The Last Of The Portadown News – Newton Emerson

You know, there’s been a big hole in the political satire market since Newton Emerson hung up his boots for a semi-respectable career as a journalist. Thankfully, he’s done the decent thing and bundled the last couple of years worth of material into a book (did someone say “cash-in?”), The Last of the Portadown News. […]

An Anniversary

Holy crap, how time flies! Looking down on the archives list today, I discovered that I’ve been blogging at The Levee Breaks for just over two years! In that time, there have been some big changes in my life, which were well recorded here. I had a keen interest in Northern Irish politics for a […]

Could the Catholic Church End Poverty?

I’m no fan of organised religion at the best of times, but this article by Steve Pavlina gave me some food for thought. Musing on the wealth of the Catholic Church, Steve estimates that they have several billion dollars worth of gold alone: According to United Nations World Magazine, the Church has several billion dollars […]


OK, so I went a bit quiet after my vasectomy a few weeks ago. Rumours of my demise were greatly exaggerated (thanks Aileen and Parnell) and I’m still standing. It’s actually been a busy few weeks, so me and my sore plums just had to keep on moving with little time to rest. Most notably […]

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