Male prostitution is the act or practice of men providing sexual services in return for payment. It is a form of sex work. Although clients can be any gender, the vast majority are male. Compared to female prostitutes, male prostitutes have been far less studied by researchers.
The terms used for male prostitutes generally differ from those used for females. Some terms vary by clientele or method of business. Where prostitution is illegal or taboo, it is common for male prostitutes to use euphemisms which present their business as providing companionship, nude modeling or dancing, body massage, or some other acceptable fee-for-service arrangement. Thus one may be referred to as a male escort, gigolo (implies female customers), rent-boy, hustler (more common for those soliciting in public places), model, or masseur. A man who does not regard himself as gay, but who has sex with male clients for money, is sometimes called gay-for-pay or trade.
Male clients, especially those who pick up prostitutes on the street or in bars, are sometimes called johns or tricks. Those working in prostitution, especially street prostitutes, sometimes refer to the act of prostitution as turning tricks.
Actors: Edison Chen (actor), Ronald Cheng (actor), Ronald Cheng (actor), Hins Cheung (actor), Nick Cheung (actor), Siu-Fai Cheung (actor), Sui-man Chim (actor), Kar Lok Chin (actor), Hiro Hayama (actor), Louis Koo (actor), Andy Lau (actor), Tony Ka Fai Leung (actor), Hoi-Pang Lo (actor), Carl Ng (actor), Eason Chan (actor),
Genres: Comedy, Drama,Actors: Julian Clark (actor), Nick de Graffenreid (actor), Rachel Appelbaum (actress), Madylin Sweeten (actress), Rachel Appelbaum (producer), Madylin Sweeten (producer), Rachel Appelbaum (writer), Madylin Sweeten (writer), Hiroki Kamada (director), Hiroki Kamada (editor),
Genres: Short,Actors: Sebastian Deery (actor), Art Department (writer),
Genres: Music, Short,Actors: Owen Busbey (actor), Joseph DeBrine (actor), Joseph DeBrine (actor), Billy Dole (actor), Sebastian Fierro (actor), Shayan Golafshani (actor), Simon Grant (actor), Terry Groves (actor), Nathan Hewitt (actor), Ben Krauss (actor), Craig Langille (actor), Carson Lewis (actor), Anand Macherla (actor), Simon Neff (actor), Angelo Arnett (actor),
Genres: Action, Drama, Romance,Actors: Exie Booker (actor), Johnny Cannizzaro (actor), Dillon Dinkens (actor), Steve Harris (actor), Lorenzo Lamas (actor), James Arthur Lewis (actor), Mike C. Manning (actor), Billy Mikus (actor), Chris Moss (actor), Arthur Napiontek (actor), Steve Perse (actor), Anthony Petix (actor), Storie Blake (actress), Marina Blumenthal (actress), Mitch Arbor (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Actors: Salvador Benavides (actor), Joe Cipriani (actor), Robert Holden (actor), Michael King (actor), Milt Kogan (actor), Abram Levasseur (actor), Jeff D. Miller (actor), Yusuf Nair (actor), Yusuf Nasir (actor), Sean Ridgway (actor), Sascha Saballett (actor), Kelly Tatro (actor), Chris Ufland (actor), Marina Bakica (actress), Carlos Aleman (actor),
Genres: Comedy, Short,Actors: Shawn Cash (actor), Arthur P. Farrell (actor), Stephen L. Kolb (actor), Paul Kreutz (actor), Hugh McChord (actor), Gary Panullo (actor), Michael Rose (actor), Stephen Vargo (actor), Rebecca Clouse (actress), Chloe Condon (actress), Mary Daffin (actress), Garian Grewe (actress), Stephanie Gultarte (actress), Heather Kennison (actress), Derek Byrne (actor),
Plot: "Elsa Letterseed" is a tale of a young violin prodigy who at the onset of puberty, experiences a phenomenon, which renders her genius musical gifts useless. Unable to perform and provide an income, her parents put her into a hospital for a brief stay. Years later, the story begins with Elsa (Garian Grewe) now on her own, struggling to survive only to find her parents have been killed in a plane crash. She must now forge her way through the intricate puzzle of her life, finding unexpected sources for support and kindness that help to guide her through extraordinary events. Elsa's journey to find her purpose, brings together an intriguing cast of characters, and a story through a maze of unexpected twists.
Keywords: character-name-in-title, child-prodigy, ensemble-film, laurel-and-hardy, title-directed-by-femaleActors: Christopher Ashley (actor), David Bamford (actor), Duncan Bell (actor), John Bennett (actor), Brian Blessed (actor), Leslie Bryant (actor), John Cater (actor), Simon Chamberland (actor), Kenneth Colley (actor), Vernon Dobtcheff (actor), Richard Dreyfuss (actor), Paul Dufficey (actor), Nick Edmett (actor), Peter Firth (actor), Lindsay Anderson (actor),
Plot: "Prisoner of Honor" documents the French Dreyfus Affair that saw a French Captain sent to Devils' Island for espionage near the end of the nineteenth century. Richard Dreyfuss plays Colonel Picquart who is given the job of justifying Dreyfus' sentence. Instead, he discovers that Dreyfus, a Jew, was merely a convenient scapegoat for the actions of the true culprit, a member of the French General staff. His attempt to right the wrong sees his military career ended and the famous French author, Emile Zola, found guilty of libel.
Keywords: anti-semitism, dreyfus-affairActors: Asher Brauner (actor), Jack Carone (actor), Byron Clarke (actor), Richard Couture (actor), Chuck Craig (actor), James Darren (actor), Nate Hardman (actor), Richie Havens (actor), Ted Knoll (actor), Jerr Michaels (actor), David Miller (actor), Jimil Hilman Moffett (actor), Chris Mulkey (actor), Tony Noll (actor), Carmen Argenziano (actor),
Genres: Crime, Drama,Actors: Anthony Bailey (actor), Peter Burton (actor), Dave Carter (actor), Basil Clarke (actor), Freddie Earlle (actor), Laurie Goode (actor), Dick Haydon (actor), Emmett Hennessy (actor), Craig Israel (actor), Simon Legree (actor), Jon Mattocks (actor), Charlie Miller (actor), Chris Williams (actor), Raymond Young (actor), Paul Aston (actor),
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