The Wayback Machine -
Chess in the Parks - NY1 News Live Remote
NY1 Awesome Speech
Speed Networking
NY1 to the Red Cross:
2009 Skycraper Harlem Cycling Classic on NY1
Remember Building 7 on NY1 News
震災から1年 NY1取材班が被災地で見たもの
NY1 LIVE at the Jewish Children's Museum part 3
NY1 - Community Board 3 Rezoning Meeting
NY1 Interview - 2NE1's US Debut
NY1 TechBeat Features GUNNAR Optiks


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NY1 Awesome Speech
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:18
  • Updated: 26 May 2013
One ama. Awesome Speech
Speed Networking
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:02
  • Updated: 14 Apr 2013
Speed Networking for Business. Networking
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:51
  • Updated: 30 Dec 2012
NY1 interviews Shimmy Mehta.
NY1 to the Red Cross:
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Updated: 03 Nov 2012
On Thursday afternoon, NY1 anchor Cheryl Wills asks a Red Cross spokeswoman why the organization has not made it to Staten Island with relief supplies. "Our ... to the Red Cross: "Our news crews were able to get there"
Remember Building 7 on NY1 News
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:44
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2012 Building 7 on NY1 News
震災から1年 NY1取材班が被災地で見たもの
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:55
  • Updated: 05 May 2013
震災から1年を経た被災地や都内を取材するため、TOKYO MXの姉妹局・NY1のポーラス副社長とメミンジャー記者が来日しました。2人の目に現在の被災地や日本はどう映ったのでしょうか。この取材に同行しました。 東日本大震災は遠く海を隔てたアメリカ・ニューヨークの人々にも衝撃を与えました。あれから1年がたち、欧米諸...
  • published: 12 Mar 2012
  • views: 36165
  • author: tokyomx震災から1年 NY1取材班が被災地で見たもの
NY1 LIVE at the Jewish Children's Museum part 3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:45
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2012
NY1 live at the Jewish Children's Museum Part 3 reported by Stephanie Simon.
  • published: 12 Mar 2007
  • views: 6214
  • author: brooklynjcm LIVE at the Jewish Children's Museum part 3
NY1 - Community Board 3 Rezoning Meeting
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:19
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2012
Local residents protest a proposal that would only set new building height restrictions/rezoning of the East Village, while excluding predominantly Chinese a...
  • published: 13 May 2008
  • views: 3964
  • author: mallamb - Community Board 3 Rezoning Meeting
NY1 Interview - 2NE1's US Debut
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:30
  • Updated: 24 May 2013
YGLadies article: Credit: Interview - 2NE1's US Debut
NY1 TechBeat Features GUNNAR Optiks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:06
  • Updated: 08 Apr 2013
NY1 TV features the virtues of Gunner Optics on New York Living TechBeat segment at Consumer Electronics Show in New York, New York. CES presents the hottest... TechBeat Features GUNNAR Optiks
NY1 Online Democratic Candidates For Mayor Square Off In NY1 Debate - NY1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 59:09
  • Updated: 06 May 2013
NY1 VIDEO: Sal Albanese, Bill de Blasio, John Liu, Christine Quinn, Erick Salgado and William Thompson, six Democratic candidates for mayor of New York City,...
  • published: 25 Apr 2013
  • views: 227
  • author: JohnLiu2013 Online Democratic Candidates For Mayor Square Off In NY1 Debate - NY1
NY1 Rail and Road Report with Adelle Cabellero:Part Four
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:14
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2013
Seen here's another NY1 Rail and Road Report with da amazin' Adelle Caballero:Part Four! Rail and Road Report with Adelle Cabellero:Part Four

Chess in the Parks - NY1 News Live Re­mote
pub­lished: 27 Sep 2012
NY1 Awe­some Speech
One ama....
pub­lished: 15 Jun 2012
Speed Net­work­ing
Speed Net­work­ing for Busi­ness....
pub­lished: 11 Jan 2008
NY1 in­ter­views Shim­my Mehta....
pub­lished: 31 May 2006
NY1 to the Red Cross: "Our news crews were able to get there"
On Thurs­day af­ter­noon, NY1 an­chor Cheryl Wills asks a Red Cross spokeswom­an why the or­gani...
pub­lished: 01 Nov 2012
au­thor: Brian Stel­ter
2009 Sky­crap­er Harlem Cy­cling Clas­sic on NY1
pub­lished: 26 Jun 2009
Re­mem­ber Build­ing 7 on NY1 News
pub­lished: 10 Sep 2011
震災から1年 NY1取材班が被災地で見たもの
震災から1年を経た被災地や都内を取材するため、TOKYO MXの姉妹局・NY1のポーラス副社長とメミンジャー記者が来日しました。2人の目に現在の被災地や日本はどう映ったのでしょうか...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2012
au­thor: toky­omx
NY1 LIVE at the Jew­ish Chil­dren's Mu­se­um part 3
NY1 live at the Jew­ish Chil­dren's Mu­se­um Part 3 re­port­ed by Stephanie Simon....
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2007
au­thor: brook­lyn­jcm
NY1 - Com­mu­ni­ty Board 3 Re­zon­ing Meet­ing
Local res­i­dents protest a pro­pos­al that would only set new build­ing height re­stric­tions/re...
pub­lished: 13 May 2008
au­thor: mal­lamb
NY1 In­ter­view - 2NE1's US Debut
YGLad­ies ar­ti­cle: http://​ygladies.​com/​news/​dara/​120905news-ny1-reports-korean-all-girls-gr...​
pub­lished: 07 Sep 2012
NY1 Tech­Beat Fea­tures GUN­NAR Op­tiks
NY1 TV fea­tures the virtues of Gun­ner Op­tics on New York Liv­ing Tech­Beat seg­ment at Con­sum...
pub­lished: 02 Feb 2009
NY1 On­line Demo­crat­ic Can­di­dates For Mayor Square Off In NY1 De­bate - NY1
NY1 VIDEO: Sal Al­banese, Bill de Bla­sio, John Liu, Chris­tine Quinn, Erick Sal­ga­do and Will...
pub­lished: 25 Apr 2013
au­thor: John­Li­u2013
NY1 Rail and Road Re­port with Adelle Ca­bellero:Part Four
Seen here's an­oth­er NY1 Rail and Road Re­port with da amazin' Adelle Ca­ballero:Part Four!...
pub­lished: 31 Dec 2012
au­thor: Bway­Line7795
Youtube results:
Math Mid­way Fea­tured in NY1's "Par­ent­ing Re­port" - Febru­ary 28, 2010
Dur­ing its stay at the New York Hall of Sci­ence, the Math Mid­way was fea­tured in local new...
pub­lished: 11 Mar 2011
Glock NY1 Trig­ger
After get­ting a few re­quests for a de­tail strip video on the Glock, I saw there are al­read...
pub­lished: 17 Oct 2009
au­thor: Eric Shel­ton
[Subbed] 111029 SNSD in­ter­view @NY1
NY1 subbed enjoy i do not own the video!...
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2011
au­thor: Julie Pheng
NY1 "Lot­tery Bye" re­tired
The tra­di­tion­al :27 min­utes past the hour morn­ing lot­tery scroll was re­tired at NY1 on Jun...
pub­lished: 18 Jun 2010
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan
Chinese go to work with masks on the streets of Beijing, China, Thursday, April 24, 2003.
Edit CNN
28 May 2013
May 28, 2013 -- Updated 2150 GMT (0550 HKT). (CNN) -- A new SARS-like virus recently found in humans is "a threat to the entire world," according to the director-general of the United Nations' World Health Organization ... The world needs to pull together its resources to properly tackle the virus which, Chan said, is her "greatest concern" at present ... "We do not know where the virus hides in nature ... These are alarm bells ... 0 ... SHARE THIS ... U.S. ....(size: 5.6Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Xabier Eskisabel
Inflatalbe S-300PMU2 SAM of Russia.
Edit BBC News
30 May 2013
Syria has already received the first shipment of an advanced Russian air defence system, Syria's President Bashar al-Assad is reported to have said in a Lebanese TV interview. Russia vowed to go ahead with sending the weapons soon after an EU decision not to renew an arms embargo on Syria. Mr Assad is also reported to have told Hezbollah-linked Al Manar TV that also said the tide of the war was turning ... Hezbollah ... Type ... Source ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
photo: US Army
File - Foster-Miller TALON SWORDS units equipped with various weaponry. SWORDS or the Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System, is a weaponized version being developed by Foster-Miller for the US Army.
Edit BBC News
30 May 2013
So-called killer robots are due to be discussed at the UN Human Rights Council, meeting in Geneva. A report presented to the meeting will call for a moratorium on their use while the ethical questions they raise are debated ... They include ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
photo: AP / Ishtiaq Mahsud
In this image taken on Oct. 4, 2009, Pakistan's new Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud, center, stands pose with his deputy Waliur Rehman, left, and spokesman Azam Tariq in Sararogha in Pakistani tribal area of South Waziristan along Afghanistan border.
Edit Wall Street Journal
29 May 2013
By SAEED SHAH. FAISALABAD, PakistanA U.S. drone strike Wednesday killed the deputy chief of the Pakistani Taliban, Pakistani officials said, in an attack that could hinder Islamabad's planned attempt to open peace talks with the militant group that is closely linked to al Qaeda. Enlarge Image. Close ... The Central Intelligence Agency, which is authorized to carry out such attacks, declined to comment. It was the first strike by a U.S ... Mr ... Mr....(size: 6.5Kb)

Edit Inhabitat
30 May 2013
Image via MTA Flickr ... The $650 million project is said to be the most expensive of all Sandy restoration projects, but we think Rockaway straphangers will agree that it was well worth the money ... Image via MTA Flickr ... “I’ve been having a hard time getting back and forth to Manhattan, getting back and forth to Brooklyn,” said one commuter to NY1 ... Via NY1 ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit New York Magazine
30 May 2013
Supposedly "new tablet-based software" and text-message alerts will help ... Time Warner to Screw With NY1 Because It’s Time Warner [Updated]....(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit mediabistro
30 May 2013
The weekly show, hosted by entrepreneur Kendra Scott and NY1 anchor Pat Kiernan, was averaging 47,000 viewers over its two airings ... RELATED. ... Comments ....(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit IMDb
30 May 2013
The reality competition, hosted by jewelry designer Kendra Scott and NY1 anchor Pat Kiernan, has been pulled from the ......(size: 0.6Kb)
Edit noodls
29 May 2013
(Source. John Jay College of Criminal Justice). 2013 Graduate Jeff Deskovic Featured on Several Media Outlets Including NY1 and WNBC ... To view the news segments and articles, click on the following links. NY1. WNBC Channel 4 News....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit New York Magazine
29 May 2013
The NYPD officer shot in the head by a murder suspect last night in Brooklyn is expected to live, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg said last night at a press conference ... "He's one lucky young man." ... Man In Custody In Connection With Shooting Of On-Duty Police Officer [NY1] ... 0. Get more....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit New York Daily News
28 May 2013
The 60-second spot went into rotation on NY1 and Fox News in New York City only. RELATED. LIBERAL PARTY ENDORSES JOHN CATSIMATIDIS FOR MAYOR. “John Catsimatidis is . ... RELATED. CATSIMATIDIS ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
28 May 2013
MONTCLAIR, N.J., May 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --. WHAT.       ... Thursday, May 30, 2013 (Melanoma Awareness Month) ... (Former NY Mets players) Jackie "The Jokeman" Martling (comedian, and radio personality best known for The Howard Stern Show) Roma Torre (NY1 anchor and Broadway reviewer) Joe Nolan (WABC-TV traffic reporter) Frank Isola (NY Daily News reporter) Tommy Vigorito (former Miami Dolphins player) ... ....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
28 May 2013
The latest victim in what appears to be a spate of violent crimes allegedly targeting New York's gay community is speaking out about the experience ... Sources told NY1 that Lovendusky was leaving the XL nightclub with his boyfriend and another friend when a group of nine teenagers, including Riquelme, passed the three men and started hurling anti-gay slurs at the couple. Also on HuffPost. Loading Slideshow. Bryan Fischer ... Linda Harvey ... Like....(size: 6.1Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
27 May 2013
NY1 reports that 19-year-old Manuel Riquelme allegedly assaulted Queer Rising co-founder Eugene Lovendusky, 28 ... Sources told NY1 that Lovendusky was leaving the XL nightclub with his boyfriend and another friend when a group of nine teenagers, including Riquelme, passed the three men and started calling them anti-gay slurs. Lovendusky was not seriously hurt, according to reports ... He then added ... 'You can kick us. You can punch us ... ... Like ... ....(size: 12.7Kb)
Edit The New York Times
25 May 2013
Here is a slide show of photographs from the past week in New York City and the region. Subjects include the New York Aquarium, a nightclub in a Chelsea water tower, and an aerial view of beachfront homes in Mantoloking, N.J ... Grynbaum and Matt Flegenheimer. Also, Senator Kirsten E ... Tune in at 10 p.m. Saturday or 10 a.m. Sunday on NY1 News to watch ... You may also read current New York headlines, like New York Metro ... Related Posts ... Search ... Q ... ....(size: 5.7Kb)
Edit noodls
24 May 2013
(Source. CUNY - The City University of New York). Check out some great semester-ending links..Jessica Glazer's story about scores of people camping out on a Queens street for a shot at a union job made The New York Times' City Room blog. •Sofia Perpetua's article about Brazil's spirited cachaça push found a home in Voices of NY ...The Way Home ... Two Fort Greenes ... •Hannah Miet put together an oral history of NY1 for Complex magazine ... (noodl....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit AV Club
24 May 2013
Podmass comments can be directed to To listen many of these and other podcasts, visit Podcast Central, our podcast hub. . Editor’s note. Some scheduling issues prevented us from doing a New (To Us) this week, but we’ll be back with it and an Outlier next week ... [TC] ... Also, Pat Kiernan drops an F-bomb, which will delight any avid NY1 watchers as well as anyone who enjoys hearing a news anchorman curse ... ....(size: 12.4Kb)
Launched September 8, 1992
Owned by Time Warner Cable
Picture format -SDTV4:3 AR; 480i
-HDTV16:9 AR; 1080i
Country United States
Language American English
Broadcast area -New York City metropolitan area
-New York State
Headquarters 75 Ninth Avenue
New York, New York 10011
United States
Sister channel(s) NY1 Noticias, NY1 Rail and Road
Time Warner Cable -Channel 1 — SDTV4:3 AR; 480i
-Channel 701 — HDTV16:9 AR; 1080i
Cablevision 8
Bright House Networks
(Tampa Bay, Orlando)
1210 (HDTV only)

NY1, New York One, is a 24-hour cable-news television channel focusing on the five boroughs of New York City. In addition to news and weather forecasts, the channel also features human-interest segments such as the "New Yorker of the Week" and the "Scholar Athlete of the Week", and specialty programs such as Inside City Hall (which is renamed Road to City Hall during New York City mayoral elections).

NY1 is owned and operated by Time Warner Cable (TWC).

On the TWC-New York City service, NY1 appears on channel 1, formerly in standard definition (with a 4:3 aspect ratio), and is now shown on both channel 1 and channel 701 in high definition (with a 16:9 aspect ratio). The channel appears on channel 8 on Cablevision's New York City service (in mid December 2010 it was moved to Channel 8 with Channel 1 stricken from the Cablevision program guide) in letterboxed standard definition (using the HD feed). It is available to over two million cable-television customers within the five boroughs of New York City; nearby Bergen County, New Jersey; Mount Vernon in Westchester County, New York. Outside of the New York City metro area, NY1 is seen on Time Warner Cable systems throughout New York State, and to HDTV subscribers on Bright House Networks systems in the Orlando and Tampa Bay areas.[1] Verizon FiOS does not carry the station.[2]



NY1 was conceived by Richard Aurelio, the president of Time Warner Cable's New York City cable group. The station launched September 8, 1992, from its newsroom in the National Video Center at 460 West 42nd Street in the Manhattan borough of New York City under the guidance of Paul Sagan, NY1's vice president of news, and Steve Paulus, NY1's news director. Construction of the 42nd Street facility was completed on July 15, but the channel's newly hired reporters actually began work a month earlier by attending a videojournalism "boot camp".[3] While some of the reporters had used their own cameras in other markets, most had had no exposure to the technical side of journalism. Following their training, the reporters and the rest of the staff took part in an additional two-month training period that included four weeks of real-time rehearsal. A watershed event came in the final weeks of training, with the collapse of a former post-office building on Manhattan's West Side. Although the channel was not yet on the air, NY1 reporters covered the story as if the channel was fully operational, interviewing survivors and witnesses and reporting the story more fully[citation needed] than competing television outlets.[4]

Following the September 11, 2001, attacks of the World Trade Center in New York City, NY1's signal was temporarily broadcast internationally to all subscribers of the Oxygen cable-television channel after Oxygen could not broadcast from its studios in the Battery Park City Manhattan neighborhood near the World Trade Center.[5]

In 2001, TWC began offering NY1 to digital-cable subscribers in the Albany, New York, market,[clarification needed] with other markets following soon thereafter.

In January 2002, the station moved to a new, all-digital facility on the sixth foor at Chelsea Market, 75 Ninth Avenue (between West 15th-16th Streets) in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.

On June 30, 2003, NY1 Noticias, a Spanish-language version of the channel, began operating for digital-cable subscribers.

In late 2005, NY1 launched a video-on-demand service for its TWC customers. NY1 on Demand is on Channel 1110 in the TWC-New York City system.

In 2008, NY1 launched a high-definition channel on Channel 701, although it was aired only in a pillarbox format (i.e., 4:3 aspect ratio picture with side pillars of NY1 logo) until migrating to a full 16:9 aspect ratio in October 2009.[citation needed]

NY1 as prototype for other TWC markets[link]

NY1 was the first TWC local-news channel, and TWC has since added twenty-four-hour local news networks in several other markets modeled after NY1, including:

Two other channels, News 24 Houston and News 9 San Antonio, both joint ventures between TWC and Belo, were closed within the first two years of operation.

Remote broadcast van


The most-common "program" on NY1 is a half-hour block beginning at the top and middle of every hour. The first minute contains top headlines followed by "Weather On The 1s", a brief one-minute weather summary. The remainder of the half-hour is filled with pre-recorded news segments heavily focusing on stories from the New York metropolitan area. Nearly all stories are pre-recorded, even segments made to look like they are happening live; instead of a "live" indicator while reporters speak, most NY1 stories have a graphic saying merely that the reporter is (or, rather, was) "on scene". This is because when the report first aired, it may have been live but is usually not once re-aired, unless it updates breaking news. Moreover, reporters generally shoot their own stories with video-camera, and take them back to the newsroom to be edited into the broadcast rotation.[clarification needed]

Sports reports are featured throughout the day, while a one-hour call-in sports show, Sports on 1: The Last Word, is featured every night at 11:35 p.m.

In an effort to compete with local late-night newscasts, on January 22, 2007, NY1 introduced its own 11 p.m. newscast, News At 11.[clarification needed] The newscast is anchored by Lewis Dodley and former CBS news correspondent Elizabeth Kaledin, an original member of the NY1 News team.


[edit] Inside City Hall; Road to City Hall

Inside City Hall offers more-extensive local political coverage than the area's broadcast stations.[citation needed] NY1 and its upstate sister channels have sponsored a number of political debates through this program.

NY1's team of award-winning[citation needed] political journalists is led by Robert Hardt, political director, and includes:

  • Josh Robin, reporter
  • Bobby Cuza, reporter
  • Erin Billups, reporter

[edit] The Call

Launched in July 2005, The Call is a live, one hour call-in and write-in news show hosted by John Schiumo. Throughout the day, viewers are encouraged to vote on the top news stories of the day, and after receiving an e-mail alert as to the top story, asked to write or call in to discuss the topic with Schiumo. The program was expanded to one hour in January 2012 in response to viewer requests. Previously, the show was extended on days of major news events.

Very often at the beginning of the show, Schiumo will have a short interaction with Danielle Rondinone, the program's senior producer, during which they will both offer their opinions of the days news.

[edit] On Stage

On Stage is a half-hour program reporting on theater. Its focus is primarily on the New York City theater scene but the show also reports on performances in the wider region. It is hosted by Donna Karger, with Patrick Pacheco conducting interviews. NY1 anchor Roma Torre, who has a background in theater, is the critic for the show. Outside critics David Cote of Time Out New York and David Sheward of Back Stage also contribute reviews. Frank DiLella conducts on-scene reporting.

Reporters and anchors[link]


(as of May 2012)
  • Jessica Blair Abo - Since 2009
  • Cindi Avilia
  • Adam Balkin — technology reporter (since 1997)
  • Erin Billups — Washington, DC political reporter (since 2009)
  • Ruschell Boone — Queens reporter (since 2002)
  • Monica Brown
  • Adelle Caballero — traffic reporter (since 2010)
  • Roger Clark — (since 2001)
  • Lindsey Christ — education reporter (since 2009)
  • Bobby Cuza — political reporter (since 2009)
  • John Davitt — chief meteorologist (since 1992)
  • Valarie D'Elia — travel analyst (since 1998)
  • Aaron Dickens — anchor and reporter
  • Lewis Dodley — evening anchor (since 1992)
  • Kafi Drexel — health and fitness reporter (since 2005)
  • Bree Driscoll — anchor and reporter
  • Amanda Farinacci — Staten Island reporter (since 2000)
  • Kevin Garrity — sports anchor and reporter (since 1992)
  • Courtney Gross — political reporter (since 2011)
  • Michael Herzenberg — political reporter (since 2011)
  • Susan Jhun — NY1 For You reporter (since 1999)
  • Elizabeth Kaledin — News at 11 anchor (since 1992)
  • Shazia Khan — (since 2005)
  • CeFaan Kim — anchor and reporter
  • Diane King — Business Anchor / Reporter (since 2010)
  • Pat Kiernan — morning anchor (since 1997)
  • Vivian Lee — Weekend Anchor and Reporter (since 2008)
  • Errol Louis — Host of Inside City Hall (since 2010)
  • Jennifer Madden — anchor and reporter
  • Joe Malvasio — anchor and reporter
  • Tom McDonald — sports anchor (since 2003)
  • Dean Meminger — The Bronx reporter (since 1997)
  • Budd Mishkin — host, One on 1 with Budd Mishkin; sports anchor; reporter (since 1992)
  • Mara Montalbano — anchor
  • Michelle Park — anchor and reporter
  • Anthony Pascale — anchor and reporter(since 2000)
  • Annika Pergament — business reporter (since 1994)
  • Jeanine Ramirez (formerly known as Jeanine Aguirre) — Brooklyn reporter (since 1996)
  • Grace Rauh — political reporter (since 2008)
  • Tina Redwine - transit reporter (since 2011)
  • Josh RobinAlbany reporter (since 2005)
  • Neil Rosen — movie critic (since 1992)
  • Joanne Santiglia — anchor and reporter
  • John Schiumo — host, The Call (since 1999)
  • Jill Urban — Real Estate Reporter (since 1999)
  • Michael Scotto — political reporter (since 2000)
  • Kristen Shaughnessy — Weekend Reporter / Anchor (since 1995)
  • Rosemary Shultz — anchor and reporter
  • Jamie Shupak — traffic reporter (since 2010)
  • Stephanie Simon — arts reporter (since 1997)
  • Mark Simone - Commentary and analysis (since 1997)
  • Rebecca Spitz — Manhattan reporter (since 1992)
  • Roma Torre — Mid-day Anchor (since 1992)
  • Rocco Vertuccio — anchor and reporter
  • Tara Lynn Wagner — Money Matters reporter (since 2007)
  • Jon Weinstein — anchor and reporter
  • George Whipple — Society reporter (since 2001)
  • Cheryl Wills — Weekend Evening Anchor/Reporter (since 1992)
  • Naomi Yane — traffic reporter (since 2010)


  • Asa Aarons — employment reporter (2009-2012)
  • Dominic Carter — host, Inside City Hall; senior political reporter (1992–2009)
  • Duke Castiglione-sports broadcaster Sports on 1; (2000-2005)
  • Arthur Chi'en - reporter (1998-2001)
  • Leslie Devlin
  • Sharon Dizenhuz - corresponding correspondent
  • Jay Dow - night reporter
  • Sandra Endo — host, Inside City Hall Host; political reporter (1998–2008)
  • Deborah Feyerick - reporter and anchor (1997-2000)
  • Paul Fleuranges - host, The Straphangers' Report (1992-1997)
  • Davidson Goldin - Political reporter and anchor (1999-2003)
  • Elizabeth Gerst - Personal Finance Reporter (1997-1999)
  • Mike Gilliam - Anchor and reporter
  • Karim Hajee - Police/Crime Reporter 1992-1996
  • Eunie Han - Business reporter
  • Taina Hernandez - Political reporter 1997-2001
  • Itay Hod - Health reporter
  • Lily Jamali - Police/Crime Reporter
  • Greg Kelly - Political affairs reporter 2000-2002
  • J.D. LaRock - Education reporter 1999-2001
  • David Lewis
  • Paul Lombardi - Features and Entertainment reporter 1998-2002
  • Andrew Kirtzman - Senior political reporter 1997-2004
  • Kerri Lyon
  • Paul Messina
  • Floyd Misek, deceased [6]
  • Marjie Mohtashemi
  • Rita Nissan — political reporter (2002–2009)
  • Lindley Pless (2006–2008)
  • Solana Pyne — law enforcement reporter (2005–2008)
  • Gary Anthony Ramsay (1992–2007)
  • Jennifer Rainville - education reporter
  • Carol Anne Riddell - (1992 - 1996)
  • Melissa Russo - political reporter (1992-1998)
  • Andrew Schmertz - general assignment reporter (1994-1998)
  • Andrew Siff - law enforcement reporter (2001-2004)
  • Jeff Simmons
  • Adele Sammarco - Staten Island reporter
  • Marcus Solis - anchor / reporter
  • Gigi Stone - Queens reporter(1997–2002)
  • Tanya Valle

In popular culture[link]




  • "That's It That's All", from the To the 5 Boroughs (2004) album by the Beastie Boys, contains the line "Like George Whipple on New York 1; Got a hairy ass and that's no fun." Whipple covers celebrity gossip and high society for NY1.


briefly show televisions in the background tuned to NY1.

  • Episodes of the drama series The Sopranos (1999–2007) feature NY1 television reporters and anchors.
  • The situation-comedy series How I Met Your Mother (since 2005) features character Robin Scherbatsky as an NY1 reporter, although the show brands it "Metro News 1". The character formerly co-anchored the network with Sandy Rivers, who reads from the newspaper much like NY1's Pat Kiernan.
  • In an episode of the situation-comedy series of 30 Rock (since 2006), the character Liz Lemon mentions that one of her fears is having her picture shown on NY1 after dying alone in her apartment.


Spanish-language station[link]

See NY1 Noticias.

See also[link]


  1. ^
  2. ^ [1]. Verizon.
  3. ^ [unreliable source?]Rosenblum, Michael (November 24, 2007). "NY1 – 15 Years Later". Rosenblumtv. (Michael Rosenblum's blog). Retrieved October 17, 2009.
  4. ^ >[unreliable source?]Staff writer (Undated). "Station History". Retrieved October 17, 2009.
  5. ^ Staff writer (September 13, 2001). "Oxygen Media Transmits New York One Signal to Its National Subscribers" Business Wire via Retrieved October 17, 2009.
  6. ^ "Floyd the Food Guy" website. Retrieved October 17, 2009.

External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Pat Kiernan

Kiernan at the World Trade Center site, 2006
Born (1968-11-20) November 20, 1968 (age 43)
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Patrick "Pat" Kiernan (born November 20, 1968) is a Canadian-born television host, appearing as the morning news anchor of NY1 since 1997. He is widely known in New York City for his "In the Papers" feature, in which he summarizes the colorful content in New York City's daily newspapers, replete with his deadpan humor. Kiernan has also hosted game shows and appeared in films and on television either as himself or as a reporter.



Kiernan began his news career in 1988 at CKRA-FM in Edmonton while a business student at the University of Alberta. He later made a transition from radio to television at Edmonton's CFRN News. In 1993, he moved to another Edmonton television station, CITV, where he produced the weekday primetime newscast. Kiernan moved to New York City three years later to work for Time Warner, where he soon became the morning anchor of NY1. Kiernan is usually on air from 5 AM until 10 AM, weekdays, sometimes being replaced by Kristen Shaughnessy. He was on air on the morning of the September 11th terrorist attacks, and remained on air for nearly 15 hours that day. [1] In addition to his morning anchor position, Kiernan also serves as a correspondent for Business News Network in Canada.

From 2000 to 2004, Kiernan was the co-anchor of the CNNfn program "The Money Gang." His co-hosts included Ali Velshi, Christine Romans, and Amanda Lang.

In 2008, Kiernan created the website Pat's Papers, a daily curation of his favorite stories from newspapers across the United States.[2]

Kiernan has also enjoyed success in films and television series in cameos as himself or as a reporter. These include The Interpreter (2005), Night at the Museum (2006), True North (film) (2006) and The Son of No One (2011). He has been featured in publications including New York ("Morning Star", February 5, 2001) and the New York Post ("Dream Job: Pat Kiernan", October 3, 2005) and the Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode "Rispetto" (2011).

On March 7, 2012, Kiernan served as co-host with Kelly Ripa on Live! with Kelly. The appearance came nearly a year after a New York Magazine article in which he declared his interest in the soon-to-be-vacant job because it was a "rare intersection" of his knowledge of New York City and his passion for pop culture.[3] The New York Daily News took the unusual step of covering the March 7 program with a minute-by-minute live blog.[4]. Pat will appear with Kelly again on April 30 and May 1, 2012.

Game Shows[link]

Kiernan has also hosted several game shows, all produced by Michael Davies: Studio 7, which aired on The WB Television Network in the summer of 2004; two seasons of The World Series of Pop Culture, which began airing on VH1 July 10, 2006, and July 9, 2007 respectively. He served as the off-screen "questioner" of the US version of Grand Slam, which premiered on GSN on August 4, 2007.

Personal life[link]

Kiernan was married to Dawn Lerohl on June 4, 1994. They moved to Manhattan in 1996 and are citizens of both the United States and Canada.[5] They live on the Upper West Side and have two children, Lucy (October 27, 2001) and Maeve (July 12, 2004).[6] The New York Daily News and New York Post reported on April 26, 2012 that Pat has bought a townhouse in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.


External links[link]

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