
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Music video by Michael Jackson performing Thriller. (C) 1982 MJJ Productions Inc.
published: 03 Oct 2009
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Music video by Michael Jackson performing Thriller. (C) 1982 MJJ Productions Inc. #VEVOCertified on October 29, 2010. http://www.vevo.com/certified http://www.youtube.com/vevocertified- published: 03 Oct 2009
- views: 150393033

Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller
Another great track by MJ!
[ 1st Verse ...
published: 13 Sep 2008
Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller Another great track by MJ! Lyrics: [ 1st Verse ] Its close to midnight, Something evils lurking in the dark Under the moonlight, You see a sight that almost stops your heart You try to scream, But terror take the sound before you make it You start to freeze, As horror looks you right between your eyes Youre paralysed [ Chorus ] Cause this is thriller, thriller night And no ones gonna save you from the beast about to strike You know its thriller, thriller night Youre fighting for your life, inside of Killer, thriller, tonight [ 2nd Verse ] You hear the door slam, And realize theres nowhere left to run You feel the cold hand, And wonder if you ever see the sun You close your eyes, And hope that this is just imagination, girl But all the while, you hear a creature creepin up behind Youre out of time [ Chorus ] Cause this is thriller, thriller night There aint no second chance to against the thing with the forty eyes, girl Thriller, thriller night Youre fighting for your life, inside of killer, thriller, tonight [ Bridge: ] Night creatures calling, the dead start to walk in their masquerade [ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/Du ] Theres no escaping the jaws of the alien this time (Theyre open wide) This is the end of your life [ 3rd Verse ] Theyre out to get you Theres demons closing in on every sight They will possess you, Unless you change that number on your dial Now is the time, For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah All through the night, Ill save you from the terror on the screen Ill make you see [ Chorus ] That this is thriller, thriller night Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try Thriller, thriller night So let me hold you tight and share a Killer, thriller, killer, thriller, here tonight [ Chorus ] Cause this is thriller, thriller night Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try Thriller, thriller night So let me hold you tight and share a Killer, thriller- [ Rap Performed By Vincent Price ] Darkness falls across the land The midnight hour is close at hand Creatures crawling in search of blood To terrorize yours neighbourhood And whosoever shall be found Without the soul for "getting down" Must stand and face the hounds of hell And rot inside a corpses shell The foulest stench is in the air The funk of forty thousand years And grisly ghouls from every tomb Are closing in to seal your doom And though you fight to stay alive, your body starts to shiver For no mere mortal can resist The evil of the thriller. (Maniacal laughter)- published: 13 Sep 2008
- views: 6011597

Michael Jackson Thriller Full album +delete songs 1982 #20
2 album po którym Jackson został ogłoszony królem popu. Poza 9 trackami dodałem też piosen...
published: 07 Nov 2013
Michael Jackson Thriller Full album +delete songs 1982 #20
Michael Jackson Thriller Full album +delete songs 1982 #20
2 album po którym Jackson został ogłoszony królem popu. Poza 9 trackami dodałem też piosenki które nie trafiły na album ale były prototypami Thrillera 1 Wanna be Startin' Somethin 00:00 2 Baby Be Mine 05:57 3 The Girl Is Mine 10:12 (Ft Paul Mc Cartney ) 4 Thriller 13:47 5 Beat It 19:42 6 Billie Jean 23:52 7 Human Nature 28:40 8 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 32:39 9 The Lady in My Life 36:28 Delete album songs: 10 Billie Jean (demo) 41:20 11 Can't Get Outta The Rain 47:11 12 Carousel 51:11 13 Got the Hots 55:16 14 Hot Street 59:36 15 Love Never Felt So Good 1:04:58 16 Nite Line 1:08:11 17 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) (Demo) 1:12:49 18 Someone In The Dark 1:16:26 (song from film E.T.) 19 She's Trouble 1:21:09 20 The Girl Is Mine (demo) 1:25:04 21 The Lady In My Life (long edition) 1:28:10 22 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (demo) 1:34:11 Wytwórnia:G'zKDD- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 276

"Thriller" (original upload)
Update: 1/29/01 Video can be viewed worldwide except in Germany.
Why "Thriller" ? ...
published: 17 Jul 2007
"Thriller" (original upload)
"Thriller" (original upload)
Update: 1/29/01 Video can be viewed worldwide except in Germany. Why "Thriller" ? visit: http://byronfgarcia.com 1,500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice! This is not the final routine, and definitely not a punishment! WHY THRILLER? What made me choose Michael Jackson's Thriller for the aerobics routine is that Michael Jackson was a convicted man to the eyes of those who hated him. He would have been in imprisoned had it not been for settlement arrangements, they would say. Still Michael Jackson's frailty as a human being makes him like one of us -- whether one is a prisoner or not. I saw in the lyrics and video of Thriller much of what jail culture is like. Because of the hideous conditions in jails, prisons are like tombs and inmates are like ghoulish creatures. The only difference is that dancers in the MJ Thriller video come with make-up and costumes. The Dancing Inmates come as themselves. People perceived to be evil. The message of the Thriller is a message for all of us. The funk of forty thousand years embedded in the cycle of sin and punishment is a legacy no mere mortal can resist or is capable of resisting. No prison wall can and will stop evil from lurking in the dark. No shackle can stop the beast about to strike. No punitive or brutal treatment is ever too strong to stop creatures crawling in search of blood. Unless we stop breeding demons in jails, gruesome ghouls from every tomb will seal the doom of nations and civilizations. What I wanted inmates to do in dancing to the Thriller was for them to be convicted to sin. When I uploaded this on the YouTube, what I wanted viewers to see is how evil dances in our lives without knowing its deathly consequences. But then the song and dance number is but a medium to the message. The message is, governments must stop looking at jails darkly. We have to stop being entertained and thrilled by the sting of sin. We have to look at prisons beyond the cycle of crime and punishment and certainly look inside underlying social, cultural and psychological implications of rehabilitation. No matter how jails are called, prisons by any name are still hell -- the corpse's shell. It is a location in the map that governments would like to hide but cannot conceal. It's like the "horror looking right between the eyes, you're paralyzed." This paralyzing reality is such that if we make jails a living hell, we may be breeding the next generation demons or beast and we may be sending out devils once they are released and reintegrated to society. Michael Jackson may have exposed the evils of this Earth in the Thriller but he had a strong message of saving humanity from doom in his "Heal the World" where he said "heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race." Michael Jackson's message was a message of salvation. "There are people dying if you care enough for the living, make it a better place for you and for me." We may have missed out what Michael was trying to say beyond the lyrics. PEACE TO ALL MANKIND! Byron F. Garcia- published: 17 Jul 2007
- views: 53049563

Michael Jackson - Thriller (Short Version)
Music video by Michael Jackson performing Thriller. (C) 1982, 2008 MJJ Productions Inc....
published: 03 Oct 2009
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Short Version)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Short Version)
Music video by Michael Jackson performing Thriller. (C) 1982, 2008 MJJ Productions Inc.- published: 03 Oct 2009
- views: 8718073

Michael Jackson - Thriller (Lyrics)
Michael Jackson's Thriller With Lyrics On Screen
- I Did Not Make This Video For Views. I...
published: 16 Feb 2010
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Lyrics)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Lyrics)
Michael Jackson's Thriller With Lyrics On Screen - I Did Not Make This Video For Views. I Have Loved Michael Ever Since I Was Old Enough To Understand What He Was Saying, So I Wanted My First Lyric Video To Be To One Of His Songs - This Video Is Dedicated To The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson. R.I.P. Video By: TimeForLyrics Song: Thriller Artist: Michael Jackson Program Used: Windows XP Movie Maker Font Used: Beurk Font From: www.dafont.com *I DO NOT OWN THE SONG. ALL RIGHTS GO TO MICHAEL AND ANY COMPANIES INVOLVED*- published: 16 Feb 2010
- views: 2069702

Le Thriller du Before
Thriller du Before - Le clip en intégralité
En hommage à l'album éponyme et au film mythiq...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Le Thriller du Before
Le Thriller du Before
Thriller du Before - Le clip en intégralité En hommage à l'album éponyme et au film mythique qui a propulsé le clip au rang de forme d'art à part entière, Le Before du Grand Journal réinterprète le clip culte trentenaire à sa façon en y injectant autant d'années de Pop Culture. #THRILLERDUBEFORE Pour cette production exceptionnelle de plus de 14', Thomas Thouroude/Michael Jackson s'est entouré d'un casting époustouflant : Alisson, Delphine Baril, Mat Bastard de Skip The Use, Malik Bentalha, Amel Bent, Max Boublil, Nader Boussandel, Antoine de Caunes, Flora Coquerel (Miss France 2014), Camille Cottin, Cyprien, Martin Darondeau, Alice David, Waly Dia, Fonky Flav (1995), Greg Frite, Franck Gastambide, Greg, Gringe, Nora Hamzawi, Hugo tout seul, Alban Ivanov, Tewfik Jallab, Kemar, Kheiron, Bérengère Krief, Keziah Jones, Jordi Le Bolloc'h, Baptiste Lecaplain, Pauline Lefèvre, Baptiste Lorber, Ludovik, Nawell Madani, Maddy, Rio Mavuba, Chris Marques, Gael Mectoob, Mister V, Inna Modja, Natoo, Nekfeu, Jérôme Niel, Norman, Kamel Ouali, Orelsan, Julien Pestel, Mr Poulpe, PV Nova, Kevin Razy, Sneazzy (1995), Nicolas Ullmann, Joffrey Verbruggen, Thomas VDB et JP Zadi LE THRILLER DU BEFORE, un hommage inédit ponctué de références Pop Culture incontournables de ces trente dernières années : Drive, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars, GTA, Harry Potter, Terminator, JCVD, Ghostbusters, Batman, Scream, Shining, The Ring, Beyoncé, Wolverine, Mohamed Ali, Vendredi 13, Freddy Krueger, Miley Cyrus, Morpheus (Matrix), Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga, Axel Foley (Le flic de Beverly Hills), Kill Bill, Serge Le Lama, Le 6ème sens, The Walking Dead, Daft Punk, Zlatan, Gangnam Style, Avatar, James Bond, Superman. Réalisation : Ludoc Production : KM Prod / Black Dynamite Toutes les vidéos du Before : http://www.canalplus.fr/lebeforeLGJ Devenez Fan : http://www.facebook.com/BeforeLGJ Suivez-nous : http://twitter.com/BEFORELGJ English subtitles available- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 134582

Michael Jackson "Thriller" Animation
Update info 2012/ June 24
New Animation
Michael Jackson"Beat It" Animation
published: 24 Jun 2011
Michael Jackson "Thriller" Animation
Michael Jackson "Thriller" Animation
Update info 2012/ June 24 New Animation Michael Jackson"Beat It" Animation http://bit.ly/Mf7DgQ R.I.P Michael Jackson Update info 2012/ Feb 3 To the People who love Michael Jackson and also have watched or followed the "Thriller Animation". As a big fan of Michael Jackson, me and my fellows are appreciated about the people who give us comments and showing the love to this animation. We will keep up our passion and creating high quality animation. There is a lot of questions raised up about why I am using a Monkey to represent Michael on this "Thriller Animation", This is totally nothing related with any kind of Discrimination or Racism. The reason why I pick Monkey is just because MJ has a chimpanzee as his pet named Bubbles. Michael also bought Bubbles with him for his Japan Tour. This give me a huge impact, therefore I create a Monkey character for the MJ animation just to show my respect and love of MJs music and work. It's just that simple. Just like one of his song: I Said If You're Thinkin' Of Being My Baby It Doesn't Matter If You're Black Or White The only thing we are all in common is that we all love Michael. Love and Peace. P.S. For this year 2012, June 25. We might have something special for Michael. Which I hope will make him laugh again in Heaven. Pls stay and eyes on us. Enjoy! ----------------------------- On June 25th, 2009 People were surprised and sorrowed everywhere around the globe. It is the day Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop" passed away. I've always been the biggest fan of his music from my childhood. His tunes and dances are always been sensational, and all of his music clips made like Hollywood movies are full of surprises. Even as a child, I was spell-bounded and fascinated by his works. Now, being as a film maker (of CG animation), I have no doubt to say this fascination in my youth had been a guidepost for what I have become. It has been two years since Michael Jackson passed away. From the appreciation and respect to his work, I have planned to produce my way of "homage". It's a clip that performed by my original created characters dance in the memory of Michael. With fellows supporting the idea, we've gathered days and nights between our works to finish this project. Still having the passion and emotion to make further improvements, we somehow made it to release the clip before this day of June 25th. I am hoping from my heart that this clip will be enjoyed by many people through the world. and I also wish from my heart that this clip will somehow be a linkage to many of the great works that Michael has let us. Wishing him peace in heaven. Kiminori Tanoue- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 6777867

Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official Video)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official Video)
© 1983 MJJ Productions Inc.
published: 22 Mar 2011
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official Video)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official Video)
Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official Video) © 1983 MJJ Productions Inc. http://michaeljackson.com- published: 22 Mar 2011
- views: 2241343

Omar Official Trailer (2013) - Oscar Nominated Palestinian Thriller HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Omar Official Trailer (2013) - Oscar Nominated Palestinian Thriller HD
Omar Official Trailer (2013) - Oscar Nominated Palestinian Thriller HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Subscribe to INDIE TRAILERS: http://goo.gl/iPUuo Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Omar Official Trailer (2013) - Oscar Nominated Palestinian Thriller HD Omar is accustomed to dodging surveillance bullets to cross the separation wall to visit his secret love Nadia. But occupied Palestine knows neither simple love nor clear-cut war. On the other side of the wall, the sensitive young baker Omar becomes a freedom fighter who must face painful choices about life and manhood. When Omar is captured after a deadly act of resistance, he falls into a cat-and-mouse game with the military police. Suspicion and betrayal jeopardize his longtime trust with accomplices and childhood friends Amjad and Tarek, Nadia's militant brother. Omar's feelings quickly become as torn apart as the Palestinian landscape. But it's soon evident that everything he does is for his love of Nadia. jslewis "omar movie" "omar trailer" "omar film" omar "Hany Abu-Assad" drama thriller "Adam Bakri" "oscar nominated" Palestine Palestinian arabic hebrew love police prison wanted 2013- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 11658

Halloween Light Show 2010 HD - Thriller ( Michael Jackson )
Website: http://www.creativelightingdisplays.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Creativ...
published: 27 Oct 2010
author: KJ92508
Halloween Light Show 2010 HD - Thriller ( Michael Jackson )
Halloween Light Show 2010 HD - Thriller ( Michael Jackson )
Website: http://www.creativelightingdisplays.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CreativeLightingDisplays 2010 Halloween Light Show in HD - Thriller by Mic...- published: 27 Oct 2010
- views: 5581527
- author: KJ92508
Vimeo results:

Made by Matthijs Vlot. www.mattatjeoorlog.nl
published: 13 Aug 2013
author: Matthijs_Vlot
Made by Matthijs Vlot. www.mattatjeoorlog.nl

Lego Thriller by Annette Jung
The legendary Thriller short film in Lego!
A film by Annette Jung, Talking-Animals, Berlin...
published: 01 Sep 2013
author: Talking Animals
Lego Thriller by Annette Jung
The legendary Thriller short film in Lego!
A film by Annette Jung, Talking-Animals, Berlin.

character, animation)...
published: 22 Nov 2008
author: StereoNoize
character, animation)

Michael Jackson- Thriller
published: 27 Jun 2009
author: MQC
Michael Jackson- Thriller
Youtube results:

Michael Jackson Thriller LP Version Music Video pw 1983
I edited this video because I play to a live audience and the original has alot of backgro...
published: 03 May 2013
Michael Jackson Thriller LP Version Music Video pw 1983
Michael Jackson Thriller LP Version Music Video pw 1983
I edited this video because I play to a live audience and the original has alot of background sounds and music stops due to it being a movie-like video. This took me 6 hours to complete - average editing is 1-2 hours - this was very difficult but I am happy with the results.- published: 03 May 2013
- views: 2094

Shrek's Thriller Night
This is an Halloween Special which was released for 2012, where the entire Shrek Cast re-e...
published: 03 Sep 2013
Shrek's Thriller Night
Shrek's Thriller Night
This is an Halloween Special which was released for 2012, where the entire Shrek Cast re-enact the Michael Jackson huge hit "- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 1178

Wedding Thriller Dance
The original! Our entire wedding party does the Thriller dance at our reception. You can d...
published: 30 Aug 2006
author: rockwoodcomic
Wedding Thriller Dance
Wedding Thriller Dance
The original! Our entire wedding party does the Thriller dance at our reception. You can drop us a line or ask any questions at the Rockwood site ( http://ww...- published: 30 Aug 2006
- views: 13355910
- author: rockwoodcomic

Wedding Thriller
Surprise thriller for the folks at the reception. ******For those looking for the music th...
published: 07 Aug 2007
author: cbu377
Wedding Thriller
Wedding Thriller
Surprise thriller for the folks at the reception. ******For those looking for the music that was used; It came from the actual Thriller video. you can search...- published: 07 Aug 2007
- views: 17591590
- author: cbu377