Dublin Riots: The Funny Side

Via Notnem, I came across the Creative Ireland website and this forum thread, featuring Photoshopped ‘alternate endings’ for Saturday’s rioting in Dublin. There’s some really inventive versions including a War Of The Worlds invasion, Gardai holding back rioters and Oliphaunts from Lord Of The Rings and this wartime shot with Zeppelin hovering overhead…. I’m glad […]

The Levee Breaks: University Approved Reading Material!

Who’d have thought it guys and gals? The Levee Breaks is on Keele University‘s Northern Ireland Government & Politics On The Internet list under weblogs. Joining the Levee Breaks team on this esteemed list are the guys at El Blogador, the Balrog crew, Ireland Free, JoBlog and United Irelander. One of the most rewarding things […]

Poll: Your Favourite Northern Irish Place

Let’s have a bit of light debate (for a change) about your favourite places in Northern Ireland. We’re asking the question in the poll in the sidebar. I’ve popped a few options in there for you: Belfast, Ballycastle (my home town), and Lisburn (Belfast-lite?) – you can add any other places or vote for whatever’s […]

Time To Cut Back MLA Salaries?

Well, this one’s been up for a few weeks. I’ll admit I forgot that the poll was there for a while! Having said that, 87 people had their say on the matter… All counted, we have a slim majority (51%) of folk who think it’s time to sever the MLA salaries. 23% disagree and want […]

Technorati Adds A Favourites Feature

I’m not sure how deep some of you are into your blogging. I think the furthest extent some people go to is to add their blog to all of those crappy directories that are out there. I go a little bit further. Rather than checking other blogs daily, I subscribe to RSS feeds. RSS feeds […]

Too Young To Fall In Love

Here’s a conversation I didn’t think I’d be having with my four-year-old daughter. At least not within the next two decades. We were sitting in the kitchen this evening and Ray sauntered down from her room with a box of toy jewellry. “Mum, can you help me put on my necklaces?” she enquires in sugary […]

How Much Do You Know About Peter Robinson?

El Blogador has posted a very interesting biography of the DUP‘s Deputy Leader, Peter Robinson. What an eye-opener! I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of Northern Irish politics, or its ‘personalities’, but seeing a man who refuses to talk to terrorists and criminals dressed up in his beret and […]

Northern Ireland Postal Strike

I know its been a while since I posted ? a mixture of having a very busy life (?) and not keeping up with what?s going on in the world. However, one thing that I can not help but notice is the DAMNED postal strike. It is the most irritating and selfish thing for the […]

Happy Valentine's Day Mrs Levee!

Mrs Levee knows I hate Valentine’s Day. What good is a day spent professing your undying love, spelt out in sickly cliches of chocolate and roses, when the other 364 days are spent barely tolerating each other. No, Valentine’s Day is a load of crap, and anyone who pours money into insincere shows of affection […]

Star Wars Valantines Greetings

What better way to declare your undying love than through the rasping, mechanical voice of Darth Vader? Perhaps a garbled message from Yoda, you would like? Something Awful has a selection of Star Wars Valantines images – possibly the cheesiest way to say I Love You ever! My favourite is the one with C3PO being […]

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