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  • Besieged civilians in Syria's Homs receive UN aid...0:42
  • Children of Conflict - Afghanistan - Part 1...14:16
  • Al Fatiha Aid Convoy to Syria - Newsnight [couchtripper]...9:18
  • Iranians say no to US talks - Press TV Report...3:04
  • Pakistan hails teen who died stopping suicide bomber outside school...0:33
  • Russia hunting suspected terrorist near Sochi...1:48
  • 2014 Tokyo Japan is having heavy snow in 10 years...0:24
  • Situation in the Central African Republic: Statement of the Prosecutor of the ICC, 7 February 2014...2:57
  • Details emerge on Homs aid corridor...3:50
  • Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony (Fireworks)...1:18
  • U.S. Treasury Taking Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceiling...0:32
  • Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui...1:54
  • 24 Jan 2014 - Egyptian Protesters attack the Egyptian Army and Police...6:30
  • "Fuck the EU! - Exactly!" - Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt...1:34
add video playlist The United Nations was poised to deliver aid to desperate civilians besieged in rebel-held areas of Syria's third city Homs on Saturday on the second day of a humanitarian truce. Duration: 00:42
The United Nations was poised to deliver aid to desperate civilians besieged in rebel-held areas of Syria\'s third city Homs on Saturday on the second day of a humanitarian truce. Duration: 00:42
Be­sieged civil­ians in Syria's Homs re­ceive UN aid
Children of Conflict looks at the misery, poverty and never ending internal conflict that is the lot of Afghan children.
Chil­dren of Con­flict - Afghanistan - Part 1
To donate

Main website -

And here\'s the full radio doc -
Al Fati­ha Aid Con­voy to Syria - News­night [couchtrip­per]
The comments made by Iran\'s Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei are crystal-clear: No bilateral talks with the United States as long as Washington\'s words d...
Ira­ni­ans say no to US talks - Press TV Re­port
Originally published on January 10, 2014

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A 15-year-old boy who died tackling a suicide bomber in the north-western Pakistani region of Hangu on Monday (January 6) is being hailed as a hero.

According to CNN, ninth-grader Aitazaz Hassan Bangash was on his way to the Ibrahimzai School with his cousin when the suicide bomber, dressed in school uniform, stopped them for information, to ask where the school was.

Aitazaz and his cousin Musadiq Ali Bangash, showed him the way but then became suspicious, Musadiq told CNN. 

While Musadiq backed off, Aitazaz decided to face the bomber. He first threw a large stone at him as he was about to enter the school. He then started a scuffle by grabbing him, which caused the bomber to panic and detonate his vest. Both died at the scene. 

Two more people were injured in the blast, witnesses said. 

According to reports, Pakistanis are comparing him to Malala, the school girl shot by the Taliban in October 2012 for promoting education for all boys and girls.

Local residents in Hangu are now calling for Aitazaz to receive a posthumous award for his bravery, which they say saved the lives of many students.

On Twitter, they are asking everyone to use hastags #onemillionaitzazs or simply #aitzaz and calling for his heroism to be recognized with an award.

Aitazaz is survived by his father, Mujaad Ali Bangash, his elder brother, Mustajab Hassan Bangash, and three sisters, reports say.

Hangu is close to Pakistan\'s semi-autonomous tribal regions, one of Pakistan\'s seven lawless districts on the Afghan border with a strong Taliban and al-Qaeda presence. 

The area is also known for sectarian violence against Shia Muslims, BBC reported.
Pak­istan hails teen who died stop­ping sui­cide bomber out­side school
Russian security forces are hunting for a suspected terrorist who may have already breached the \'ring of steel\' around Sochi. With less than three weeks to go before the opening of the Winter Olympics, the country\'s internal security service, the FSB, is looking for this woman. Ruzanna Ibragimova, aged 22, is the widow of a militant from the Republic of Dagestan in southern Russia. A poster and description has been distributed to hotels near Olympic sites. Russian President Vladimir Putin has laid his reputation on the safety of athletes and fans at the games, the most expensive in history.
Rus­sia hunt­ing sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ist near Sochi
As of 2014/02/08, Tokyo is having heavy snow and weather forecast is saying it will be even heavier later. It will be the heaviest snow in decade. I am happy to see any comments or good if you like this movie. Also, please register my channel if you like Japan and I will keep updating interesting introduction movie from Japan. Thank you very much, Tommy from Japan
2014 Tokyo Japan is hav­ing heavy snow in 10 years
Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, on opening a new Preliminary Examination in Central African Republic - 7 February 2014

Over the past months, I have issued a number of public statements urging all groups in the Central African Republic (CAR) engaged in the on-going conflict to immediately cease the violence, and warning them that those alleged to be committing heinous crimes falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) could be held individually accountable. 

The plight of civilians in CAR since September 2012 has gone from bad to worse.  My Office has reviewed many reports detailing acts of extreme brutality by various groups and allegations of serious crimes being committed, which possibly fall within the ambit of the jurisdiction of the ICC. The information concerning these alleged crimes and the profound human suffering they cause is deeply concerning. 

The allegations include hundreds of killings, acts of rape and sexual slavery, destruction of property, pillaging, torture, forced displacement and recruitment and use of children in hostilities.  In many incidents, victims appear to have been deliberately targeted on religious grounds.  

Following my Office\'s analysis of the jurisdictional parameters regarding the situation in CAR since September 2012, I have concluded that these incidents and the serious allegations of crimes potentially falling within the jurisdiction of the ICC constitute a new situation, unrelated to the situation previously referred to the ICC by the CAR authorities in December 2004. I have therefore decided to open a Preliminary Examination into this new situation.

Henceforth, my Office\'s further efforts will be aimed at gathering and analysing all the information necessary to determine whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into this new situation. My Office\'s efforts will be coordinated with those of the African Union and the United Nations in CAR. In conformity with the complementarity principle, my Office will also be engaging with the CAR authorities with a view to discussing ways and means to bring perpetrators to account, including at the national level.

CAR is a State Party to the Rome Statute, and as such, the ICC has jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed on the territory or by nationals of CAR since July 1, 2002.  

For further information, please contact:
Sit­u­a­tion in the Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic: State­ment of the Pros­e­cu­tor of the ICC, 7 Febru­ary 2014
The city of Homs, Syria is desperate for food and aid. Mohammed Jamjoom reports on an aid corridor to bring just that.
De­tails emerge on Homs aid cor­ri­dor
This is a webcam video for the Sochi Olympics in Sochi Russia for the Winter Games. It shows the Fireworks for the opening ceremony at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games and is taken from the top of a building. The Olympic games are awesome and this really needs to be seen since the IOC seems to be censoring everything. Those scum lapping shit bags. Anyway, please check out all of the videos and enjoy!!!
Sochi Olympics Open­ing Cer­e­mo­ny (Fire­works)
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned lawmakers emergency measures to stay under the U.S. debt limit probably won\'t last past Feb. 27, leaving little time to craft a deal that can clear Congress. The federal government is set to run up against its legal borrowing limit Friday, when a suspension of the debt ceiling expires, preventing it from adding to its more than $17 trillion in public debt.
U.S. Trea­sury Tak­ing Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceil­ing
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui
LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
Egyptian Army and Police attacked by Protesters in Alexandria this afternoon, Friday, January 24, 2014.  The whole ordeal took about an hour.  The protesters fired tear gas and Molotov Cocktails at the Army and Police, but they were too strong for the protesters. You will hear me coughing from the tear gas mid video.  Hopefully I will not have to see this again.

Thank you to the Police and Army for protecting us and ending this situation quickly!
24 Jan 2014 - Egyp­tian Protesters at­tack the Egyp­tian Army and Po­lice
Cut-out of a phone call between two American fun guys talking about maidan\'s puppets.  The actors are:
Victoria Nuland: US-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
Geoffrey R. Pyatt: United States Ambassador to Ukraine
Jeff Feltman: head of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs  
Robert Serry: Dutch diplomat serving as United Nations Special Coordinator for   the Middle East Peace Process
Ban Ki-Moon:  Secretary-General of the United Nations
Joe Biden: Vice President USA
Viktor Yanukovych: President of Ukraine
Vitali Klitschko: Leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform and    Member of the Ukrainian Parliament.
"Fuck the EU! - Ex­act­ly!" - Vic­to­ria Nu­land & Ge­of­frey Pyatt
Several thousand people clashed with police on the second day of protest in front of the cantonal government building in the northern Bosnian industrial town of Tuzla on Thursday. Protesters hurled stones, eggs and smoke bombs at the government building after police officers guarding the building withdrew. Later, police responded with pepper spray and teargas.

The protest started on Wednesday when around 1,000 people took the streets to complain about continuing high levels of unemployment and factory closures in the town. More than 70 people have been hospitalised so far, including some 50 policemen. Dozens of protesters have also been arrested.

Video is courtesy of RTV Slon.

Google Plus:
Video on Demand:
Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over un­em­ploy­ment

updated 08 Feb 2014; published 08 Feb 2014
Be­sieged civil­ians in Syria's Homs re­ceive UN aid
The Irish Times 09 Feb 2014, UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos expressed deep disappointment last night after an aid convoy came under fire in a besieged rebel district of the Syrian city Homs, though she vowed to keep pushing to deliver humanitarian assistance to Syria’s neediest. “I...
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updated 15 Aug 2013; published 06 May 2007
Chil­dren of Con­flict - Afghanistan - Part 1
The Gleaner 09 Feb 2014, KABUL (AP): The number of children killed and wounded in Afghanistan's war jumped by 34 per cent last year as the Taliban stepped up attacks across the country and continued to lay thousands of roadside bombs, the United Nations said yesterday. Overall civilian casualties were up by 14 per cent, reversing 2012's downward trend and making 2013 one...
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updated 19 Nov 2013; published 19 Nov 2013
Al Fati­ha Aid Con­voy to Syria - News­night [couchtrip­per]
Belfast Telegraph 09 Feb 2014, Two trucks carrying food and medical supplies into rebel-held neighbourhoods in the central Syrian city of Homs turned back under heavy fire, leaving four paramedics wounded as a ceasefire faltered. Talal Barrazi, the governor of Homs province, told the Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV the attack occurred late in the afternoon yesterday and that the...
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updated 08 Feb 2013; published 08 Feb 2013
Ira­ni­ans say no to US talks - Press TV Re­port
Business Insider 08 Feb 2014, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader said on Saturday the United States would overthrow the Iranian government if it could, adding Washington had a "controlling and meddlesome" attitude towards the Islamic Republic, Iranian media reported. In a speech to mark the 35th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic...
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updated 08 Feb 2014; published 08 Feb 2014
Pak­istan hails teen who died stop­ping sui­cide bomber out­side school
Yahoo Daily News 08 Feb 2014, By Jessica Donati KABUL (Reuters) - War took an increasing toll on Afghanistan's civilians in 2013 as fighting intensified between the government and insurgents, the United Nations said in a report on Saturday, with total casualties rising 14 percent. The gradual withdrawal of foreign troops has left Afghan government forces more vulnerable to...
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updated 21 Jan 2014; published 21 Jan 2014
Rus­sia hunt­ing sus­pect­ed ter­ror­ist near Sochi 08 Feb 2014, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling In 1984, Muslims, Serbs, and Croats had combined efforts to produce a well-organized and spectacular Olympic Games in the beautiful and historical city of Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. But several years later, and as the dissolution of Yugoslavia spiraled out of control, ethnic groups fought each other over...
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updated 08 Feb 2014; published 08 Feb 2014
2014 Tokyo Japan is hav­ing heavy snow in 10 years
BBC News 08 Feb 2014, A severe snow storm warning has been issued in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, with residents urged to stay indoors. Correspondents say it is the...
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updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
Sit­u­a­tion in the Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic: State­ment of the Pros­e­cu­tor of the ICC, 7 Febru­ary 2014
Al Jazeera 08 Feb 2014, The International Criminal Court is to open a preliminary examination into violence in the Central African Republic to determine whether atrocities committed there constitute possible war crimes, the court's prosecutor has said. Fatou Bensouda said on Friday that her office had reviewed many reports of "extreme brutality" and that allegations of...
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updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
De­tails emerge on Homs aid cor­ri­dor
BBC News 08 Feb 2014, The UN and aid agencies are hoping to deliver food and medicine to civilians trapped in the Syrian city of Homs. The aid convoys are due to enter on Saturday on the second day of a three-day ceasefire in Homs between government forces and rebels. On Friday more than 80 people were evacuated from rebel-held areas which have been under siege for 18...
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updated 08 Feb 2014; published 08 Feb 2014
Sochi Olympics Open­ing Cer­e­mo­ny (Fire­works)
Chicago Sun-Times 07 Feb 2014, Updated: February 7, 2014 3:38PM SOCHI, Russia — With a flying child, floating minarets, ballet dancers, human constellations, more than 3,000 performers and an alarmingly lifelike giant bear, Sochi put on what it called “the most complex and ambitious technical show ever attempted in Olympic history” to open the 22nd Winter Games on Friday night....
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updated 07 Feb 2014; published 07 Feb 2014
U.S. Trea­sury Tak­ing Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceil­ing
Business Insider 07 Feb 2014, Congress needs to raise the nation's debt ceiling by Feb. 27 to avoid potential default on the country's obligations, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned in a letter to congressional leaders on Friday. It comes as House Republicans are formulating their final plan on the debt limit, according to Politico — involving a "doc fix" on...
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updated 05 Dec 2013; published 05 Dec 2013
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
BBC News 07 Feb 2014, The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda says she has opened a preliminary investigation into possible war crimes in the Central African Republic (CAR). Fatou Bensouda said she had received reports of "extreme brutality by various groups". Tens of thousands of Muslims have already fled to Cameroon and Chad....
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updated 25 Jan 2014; published 25 Jan 2014
24 Jan 2014 - Egyp­tian Protesters at­tack the Egyp­tian Army and Po­lice
The Miami Herald 07 Feb 2014, CAIRO -- An Islamic militant group that has waged a campaign of bombings and assassinations for months in Egypt has quickly advanced in weaponry and sophistication of attacks, drawing on the experience of Egyptians who fought in Syria's civil war. The increasing capabilities of the group, called Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, Arabic for the Champions of...
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updated 06 Feb 2014; published 06 Feb 2014
"Fuck the EU! - Ex­act­ly!" - Vic­to­ria Nu­land & Ge­of­frey Pyatt
The Times of India 07 Feb 2014, KIEV, Ukraine: The United States tried to contain fallout on Friday from a leaked phone conversation in which a top diplomat uses the f-word regarding the European Union's handling of the crisis in Ukraine. The embarrassing diplomatic incident comes as Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych was due to hold crisis talks with Russian counterpart and...
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UN ‘undeterred’ by attack on Homs aid convoy
Full Article The Irish Times
09 Feb 2014

UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos expressed deep disappointment last night after an aid convoy came under fire in a besieged rebel district of the Syrian city Homs, though she vowed to keep pushing to deliver humanitarian assistance to Syria’s neediest. “I... Talks - Syria Civil War In Syria
A Syrian rebel walks past destroyed shops at al-Bayada neighborhood in Homs, Syria, Thursday, May 10, 2012. A Syrian opposition leader said Friday the regime is trying to destroy a U.N.-brokered peace plan for the country.
photo: AP

UN: More children dying in violence
Full Article The Gleaner
09 Feb 2014

KABUL (AP): The number of children killed and wounded in Afghanistan's war jumped by 34 per cent last year as the Taliban stepped up attacks across the country and continued to lay thousands of roadside bombs, the United Nations said yesterday. Overall civilian casualties were up by 14 per cent, reversing 2012's downward trend and making 2013 one... War
UN: More children dying in violence
photo: USMC / Zachery B. Martin

Ceasefire falters halting Homs aid
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
09 Feb 2014

Two trucks carrying food and medical supplies into rebel-held neighbourhoods in the central Syrian city of Homs turned back under heavy fire, leaving four paramedics wounded as a ceasefire faltered. Talal Barrazi, the governor of Homs province, told the Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV the attack occurred late in the afternoon yesterday and that the... Rights War Nations
Some Syrian people on two buses followed by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent's vehicles evacuate Syria's battleground city of Homs, Friday, Feb. 7, 2014.
photo: AP

Iran's Supreme Leader Says The United States Would Overthrow The Iranian Government If It Could
Full Article Business Insider
08 Feb 2014

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader said on Saturday the United States would overthrow the Iranian government if it could, adding Washington had a "controlling and meddlesome" attitude towards the Islamic Republic, Iranian media reported. In a speech to mark the 35th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic... Ali Khamenei - United States Nuclear
In this photo released by an official website of the Iranian supreme leader's office on Thursday, March 21, 2013, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei waves to a crowd in northeastern Iran on the first day of the new Persian calendar year.
photo: AP / Office of the Supreme Leader

Afghan civilian deaths up in 2013 as war intensifies : U.N.
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
08 Feb 2014

By Jessica Donati KABUL (Reuters) - War took an increasing toll on Afghanistan's civilians in 2013 as fighting intensified between the government and insurgents, the United Nations said in a report on Saturday, with total casualties rising 14 percent. The gradual withdrawal of foreign troops has left Afghan government forces more vulnerable to... War Attacks - Afghan Insurgency
Afghans carry the body of a suicide attack victim at the hospital in Maymana, Faryab province north west of Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012.
photo: AP / Talash Suroosh

Politicizing Sochi Olympics with Retaliatory Attacks
Full Article
08 Feb 2014

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling In 1984, Muslims, Serbs, and Croats had combined efforts to produce a well-organized and spectacular Olympic Games in the beautiful and historical city of Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. But several years later, and as the dissolution of Yugoslavia spiraled out of control, ethnic groups fought each other over... Olympics War Terrorism
Russian security forces stand guard as the Olympic torch makes it's way through the streets of the Rosa Khutor ski resort in Krasnaya Polyana, Russia at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2014.
photo: AP / Gero Breloer

Japan snowfall disrupts air, rail and road transport
Full Article BBC News
08 Feb 2014

A severe snow storm warning has been issued in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, with residents urged to stay indoors. Correspondents say it is the... Weather Snowfall In Japan
A security guard shoves snow from the street in Yokohama, Japan, Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014. The Japan Meteorological Agency issued the first heavy snowfall warning for central Tokyo in 13 years. Some 20-centimeter (7.9-inch) of snowfall is expected by Sunday morning in the metropolitan areas.
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

ICC to open war crimes probe in CAR
Full Article Al Jazeera
08 Feb 2014

The International Criminal Court is to open a preliminary examination into violence in the Central African Republic to determine whether atrocities committed there constitute possible war crimes, the court's prosecutor has said. Fatou Bensouda said on Friday that her office had reviewed many reports of "extreme brutality" and that allegations of... African Republic Conflict In C.a.republic Crimes - Car
French troops detain a suspected Seleka officer , preventing Christian mobs from lynching him near the airport in Bangui, Central African Republic, Monday Dec. 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Jerome Delay

Syria crisis: Homs awaits food and medicine deliveries
Full Article BBC News
08 Feb 2014

The UN and aid agencies are hoping to deliver food and medicine to civilians trapped in the Syrian city of Homs. The aid convoys are due to enter on Saturday on the second day of a three-day ceasefire in Homs between government forces and rebels. On Friday more than 80 people were evacuated from rebel-held areas which have been under siege for 18... Rights War Nations
Syrian Arab Red Crescent members in red uniforms provide some food and drink to a man before he gets on a bus to evacuate the battleground city of Homs, Syria, Friday, Feb. 7, 2014.
photo: AP

Sochi opens 2014 Winter Olympics
Full Article Chicago Sun-Times
07 Feb 2014

Updated: February 7, 2014 3:38PM SOCHI, Russia — With a flying child, floating minarets, ballet dancers, human constellations, more than 3,000 performers and an alarmingly lifelike giant bear, Sochi put on what it called “the most complex and ambitious technical show ever attempted in Olympic history” to open the 22nd Winter Games on Friday night.... Winter Olympics Games Putin
Fireworks explode after the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong

There's A New Drop-Dead Debt Ceiling Date, And House Republicans Finally Have A Plan
Full Article Business Insider
07 Feb 2014

Congress needs to raise the nation's debt ceiling by Feb. 27 to avoid potential default on the country's obligations, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned in a letter to congressional leaders on Friday. It comes as House Republicans are formulating their final plan on the debt limit, according to Politico — involving a "doc fix" on... Debt Ceiling Debt Limit Economy
FILE - In this April 14, 2011, file photo White House Budget Director Jack Lew briefs reporters at the White House in Washington. Lew said Sunday, July 17, 2011
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak, File

ICC opens CAR 'war crimes' preliminary investigation
Full Article BBC News
07 Feb 2014

The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda says she has opened a preliminary investigation into possible war crimes in the Central African Republic (CAR). Fatou Bensouda said she had received reports of "extreme brutality by various groups". Tens of thousands of Muslims have already fled to Cameroon and Chad.... African Republic Rights Crime
File - A banana seller carries her child as she contiues to work on the streets of Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR), 22 September, 2013. CAR has experienced extreme violence and disorder, with the ICC recently opening an investigation into possible war crimes.
photo: UN / Serge Nya-Nana

Violence risks turning Egypt to jihadi front
Full Article The Miami Herald
07 Feb 2014

CAIRO -- An Islamic militant group that has waged a campaign of bombings and assassinations for months in Egypt has quickly advanced in weaponry and sophistication of attacks, drawing on the experience of Egyptians who fought in Syria's civil war. The increasing capabilities of the group, called Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, Arabic for the Champions of... Qaida War Revolution
In this file photo taken Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013, Egyptian policemen stand guard at the scene of a powerful explosion believed to be a car bomb at a police headquarters building that killed at least a dozen people, wounded more than 100, and left scores buried under the rubble, in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura, 110 kilometers (70 miles) north of Cairo, Egypt.
photo: AP / Ahmed Ashraf

Washington red-faced after top US diplomat caught on tape saying ‘f*** the EU’
Full Article The Times of India
07 Feb 2014

KIEV, Ukraine: The United States tried to contain fallout on Friday from a leaked phone conversation in which a top diplomat uses the f-word regarding the European Union's handling of the crisis in Ukraine. The embarrassing diplomatic incident comes as Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych was due to hold crisis talks with Russian counterpart and... Union Diplomacy Protest
File - Victoria Nuland, Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, answers a question selected from the Department’s official Chinese Twitter on January 6, 2012.
photo: US DoS

No bronze cheer for defending moguls champion Hannah Kearney
Full Article The State
09 Feb 2014

Hannah Kearney's voice was breaking and there was no doubt her heart was doing the same when she struggled to keep her composure in the interview room. One volunteer scurried to get Kearney a bottle of water and a tissue to blot her tears. What the moguls specialist wanted most to happen, however, wasn't to be on Saturday. "Right now, I would like...
Hannah Kearney of the United States jumps in the air during an official training for women's moguls in the Freestyle Skiing World Championships in Inawashiro, Japan, Friday, March 6, 2009.
photo: AP / Katsumi Kasahara

American Kotsenburg wins first medal at Sochi
Full Article Stuff
08 Feb 2014

The kid they call "second-run Sage" didn't waste time putting down the run of his life. Sage Kotsenburg tamed the treacherous slopestyle course at the Extreme Park on Saturday (local time), grabbing the first gold medal of the Sochi Olympics. And he did it with a run that left the 20-year-old American who talks like a surfer and rides like a purist... Sochi Olympics - Snowboarding Kotsenburg
Sage Kotsenburg
photo: Flickr / Photos by Zak

Ronaldo: La Decima not an obsession
Full Article Goal
08 Feb 2014

The Real Madrid forward says los Blancos are focused on lifting the Champions League this season but are not burdened by the wait for a 10th European Cup £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw VIL £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw VIL £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw VIL £5 £10... Ronaldo Madrid Cf
Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal, right, walks as Galatasaray's Burak Yilmaz, left, reacts at the end of the Champions League quarterfinal first leg soccer match between Real Madrid and Galatasaray at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Wednesday, April 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Andres Kudacki

Drogba responds to MLS rumours
Full Article Goal
08 Feb 2014

The Ivory Coast international striker, who joined Galatasaray a year ago, is giving little away over speculation suggesting he could move to America next season £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = GAL Draw ESK £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = GAL Draw ESK £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = GAL Draw ESK £5... Drogba League Soccer
Former Chelsea soccer player Didier Drogba his new club's jersey, greets fans before the match between Shanghai Shenhua and Beijing Guoan at Hongkou Football Stadium in Shanghai, China, Saturday July 14, 2012. Drogba arrived in China on Saturday, saying his move to Shanghai Shenhua was not motivated by money despite reportedly becoming the highest-paid player in the country.
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Aggressive Virat is Zol's inspiration; U19 skipper unfazed by Pak
Full Article The Times of India
08 Feb 2014

His confident strides, aggressive approach and swagger at crease are some of the reasons why Vijay Zol likes to follow Virat Kohli. Zol, captaining India U19 squad at the ICC World Cup, says he has been following Kohli's game since the Delhi batsman's U19 days and hopes to implement his style. "I am not an aggressive player like Virat. I've been... Zol
India's cricket coach Duncan Fletcher, right, gives tips to player Virat Kohli during a training session ahead of their fourth one day international cricket match against West Indies in Indore, India, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011. India leads the series 2-1.
photo: AP / Aijaz Rahi

Vidic to leave United at end of season
Full Article Taipei Times
07 Feb 2014

Manchester United captain Nemanja Vidic is to leave the English Premier League champions at the end of the season, in a move the Serbia defender hopes will end speculation about his future. “I have decided that I will move on at the end of this season,” Vidic said in a statement on the club’s official Web site. “It’s the last year of my contract... Manchester United Fc Moyes Vidic
Manchester United's Nemanja Vidic celebrates scoring against Benfica during their Group F Champions League soccer match at Old Trafford, Manchester, England, Wednesday Dec. 6, 2006
photo: AP / Steven Governo

Ronaldo's appeal against suspension rejected
Full Article Reuters
07 Feb 2014

MADRID (Reuters) - Real Madrid begin life without suspended talisman Cristiano Ronaldo in Saturday's La Liga clash with Villarreal after the Portuguese forward had his appeal against a three-match ban rejected. The 29-year-old, who tops the league scoring charts with 22 goals, was sent off during Sunday's draw with Athletic Bilbao following a... Real Madrid Fc Ronaldo
Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo tips the ball over Ajax goalkeeper Kenneth Vermeer, not seen, to score 4-1 during the Champions League Group D soccer match at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012.
photo: AP / Peter Dejong

101st Scheldeprijs 2013winner: Marcel Kittel (DEU)
photo: Kramon / Kristof Ramon

Rosie O'Donnell returns to 'The View' for first time since 2007: Here's what you missed
Full Article Entertainment Weekly
07 Feb 2014

Rosie O’Donnell left The View before her contract was up in 2007 and hasn’t been back since. Today, the former host returned to the show as a guest. Sadly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck made her exit this past summer, so we missed out on a reunion between the two — and by “reunion,” we mean a fierce argument of the kind that... O'donnell View
Comedian Rosie O'Donnell speaks during a news conference highlighting National Foster Care Month, Wednesday, May 6, 2009, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
photo: AP / Haraz N. Ghanbari

Renowned Japanese composer Mamoru Samuragochi admits fraud
Full Article The Times of India
07 Feb 2014

TOKYO: He was celebrated as a prolific musical genius whose compositions appeared in popular video games and the competition routine of a top figure skater in the coming Sochi Olympics. His deafness won him praise as Japan's modern-day Beethoven. It turns out that his magnum opus was his own masquerade. On Thursday, Japan learned that one of its... Samuragochi
Renowned Japanese composer Mamoru Samuragochi admits fraud
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Justin Bieber gets March trial date
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Feb 2014

Justin Bieber has been given a trial date in Miami for his recent arrest on charges of driving under the influence, resisting arrest and driving with an invalid license. A Miami-Dade County judge has set the trial for the three charges for March 3, although initial trial dates are often delayed. Justin's attorneys have already filed a written plea... Bieber
Justin Bieber performs during the 93.3 FLZ Jingle Ball at the Tampa Bay Times Forum on Sunday, Dec. 9, 2012, in Tampa, Fla.
photo: AP / John Davisson/Invision

U2's 'Invisible' Helped Raise Over $3 Million for AIDS Fight
Full Article Rollingstone
04 Feb 2014

Over the course of 36 hours, U2 helped raise over $3 million for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by releasing their new song "Invisible" for free. The period began on Super Bowl Sunday and for each download, Bank of America donated one dollar to (RED), an organization Bono cofounded in 2006 to combat AIDS,... Fight - Invisible
 U`2 Bono -singer. (sl1)
photo: creative commons

He's Happy! Pharrell Williams To Perform At 2014 Oscars
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Feb 2014

Pharrell Williams will no doubt have everyone in the audience tapping their feet at the 2014 Oscars next month as it has just been confirmed that the iconic producer will be taking to the stage to perform his smash hit single 'Happy.' The 40-year-old, who cleaned up at the Grammys for his work with Daft Punk... Oscars Williams Williams - Happy
Pharrell Williams
photo: AP / Kevork Djansezian

Demi Lovato perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Sheeran signs up for charity show
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 Jan 2014

Ed Sheeran has signed up to play a Teenage Cancer Trust gig at the Royal Albert Hall a year after he was forced to turn the charity down. The A Team star joins a line-up that includes T he Cure, Suede and Paolo Nutini for the concerts at London's Royal Albert Hall in March. The venue will also host a comedy night featuring stand-ups including Jason...
Ed Sheeran performing on Day 3 of Sunfest 2013 in Downtown West Palm Beach, Florida - May 3, 2013
photo: WN / Luum Photos

Gaga announces UK tour dates
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 Jan 2014

Lady Gaga has confirmed UK tour dates for 2014. The eccentric popstar is embarking on her artRave: The ARTPOP Ball string of shows this year. Now it's been confirmed she will play four UK dates during October, and one in Ireland. The first will kick off in Birmingham and then move on to Glasgow and Manchester, before finishing at London's iconic O2...
Lady Gaga giving a speech at Euro  Pride 2011, in Rome, italy.
photo: Creative Commons / Sricsi

Woody Allen Denies Sex Abuse Claims In Letter
Full Article Orange News
08 Feb 2014

8 February 2014, 9:39 Woody Allen Denies Sex Abuse Claims In Letter Tweet Film director Woody Allen has again denied he molested adopted daughter Dylan Farrow - claiming the allegations were the product of an acrimonious custody battle with his ex-wife Mia Farrow. Allen's rebuttal in The New York Times comes a week after the 28-year-old raised...
U.S. film director Woody Allen gestures as he promotes his new film "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, Sept. 20, 2008.
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez

Woody Allen denies abusing daughter Dylan Farrow
Full Article The Irish Times
08 Feb 2014

Film director Woody Allen defended himself last night from newly published accusations by his now-adult adopted daughter that he molested her as a child, calling the allegations “ludicrous” and the product of a bitter custody battle with his former partner, actress Mia Farrow. An advance copy of an Allen op-ed piece to be published in...
Director Woody Allen, right, and actress Hayley Atwell present their movie "Cassandra's dream" at the 64th edition of the Venice Film Festival in Venice, Italy, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2007. (js1)
photo: AP / Domenico Stinellis

Matthew McConaughey: 'I have more of a selfish desire now'
Full Article The Independent
07 Feb 2014

Anyone who knows him, or has spent the tiniest modicum of time in his company, knows Matthew McConaughey has a distinct “thing” for the open road, the call of the wild. When he first gained serious notoriety - for the 1996 adaptation of John Grisham's legal bestseller A Time to Kill, he bought a one-way ticket to Peru where he hiked Machu Picchu...
Matthew McConaughey
photo: AP /

Leo DiCaprio -- Attacked by A-List Wiener Lover
Full Article TMZ
07 Feb 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio's penis now stands proudly next to Will Smith and Bradley Cooper's junk -- because a serial prankster made like a lingerie model and buried his face in Leo's crotch last night. DiCaprio was arriving at the Santa Barbara Int'l. Film Festival when Ukrainian jokester Vitalii Sediuk ran up, dropped to his knees ... and nuzzled...
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio listens to Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and Sen.
photo: AP / Kevork Djansezian

Biopic on Sonakshi's wish list
Full Article Newstrack India
06 Feb 2014

Tweet Mumbai, Feb 6 (IANS) From action drama to period films, Sonakshi Sinha has tried various genres and now she hopes to be part of a...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Four arrested 'over Philip Seymour Hoffman death'
Full Article BBC News
05 Feb 2014

Four people have reportedly been arrested as part of an investigation into the suspected heroin overdose death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. Some 350 bags of heroin were also seized during the arrests in Lower Manhattan, unnamed police officials were quoted by US media as saying. The Oscar-winning star, 46, was found dead at his Greenwich...
File - Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman at a Hudson Union Society event in September 2010.
photo: Creative Commons / Justin Hoch/Hudson Union Society

'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' Super Bowl trailer
Full Article Newsday
03 Feb 2014

Watch the Super Bowl trailer for "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" (starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx and Dane DeHaan), which was released in a commercial break during the Seahwaks-Broncos game on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014. (In theaters May 2.) advertisement | advertise on newsday | View all Be the first to...
 Tobey Maguire in "Spider-Man 3".            (js1)
photo: Columbia Pictures

Philip Seymour Hoffman Dies: Obituary
Full Article Skynews
03 Feb 2014

Philip Seymour Hoffmann was first recognised as the great actor he was to become in the 1990s, when he appeared in a series of films that were initially cult classics. The film that established his early reputation was Boogie Nights, but his role as a filming assistant on the set of the 1970s porn films proved uncomfortable watching for many. In...
 Philip Seymour Hoffman arrives for the screening of "The Savages," at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Friday, Jan. 19, 2007. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) nf2
photo: AP photo

Solution to re-development woes soon: Jitendra Singh
Full Article The Times of India
09 Feb 2014

MUMBAI: Union minister of state for defence Jitendra Singh on Saturday assured residents of around 400 housing societies in the Kandivli-Malad area that a solution would soon be found to their problems. However, he refrained from making any policy announcement. "Since Parliament session is on, I can't make any commitment. But a meeting of all...
The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs & Sports, Shri Jitendra Singh addressing at the inauguration of the 12th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Engaging Diaspora Connecting Across Generation, in New Delhi on January 07, 2014.
photo: PIB of India /

Apple complains of 'patent trolls'
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
08 Feb 2014

Turns out that for Apple Inc., being one of the most innovative companies on the planet does have at least one big drawback. The Cupertino, Calif., company says it is the No. 1 target for so-called patent trolls. In court and regulatory filings, Apple provided a rare look at the amount of litigation it is facing from companies whose main business... Litigation Assertion Entities War
Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing, speaks on stage during an introduction of the new iPhone 5 at an Apple event in San Francisco, Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012.
photo: AP / Eric Risberg

HTC, Nokia reach settlement on patent lawsuits
Full Article The Hindu
08 Feb 2014

Taiwan’s smartphone maker HTC today said it has signed a patent and technology collaboration agreement with Finnish phone giant Nokia to end all pending patent litigation between them. Under the deal, HTC will make payments to Nokia and the collaboration will involve HTC’s LTE patent portfolio to further strengthen...
Stephen Elop, CEO of Nokia, introduces its newest smartphone, the Lumia 920, equipped with Microsoft's Windows Phone 8, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012 in New York.
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan

Parker Griffith Democrat again, runs for governor
Full Article Tampa Bay Online
08 Feb 2014

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Former Republican U.S. Rep. Parker Griffith of Huntsville rejoined the Democratic Party and entered the race for governor minutes before Friday's deadline. Two Republican incumbents, U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Mobile and U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne of Fairhope, appeared to avoid any opposition on the last day for Democrats and...
U.S. Rep. Parker Griffith of Alabama discusses his decision to switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party during a news conference at his home in Huntsville, Ala., on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2009. Parker, accompanied by his wife Virginia, said Democrats no longer represent the interests of his conservative district in north Alabama.
photo: AP / Jay Reeves

Obama signs $950-bn farm bill
Full Article The Hindu
08 Feb 2014

US President Barack Obama has signed an agriculture bill worth more than $950 billion, saying the rare product of cooperation in Washington was an example of how the gridlocked US political capital should work. Obama travelled to Michigan to highlight the measure, which he compared to a Swiss Army knife...
President Barack Obama talks in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, June 13, 2012, before signing the Contract Awards for Large Air Tankers. The bill will support the ability to fight wildfires by enabling the Forest Service to accelerate the contracting of the next generation of air tankers for wildfire suppression.
photo: AP / Susan Walsh

Carl Icahn Tweets His Love For Apple's $14 Billion Stock Buyback (AAPL)
Full Article Houston Chronicle
07 Feb 2014

Just in time for Valentine's Day, billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn is showing his love and appreciation for Apple CEO Tim Cook, and the $14 billion worth of stock the company just bought back. Icahn has been buying up Apple stock for... Buyback Inc. Icahn
In this Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, file photo, staff members of Apple Inc. welcome customers as the Apple store in Hong Kong started selling iPhone 5.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Weak US jobs report still provides cause for hope
Full Article San Francisco Chronicle
07 Feb 2014

WASHINGTON (AP) — For a second straight month, weak U.S. job growth has raised concern that the economy has lost the vigor it showed late last year. A tepid gain of 113,000 jobs in January followed December's puny increase of 75,000 — far below last year's average monthly gain of 194,000. Yet the jobs report the government issued Friday offered... Global Insight Jobs Unemployment
In this June 13, 2012 file photo, job seekers have their resumes reviewed at a job fair expo in Anaheim, Calif. U.S. employers added only 80,000 jobs in June, a third straight month of weak hiring that shows the economy is still struggling three years after the recession ended. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 8.2 percent, the Labor Department said in its report Friday, July 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File)
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong

Stocks rise more than 1% despite weak jobs report
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
07 Feb 2014

NEW YORK -- Stocks rallied about 1% despite the U.S. Labor Department's report showing weaker-than-expected employment growth last month. Investors appeared to look on the brighter side of the federal government's closely watched barometer of the labor market even though it fell far below estimates for the second consecutive month. The federal... Jobs Stocks
Specialist Philip Finale, right, directs trading at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, April 19, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Besieged civilians in Syria's Homs receive UN aid
Besieged civilians in Syria's Homs receive UN aid
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  • Duration: 0:42
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014
The United Nations was poised to deliver aid to desperate civilians besieged in rebel-held areas of Syria's third city Homs on Saturday on the second day of a humanitarian truce. Duration: 00:42
  • published: 08 Feb 2014
  • views: 27's_Homs_receive_UN_aid

Children of Conflict - Afghanistan - Part 1
Children of Conflict - Afghanistan - Part 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:16
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013
Children of Conflict looks at the misery, poverty and never ending internal conflict that is the lot of Afghan children.

Al Fatiha Aid Convoy to Syria - Newsnight [couchtripper]
Al Fatiha Aid Convoy to Syria - Newsnight [couchtripper]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:18
  • Updated: 19 Nov 2013
To donate Main website - And here's the full radio doc -
  • published: 19 Nov 2013
  • views: 5823 couchtripper

Iranians say no to US talks - Press TV Report
Iranians say no to US talks - Press TV Report
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:04
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2013
The comments made by Iran's Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei are crystal-clear: No bilateral talks with the United States as long as Washington's words d...

Pakistan hails teen who died stopping suicide bomber outside school
Pakistan hails teen who died stopping suicide bomber outside school
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:33
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014
Originally published on January 10, 2014 Sign up for a free trial of News Direct's animated news graphics at A 15-year-old boy who died tackling a suicide bomber in the north-western Pakistani region of Hangu on Monday (January 6) is being hailed as a hero. According to CNN, ninth-grader Aitazaz Hassan Bangash was on his way to the Ibrahimzai School with his cousin when the suicide bomber, dressed in school uniform, stopped them for information, to ask where the school was. Aitazaz and his cousin Musadiq Ali Bangash, showed him the way but then became suspicious, Musadiq told CNN. While Musadiq backed off, Aitazaz decided to face the bomber. He first threw a large stone at him as he was about to enter the school. He then started a scuffle by grabbing him, which caused the bomber to panic and detonate his vest. Both died at the scene. Two more people were injured in the blast, witnesses said. According to reports, Pakistanis are comparing him to Malala, the school girl shot by the Taliban in October 2012 for promoting education for all boys and girls. Local residents in Hangu are now calling for Aitazaz to receive a posthumous award for his bravery, which they say saved the lives of many students. On Twitter, they are asking everyone to use hastags #onemillionaitzazs or simply #aitzaz and calling for his heroism to be recognized with an award. Aitazaz is survived by his father, Mujaad Ali Bangash, his elder brother, Mustajab Hassan Bangash, and three sisters, reports say. Hangu is close to Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal regions, one of Pakistan's seven lawless districts on the Afghan border with a strong Taliban and al-Qaeda presence. The area is also known for sectarian violence against Shia Muslims, BBC reported.
  • published: 08 Feb 2014
  • views: 20

Russia hunting suspected terrorist near Sochi
Russia hunting suspected terrorist near Sochi
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 21 Jan 2014
Russian security forces are hunting for a suspected terrorist who may have already breached the 'ring of steel' around Sochi. With less than three weeks to go before the opening of the Winter Olympics, the country's internal security service, the FSB, is looking for this woman. Ruzanna Ibragimova, aged 22, is the widow of a militant from the Republic of Dagestan in southern Russia. A poster and description has been distributed to hotels near Olympic sites. Russian President Vladimir Putin has laid his reputation on the safety of athletes and fans at the games, the most expensive in history.
  • published: 21 Jan 2014
  • views: 292

2014 Tokyo Japan is having heavy snow in 10 years
2014 Tokyo Japan is having heavy snow in 10 years
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:24
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014
As of 2014/02/08, Tokyo is having heavy snow and weather forecast is saying it will be even heavier later. It will be the heaviest snow in decade. I am happy to see any comments or good if you like this movie. Also, please register my channel if you like Japan and I will keep updating interesting introduction movie from Japan. Thank you very much, Tommy from Japan
  • published: 08 Feb 2014
  • views: 3

Situation in the Central African Republic: Statement of the Prosecutor of the ICC, 7 February 2014
Situation in the Central African Republic: Statement of the Prosecutor of the ICC, 7 February 2014
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:57
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, on opening a new Preliminary Examination in Central African Republic - 7 February 2014 Over the past months, I have issued a number of public statements urging all groups in the Central African Republic (CAR) engaged in the on-going conflict to immediately cease the violence, and warning them that those alleged to be committing heinous crimes falling within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) could be held individually accountable. The plight of civilians in CAR since September 2012 has gone from bad to worse. My Office has reviewed many reports detailing acts of extreme brutality by various groups and allegations of serious crimes being committed, which possibly fall within the ambit of the jurisdiction of the ICC. The information concerning these alleged crimes and the profound human suffering they cause is deeply concerning. The allegations include hundreds of killings, acts of rape and sexual slavery, destruction of property, pillaging, torture, forced displacement and recruitment and use of children in hostilities. In many incidents, victims appear to have been deliberately targeted on religious grounds. Following my Office's analysis of the jurisdictional parameters regarding the situation in CAR since September 2012, I have concluded that these incidents and the serious allegations of crimes potentially falling within the jurisdiction of the ICC constitute a new situation, unrelated to the situation previously referred to the ICC by the CAR authorities in December 2004. I have therefore decided to open a Preliminary Examination into this new situation. Henceforth, my Office's further efforts will be aimed at gathering and analysing all the information necessary to determine whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into this new situation. My Office's efforts will be coordinated with those of the African Union and the United Nations in CAR. In conformity with the complementarity principle, my Office will also be engaging with the CAR authorities with a view to discussing ways and means to bring perpetrators to account, including at the national level. CAR is a State Party to the Rome Statute, and as such, the ICC has jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed on the territory or by nationals of CAR since July 1, 2002. For further information, please contact:
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 407,_7_February_2014

Details emerge on Homs aid corridor
Details emerge on Homs aid corridor
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
The city of Homs, Syria is desperate for food and aid. Mohammed Jamjoom reports on an aid corridor to bring just that.
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 74

Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony (Fireworks)
Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony (Fireworks)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014
This is a webcam video for the Sochi Olympics in Sochi Russia for the Winter Games. It shows the Fireworks for the opening ceremony at the Sochi Olympic Winter Games and is taken from the top of a building. The Olympic games are awesome and this really needs to be seen since the IOC seems to be censoring everything. Those scum lapping shit bags. Anyway, please check out all of the videos and enjoy!!!
  • published: 08 Feb 2014
  • views: 23

U.S. Treasury Taking Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceiling
U.S. Treasury Taking Steps To Stay Under Debt Ceiling
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:32
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2014
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned lawmakers emergency measures to stay under the U.S. debt limit probably won't last past Feb. 27, leaving little time to craft a deal that can clear Congress. The federal government is set to run up against its legal borrowing limit Friday, when a suspension of the debt ceiling expires, preventing it from adding to its more than $17 trillion in public debt.
  • published: 07 Feb 2014
  • views: 2

Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 889

24 Jan 2014 - Egyptian Protesters attack the Egyptian Army and Police
24 Jan 2014 - Egyptian Protesters attack the Egyptian Army and Police
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:30
  • Updated: 25 Jan 2014
Egyptian Army and Police attacked by Protesters in Alexandria this afternoon, Friday, January 24, 2014. The whole ordeal took about an hour. The protesters fired tear gas and Molotov Cocktails at the Army and Police, but they were too strong for the protesters. You will hear me coughing from the tear gas mid video. Hopefully I will not have to see this again. Thank you to the Police and Army for protecting us and ending this situation quickly!
  • published: 25 Jan 2014
  • views: 250

"Fuck the EU! - Exactly!" - Victoria Nuland & Geoffrey Pyatt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 06 Feb 2014
Cut-out of a phone call between two American fun guys talking about maidan's puppets. The actors are: Victoria Nuland: US-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Geoffrey R. Pyatt: United States Ambassador to Ukraine Jeff Feltman: head of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs Robert Serry: Dutch diplomat serving as United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Ban Ki-Moon: Secretary-General of the United Nations Joe Biden: Vice President USA Viktor Yanukovych: President of Ukraine Vitali Klitschko: Leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament.
  • published: 06 Feb 2014
  • views: 146384!__Exactly!__Victoria_Nuland_Geoffrey_Pyatt

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over unemployment
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Protest erupts in Tuzla over unemployment
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 06 Feb 2014
Several thousand people clashed with police on the second day of protest in front of the cantonal government building in the northern Bosnian industrial town of Tuzla on Thursday. Protesters hurled stones, eggs and smoke bombs at the government building after police officers guarding the building withdrew. Later, police responded with pepper spray and teargas. The protest started on Wednesday when around 1,000 people took the streets to complain about continuing high levels of unemployment and factory closures in the town. More than 70 people have been hospitalised so far, including some 50 policemen. Dozens of protesters have also been arrested. Video is courtesy of RTV Slon. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Google Plus: Instagram: Video on Demand:
  • published: 06 Feb 2014
  • views: 11612

The Independent
The number of children killed and wounded in Afghanistan's war jumped by 34 per cent last year as the Taliban stepped up attacks across the country and continued to lay thousands...
Article by Guest Writer Gilad Atzmon Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, the genius outspoken French comedian who rebelled against the primacy of Jewish suffering has been banned from...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling As if we are not inundated enough with a corporatocracy and its numerous symbols, logos, and jingles which are implanted in our...

U.S. aid plan seeks to shield Afghanistan from end to war economy
By Missy Ryan KABUL (Reuters) - The Obama administration will unveil on Monday a package of aid initiatives it hopes will help Afghanistan, still one of the world's poorest countries after a dozen years of massive international aid efforts,...
photo: US Army / Eric Provost
War prepared them to save lives in Jacksonville
On a dusty road in the middle of nowhere, Afghanistan, an IED explodes under a U.S. Humvee. It’s an ambush: rocket-propelled grenades, rifle and machine-gun fire rain down from the nearby hills. U.S. troops fight off the attack, but several are...
photo: USMC / Zachery B. Martin
Tokyo has heaviest snowfall in decades
Yokohama: The snowfall was the heaviest in the capital for 45 years Photo: AP Tokyo: The heaviest snow in decades in Tokyo and other areas of Japan has left at least five dead and 600 injured across the country. As much as 27 centimetres of snow...
photo: WN / Imran Nissar
A view of New Scotland Yard, the headquarters building of the Metropolitan Police, with its sign in London, Monday, Dec. 20, 2010.
London, February 08: Three Scotland Yard officers part of the British Prime Minister's security at his Downing Street residence here have been arrested for exchanging "extreme" pornography on their smartphones. The Metropolitan Police said the three...
photo: AP / Akira Suemori
Taliban says dog it seized is well
KABUL — A military dog captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan two months ago is in good health and being fed a diet of kebabs, his captors say. The fate of the dog became the subject of widespread speculation after the Taliban posted an Internet...
photo: USMC / Zachery B. Martin
A South Korean man watches a television news program showing Korean American Kenneth Bae at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, May 2, 2013.
Kenneth Bae, a Korean American tour guide and evangelist imprisoned in North Korea for more than a year, has been transferred from a hospital to a labor camp, the U.S. State Department said Friday. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki...
photo: AP / Ahn Young-joon
View of Alps from Brig Train station. The Shanghai South Railway Station, opened in June 2006, has the world's largest circular transparent roof
PARIS (AP) — Officials say an enormous boulder has smashed into a tourist train, derailing it and killing two people. The train derailed Saturday morning outside the French town of Annot, and Mayor Jean Ballester told BFM television that "there...
photo: Creative Commons / Photnart