard Byrne (above) told Mr Justice Michael Moriarty yesterday he was in excruciating pain after the accident at the historic monument in 2010 and had shattered his shoulder, elbow and wrist. Mr Byrne, of Flixton, Manchester, has sued the Office of Public Works ... ....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit Syracuse
18 Oct 2013
 .  . • Brooks B. Gump has been named the Falk Family Endowed Professor of Public Health in the Falk College at Syracuse University ... He earned a Ph.D., at the University of California, and M.P.H ... Caitlin Moriarty joins as the business manager ... Moriarty holds a bachelor's of music degree in music industry from the Setnor School of Music at Syracuse University, a master's degree from the Janklow Arts Leadership Program ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
18 Oct 2013
Favourite. Hawkspur gallops on the course proper at Flemington during the week. Photo. Vince Caligiuri. The Verdict. Negatives loom with Hawkspur in Saturday's $2.5 million Caulfield Cup but the positives are Chris Waller and Jim Cassidy, not necessarily in that order ... Winning Post's assessment was ''should've won'' ... The Victorian handicappers rate her on 112, with the Waller threesome, Moriarty, Hawkspur and Royal Descent on 110 ... Verdict ... ....(size: 6.6Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
18 Oct 2013
At first glance, Michael Paul Smith's Flickr photo stream might look like behind-the-scenes footage of one of our favorite 50s-era TV shows ... Man Shrinks His 1950s Hometown (<a href=""http.//">Michael" Paul Smith</a>)Man Shrinks His 1950s Hometown ... Man Shrinks His 1950s Hometown (<a href=""http.//">Michael" Paul Smith</a>)....(size: 8.4Kb)
Edit Digital Spy
18 Oct 2013
New EastEnders pictures have been released showing Alice Branning slapping Michael Moon in tonight's episode (October 18) ... As another row breaks out, Alice unexpectedly defends Janine (Charlie Brooks) and slaps Michael ... Janine rows with Michael ... Alice slaps Michael....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit The Examiner
18 Oct 2013
What should she said she did not want to be like Michael and his -- where he could not surpass fuller and she said she was going to surpass what she was doing and so, she was going to go and get all the station ... She said she is going to own a network and to make sure that she was (crosstalk) like Michael that is what she said ... So, Thriller even though Michael, remember they haven't got an album more popular than Thriller....(size: 59.3Kb)
Edit The Examiner
18 Oct 2013
By the way, the first ever Michael Kors Award for Outstanding Community Service was presented to former U.S ... As for Ms Munn, the 33-year-old starlet wore a stud-embellished Michael Kors dress featuring a bust-revealing cut-out at the bodice, teamed with Michael Kors shoes and Harry Winston jewelry....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit noodls
18 Oct 2013
Families in Dubbo's east will benefit with a new playground being installed at Michael Duffy Park in Bell Avenue tripling the size of the current playground area ... "The previous playground at Michael Duffy Park had only three activities," Mr McAlister said "The upgrade will create a playground with 17 different activities targeted at children aged four to 12 years."....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
18 Oct 2013
18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Celladon Corporation, a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing novel therapies by applying its leadership position in the field of SERCA enzymes, today announced that it has appointed Michael Narachi as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Michael currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit Syracuse
18 Oct 2013
Michael Borkowski ... Michael's book "Otto's ABCs" is now available at the SU Bookstore!....(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit The Australian
18 Oct 2013
Therese Creighton feared for the safety of planes in the remote areas of Laos as her husband Gordon made the trip to catch up with their son, Michael ... Fellow passengers Gordon and Michael Creighton were on their way to a remote field where Michael was undertaking humanitarian work. Aid worker Michael Creighton / Picture ... Laos plane crash victim Michael Creighton, left, with his brother Ben / Picture....(size: 7.7Kb)
Edit Belfast Telegraph
18 Oct 2013
The former Ulster senior champion, brother of Olympic bronze medallist Michael who is boxing at the World championships in Kazakhstan, should certainly be in line for a British title shot if he comes through the challenge against Rojas ... "I have prepared so hard, I've been sparring my brother Michael, Paddy Barnes and Marc McCullough who's on the bill so I am in great shape....(size: 6.3Kb)
Q: The Winged Serpent
Theatrical release poster
Directed by Larry Cohen
Produced by Larry Cohen
Written by Larry Cohen
Starring Michael Moriarty
Candy Clark
David Carradine
Richard Roundtree
James Dixon
Ron Cey
Music by Robert O. Ragland
Cinematography Robert Levi
Fred Murphy
Editing by Armond Lebowitz
Distributed by United Film Distribution Company (UFDC)
Release date(s) October 29, 1982 (USA)
Running time 93 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $1,200,000 (estimated)

Q (also known as The Winged Serpent and as Q - The Winged Serpent) is a 1982 horror film written and directed by Larry Cohen and starring Michael Moriarty, Candy Clark, David Carradine, and Richard Roundtree.



The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, the "winged serpent", has been resurrected by a cult in modern New York City and is flying about, snatching people off the skyscrapers. Two police detectives (Carradine and Roundtree) are investigating the bloody, entrail-strewn (and strangely mostly-rooftop-set) path of disappearance, death, and dismemberment about whose obvious—but staggeringly aberrant—cause the NYPD, the Mayor's Office, and the Office of the Medical Examiner, are in complete and angry denial. Meanwhile a reluctant getaway driver for an ice crew/blues piano player is hotfooting it away from the uniformed cops after a jewel heist gone bad, happens upon the deity's lair and tries to extort a huge sum of money from the city's coffers in exchange for the whereabouts of the winged dragon-god's nest and home.


Production notes[link]

The movie was shot on location in and around the Chrysler Building and uses the interior of the building's tower crown as a primary location.

The original music score was composed by Robert O. Ragland.

The film was marketed with the tagline "It's [sic] name is Quetzalcoatl... just call it Q, that's all you'll have time to say before it tears you apart!"

The film poster's glossy monster illustration was painted by science fiction/fantasy artist Boris Vallejo.


The film was given a limited release theatrically in the United States by United Film Distribution Company in October 1982. It grossed approximately $255,000 at the box office.[1]

The film was later released on VHS by MCA/Universal Home Video.[2] It was released on DVD by Blue Underground in 2003.[3]

Roger Ebert gave the film 2 and 1/2 stars in his original review but was bursting with praise for Moriarty's performance. He relates the anecdote that, when movie reviewer Rex Reed met Q's producer, Samuel Z. Arkoff, Reed told him "What a surprise! All that dreck—and right in the middle of it, a great Method performance by Michael Moriarty!" Arkoff replied "The dreck was my idea."[4]


External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

And so it was that you were born
Into this world one winter morning,
With a childish innocence you smiled at me
And I was born again.
Non nobis solum
Sed toti mundo
Mundo nati.
Toti mundo nati.
God is good
And He will be our savior,
All we need
Is in His power to give us.
Let the light that lies within
His heart
Illuminate our being.
God is good
And with this thought to guide us
We will live
In joyful contemplation.
Let the love that lives within your heart
Illuminate your being.
What people want is a family life,
The strength of a home and a moat round the castle.
Pull up the drawbridge,
Staying at home with the family.
All people want is a family life,
Sometimes they find that it isn't so easy.
People can argue,
Life can be hard on a family.
Mum's in the kitchen, she won't speak to Dad.
Uncle's ashamed of the good time he had.
Brothers and sisters are lifting the roof
With the music they play all night.
But people still want a family life,
Nothing replaces the love and affection.
Pull up the drawbridge
Tempers are frayed, but it's like that.
Don't be dismayed if it's like that.
Like that.
You're not obeyed but you like that -family life.
God is good.
In Him we'll live for ever,
Inside His grace and glory,
Safe and sound
In His eternal love
We have found salvation.
Dad's In the garden, he won't speak to M
MARY DEE Mother.
Uncle's in bed with a pain in his...
The Devil is evil
And God is good.
The Devil is evil
SHANTY With a D.
And God is good
SHANTY Without an O.
MARY DEE and NURSE God is good without an O.
And so we are grateful for harmony
For we will be faithful
God is good,
The universal savior.
Trust in Him
To lead us through the darkness.
Live in love and when the battle's won
Live in peace.
Live in peace.
Live in peace for ever.
Live in peace.
ALL Live in peace together.
So on and on the story goes
From day to day throughout our lives.
What can we do,
that's how it grows.
I am with you,
Our love survives.

Are you saying love
Or are you saying nothing
Still life is a crime
That I can't ignore
Your perfect ways will follow
The temperature that's rising
All this time you never let me think
It was the hardest part to know
It was the fastest we could run
It was the farthest we could go
We are alive my angel
A tougher ending
It sounds so easy
But every time we were supposed to let go
We'd make love
Now pull me closer, let the heat take over
Cut me away
Cut me away
Don't end it up and
I tried to love you like before
If this was a night
It was the best one of our lives
Are you saying now
Or are you saying never
The still frame in my mind cannot be ignored
And all I can remember
Is the way you moved your body
And how your lips never say no
But it was killing you inside
Cause you thought I was the one
And now it's out of your control
You have arrived my angel
A tougher ending
It sounds so easy
But every time we were supposed to let go
We'd make love
Now pull me closer, let the heat take over you
And we're were drawing lines not to cross
So we would never feel a thing
And now it's breaking you apart
Just like it broke your heart
A tougher ending
It sounds so easy
But every time we were supposed to let go
We'd make love
Now pull me closer, let the heat take over
Cut me away
Cut me away
Don't end it up and
I tried to love you like before
If this was a night

Reaching out
Can you hear me
I said I'm reaching out
But no one's near me
And through all this I've been reaching out blindly
And so it comes down and I don't know anything
It always comes around
And fighting always seems just like
That I'll never know
And you never will
Still I'll never know
And you won't until someone stands up
Then you'll get some answers
Well here goes nothing yeah I'm standing up
And I'll get nothing if it's not enough
But they won't say what they're holding back from us
And so it comes down and I don't know anything
It always comes around
And fighting always seems just like
That I'll never know
And you never will
Still I'll never know
And you won't until someone stands up
Then you'll get some answers
I'll tell you this is something that you'll never hear
They knew it then and they've been holding back for years
And if you're not getting answers ask better questions...
That I'll never know
And you never will
Still I'll never know
And you won't until someone stands up
Then you'll get some answers

They say she came from the wrong side of town.
They say you're white. She's brown.
They say you better keep it inside the race.
They say you should be ashamed.
But they're not gonna take this one away from me.
They say it's wrong to be gay.
They say some god is gonna cast them away.
They say it's a disgusting thing.
They say you should be ashamed.
But they're not gonna take this one away from me.
Cold hearts want to suffocate love in a world that just can't get enough.
There's no purity, in a morality, that turns love into something dirty.
But I will not be ashamed.

When I was younger, I drank coffee to act grown up.
I'm older now, and I know that coffee sucks.
I don't want the sell out future the others are so quick to accept.
As time goes, so does my friends, and I wonder, who will be the next to forget.
Try to remember.
It's not just some phase that I'll give up or grow out of.
Caught in a rut of kids stuff? Maybe not.
I'm just doing what I love.
Yes, I fear the unknown, but I can't settle for what's already been done.
Try to remember what we're afraid of.
Afraid of never being somebody.
Afraid of losing our security.
Afraid of being lonely.
But what's the price? Our dreams.
Afraid of never relating to the outside.
Afraid of being the loser that the others left behind.
Afraid of never amounting to something but it's a whole lot of nothing you'll find.
I try to remember what I got.
Peace of mind.

They say: In god we trust
believe him and you're allright
you told me that you need - much more time
to trust in me - but you'll never do
something has happened with u in the past
was it my fault? If not what's wrong ?
Trust in me,c'mon honey trust in me
don't put your head in the sand - so fast
trust is everything - so don't give up -and trust !
2ndI'm not the bad man who has hurt you
don't transfer the past in me
you shouldn't end something before it has begun
but you did - you're cowardly !
every time the phone rings - I hope it's you
I can't stand it anymore - let the bell sing !
Trust in me,c'mon honey trust in me
don't put your head in the sand - so fast
trust is everything - so don't give up -and trust !
At the end of the game I'm standing here -
with the incredible nothing in my hands!
Was it my fault ?
If not - tell my what was wrong ?
If not - tell me why you were gone ?
so what about staying with me?
so what about trusting in me?
So what about believing in me?
Trust in me,c'mon honey trust in me
don't put your head in the sand - so fast
trust is everything - so don't give up -and trust !
Trust in me,c'mon honey trust in me
don't put your head in the sand - so fast
trust is everything - so don't give up -and trust !
M: Q-Fish

I can't let go, but the memories that we use to share.
My heart use to be so strong, please come back.
I love you girl, you know i need your love.
I never thought that you would break my heart.
You said you loved me girl from the start, and now your gone.
And i don't know what to do.
I am alone, but still in love with you.
Tell me that you love me, and you are here to stay.
I don't never want to see you go away.
Tell me that you love me, and our love is true.
Girl i know i never stop loving you, you been gone.
I been alone all alone.
I cry all night, and I wait by the phone.
I don't know why you feel this way.
These feelings for you girl.
I can't explain.
I never thought you will break my heart.
You said you loved me girl, right from the start.
And know your gone.
I don't know what to do.
I am all alone, and still in love with you.

You - with your brown eyes - deep like a deep Forest in motion
your hair - golden as the sunrise in the east
(I) take a look at your neck - charming and clear like the snow
your breasts are looking like the crown of (all) creation
sensitive as the skin of a babyTo taste them is sweeter then the sweetest honey
My sweet blonde
You're taking my breath
You're above my head
You're the best I've ever had
I'm head over heals in Love -My sweet blonde
2ndFirst time our eyes met - I've known it from the start
first time we touched - I thought I was in Heaven
It happened during the game of all games
my hands are trembling if I only think of
when our lips felt each other - I was so sure-
I wanna hold you to the rest of my life
My sweet blonde
You're taking my breath
You're above my head
You're the best I've ever had
I'm head over heals in Love -My sweet blonde
Babe - I'll walk the wire for you
There's nothing like the run of the mill
I wanna touch you -
kiss you -
hold you -
feel you -
My sweet blonde
You're taking my breath
You're above my head
You're the best I've ever had
I'm head over heals in Love -My sweet blonde
My sweet blonde
You're taking my breath
You're above my head
You're the best I've ever had
I'm head over heals in Love -My sweet blonde
M: Q-Fish

Shocka called me up to do this thing for Soundbombing
And I figured that I'd do it cause it wasn't no harmin'
Shine a little bit in case somebody was forgettin'
About that Queens motherfucker, y'all need to take cover
I'ma take position and y'all best to take sha-hida
Cause the shit that I spit is hot as hellfire, hotter
Sendin' this to Cross, Meniski, and Bay Vigi
Doug, Pretty Tone and the one that shoot the vidi
Y'all stay in my heart, while I dabble with the charts
Fuck the fame and my aim find the clarity in art
This cowards got it once cause he kept his lips zippin'
Now he in the news and he wettin' and I'm livin'
This Southern cowards life who I used to do my clues with
Subliminally this is me, I try not to assume shit
Let's not forget the king of Internet
Will assume another name while he tarnishes ya rep
And calls you Ziggy Starters but who the major charm
Who starts to elevate out the reach of his arm
[Short Pause]
It's a great day fuck it
Ya probably hear the bundles overflowin' out of Ruckers
The name is Abstract don't confuse without description
Cause you lil' gremlins envy so just cut the fuckin' weak shit
Ride off in the night, V8 lost power
From a soundbomb killin' the lone ranger drillin'
You eager with ya mouth then just be a big proactive
Ya actin' with ya heart then start preachin' with ya fatness
The clear voyage psychic MC is a minion
You cornered and you bagged in so where you gon' run to
Used to get my mother's switches now I grant her wishes
Never superstitious breakin' mirrors with the pitches
Ya man is insane with that do-do on his chain
Funkin' up the joint he pain, that ain't a bling that's a blang
Besides can he rap about a real life vision
Success lies a struggle that's what most of y'all are missin'
Got so many sons I wish I had as many ones
Clown nigga's raps get converted into guns
Illuminati president it's a government official
They dogs and they henchmen is comin' out to get you
The age of Aquarius, the change is goin' on
We gotta keep strivin' movin' on
Ya dead wrong, ya wrong, ya know ya wrong
(Ya know ya wrong for that)
(Now why ya gotta go and do that)
Ya dead wrong, ya wrong, ya know ya wrong
And you know, you know you are ooh

Take a step to the left - and one to the right
And now turn round - do it on the other side
left hand on your hip - the right behind the neck
now hop around the room - always be glad
show us your teeth - and bang the head
your tongue until the nose - absolutely mad
Hey Everybody - c'mon dance with us
Do it now and do it fast !!!
This is definitely your last chance-
2ndNow shake your bones - the legs to the ear
shout the Q-Fish out - everybody wants to hear
Hoppin' round and round - with the tip of the toe
pull your finger out - until the end of the show
This is the happiest dance - you've ever heard
feel funny and amazed - we'll gonna paint the town red
Hey Everybody - c'mon dance with us
Do it now and do it fast !!!
This is definitely your last chance-
Ref.:(bis zum Abwinken)
Hey Everybody - c'mon dance with us
Do it now and do it fast !!!
This is definitely your last chance-
M: Q-Fish
T: P.Althoff

you've hurt me - but that's ok
you broke my heart - but never me !
before I met you - I felt alright
you attacked me - but I´ll win the fight !
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you canBut there is one thing I want you to know
I´ll never miss you
you said you want me - but you took him
I will end the game - before it gets grim !
It doesn't matter what he has done - he is the star for you
so you're not worth it - to miss you
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you canBut there is one thing I want you to know
I´ll never miss you
I´ll better miss my red socks - before I miss you
go out of my way - there's no place for you
And if I thought that you could burn my heart -
I must be drunken - when we had start
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you can - ooh
I´ll never miss you
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you can - ooh
I´ll never miss you
I´ll never miss you !!!!!
M: K.Jansen

you've hurt me - but that's ok
you broke my heart - but never me !
before I met you - I felt alright
you attacked me - but I´ll win the fight !
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you canBut there is one thing I want you to know
I´ll never miss you
you said you want me - but you took him
I will end the game - before it gets grim !
It doesn't matter what he has done - he is the star for you
so you're not worth it - to miss you
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you canBut there is one thing I want you to know
I´ll never miss you
I´ll better miss my red socks - before I miss you
go out of my way - there's no place for you
And if I thought that you could burn my heart -
I must be drunken - when we had start
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you can - ooh
I´ll never miss you
I've heard enough about your
"don't know how"
Tell whatever you want -this is the end of the show
and you could say you love me
as much as you can - ooh
I´ll never miss you
I´ll never miss you !!!!!
M: K.Jansen
T: P.Althoff

Full time's a fool's time, time spent unwise.
A nut on a bolt in a machine I despise.
Selling away my life just so I can live.
It doesn't make much sense, yet I still punch in.
To another eight hours.
What am I doing here? Meaningless labor.
When do I escape here?
Life stopping, clock watching, as if I really care about the money they make and the little they share.
Sitting at the bottom of the corporate ladder.
Getting stampeded by the ones who feel it matters.
For another eight hours.
What am I doing here? Meaningless labor.
When do I escape here?
I remember career day back at school, yeah.
They couldn't fool me, but I guess they fooled you.
No, I don't want to be a working stiff loser.
For now, i do what I gotta do, but I don't ever want to end up like you.
For the rest of my life.

on the top of the country
you make me feel that - I'm - never - lonely
you're the seaman's home
that's why the women - will -never -be alone
the freighters in your harbor
they're the reason of the dockers labor
I have a crush on you
You're the gate to the world
the shipping capital of all krauts
If someone asks for your flair -It's the magic in your flow
2nddiscovered while the transit
since that I'm - an - addict
When I come to your port
I could feel the - rest - of - the world
you're the way of life
the way to live is not to drive
I have a crush on you
You're the gate to the world
the shipping capital of all krauts
If someone asks for your flair -It's the magic in your flow
Ferdi - Solo
3rdyou're owner of the greatestWhorehouse in the area - up - to - Canada
home of the stars (like the Beatles)
that's why the club - is - called - just as
(There) I'll (also) wanna be famous
at the Starclub, the stage of the world
I have a crush on you
You're the gate to the world
the shipping capital of all krauts
If someone asks for your flair -It's the magic in your flow
M: Q-Fish

No, I'm not missing a great time no matter how many ads you beat over my head.
And no, I don't want the taste in the back of my mouth.
It smells.
It's the smell of my mother's breath and it's the smell of my father's breath and I don't want a drop.
No, I don't want a drop.
No, I don't want a pain reliever.
No, I don't want a sedative.
And I definitely don't want to ever forget that smell.
No, I don't want to fill an image I detest.
And have the smell of broken homes and ruined lives on my breath.
It smells.
So let's raise a glass.
Let's tip the bottle.
Let's drink a toast to all the burnt out lives, left for dead.
Out on the streets under the signs that read,
'And Thanks Again For Your Support.'

f/ Korn
Just feelin' things out for real, ya know?
Just wanna do me for real, ya know?
No reason to make it complicated, you feelin' agitated,
You love it or you hate it…fuck it
Desperation, jumpin' off of street corners here
Hustlahz lookin for buzz like "pop one in here"
Local state officials….yeah they out of touch
Getting money for some, aiyo, ain't nothin' much
But yo…let them tell it, we smoke it and we sell it
You don't understand, so don't tell it
You sneakin' souls just for phat diamond golds
Cuz our lady friends have likings for designer clothes
People in my hood think….if I'm lookin raggedy, then the cat is just a weak
In the very fake chain of oppression….if television taught me any lesson, it's
"Image is Nothing", but yo I got a thirst…Nothing, but yo I got a thirst
Nothing, but yo I got a thirst…what's first? Your rings or your purse?
Jonathan Davis (KoRn):
(Oh boy…oh boy! Make your wagers back there! Step lively…women and
children first! The world is coming to an end! Come on now…we're looking at
the end! We have to leave them…we have to leave all our paraphanelias
behind….{brought back…brought back….[repeated]} LET'S GOOOOO!)
It's kinda scary you see….
How fucked up things can be
Each time you take a bath
How it could have been your last
There's so much shit around us
Things we can't even see
Is this the end of our line?
That's where I wanna be….that's where I wanna be
That's where I want to be….that's where-I want-to be
(End of Time)-repeated
(Brought back…)-repeated

* Bonus song after "End of Time"
"For real. E'rybody's a star, e'rybody shine ("Shine. Shine. Shine...")
Follow your heart and not mankind. ("Kind. Kind. Kind...")
For real, for real. I'm 'bout to do my thing to shine. Said everybody
shine. C'mon."
It's not luck that I'm sittin' here spittin' for y'all.
Preeld in by Allah that I'm hittin' for y'all.
Growin' up on the New York concrete lookin'
lilke a little snotty dish of prodigy cookin'.
They called me Little Man all in the boulevard.
When I was young, my family used to party hard.
Gangs of uncatched kids turned to blood ketchup.
The illest niggas was Richard Pryor and Ronnie Bump.
Skinned knees from being bad-ass little boys.
Police si-re-ns and baby screams was average noise.
Hip-Hop came, the ghetto copped the soundtrack.
Street poetry to tracks, could you beat that?
Malik Taylor introduced it to me.
He said, 'Forget Benny Hill, nigga. Let's M.C.!'
Twelve years old, rhymin' in the backroom.
For echoes, we used to rhyme in the bathroom.
Run-D.M.C., Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh.
The Juice Crew rule but who's this nigga KRS?
Reference points, too many to wish for.
Battlin' niggas on trains, I stay raw.
Never let my dream die.
I was happy and high goin' to Alee's and Bed-Stuy
We made our first demo tape.
Ex-cited like a mawfucka, lookin' for our first break.
I knowwwwwwwwww... ("F'real.") you can do it.
Be abidin', chy'all. ("Listen to the story I tell, yo. F'real.")
I knowwwwwwwwww... ("Don't let 'em hate to front you.")
you can see it.
("Get up and follow me and flow again. Use my life as an example.")
Do it, and see it, and be nobody else!
Jungle Brothers, De La, they gave me little light.
In Top, Three Feet, Buddy, that was aiiight.
One year later, the Tribe was initiated.
Bonita came, it was wild how she dominated.
Can I Kick It parled us to our next phase.
So drunk in those days, I truly was amazed
how I got up enough to make tunes. People
cheered me. It was Foreign, then came Low End Theory.
People quickly reconized who we are,
Phife is ill and Busta is a superstar.
Tours with P.E., Naughty, and the Geto Boys.
Arsenio Hall, women then were evil toys.
Whisperin' hate inside my brother's virgin ears.
Tryin to hurt but, yo, we stood amongst the tears.
Midnight was even tighter, now look at us.
Condoms is on the rida stored on the bus.
It got funky right here, I had to save my life.
In the snow after the show, I had a fight wit' Phife.
Moves to a land to get away but back home
job was urkin' us, it sent me throuh a danger zone.
The good thing, I found Allah in the process.
An angel appeared wit' sneaky ways and gave me stress.
Now what am I to do?
My album's platinum but I'm still feelin' blue. C'mon.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah. ("You can do it.")
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah. ("I knowwww.")
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah. ("You can see it.")
Makin' my way, the wilderness has grown fierce.
Redemption and my heart, both of them was pierced.
Crashed my truck, didn't think I'd make it out.
Had a hit on my life, he thought I screwed his wife!
Plus my house burned down, me and Ands was in it.
My crew was tired and I knew we had to end it.
But through all of this, I'm still here.
Take notes and let hope floats.
I'm still here. Take note and let hope float.
¦ I knowwwwwwwwww...
I'm still here. Take notes and let hope float.
You can do the same shit that I'm doin'.
¦ you can do it.
You can do the same thing that I'm doin'. Uh-huh.
¦ Be abidin', chy'all.
I'm still here, take note, let it...uh-hah.
¦ I knowwwwwwwwww...
Still here, take notes and let it float. Ha-ha.
Still here, take...and let it...
¦ you can see it.
You can do the same thing I'm doin'. Thing that I'm doin'.
¦ Do it, and see it, and be nobody else!
Still here, take...and let it...Uh-hah.
¦ I knowwwwwwwwww...
Still here, take notes, let it float. C'mon.
Still here, take notes, let it float. C'mon.
¦ you can do it.
Do the same thing that I'm doin' if ya pay attention.
¦ Be abidin', chy'all.
¦ I knowwwwwwwwww...
¦ you can see it.
¦ Do it, and see it, and be nobody else!

[Q-Tip Intro/Chorus]
I be that nigga that I think y'all know
With Mr. Busta Rhymes (A-yo, I'm in the studio)
[Busta Rhymes]
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Close the door, 'ight, let a nigga rock
Cause we 'bout to eat real shit, not shit slop
Nigga can't say shit about this hip-hop
Cause I build dudes lanes while at pit stop
Built they styles and they names, Frankenstein, right
It's a high state game, dudes are playing it
I be questioning alot of y'all who made it in
Just move with the joint that we chartering
Make you disappear quick, like you're part of wind
Then laugh, ah-ha ha, and laugh again
Shorty, move a lil bit, I'm looking at your friend
Let's get in there and shake for the beat, girl
Do a lil eye wink, throw a tongue twirl
Gotta hit lock smashed in, tied down
We on your block, turned hot spots to ghost towns
A-yo, I'm tired of these niggaz, Bus-a-Bus, now
Say it to 'em
[Chorus - Q-Tip]
This is just, for the nasty
A-yo, this is just for the sassy
A-yo, this is just for the classy
A-yo, this is just for the what? (Tell 'em now)
[Busta Rhymes]
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
[Busta Rhymes]
Pardon me, now, gimme room again
It's time to raise the level of the boom again
NOW WHO THAT?! Bus-a-bus-a-bus rhyme
(RAAAAAAA!!!) See, I ain't do that in a long time!
Spitting shit, make piece, do more crime
Hot songs, cribs, have a little more to shine
Alright, yea, shh shh, mm, uh, I pity y'all
The way I bang niggaz, and how I shit on y'all
Spit the slang bigger, make your label quit on y'all
And do my thang, bitch, from here to Synagogue
We getting alot of money, me and my friend, Kamal
I take your money too, I ain't afraid of y'all
With so much class, my shit will kill ya
When I don't wanna rap
And still I'ma smash and make the bitches Make It Clap
As soon as I'm finished with her, homey, I'll give her back
Say it to 'em
[Chorus - Q-Tip]
This is just, for the nasty
A-yo, this is just for the sassy
A-yo, this is just for the classy
A-yo, this is just for the what? (Tell 'em now)
[Busta Rhymes]
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
When the beat bang, and you're up in the club
When you listen and you feel a thug
When you hear my voice, understand the love
When the DJ spins it back, it's a friendly rub
But, when I'm behind, I cannot be kind
With your waistline, and the way you move
Like a old great beat, I'ma catch a groove
Or like a old hip-hop joint, you Nice & Smooth (Come on, girl)
[Chorus - Q-Tip]
This is just, for the nasty
A-yo, this is just for the sassy
A-yo, this is just for the classy
A-yo, this is just for the what? (Tell 'em now)
[Busta Rhymes]
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know
Show me what y'all know

She work at Mickey-D's from 9 to 5, Wal-Mart 6 to 10
Saving up enough for school, her little girl is doing well
Daddy is a walking bum, smoking weed, drinking rum,
Couldn't leave her if I tried, I see her light is on inside.
Let's build.
She's in the back room, greasing up, Friday night is heating up
Young cats tricking up, dancing so they give it up.
The best girl working there and you know for what it's worth
She's working towards a better life, regardless if she's working nights
Let's build.
And the people go
bom-bom-de-bom-de-bom-bom (x4)
And even if she is
I dig her so
de-bom-bom-de-bom-de-bom-bom (x4)
And even if she is
I dig her so
She work at Mickey-D's from 9 to 5, Wal-Mart 6 to 10
Saving up enough for school, her little girl is doing well
Daddy is a walking bum, smoking weed and drinking rum,
Couldn't leave her if I tried, I see her light is on inside.
Let's build.
She's in the back room, greasing up, Friday night is heating up
Young cats tricking up, dancing so they give it up.
The best girl working there and you know for what it's worth
She's working towards a better life, regardless if she's working nights
I'm just an arty music gigolo, life goes on with out me though
If you have some pay for me, I will come and play for thee
As long as I know she's there, I don't even really care,
cause even though our lives ain't right, I still see that better life
Let's build.
bom-bom-de-bom-de-bom-bom (x4)
And even if she is so
I dig her so
de-bom-bom-de-bom-de-bom-bom (x4)
And even if she is so
de-bom-bom-de-bom-de-bom-bom (x4)
And even if she is so...

Stand up for yourself. Go!
Sit down, shut up.
No, then get the fuck up.
Don't let others always do for you.
Pampered into a coma by a world you hate.
Yet, you let it nuture you.
Stupid and lazy, right where they want you.
Coddled into complacency to give up and die.
To take a stand, it's gotta be your own feet, not the prepackaged newly improved ones they want you to buy.
Stand up for yourself.
Get up off the floor and get that welcome sign off your back.
It's time to get the taste of their shoes out of your mouth and stand.

Bodies in the street, killing over head
Marvel at the sky, as it turn blood red
Peelin' caps back til the white meat show
This is natural, for the little Afro
Pressure bust pipes, minds is feeling up
And when I lay it down, you ain't never getting up
Revenge is on my frequency dialing
Prayers for these fools, well it ain't worth wilding
You say that you a Samurai? Whatever
I'm fueled with my father, he's inside me forever
Ya'll ain't never seen this greedy young boy
Not constructed by girls, by games, by joy
See I'mma think for ya, I'mma think for me
Out think the enemy, constantly
It's murder on the rocks, slinging niggas on the roads
Citizens take cover as I shit on patrol
[Chorus x3: Q-Tip]
When they see me, they say 'Who that over there?'
Just a lil' dude with a head full of hair
Just a lil' dude, not a god damn care
Just a lil' dude, so you best to beware
[Free Murda:]
Phony niggas talk bull, but I know they don't kill
And they know it's for real, but I hope they don't squeel
They hold me bigger than a bull, to left my home alone grail
Only trigger that he pull, is on the hungry pope drill
Show you how the coke feel, four in yo dome, now go chill
He ain't never gettin' up like O did with no pills
V.I. pop stars, I'm strapped like Bokeem
Gettin' shot, pa, no turn back with those keys
Try'nna shop hard, bigger than obese
And I say I cop cars, I ain't talking bout the police
Nigga broke, pockets look like the ears of Odie
From Garfield, know how my heart feel
Winter Benz, stop the rims, do cartwheels
Now I'm the Man, like Meth from Park Hill
Bring a pound, cuz I smoke trees, a little hash too
Break ya down, so I can put weed in little capsules

My world was a broken scene and a broken home
Broken dreams, and an open throne
My world my mother doing her best at avoiding doom
Me and my brother sleep on a cot in the boiler room
My world was a lineup for welfare getting food stamps
And moms working at shit jobs to feed her two champs
My world was my cousin leaving the earth in a Hurst
And my pops reappearing only to make matters worse
My world was watching dad beating up on mama
Brining his girlfriend to the house increase the drama
My world was divided once mom broke out
Took Jay with her and left me a mind full of doubt
My world was discovering the bullshit sittin broke
With dad smoking and sniffing coke with different folks
My world was stealing from grandma for dads bad habits
And my cousin John died a heroine addict
My world was a beat down for bad answers
And I plotted dads murder, God knows I had chances
My world was a stepmother three years older then me
God was at the door, the Devil was holding the key
We all got a story to tell and here's mine
Told ma the rhyme, she was on the phone tears crying
Cant imagine why I'm against incredible odds
Wrote a complaint letter and sent it to god
I never asked to be born, but I've asked to die
Never asked for this shit, so I'm asking why?
What's the purpose of life if you can never prevail?
Tell me what should I expect when I was set up to fail?
My world became a planet in the dark sky
Blood opening the scenes of a shark's dark eye
Bad spirits is following the sun
I've got voices in my head saying “son you better run”
Nine different schools and nine different apartments
Made my mind dark but I'm a shine regardless
And that's when the thought of dealing crack came
I rhymed just to rhyme as a fan in the rap game
My gun in the innocent face that approached us
Now the cops surround the cafeteria like roaches
They found the .45 and the banana clip
But the bundle of crack was hidden under Anna's tit
Written letters to the judge, Mothers talk would work
A slap on the wrist and now I'm free to walk the earth
But she soon tired and thought that I was hopeless
So I had to sleep on D's couch, I was homeless
A peuto rock in a hard place, gotta drill through
With a stepdad saying spick I'm gonna kill you
I don't understand why God puts us through pain
Cast me in a storm and left me standing in the rain

Take a step to the left - and one to the right
And now turn round - do it on the other side
left hand on your hip - the right behind the neck
now hop around the room - always be glad
show us your teeth - and bang the head
your tongue until the nose - absolutely mad
Hey Everybody - c'mon dance with us
Do it now and do it fast !!!
This is definitely your last chance-
2ndNow shake your bones - the legs to the ear
shout the Q-Fish out - everybody wants to hear
Hoppin' round and round - with the tip of the toe
pull your finger out - until the end of the show
This is the happiest dance - you've ever heard
feel funny and amazed - we'll gonna paint the town red
Hey Everybody - c'mon dance with us
Do it now and do it fast !!!
This is definitely your last chance-
Ref.:(bis zum Abwinken)
Hey Everybody - c'mon dance with us
Do it now and do it fast !!!
This is definitely your last chance-
M: Q-Fish

Female - and 22 years old
long hair - very good lookin'
I'm searchin' for you -your age is till 30
just send me a letter
box 6980
I wrote her - and she gimme a call
We've made a date (for today) - in Rics American cafe.
Who'll come through the door -
with this rose in her hand ?
Will she fit my dreams -or will I hide my face ?
But I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke
I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke
perhaps she's rad !
good lookin' to me.
Breasts like the moon -And hungry like me
But what about -(If) she's as ugly as sin ?
A few weeks on - we're still together
but all she wants - is just to kiss me.
I've asked her for more -
but she always refuse me.
"No sex" she cries -
before we get married.
But I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke
I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke
perhaps she's rad !
good lookin' to me.
Breasts like the moon -And hungry like me
But what about -(If) she's as ugly as sin ?
NO-I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke !!!
I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke !!!
But I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke
I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke
perhaps she's rad !
good lookin' to me.
Breasts like the moon -And hungry like me
But what about -(If) she's as ugly as sin ?
NO-I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke !!!
I don't wanna buy the pig in a poke !!!
But I always always always do ...
M: Q-Fish

Just feelin' things out for real, ya know?
Just wanna do me for real, ya know?
No reason to make it complicated, you feelin' agitated,
You love it or you hate it鈥uck it
Desperation, jumpin' off of street corners here
Hustlahz lookin for buzz like "pop one in here"
Local state officials鈥⌦㜱㬰.yeah they out of touch
Getting money for some, aiyo, ain't nothin' much
But yo鈥et them tell it, we smoke it and we sell it
You don't understand, so don't tell it
You sneakin' souls just for phat diamond golds
'cause our lady friends have likings for designer clothes
People in my hood think鈥⌦㜱㬰.if I'm lookin raggedy, then the cat is just a weak
In the very fake chain of oppression鈥⌦㜱㬰.if television taught me any lesson, it's
"Image is Nothing", but yo I got a thirst鈥îš'othing, but yo I got a thirst
Nothing, but yo I got a thirst鈥hat's first? Your rings or your purse?
Jonathan Davis (KoRn):
(Oh boy鈥h boy! Make your wagers back there! Step lively鈥omen and
children first! The world is coming to an end! Come on now鈥e're looking at
the end! We have to leave them鈥e have to leave all our paraphanelias
behind鈥⌦㜱㬰.{brought back鈥rought back鈥⌦㜱㬰.[repeated]} LET'S GOOOOO!)
It's kinda scary you see鈥⌦㜱㬰.
How fucked up things can be
Each time you take a bath
How it could have been your last
There's so much shit around us
Things we can't even see
Is this the end of our line?
That's where I wanna be鈥⌦㜱㬰.that's where I wanna be
That's where I want to be鈥⌦㜱㬰.that's where-I want-to be
(End of Time)-repeated

Play it safe, I'll arrange your wake
My papermate will have my lable-maced album released a later date
Police patrol the city 'til I'm as old as 50
Hat back, clothes won't fit me, causin fire, old won't frisk me
My hands are ammunition bailin cons or banned in prison
I'm who you wanna be blowin out your candles wishin
[HOOK 2: both]
["the beat scratched in"]
Makin it, makin it blend
YO... makin it blend
Makin it, makin it blend
Make, makin it blend
Yo, I like a woman wit a bangin body, the face and frame of Halle
Attitude - angry, snotty, speaks slang and cocky
Time to hangin gotta bring a posse
Through rainy days she got me, like Whitney stay wit Bobby
Yo, your cake is in the kitchen, you wish for preminision
It's turned around by my firm thoughts of demolition
It's time to numb your run and dim your vision
It's time to give up the hopes and dreams that made your aquesition
Ain't gotta drop top dag clothes and roll the 60s
But after shows, ladies drop tops and show their titties
Of course the globe can't oppose, it's risky
Or even go against me, I'm WORDS,
so everytime that you flow you spit me
We in the asphault, you cause your last fall
Insult to injury is where we curse the salt
Douse the open wound to the tomb
Its time to sit back and watch professionals in full bloom
[HOOK 1]

I look at all the homeless people then I jump out of the way of your Beemer.
Something's not right.
Then I see your great big empty homes.
Gucci watches and cellular phones and I know something's not right.
You want, well you never need.
It all comes easy, when you can buy opportunity.
You got gold trim.
Trimming everything.
All to feed your fucking prestige.
Your wealth is a fucking sick joke on the lives that die while you buy status symbols.
Are they human? Are you human?
Roll up your tinted windows and you'll never have to know.
You had such a hard day shopping from rich pocket to rich pocket.
Something's not right.
I see you with your retail trash.
Step over the poor into your cab and I know something's not right.
Money is greater than human life.

Hey buddy, you ain't gonna make that chic
Just sitting and running your mouth
Gotta get up, gotta get that feeling
Gotta get up, get it on
Gotta get up, get the guitar reeling
Gotta get up, get it on
Put down that drink and do it right quick
'Cause dancing's what it's all about
Gotta get up, gotta get that feeling
Gotta get up, get it on
Gotta get up, get the guitar reeling
Gotta get up, get it on
Say don't you know I've got that news
Straight from the horse's mouth
You know they're doing this thing up north
But it's started way down south
Hey, dancin' man!
You can stop and go find all that you want
But you gotta get out of your seat yeah yeah yeah
Gotta get up, gotta get that feeling
Gotta get up, get it on
Gotta get up, get the guitar reeling
Gotta get up, get it on
All she wants is a dancin' man
He knows how to move them feet
Gotta get up, gotta get that feeling
Gotta get up, get it on
Gotta get up, get the guitar reeling
Gotta get up, get it on
How can you sit still when music's hot?
You gotta come up and move
Swear sometimes you're all nailed down
When you can't feel that groove
Hey, dancin' man!
Gotta get up, gotta get that feeling
Gotta get up, get it on
Gotta get up, get the guitar reeling
Gotta get up, get it on
All she wants is a dancin' man
All she needs is a dancin' man
All she wants is a dancin' man

The name is Q-Tip, enterin through the middle
from the left, dead all the jokes and the riddles
Comin from the maximum gain, the octane
that's on the radio it made me feel so low
It seems we gotta, brighten, the damp prison
I'm Nintendo 64 and you Mattel Intellivision
Bustin from no mo' trey-eights, now papi weight
This joint is like a Ruger, watch it roar like a cougar
And we gotta, move on the dancefloor
and work it out all night that's what you came here for
Just chem', I fills it to the rim, your shine is lookin dim
Daddy shine the light on him, ahem it's me
Leader of the Starfleet Force
Guaranteed to knock your joint off course, we took the loss?
Damn right, sure as Tina made Ike
We gonna put it in your noggin all night, and all day
The Trilateral Commision we dissin
Tellin citizens be straight, but like snakes they hissin
I'll be damned if I let his song fall to the side
Goin piggybackin shit, let's ride, c'mon
I put it down, now what you gonna do (8X)
Hey, now, what you gonna do, with yourself, hah? (4X)
When you hear this, recognize you hear love
MC nigga illin over b-boy dubs
Riding through the shit like Tron
Doesn't matter if you onboard, do you wanna get on?
Cause if you do, watch all the moves that we make
Gotta do the things right, ain't no time for mistake
It's the hip-hop cat that can't, fuck with Jake
Just because he wear a badge doesn't, mean he straight so
what you wanna swallow it down or let's take it
Disregard those who fake it, yo it doesn't matter
about the realm, hip-hop is to the helm
It's divine to hit the mind like slippery elms
So put it down man, put it on down
Put it down man, put it on down
Put it down woman, put it on down
Put it down man, put it on down
Put it down man, whatchu gonna do
Put it down woman, whatchu gonna do
A-put it down man, whatchu gonna do
Put it down woman, whatchu gonna do

Are you a wizard?
Are you a god?
Are you here just to piss off Picard?
Oh, what do you care?
Are you surprised?
No one likes you here on the Enterprise
Why do you do
What you do
When you do?
That voodoo that you do
That you for you
Your bitter life
So cold and hard
You're only glad when you piss off Picard
So get out of here
Or I'm gonna spew
You are something that I just can't construe
Why do you do
What you do
When you do?
Oh, please get a clue
And just say adieu
Oh, why are you here and what will you do?
Now that we know that your lies just aren't true
Oh, you do the math
One and three don't make two
If this ship has a lawyer, then I'm gonna sue
First Chorus